Advice- power supply- prosthetic arm

2024.11.26 18:20 TheKelpster Advice- power supply- prosthetic arm

Hi! I’m creating a prosthetic arm- this is the forearm without the hand. I am trying to power these four servo motors as you can see here- the three black ones and the one tiny blue one. When I plug the arduino nano directly into my laptop and upload my code to it, it doesn’t work. I know my code is correct, but the motors still won’t move. I’m thinking maybe it’s a power supply issue? The components here are the motors, an arduino nano, an NRF240, and a PCA9685. I’m really struggling, how should I power this? What battery do I use and where do I connect it? Thank you!
submitted by TheKelpster to ArduinoProjects [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Mitsy12 Hire Some People for Grocery PLEASE!

The last several years they have made GM associates go zone in grocery. WHY they don't hire associates to help zone & help customers during the holiday season is anyone's guess. We have freight out the a$$ & not enough time or people to put it up yet we dick around & have to go to grocery to zone & it makes NO sense. Now we have to go back to do feature to side counter apparently. Another waste of time if you have your own areas to deal with. It's not about it being hard or anything else; just makes no time management sense if they want freight put up on the GM side. Hate it.
submitted by Mitsy12 to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 david93ashes De cagao no me piden que les chupe el pico

De cagao no me piden que les chupe el pico 300 lucas los soyeros culiaos
submitted by david93ashes to chile [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 hexagon_earth What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by hexagon_earth to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Lost-Ad-2441 Hoping to get unsuspend

It’s really frustrating to deal with an account suspension for such a long time without any clear explanation, especially when customer support doesn’t seem to be looking into suspended accounts. It makes me wonder about the purpose of offering customer support if they aren’t addressing these issues. My account was suspended seemingly randomly, and I haven’t received a fair response or explanation. It’s disheartening to see bot accounts remaining untouched while a legitimate player like me faces a suspension.
I understand that spamming goes against Ubisoft’s policy, but I don’t believe that’s what I was doing. I was simply trying to send a message or communicate with someone, and for that, I ended up muted and then suspended. I really hope Ubisoft can take a closer look at my case and address this situation, as it feels unfair and frustrating to be caught up in a system that doesn’t seem to accurately differentiate between real players and disruptive behavior.
submitted by Lost-Ad-2441 to growtopia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 SpartyOO7 Best exotic heavy weapons for solo content?

Hi All!
Ive been doing harder solo content recently (and going to be starting solo dungeons soon). Any ideas what heavy weapons are generally best for solo content? Im learning towards dragons breath, but am open to suggestions.
submitted by SpartyOO7 to destiny2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 isigyu when did you know you were lesbian?

i feel like i never really liked any man seriously and i’m starting to consider seriously whether i’m a lesbian or not since i never had any doubt that i like women. yes, i’ve found some men attractive but i can’t really envision myself with a man. also everytime that men are interested in me it makes me feel super icky. i’ve had this question for YEARS but i think i’m still a bit scared to approach it.
submitted by isigyu to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Substantial_Wing4364 Absolute loser goöner here. Willing to do ânything as long as you câtfish me as her. I'm really into filthy stuff like sweat spit armpits etc... come to öwn me and be kînky please. Only message if you're looking for a true looser 05059c66e0e02f19c8a363d0ecdf49ce17aaaa63db45d750fc0863e1e15796ca6b

Absolute loser goöner here. Willing to do ânything as long as you câtfish me as her. I'm really into filthy stuff like sweat spit armpits etc... come to öwn me and be kînky please. Only message if you're looking for a true looser 05059c66e0e02f19c8a363d0ecdf49ce17aaaa63db45d750fc0863e1e15796ca6b submitted by Substantial_Wing4364 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 uite_2lei Ironie maximă: Să te declari pro Europa, pro democrație, anti Rusia, anti comunist dar să mergi la proteste anti voturi democratice și să fi deranjat de ce au ales democratic majoritatea. De 4-5 ani guvernarea PSD-PNL-UDMR-USR ne-au violat în toate felurile și nu a zis nimeni nimic, nici un protest

submitted by uite_2lei to sport_politica_cancan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 whatisdynamis Need help identifying audio connection! Coaxial cable?
Hi all!
20-year-old home. Looks like the previous owner had speakers installed in the wall. What kind of connection is this? I thought it was RCA, but this RCA connection is too small. I was looking at coaxial cables... is that what these are? Just confused since the coaxial also lists as a form of RCA (but Google tells me that's just Radio Corp of America)
Thanks in advance!
submitted by whatisdynamis to audio [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 bek_houden Mannen die ik wel/niet leuk vind

