¿Tengo una novia mayor de edad ?

2024.11.26 14:40 Remarkable_Smell_600 ¿Tengo una novia mayor de edad ?

(yo tengo 16 y ella 23)
submitted by Remarkable_Smell_600 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 ismisecraic Visiting for Marathon - Some Questions

Buona giornata!
I am visiting Turin from Ireland this weekend for the marathon. Staying in and around Porta Palazzo.
Can anyone advise if i get a taxi from the airport, roughly how much it will cost to get to my accommodation?
What is the city like to walk around that neighbourhood security wise, is it safe?
Can anyone recommend me any things to do on the Sunday night or monday afternoon before flying home?
Thanks in advance
submitted by ismisecraic to torino [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 EarthSpecific3820 Koi ye pakege explain kar do asan language mya

Koi ye pakege explain kar do asan language mya Bahut sare doc hya is sub may
submitted by EarthSpecific3820 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 thehowsph ❗Please help us fund the rescues food for December❗

❗Please help us fund the rescues food for December❗ submitted by thehowsph to rescuecats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Gullible-Jello6088 Never

Never As a young boy learning Cribbage, I can still hear my father say “never!” Pair the lead card. (For fear of giving up a net 4pts) Yet the cpu is saying this is the optimal play! Was my dad wrong?
submitted by Gullible-Jello6088 to Cribbage [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Narrow-Ad362 Your bitch my screen. Make it happy you pathetic cuck. Kik: forc_me

submitted by Narrow-Ad362 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 lnfinity Taiwanese Popcorn Tofu

Taiwanese Popcorn Tofu submitted by lnfinity to vegangifrecipes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 baratheeon they really thought they got me with this lie

for context: this was in reply to me clowning a daemon stan for saying she didn’t understand why aegon had stans despite being a rapist and me pointing out daemon is one too and no one gaf
submitted by baratheeon to HOTDGreens [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 tiwari35 Palkia on me 677525466584

submitted by tiwari35 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 biluteteie recomendação de tatuador blackwork em BH e região

é o título. eu quero fazer um fechamento blackwork nas costas e preciso de recomendação, dando preferência ao freehand. vocês conhecem algum que indicam?
submitted by biluteteie to Tatuagem [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Disastrous-Walrus333 which one is the closest to my foundation shade

which one is the closest to my foundation shade submitted by Disastrous-Walrus333 to makeuptips [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 ikat_ I can’t romance Julian or Victoria

My game is fully updated but it’s still just giving me the regular play through
submitted by ikat_ to TooHotToHandleGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 AdditionalStudentIn What’s the most underrated Marvel movie?

submitted by AdditionalStudentIn to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Lopsided-Studio-2637 Is this collusion? Team 1 is out of PLAYOFFS

Is this collusion? Team 1 is out of PLAYOFFS submitted by Lopsided-Studio-2637 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 BrainOld9460 Astraunat diddy. On a mission to Uranus..

Astraunat diddy. On a mission to Uranus.. submitted by BrainOld9460 to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 francorchamps-spa Just 1 and 8s - first year using reddit

submitted by francorchamps-spa to recap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Sea_Friend1129 When does it end...

Serious travelers only. Human kind is no longer on Earth in 111,507.575757... approximately so knowing this when do people start to not be so sexually motivated... you know like both genders wait longer or even until marraige or like a commitment ring means sex and when people have so many rings they remember each time
So what year Approximately does that end and we move on to making connections with eachother on a deeper more "Conscious" level maybe exist in the aspect where you see Allah and YHWH for their true being (forms) Cosmos and heavenly universes encased within 2 shifting plates (kind of like vaults)
Man I Love Time Travel reddit idk if it's the fact that I basically channel knowledge from the Akasha when I type maybe it's the energy yall vibe the chat with.
But fr how long I gotta wait I'm immortal. I'd hope you're from where I'm from
submitted by Sea_Friend1129 to timetravel [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 pooboytom22 Best place to buy / rent tux in general Portland area?

Looking to find an option that allows for option to rent & buy
submitted by pooboytom22 to portlandme [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 sbb1510 Desperate

Desperate Like she doesn't link EVERYTHING everyday, no way are people messaging her 😂
submitted by sbb1510 to mummysflippinhouse [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 nemo1103 Geheimtipps Zanderangeln am Kanal

Petri zusammen!
Seit einigen Wochen (eher Monaten) versuche ich, meinen ersten Zander ans Band zu bekommen. Während es mit anderen Zielfischen nach 2–3 Wochen erste Erfolge gab, stecke ich beim Zander gerade fest.
Bisherige Vorgehensweise: Im Sommer habe ich überwiegend an Buhnen mit Jigs und Wobblern geangelt, jedoch ohne einen einzigen Anfasser zu bemerken. Jetzt, in den Wintermonaten, konzentriere ich mich eher auf Kanäle (Elbe-Havel-Kanal oder Mittellandkanal). Das Wasser ist trüb, und die Ufer sind oft mit Steinpackungen besetzt – meiner Meinung nach ideale Zanderspots, was auch andere Angler bestätigen konnten.
Gestern habe ich wieder ca. 5 km Strecke gemacht, blieb aber komplett ohne Biss, was mich ziemlich frustriert hat.
Was ich bisher versucht habe:

