Best cameras for beginner

SBS2011 Is there a means by which I can prevent different users from using the same password, either ... While the picture-transfer between a computer with the operation system Windows 7 and the digital-camera Vivitar ... United States (English) Brasil (Português) Česko (Čeština) Deutschland (Deutsch) España (Español) France (Français) I'm looking for a method to copy pictures from a digital camera using vbscript or powershell. The digital camera ...

2024.11.26 13:30 Fit-Teaching-3515 Best cameras for beginner

Hello, I have small skill for photographer. However, I have since changed careers and therefore am very out of touch with the latest DSLR cameras. For reference, when I was in school and working as photographer, I was using the canon 20D. That’s how long ago it was. I’m looking for a DSLR camera for my mom for Christmas, I want to spend between $300 and $500. What is the best bang for my buck in terms of quality and photo output?
submitted by Fit-Teaching-3515 to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 ethie100 Please help me identify this

Please help me identify this So we have this old riveting machine and it Broke about 2 years ago and haven't been able to figure out why or what it's called to buy another / a more modern one lt's air powered with a pedal We use it in restoration of old coach built
submitted by ethie100 to metalworking [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Tasty_Foot_9571 🩵

🩵 submitted by Tasty_Foot_9571 to KenyaPics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 PlaneGlass6759 Nigel Mansell on Lewis Hamilton

Nigel Mansell on Lewis Hamilton submitted by PlaneGlass6759 to lewishamilton [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 TourOdd8640 One room for a couple in Dubai barsha or tecom.

Dear all. As the title says i am looking for a a room in a sharing apartment all couples to rent with my girlfriend.
My budget is 3kaed a month.
In the areas i mentioned above.
submitted by TourOdd8640 to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 CakeTopper65 How often do you service your Jura?

I’m considering upgrading my super-automatic coffee maker to a Jura z10 (from a Delonghi Magnifica purchased many years ago). For those who own a Jura, could you tell me how long have you had it and how many times it needed service? Also, does it need to be serviced for maintenance or only if and when it stops working? Thank you in advance!
submitted by CakeTopper65 to superautomatic [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Nommerzlyf 24 [F4M] #Online Anywhere - pspsps come talk to the sad kitty?

Come take advantage of a broken heart
Take my mind off a guy that doesn’t give a single shit about me, I don’t care how you do it, just help me forget for today.
One day, one night. That’s all you get. Do your worst. I know it seems fucked up but really the only thing that will make me feel better in this moment is whatever meaningless validation you can give me. So I invite you into my temple laced with booby traps.
submitted by Nommerzlyf to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 BadBreath911 Zone Detection Workaround Not Functioning?

Zone Detection Workaround Not Functioning? I wrote an automation for my driveway camera:
metadata: name: (Camera) Person Detection [Driveway] description: Display cameras when person is detected automations: starters: - type: device.event.PersonDetection device: Camera @Driveway - Yard (Front) actions: - type: assistant.command.OkGoogle devices: Nest Hub @Office - Office okGoogle: Display Camera @Driveway 
It's rather simple. If there is a person on the camera, display it on the Nest Hub in my office.
However, I don't want it to do it on every person, just people within my defined zone. Sadly, Google did not add the ability to restrict home automations to zones specifically, only to the entire camera altogether.
I read on this thread about a workaround where you create a zone to "ignore" and simply use the "outside of zone" notifications to activate the automation. So that's what I did:
As you can see, there are no notifications enabled for this zone. At the same time, I enabled the notifications for the "outside of zone" area.
However, this workaround doesn't seem to work. The automation still activates when the camera sees someone walking down the street.
submitted by BadBreath911 to googlehome [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Weird_Highway2959 Dependent on mixing zopiclone and valium

This is partly a confession and partly a question. I have been taking zopiclone and valium together in the evening to get out of my head and to help me sleep. I realise these both act to depress the central nervous system, but unsure how much of a risk I am taking? Feeling a lot of shame to have to admit to being in this place.
submitted by Weird_Highway2959 to addiction [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Offres My New Baby Twins

submitted by Offres to TurkeyMiddleEast [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 scarlette689 A goddess like me deserves a sub who’s going to shut up and obey just like you were meant to do. Just shut up and obey

A goddess like me deserves a sub who’s going to shut up and obey just like you were meant to do. Just shut up and obey Dms open
submitted by scarlette689 to FootSlaveMarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 tm0g Meet your future professors
submitted by tm0g to Berklee [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Bluednart [FOR HIRE] Portraits, illustrations and comics starting at $30

