Supposed to be receiving Xfinity Mobile discount on internet bill, but it's not on there

2024.11.26 17:20 EMac0285 Supposed to be receiving Xfinity Mobile discount on internet bill, but it's not on there

I'm supposed to be receiving a $15.48 Xfinity Mobile discount on my internet bill for 24 months, but I'm not seeing it on there.
submitted by EMac0285 to Comcast_Xfinity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 Abigdogwithbread Al enabled a paralyzed woman to "speak" for the first time in 18 years by using a digital replica of her recorded voice

Al enabled a paralyzed woman to submitted by Abigdogwithbread to UnbelievableStuff [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 AyudamePeas USAA is horrible.

Just venting.
Want to change your mailing address? Nope, have to call. Want to order a replacement card? Nope, have to call.
Want to just view your checking account balance? Sorry, were having issues displaying that.
Ive used many banks and banking apps, and USAA is HORRIBLE. Nothing ever works. You have to call every single time for anything to get done. They also increased my auto insurance rapidly over 2 years from $55/month to $380/month with no accidents or tickets. The guy on the phone literally told me he has NO CLUE why it went up and that was that. Seriously is one of the worst companies I have had the displeasure of dealing with.
submitted by AyudamePeas to USAA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 Ok_Philosopher_1873 This mighty golden cat was the real prize of this weekend.

submitted by Ok_Philosopher_1873 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 Bit_Al_Sahr Just had a fight about surah al tahrim with my ex husband

So basically me and my now ex husband where sitting on the rooftop discussing religions and we where talking about how evil the ppl in our country is as compared to other places(lol i wonder why).
He started bringing up “allah” so i started to try to shut it down and i was explaining how Christian countries seem better in every aspect then in islamic countries (lol wonder why) , then it started escalating to the point we had to go inside . So then we where talking about other islamic subjects that i told him makes no sense ( he was giving me a whole story as to why a woman’s testimony is half of a mans) and he made a comment saying how “mohammed didnt just make all this up”
So then i have him an example and told him about the story as to how surah al tahrim (the first few Ayat’s) came about . For anyone unfamiliar : Mohammad wanted to have sex with a slave girl in i think Aisha’s bed and the two wives where arguing with mohammed about having sex with the slave girl and then Jibreel gave the verse:
“O Prophet! Why do you prohibit ˹yourself˺ from what Allah has made lawful to you, seeking to please your wives? And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
Verse 4 “It will be better˺ if you ˹wives˺ both turn to Allah in repentance, for your hearts have certainly faltered. But if you ˹continue to˺ collaborate against him, then ˹know that˺ Allah Himself is his Guardian. And Gabriel, the righteous believers, and the angels are ˹all˺ his supporters as well.”
Yes so when i pulled this out he started saying I’m lying and “im listening to people that try to make islam look bad” . I was laughing to myself because i know it was true , when he pulled out the tafsir and couldn’t make sense of it , he started saying how allah didn’t make this command for no reason and how i feel like im smarter then muslims and how dare i question allah, then he started agreeing with the passage because there was literally no way to make it sound good, and i guess he didnt want to “loose” .
I busted out laughing and he stomped out the door . So i guess im divorced yall😗✌️ anytime u have doubts about leaving islam, please go debate with a muslim its fucking nuts.
submitted by Bit_Al_Sahr to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 Extension-Bug6364 Progress on my McLaren Senna second week painted Made by Gustave4811

Progress on my McLaren Senna second week painted Made by Gustave4811 Made by Gustave4811
submitted by Extension-Bug6364 to buildaboatfortreasure [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 Ok-Cod-856 F33d me bi N'_L perv stuff. UBGR9JCU8

submitted by Ok-Cod-856 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 YungMixtape2004 I built an app to help you get good startup ideas.

After spending 6 months building an AI chatbot that literally no one used (not even my friends who were initially super enthusiastic), I experienced firsthand why most side projects fail: it’s really easy to build solutions no one asked for. As a computer science student, I used to brainstorm ideas around exciting technologies like VR and crypto. But in the end, I was just thinking about solutions instead of solving actual problems.
Eventually, I came across this Paul Graham essay on how to get startup ideas (here) which mentions:

So instead of chasing new technologies, I started focusing on problems I face every day. To keep track of them, I built an app to log my daily annoyances. By logging your daily annoyances i can easily spot recurring patterns and start side projects that solve them. Since I also love brainstorming with ChatGPT, I added an AI integration to turn those annoyances into actionable startup ideas—with full MVP plans designed for solo founders like me.
It’s my first app, and since this community is full of aspiring entrepreneurs, I thought you might find it interesting. If you’re curious, here’s the link: FireUp.
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Ps: if I notice many people are interested I will release and android app soon.
submitted by YungMixtape2004 to startup [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 AntiDyatlov Paradise In A Rotted Apple

