2024.11.26 16:50 BobEsponjadeCalcinha Sobre a possibilidade de uma terceira guerra mundial
Li que a Alemanha e outros países europeus estão se preparando pra uma possível guerra contra a Rússia. Qual a probabilidade de uma guerra realmente acontecer num futuro próximo?
Alguém que entende de geopolítica poderia explicar?
submitted by BobEsponjadeCalcinha to GeografiaEPaises [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 DaineDeVilliers Dazzling Blue Outfit
Finally found a blue outfit that works for me. (this game lacks in the blue clothes department) The only thing I would change is having the Guild rep. 80 belt to match the rest of the white. submitted by DaineDeVilliers to SeaOfFashion [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:50 Own_Bag7072 Hey girls, send me a pic and I’ll guess your age ;)
submitted by Own_Bag7072 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 tom123qwerty What if someone sends me stolen bitcoin?
If the future say the government doesn't like someone and blacklisted all associated bitcoins of them . Then it somehow ends up to be. Then I will be in hold of some stolen bitcoin that I probably won't be able to cash out on any exchanges.
submitted by tom123qwerty to BitcoinBeginners [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 RizzyQuazy 580538200421 Palkia (2 ppl irl)
submitted by RizzyQuazy to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 -Mr_Ogi- I've been playing piano for 10 years and recently bought a harmonica. Any tips?
I have no problem reading notes and making sounds. I was just wondering if you have any suggestions for this beginner? :))
submitted by -Mr_Ogi- to harmonica [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 sauftragskiller Empfehlungen Saatgut
Moin zusammen, Ich bin gerade in der Blackweek drauf und dran eine Bestellung für Samen zu tätigen und habe leider komplett den Überblick verloren. Habt ihr Empfehlungen für „erschwingliches“ Saatgut bei dem auch wirklich drin ist was drauf steht? Ich würde gern so 2-3 Sorten für ~50€ kaufen. Ich habe Lust auf richtig schön fruchtige Terpene. Der Effekt sollte schon eher Richtung Couchlock gehen. Ich habe schon einen Warenkorb bei RQS angelegt, habe auch schon zwei deren Sorten angebaut und war eigentlich recht zufrieden. Allerdings bin ich Anfänger und immer mehr vom Whitelable abgeschreckt.
Folgenden Beitrag habe ich bereits abonniert und verfolgt, allerdings völlig den Überblick verloren.
submitted by sauftragskiller to germantrees [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 Fun_Ad24 (Heated?) Enclosure for Ender 3 V3
Hi, I recently bought a Ender 3 V3 and want to start printing with ASA, and other filaments that where a enclosure is recommended. I want to build it in aluminum or wood (not sure yet) and maybe make it actively heated. My doubt is, do I need to mod my printer, or I can just put it inside the enclosure and called it a day? Also any advice in how to make the enclosure will be well received.
P.s: just in case it is needed, I live in Brazil so we do not have an IKEA and availability of some products are either inexistent or financially prohibitive.
submitted by Fun_Ad24 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 Evening-Abrocoma-552 Between oxirane, aziridine and thiirane which has more basicity
Urgent help please!! submitted by Evening-Abrocoma-552 to chemhelp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:50 TheAnonymousMann What the fu** should I do?
Alright boys and girls, I think I’m having a midlife crisis (I’m 23). I am in my final year of university (studying psychology) and I hate it, I do not see myself working in the industry and I’m looking for guidance.
I have some experience as an online business owner, but even that was tedious and I found myself uninterested in the work.
I’m looking to do something bold, something interesting.
Any ideas?
submitted by TheAnonymousMann to careeradvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 mommysteegs Lattice and crumble pie? Is that possible?
I apologize if this is the dumbest question. I want the lattice for the appearance but the crumble taste and the recipe I am following is calling for a crumble top. Is it possible to do both?! I just cannot find an answer online.
submitted by mommysteegs to AskCulinary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 shaunappples why does Kwiky not have an app?
I see they have a website up. Maybe they’re still working on it?
submitted by shaunappples to CamGirlProblems [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 Brief_Notice_4231 The "double take" my Corgi gave me when I picked her up from the groomer 🥹
submitted by Brief_Notice_4231 to Cutedogsreddit [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:50 New-Order-8051 G545 akimbo
Hi guys so yesterday I made it to round 32 with the gs45 triple packed not akimbo. Does akimbo make it better or the same? I was destroying zombies
submitted by New-Order-8051 to BlackOps6Zombies [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 OrganicVeals Is this a counterfeit 100?
I was paid with this and it looks and feels like any other hundred. I usually collect coins and don't know anything about collecting paper money so any help would be appreciated.
submitted by OrganicVeals to papermoney [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 bunger2655 B.R.O.S episode 16: it's November now, huh
Why would you think it was canceled
submitted by bunger2655 to ObjectShows [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 Odd_Beach_1193 Where can I find good historic content (cars and/or tracks)?
I'm currently searching for some older historic racing mods, any good places to look?
submitted by Odd_Beach_1193 to assettocorsa [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 drpug1 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by drpug1 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 DoctorHousesCane HSC team is the real MVP for these intros
submitted by DoctorHousesCane to starcraft [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:50 PAPAhirs Is my clutch ok?
Not sure if this is normal or not submitted by PAPAhirs to snowmobiling [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:50 Certain_Wallaby2621 What do you think?
Hello, I'm new to Reddit. I have been climbing for 10 years but I would like to try to take up triathlon. Until now I was riding a mountain bike. I would like to have just one bike that can go on the trails and also on the road. Do you know this model? THANKS submitted by Certain_Wallaby2621 to triathlon [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 16:50 Monkey250810 Multiplayer having errors
Me and a friend could join each others worlds without any issues yesterday. now it always comes up with "failed to connect". we have tried everything but it always doesn't work.
submitted by Monkey250810 to eaglercraft [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 BhreXtreme Anybody else experiencing infinite loading screens on PS5? (Online)
Like the title says, when exiting events (Lockdown, Playlist lobbies, PVP racss) game enters into a infinite loading screen state. This happened like 5 with no exceptions. Any temporary solutions?
submitted by BhreXtreme to needforspeed [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 ToughCheetah7617 Mon employeur peut-il m'imposer de travailler alors que la législation encadrant mon travail n'est pas respectée ? (PNJ)
Une de mes connaissance rencontre un problème au travail. Elle travaille dans une unité de production en restauration. Elle a été victime d'une agression verbale assez violente qui avait pour cause la diffusion de musique avec une enceinte portable. La législation est claire, les téléphones et les enceintes ne sont pas autorisés là où elle travaille car proximité de produits alimentaires susceptibles d'être contaminés. L'employeur tolère néanmoins ces irrégularités. Suite à cette agression, il y a eu déclaration d'accident de travail et arrêt de travail par un médecin suite à épisode dépressif. L'employeur souhaite qu'elle reprenne son poste sans pouvoir lui garantir qu'elle pourra exercer non seulement dans le respect de la législation mais aussi sans craindre d'être de nouveau prise à partie. Quels sont les éventuels recours pouvant amener à un changement de poste ? Cette personne refuse de reprendre son poste car elle sait que les conditions d'exercice n'ont pas changé.
submitted by ToughCheetah7617 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 16:50 SpacePickle99 Help with monsters adonsonii ?
submitted by SpacePickle99 to Monstera [link] [comments] |