[FOR HIRE] Portraits, illustrations and comics starting at $30 submitted by Bluednart to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Thomasnash270 Lego Harry Potter Game

I recently bought the Harry Potter game on PS5 cause it was on offer and I loved it as a child on the Wii but it didn’t cross my mind until now why did they not make levels for year 8 when they rereleased the game for next gen consoles.
I did have an idea that they could make a separate game that had year 8 in it along side the fantastic beasts films in a Lego game so we actually got all 8 years in a game but I don’t think that will ever happen but I’d love it to.
submitted by Thomasnash270 to lego [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 bootsy72 Outgoing mail

submitted by bootsy72 to stamps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Offres My New Baby Twins

My New Baby Twins submitted by Offres to marocctv [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 CharsiMunda99 Blast from past

Blast from past submitted by CharsiMunda99 to BollyBlindsNGossip [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 love_hunter06 fast forward to summer pls>>>🌊🏝️👙

fast forward to summer pls>>>🌊🏝️👙 submitted by love_hunter06 to SFWAmIHot [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 keepwanted lost in a peach pit dream

submitted by keepwanted to spotify [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 EveningAdditional897 Tactical IFAK

Tactical IFAK What about my ifaks? What can I improve? (except for tq, they're on their way)
submitted by EveningAdditional897 to TacticalMedicine [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 SouthernWriter6166 Help on heartrate increase

Recently I have had a few panic attacks due to increased heart rate on THC, this has led to me having health anxiety, its slowly going away but I never really noticed my heart beating but now it feels like I notice every beat.
I was wondering if I should refrain from taking LSD as I have heard it increases heart rate, though I haven’t noticed it in the few times I’ve tripped before.
I don’t want to freak out if my heart rate increases to say 120 while tripping as I might become anxious which will be hard to control while tripping, is this something to worry about, I assume it is as psychedelics influence emotions and my health anxiety might cause a bad trip or feeling like my heart might explode. I was planning on doing 2 tabs (approx 250ug) should I completely refrain from tripping or should I consider taking one tab or less?
I am 18 and I assume I have good health so I really shouldn’t be worried about my heath though I cant help it. I am getting a check up soon and assuming I have relatively normal health would it be safe? Thanks
submitted by SouthernWriter6166 to RationalPsychonaut [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 Offres My New Baby Twins

My New Baby Twins submitted by Offres to Gulf_News [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 kelmi3705 I am looking for ram for g41m s3

I live in Korea and I am upgrading my old PC for my personal Minecraft server. I have already purchased several RAMs but I am having trouble booting. I searched online and found that there are different types of memory supported. I don't know what I can buy in Korea. Please help.
submitted by kelmi3705 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 FirulaisHualde Average post season 8 episode

Average post season 8 episode submitted by FirulaisHualde to okbuddyvicodin [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 13:30 YourLocalPansexual- When should I move up to 7.5?

Not looking for medical advice just opinions since I overthink things. I've been on 5mg since June and I've been bouncing all over the 180s, never higher or lower. I'm not sure the effects are the same since the food noise is back BUT I don't have the desire to eat trashy foods? I wanna eat, but it's a lot of not knowing what it eat or just being to drained to cook or order food (thanks depression). Some days I'll go all day without eating, NOT BECAUSE IM STARVING MYSELF, if you work in an understaffed and highly stressful job you'd understand. Life is just whopping my ass, I'm hanging on by the thread of my enemies.
I was thinking about asking to go up to the 7.5mg while I still have some 5mgs left just to see if I'd go back to dropping weight. But if the side effects are horrible, than going back down to 5mg. The only reason I'm on the fence is because the weight is fluctuating but again it's been from Oct 12 - now of me being in the 180s, the food noise is back (not as bad as pre-Zeppy), and the candy cravings as obnoxious. I'm not focusing on the scale simply because I CAN be losing weight, but the scale doesn't reflect that. So I'd just love different perspectives on this before I message my doctor. Especially if you've moved from 5mg up or how you determined (outside of the scale) on when to move up.
Things I've done: Changed my diet Had kombucha (it's awful) Change my exercise routine Walked more, overworked my muscles, walked less. More protein, less protein Drunk a concerning amount of water. Drunk a concerning amount of monsters (sugar free, they nasty) Therapy (unsure about it) Bragged about my bowls moving Questioned how truthful the doctors office scale is
Things I haven't done Weighted myself (this week) Had my measurements taken (it's hard seeing over my boobs) Cried (thanks therapy?)
submitted by YourLocalPansexual- to Zepbound [link] [comments]