Recently, I danced salsa with a homeless lady, and this has a lot to do with a Sufi story. I read it in Idries Shah's The Sufis, and it's an amusing example of a Sufi throwing shade on Zen:

A Zen story provides an interesting example [of how Nasrudin stories are more intelligible]. In this a monk asks a master to give him a version of the reality beyond reality. The master snatches up a rotten apple; and the monk perceives the truth by means of this sign. We are left in the dark as to what lies behind, or leads up to, the illumination.
The Nasrudin story about an apple fills in a great deal of missing detail: Nasrudin is sitting among a circle of disciples, when one of them asks him the relationship between things of this world and things of a different dimension. Nasrudin says, ‘You must understand allegory.’ The disciple says, ‘Show me something practical — for instance an apple from Paradise.’
Nasrudin picks up an apple and hands it to the man. ‘But this apple is bad on one side — surely a heavenly apple would be perfect.’
‘A celestial apple would be perfect,’ says Nasrudin; ‘but as far as you are able to judge it, situated as we are in this abode of corruption, and with your present faculties, this is as near to a heavenly apple as you will ever get.’
Also consider this, from the Aro gTér (a lineage of Vajrayana (read: Tibetan) Buddhism) book Roaring Silence:
Questioner: What is it like to experience the colour and texture of thought?
Khandro Déchen: [pause] What is it like to see this apple? [Khandro Déchen holds up an apple.]
Q: [pause] Like . . . well, you’re holding an apple – and . . . I can see that. [laughs] There seems to be something strange about that . . .
KD: Have a closer look. [Khandro Déchen throws the apple to the questioner.] What is it like now – to see and touch the apple?
Q: It’s cool and waxy . . . It’s very green, isn’t it! This doesn’t seem to be like an ordinary apple [laughs].
Ngak’chang Rinpoche: [laughs] There are no ordinary apples.
Q: What?
KD: That’s what it’s like – no ordinary apple.
NR: No ordinary anything. You become able to experience the colour, tone and texture of thought because you develop the experience of openness in which you can see thought in its spatial context.
KD: Here we are referring to space as the non-dual perception of emptiness and form. You have the apple in your hand – you can actually feel the apple. The apple is close enough to experience – you’re not distanced from it by thoughts about it, or by thoughts of anything else. You simply catch the apple in space, and there it is – in your hand. You have an immediate impression which is almost startling in its directness.
In both of these, we see something quite innocuous can reveal much. Rightly seen, even an apple can be a vision of paradise, and this is true even if you don't believe in paradise (like the Aro gTér and most Buddhists).
Relating this to the Nasrudin story is when this gets really interesting. Sure, in Roaring Silence, it's a fresh apple, but Nasrudin shows that even a half-rotted apple is still a heavenly apple. That is perhaps harder to ascertain, but any true encounter with reality will force you to engage with the half-rotted aspects of it, instead of sweeping them under the rug.
It is not too difficult. Everyone has likes and dislikes, and seeks out more of what they like and avoid what they dislike. The dislikes are the aspects of reality that are rotten (from your perspective at least), and while actively seeking out dislikes is perhaps excessive, it is possible to relate to them in a different way, and it's a good idea to do so because you're going to be running into them over and over anyway.
A big source of dislike for me is people. I was a bullied child, and I have suspicions I'm somewhere in the autism spectrum, so basically I don't feel comfortable or at ease around people. At least I'm not as inhibited as I used to be these days: the anxiety manifests more as being overly excited.
These things are emotional weather in the end. While I'm in a period in my life where I'm learning to be more in tune with my emotions, I'm also learning to be careful with not overshooting the goal and having my emotions run away with me entirely. I know myself much better than I used to now.
For example, I do volunteer work with the homeless. During our most recent outing, I honestly felt a flash of hatred for a particular homeless lady. And I understand why: I want an apple of paradise, and before me is a very rotted apple. Then she delivered a 100% earnest anecdote about a miraculous healing through prayer. There's no point in reproducing it, you really had to be there to see it.
And I could see the truth in that quote of the Sufi poet Rumi:
The one who sees the ray of divine power in the smallest things in the world is a person of high understanding and high aspirations. Such a person respects himself and others and does not disdain the smallest of tasks, for he sees them as manifestations of divine power.
I could see how this was a manifestation of divine power. Or an incredibly real experience instead, if you prefer that interpretation (same concept, different words). That rotted apple is everywhere, and everywhere, it is an encounter with something beyond corruption.
Later that night, another homeless lady asked me to play her favorite salsa song in the speaker we were carrying around. Then she wanted to dance salsa with me. I attempted to learn to dance salsa recently, but gave it up because I just was not having fun. Whatever. I danced with her. It was very fun: she was an incredible dancer.
And so, while there are parts of me that are very averse to the homeless, I know that these emotional reactions are just my worldly faculties: there are deeper ones, truer ones, that see the value in even the homeless. That see the heavenly apple in the half-rotted apple.
Hilariously, I have a much easier time doing this with the homeless than with normies. The homeless have a certain intensity that normies lack, and I respect that intensity more than normie light-heartedness. But alas, normies too are a vision of paradise, a manifestation of divine power, and I will somehow have to learn to see them that way as well.
submitted by AntiDyatlov to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 sbinkhalid Nintendo switch connectivity issue