Hoi. Ik (v21) merk dat als ik een man leuk vind, ongemakkelijk gedrag vertoon. Dit vind ik heel lastig, qant ik wil juist relaxed overkomen. Bij mensen waarmee ik dagelijks spreek, kom ik goed uit mijn woorden en kan ik me goed uitdrukken. Gedrag is ook goed. Als ik echter een jongen leuk vind en als ‘potentiële toekomstige partner’ zie, wordt ik daar zenuwachtig van. Waar zou dit aan zitten, dacht ik bijmezelf. Het enige wat in me opkwam, was dat ik er ‘perefct’ wil uitzien voor diegene en om deze reden geen fouten wil maken. Fair enough. Maar dat vind ik heel vervelend, want mannen die ik niet leuk vind, kan ik heel gemakkelijk mee praten. Dit zorg ervoor dat zo’n man denkt dat ik interesse in hem heb. En die man bij wie ik me ongemakkelijk gedraag, denkt waarschijnlijk dat ik hem ‘eng’ vind of geen verder contact wil. Ik antwoord tijdens gesprekken heel kort en ongemakkelijk, waardoor het lijkt alsof ik daar zo snel mogelijk weg wil. Dit zorgt ervoor dat mannen die ik leuk vind, geen interesse hebben. En mannen die ik niet leuk vind, wel, omdat ik heel chil gedraag in hen bijzijn.
Hoe kan ik dit oplossen? Ik hoor dit van meerdere meiden/vriendinnen. Ik heb echter het gevoel dat ik dit in hoger mate heb. Ik wil niet kansen mis lopen.
Alvast bedankt voor jullie reacties! Ik zal waarschijnlijk niet op alles kunnen reageren.
submitted by bek_houden to nederlands [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 kitkatgoldfishvodka Buzz worthy for the 3 x3 stars I need

Buzz worthy for the 3 x3 stars I need submitted by kitkatgoldfishvodka to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Enough_Ad3597 Should I take a Personal Loan

25M having credit card from the time I started working a job, i.e. from 19 years.
Never missed any cc payment till now.
I am having 3 CC now with a total outstanding of around INR 1,20,000. ( Total Due not monthly due, Monthly due is around 35k for 3 ccs)
From quite few months, I am getting a bit of careless in spending. Although I track my payments and incomes.
Now I want to reduce this month end headache of waiting for the money to hit the bank and clear my dues.
Thinking of taking a personal loan, having an offer from bank of INR 70k at 16% ARR.
I don't want to get advised on my morals. I pretty much know, how to track things but it's just me and my habit of using cc instead of cash which took a bit bad turn.
Waiting for your helpful suggestions ✨
submitted by Enough_Ad3597 to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 paapaasquat Help - Shower Drain

So this is a newer build (2 years old) and never realized the drain plate was never secured to the plumbing. It appears the somewhat lazy contractor just grouted the drain plate down. Not sure if this is common or not. And the only reason I noticed, is after a super clean and scrub, the plate broke free. Any ideas what to do here? Regrout it down? Silicone? Super glue? Lol. Any advise is much appreciated!
submitted by paapaasquat to HomeMaintenance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 mollyfker 9 inch monster gooning to crush encouage me to give her a facial 05645f6b1c9714c254e5b663ce11bb65043196598c61eb7a18d114a02a7206d560

submitted by mollyfker to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 ScrambledEgg4 Lennar Built Homes

Does anyone have experience with homes built by Lennar Corp in Dane County? If so, give me the real life pros and cons.
submitted by ScrambledEgg4 to madisonwi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Current-Worth9121 If you travel a lot while working, what kind of job you have?

If you have an opportunity to travel around the world while doing your work, what job you have? What are your responsibilities and do job afford you live how you want?
submitted by Current-Worth9121 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 BlueJ_55 Ich habe mir nun extra einen eigenen Raum eingerichtet, in dem ich meine Witze für das spätere Posten notiere.Ich sitze im Wortezimmer. ✒️📒

submitted by BlueJ_55 to wortwitzkasse [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Prudent_Dig7209 Free game code

I purchased the bundle, and I already have the game so I don't need it.
Here the code:
Replace the ?? with the scale used to measure acidity. I also have two codes for vikings and Australia pack, the person who get it can PM me with a proof to get them.
submitted by Prudent_Dig7209 to Civilization6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 jrunnerair 8 DPT easy at home

8 DPT easy at home Please say you see a vvfl?!
submitted by jrunnerair to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 neoturbo4 Quel neobank

Bonjour, Je souhaite ouvrir mon PEA et je viens vers vous pour avoir vos avis et savoir quel néo bank vous avez choisis pour gérer votre patrimoine sur le PEA. À tous merci pour vos retours d’expérience.
submitted by neoturbo4 to vosfinances [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Maximum-Slice8277 Okay everyone. I want you to tell me your favorite Steven Universe song.

Okay everyone. I want you to tell me your favorite Steven Universe song. Mine is Tale of Steven from the Steven Universe movie.
submitted by Maximum-Slice8277 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 brutalgrace Question Pangutana sa mga ladies diri

So, nakig buwag akoa partner, and no dli sya 3rd party, like murag nasuko or nag lagot sa akoa, fix na iyaa mind na dli makig balik, LDR diay mi, however naa man gud koy thing sa akoa mind na dli ko ganahan mag mahay ko na murag wala nku buhata ang tanan/
So ga huna2x, ko ug mag visit sa iyaa sa ilaa, things to know is kaila nami sa iya parents, pati iya igsoon ug silingan.
So sa mga girls how would feel about ing-ani? makig storya mo? and yes magdala ko flowers.
Salamat sa tubag
submitted by brutalgrace to Cebu [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 spotdotface Are freckles all over a face too much?

submitted by spotdotface to ask [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 zNezzee grace has ruined her reputation

it’s unfortunate timing for grace that everyone online is becoming aware of her behaviour the same week her new movie came out. i mean it’s garbage and most people won’t watch it anyway, but PR-wise this must be giving her a terrible reputation. the lead actress of the movie is literally trending on tiktok for doing public ageplay with her gross ass boyfriend.
she brags about being the only actress who also streams on twitch & has an online following - now she’s learning the hard way why professional actors DON’T do this lmao.
submitted by zNezzee to snarktarajakejohnnie [link] [comments]