  1. Gummifische (GuFis):
    • Jigs mit 3/0-Haken und 8–16 g Blei
    • Schlanke GuFis mit mittlerer bis keiner Aktion (u. a. Lieblingsköder mit Wettermethode)
    • Farben: knallig, natürlich (z. B. Grundel-Imitationen)
    • Verzicht auf Angstdrilling, da die GuFis relativ weich waren
    • Führung: Faulenzermethode (1–2 Kurbelumdrehungen, Rolle 5,1:1)
  2. Wobbler:
    • Günstige Modelle in Schockfarben, flach laufend, mit dezenter Aktion
    • Zeck-Zanderwobbler (UV-aktiv, schlank, flachlaufend, dezentes Spiel)
    • Uferregionen und Steinpackungen gezielt beangelt
Meine Fragen an euch:
  1. Spotwahl:
    • Wie erkenne ich gute Zanderspots auf Anhieb?
    • Sollte ich jetzt in der kalten Jahreszeit eher in Bewegung bleiben oder länger an einem Spot verweilen?
  2. Köderfarben:
    • Sollte ich bei trübem Wasser lieber Schockfarben nutzen, um die Sichtbarkeit zu erhöhen?
  3. Wobbler-Frage:
    • Ich habe einen günstigen Zanderwobbler im Ukelei-Design. Allerdings bin ich unsicher, ob Ukeleien in meinen Gewässern vorkommen. Sollte ich stattdessen stärker auf Grundeln als Beute setzen?
  4. Tiefe vs. Ufer:
    • Aktuelle Temperaturen: Wir kommen aus einer Kältephase (teilweise unter 0 °C), jetzt um die 11 °C.
    • Sollte ich eher in Ufernähe (Jagdgebiet der Zander) angeln oder mich auf tiefere Bereiche konzentrieren?
Habt ihr Tipps und Kniffe, wie ich dieses Jahr vielleicht noch meinen ersten Zander fangen kann? Ich bin für jede Hilfe dankbar!
PS: Falls sich jemand aus Magdeburg findet, der sich über die Gewässer hier austauschen möchte – gerne PN schreiben!
submitted by nemo1103 to Angelfreunde [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 vsbrafan Lingerie

I enjoy lingerie, I don’t really dress in anything else or in public. My wife was ok with it for a bit but not so much any longer. I enjoy buying her lingerie which she loves but hid all of mine at this time. Not sure what to do at this point cause it’s something I enjoy doing but don’t want to upset her. Any advice is appreciated!
submitted by vsbrafan to Crossdressing_support [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Apprehensive-Drop224 Urban community fat question paper

Somebody please upload urban community fat question paper of a2 slot. Please...
submitted by Apprehensive-Drop224 to Vit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Defenderofthelight Call of duty Black ops six is a nightmare Activision we deserve better

Let me preface this by saying I’ve been a long-time fan of Call of Duty, but Black Ops VI has been an absolute disaster. I’m not here to bash for the sake of bashing—I’m here because, as someone who’s invested countless hours and money into this game and its microtransactions, I feel completely let down.
The gameplay is riddled with issues that make it almost unplayable: • Ladders? Forget it. Half the time, I can’t climb them. • Buy Stations? Nope. They’re often unusable, leaving me stranded mid-game. • Air Strikes? Nonexistent. I can’t call them in when I need them most. • Gun mechanics? Broken. My gun randomly switches from full-auto to single-fire mid-game. Sometimes it even stops shooting entirely in the middle of a fight. • Time-to-kill (TTK)? Inconsistent. One moment it feels fair; the next, it’s like I’m using a Nerf gun. • Lag or skipping? Despite having low latency and no packet loss, the game stutters like crazy, breaking immersion and costing matches.
This isn’t just a minor issue here or there—it’s systemic. The experience is so bad that it’s arguably the worst Call of Duty game in the franchise’s history.
What’s frustrating is how much money we’ve spent—not just on the game itself, but on microtransactions. Skins, bundles, passes—things that many of us have happily purchased in the past, trusting the developers to deliver a solid product. Instead, we’ve been handed a broken, unfinished game that feels like it wasn’t even playtested properly.
Activision, this is unacceptable. We don’t just want this fixed—we need it fixed. The Call of Duty community deserves better than this mess. At the very least, give us an acknowledgment of these issues and a roadmap for fixes. Don’t stay silent while we continue to struggle through a game that should be the highlight of the franchise, not its low point.
We’re not asking for perfection. We’re asking for a playable, enjoyable experience. Right now, Black Ops VI is far from either.
submitted by Defenderofthelight to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 Main-Introduction367 Swollen Lat muscle, under arm and shoulder pain (possible SLAP tear)

Has been in this condition for 2-3 months. No diagnosis. normal MRI came fine. however, MRI anthrogram says there might be a SLAP tear (they are not fully sure). Not able to understand the cause for swoller lat muscle and under arm.Please help if any one had the same issue
submitted by Main-Introduction367 to ShoulderInjuries [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 14:40 engstudentneedinhelp What proteins can be found in an ant’s neck joint?

I need help finding which types of protein reinforce the chitin in ant necks. This is so I can calculate the composite’s Young’s modulus for an engineering project. I’ve found that resilin is often found in the exoskeleton but probably isn’t the protein found in the neck joint as it is rather flexible and wouldn’t sustain the heavy loads ants are known to carry. I can’t seem to find what other proteins might be used in that case anywhere on the internet…
I really appreciate your time on this issue. Thank you!
submitted by engstudentneedinhelp to insects [link] [comments]