My nintendo switch is giving network errors when I try to access the store or games try to update. I know PTA may have blocked some ports or stuff but how to get round it as switch doesn't have an option to utilise vpn.
submitted by sbinkhalid to PakistaniTech [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 AppropriateOwl3968 My Trigun Wall

Phew, with the arrival of koto wolf wood my wall is complete for the moment. This isn't everything I own but everything that displayed neatly.
submitted by AppropriateOwl3968 to Trigun [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 HonestCherokee46 When Tero doing his first show?

submitted by HonestCherokee46 to Chiraqology [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 Turbulent_Main_7428 Bunlardan atsanıza

Bunlardan atsanıza submitted by Turbulent_Main_7428 to vlandiya [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 Comfortable_Milk1997 Motor?

What’s the best motor option in the 2023/2024 trucks? Dont do much towing or hauling at all… pros/cons of each if you can please and thank you any input would be helpful
submitted by Comfortable_Milk1997 to f150 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 shadyconda How conscious are the monsters ?

How conscious are the monsters ? They were real people before so, they remember their past lives ? Are their soul trapped in their body and they share with entities ?
Randall mentioned before they had routines like playing on the swings.. Smiley also was driving a bus on s2
So are they fully conscious ? When they sacrificed the kids they knew they were going to be monsters ?
I hope next season we have a episode about the original town people
submitted by shadyconda to FromTVEpix [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 Sexyprisonwife122123 Pink Sunset 🤩

submitted by Sexyprisonwife122123 to AmateurNaturePhotos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 Eredic Whenever I hear the word "compliance".

Whenever I hear the word submitted by Eredic to Xennials [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 SpeedyGonzales_18 F's, cucks hmu for rate and i i like the pics, i'll censor. F's hmu for more. DM or Session: 053dfe7a5f65c0cdeeb5fa55cfa2a212dd9efc57f2289b8688a3ea41137fbdaa30

submitted by SpeedyGonzales_18 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 VIK66L Why does the undo function on my EK remote closes my folder?

For a while now, when I press the undo button on my remote it closes my work instead of just going back. It is quite confusing because the undo function in the toolbar actually works as usual. Anyone knows why?
submitted by VIK66L to ClipStudio [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 Apprehensive_Ad_1370 Is delhi safe at 2am??

Me and my friend(both guys) will be leaving delhi around 2-3am in the night. Is it safe and what modes of transport should we use?
submitted by Apprehensive_Ad_1370 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 DarkoneReddits Ellevio höjer konstanden igen, varje år samma visa, med totalt monopol, hur fan kan man låtta detta fortgå?

Hur fan hamnade vi här? Där ett bolag har fullt monopol på en produkt man inte kan överleva utan (el)? De höjer kostanden konstant varje år, det har varit så i alla år jag kan minnas, även innan "inflationen" satt fart höjdes konstanderna konstant, samma visa varje år.
Som sagt, företag får höja priser bäst fan dom vill, jag klagar inte på att netflix höjer sina priser, men netflix kan man leva utan och det finns alternativ, EL kan man inte leva utan och sedan finns det inget annat bolag som kan leverera el i mitt område så man har inget val att betala om man vill leva, hur fan blev det såhär? Varför gör inte politikerna något åt detta?
submitted by DarkoneReddits to Sverige [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 sunnygirllie Sean Paul in Kenya v Tanzania

Sean Paul in Kenya v Tanzania Have you seen the price difference in the two events ! Tanzania get Sean Paul + 6 artists including Bien and Alikiba + 5 & 10 beers for 740 Ksh General and 2,500 Ksh VIP while in Kenya we’re paying 5,000 Ksh Regular and 25,000 Ksh VIP for Sean Paul & DJs only
submitted by sunnygirllie to Kenya [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 JenDidNotDoIt Are there any AI tags?

My cousin's wife wrote a book using AI. Self published on Amazon. It doesn't state anywhere that it used AI, not even in the comments/reviews. Are librarians tagging AI books yet?
submitted by JenDidNotDoIt to Libraries [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 Expensive-Dinner-486 25 M, 1 year vape, bump? extremely painful

25 M, 1 year vape, bump? extremely painful 10/10 pain when drinking any liquids, cannot chew any food due to severe pain. tried warm salt water for day no improvement. noticed pain 4 days ago. What could it be?
submitted by Expensive-Dinner-486 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:20 Flying_Mic_Banana My creation for class, experiences in durham

My creation for class, experiences in durham submitted by Flying_Mic_Banana to gifs [link] [comments]