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2024.11.26 18:14 Sea-Confusion8289 Laying among stars ✨
I think this is genuinely one of my favourite drawings that we’ve ever done of BanBan submitted by Sea-Confusion8289 to gartenofbanban [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 18:14 AIwaysBeHappy help with splitting J2 50/50
I'm currently splitting a role with my friend 50/50 and divide the salary down the line. What's the best approach as to taxes? Currently, we have that taxes normally deducting every paycheck. The remaining we split 50/50. however, is there an easier way to make splitting it easier such as we can just have a lump sum of taxes to pay at EOY? As currently, if we underpay or overpay on the taxes, the party which the role is under will have a headache calculating it all back to just the one job 50/50. pls HELP
submitted by AIwaysBeHappy to overemployed [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 Acrobatic-Hamster350 Why Nick and Charlie waited a whole year.
I've seen a lot of commenters say that the least realistic thing about Heartstopper is that Nick and Charlie wait a year before having sex. Some people have snarkily said that only someone asexual (as Alice identifies) would create a romantic couple that does NOTHING under the clothes for twelve whole months.
But after rereading parts of Alice's earlier books 'Solitaire' and 'Nick and Charlie', I realized that she had accidentally painted herself into the proverbial corner, and had no choice but to stretch out the low-intimacy stage of their relationship for so long.
Both books were published before Heartstopper was created, and they established a lot of important facts about the couple. Namely; Nick is one year older than Charlie, bythe time Nick graduates they have been dating for two years, and lastly, and most importantly, they started dating when Charlie was 14.
Uh oh.
Why, uh oh?
Okay, we're going to have to pivot for a moment and discuss the laws of consent in the UK. For quite a long time the age of consent for heterosexual couples in the UK has been 16. I'll spare you the long history lesson, but when homosexuality was legalized between "consenting adults in private" in the 1950s the age was set at 21. In 1994 it was lowered to 18, and it wasn't until 2000 that equality was met, and the age was dropped to 16. Sex is defined for all kinds of couples as "penetrative sex, oral sex and mutual masturbation".
So here we are. Nick and Charlie start dating when Charlie is only 14, and they need to wait until he's 16. Of course in real life a couple probably couldn't care less about the law, but this isn't reality, it's a sweet wholesome story about two boys in love. Heartstopper already gets enough flack for being a queer love story, Alice definitely wasn't going to add underage sex and statutory rape into the mix. Nick and Charlie HAD to wait until after Charlie's 16th birthday. But she wasn't going to make them some sort of angelic super humans who patiently wait until 16 in order to be law abiding citizens. She needed it to make sense within the context of the plot.
She fixed the issue of Charlie being 14 pretty easily. Harry's party is only a few days before Charlie's birthday. So they technically started dating when he was 14, but for all intents and purposes he's 15. But now there's was a whole year to figure out.
The first few months weren't a big deal. Lots of couples wait 3-4 months before taking things further. The Paris trip, when Nick says he's not ready for anything more than kissing, in less than 4 months into their relationship.
But after the big "I love you" scene in August it would make since that things would go further. Except Nick leaves for three weeks, and when he comes back Charlie's mental health issues begin to spiral out of control. Charlie is really sick, and sex is obviously off the table until he gets better. Things don't begin to settle down until December, and after the stress of the past few months I can understand them not jumping between the sheets immediately. Especially since they haven't even discussed anything yet.
The next four months are the hardest to make excuses for, and it's pretty much attributed to Charlie's body image issues. That explains why Charlie hasn't pushed the subject, but what about Nick? Why hasn't he attempted to take things to the next level, or at least broached the topic?
This can be attributed to Nick's personality. You've got to admit, for all his many wonderful traits, Nick is a pretty passive guy. He never initiates anything. First kiss? Charlie. First "I love you"? Charlie. First one to talk about sex? Charlie. Nick hung out with a toxic friends group that he didn't even like for YEARS, and it took a huge upheaval in his life to dislodge him from his comfort zone.
On a more positive note, Nick is also incredibly empathetic and intuitive. He picks up the subtle nuances that Charlie gives off, and he might have decided (consciously or unconsciously) to leave the ball in Charlie's court. The poor guy had been through a lot, and Nick is never one to push, so he was waiting for Charlie to give the green flag. Which Charlie does, loudly, emphatically, and very drunkenly, at his 16th birthday party.
So there you have it, my theory on why Alice Oseman made Nick and Charlie wait a whole year before taking things further in their relationship. Do you agree? Disagree? I'd love to hear your opinions!
submitted by Acrobatic-Hamster350 to HeartstopperAO [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 ArtOfBaka Essence of Life - by BakaArts (OC)
submitted by ArtOfBaka to futureporn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 18:14 Public_Bug9654 feeling crampful
submitted by Public_Bug9654 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 Consistent_Stress460 What guitars are compatible and will work completely with the Guitar Hero:Legends of Rock game ?
I know nothing about guitar hero but my friend has been wanting the game for his birthday and i’m lost on what guitar to buy ?
submitted by Consistent_Stress460 to GuitarHero [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 owen13247 6 Black Rose | Teamfight Tactics Set 13: Into the Arcane
submitted by owen13247 to MorganaMains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 18:14 Accomplished_Gas1949 A-ton besoin de passer les examens de fin de semestre si on se reoriente?
Bonsoir, J’ai une question par rapport à la réorientation semestrielle, est-ce qu’on est quand même obligé de suivre les cours et de passer les examens de fin de semestre, même si on a déjà décidé de ne pas continuer cette licence ? Parce que, dans ce cas, ça ne sert plus à grand-chose…
submitted by Accomplished_Gas1949 to etudiants [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 Johnthebolt Was the Frank Underwood character meant to be ironic and hypocritical?
After a third watch through I couldn’t help but notice how ironic some of Franks comments were. Specifically when talking to Blythe at the beginning of season 2, he speaks to the audience saying “for some, it’s the size of the chair that matters.” And there are also those comments he makes regarding power being more valuable than money, eventually making Remy Danton reconsider his long term priorities.
In these comments, Frank sets himself on a higher pedestal than everyone else because he thinks his mission is more noble and meaningful than others because he cares about the sturdiness of the chair rather than its size. When he finally becomes POTUS, he very quickly falls flat. So much so that he’s considered one of the worst POTUS’ in US history after his death. The irony is that he can’t stand the people that want the title and its riches but not the responsibility but when he gets both, he fails almost immediately. Perhaps I’m dumb but is the entire point of his story arc to be ironic and hypocritical?
submitted by Johnthebolt to HouseOfCards [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 kai_prk30 Friends with remote raid?
Need help with weezing raid
submitted by kai_prk30 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 Longjumping-Swan-827 And my SOTY goes to... Before I Turn - I've Been Searching (For You)
submitted by Longjumping-Swan-827 to Metalcore [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 18:14 Embarrassed_Skin_436 pc game pass in geforce now
In GeForce Now, games from PC Game Pass are not showing up, even though all the games are displayed in the Xbox app and the Game Pass subscription is valid. What could this be related to, and how can it be fixed?
submitted by Embarrassed_Skin_436 to GeForceNOW [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 Then_Marionberry_259 The silver squeeze movement is dead.
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to MetalsOnReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 Ready-Acadia5542 Itchy palms - what is going on?
submitted by Ready-Acadia5542 to skin [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 18:14 SuperStuffedBunnies Looking for Top, Offering bottom
I'm really trying to get my hands on a Gmax as I can't do them out in the area I'm located. I know this is a long shot but im willing to try!
submitted by SuperStuffedBunnies to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 Aredhel_32 Make them (or their owners) kiss!
Translation: (above pink bottle): girls’ bottle (above pepsi bottle): boys’ bottle submitted by Aredhel_32 to GatekeepingYuri [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 18:14 jvc72 Buy Signal THETA USD - 26 Nov 2024 @ 13:10 -> USD1.984
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 26 Nov 2024 @ 13:10
Price: USD1.984
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/THETAUSD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 ultimatecarfreak Heated steering wheel/seats
I have a 2019 Big Horn. It gives me the option to turn on heated seats/wheel on remote start or all starts. When i choose either option, it doesn't do it. Is there some other option stopping it from happening?
submitted by ultimatecarfreak to ram_trucks [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 reddit_lss_1 Link Post Title 26-November-2024 18:13:47
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2024.11.26 18:14 mynamesari 18F
submitted by mynamesari to amiugly [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 18:14 Busy-Tomorrow9956 Future of Smile the Could turn you off
Is there anything these movies could do that would turn you off maybe Parker finn directing something else but he wrote the script maybe they cast a actor you don't like they do something in the story like time travel what
submitted by Busy-Tomorrow9956 to SmileMovie [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 18:14 Prodigy772k Ain't no way 🤦♂️
submitted by Prodigy772k to KendrickLamar [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 18:14 Specialist_Arm_7439 do i have the correct anatomy for an industrial?
submitted by Specialist_Arm_7439 to piercing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 18:14 Outrageous_Seesaw951 LF Carry Harvest Racer
Hoping these will help me get one or two racers to carry!!! I’m gold locked with 1 sticker left to finish my entire album and there’s only 8 days left😭 please help!!! submitted by Outrageous_Seesaw951 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 18:14 Visual-Glove-2987 Online Berichtshefte vorlegen ?
Hallo zusammen, ich wollte kurz nachfragen, ob man das online Berichtsheft irgendwie in Klammern vorlegen muss am Prüfungstag. Weiß da jemand was zu ?
submitted by Visual-Glove-2987 to Azubis [link] [comments]