2024.11.26 19:41 NerdyPlaneResident Ma 351 professors
Hi. I’m taking MA 351 next semester and I was assigned Prof. Vaibhav Pandey, and am considering trying to switch into Tom Sinclair’s class. I was wondering if anyone had either of those professors and, if so, how do they teach?
Thanks again
submitted by NerdyPlaneResident to Purdue [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 Existing-Ad-8232 How do I destroy my glutes?
For context, I do hip thrusts, rdls, split, barbell, and goblet squats, and some of the machines. However, no matter what I do most of the time I end up feeling the soreness on my hamstrings. I feel a little sore on my glutes but I want to be so sore in my glute area that even taking a 💩 hurts. Any suggestions?
submitted by Existing-Ad-8232 to fitness30plus [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 Competitive-Foot-292 How long has j.ai been down?
submitted by Competitive-Foot-292 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 LetItGrowUGoober98 What figures have been leaked?
Theres been a lot of them lately so does anyone have a list?
submitted by LetItGrowUGoober98 to starwarsblackseries [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 WhereasActive13 Microsoft is so rubbish. Breaks your pc with update. Can't reset because can't work out password. No links for reset. Absolute garbage. Stress software. Goodbye microsoft
submitted by WhereasActive13 to microsoft [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 Turbulent_Property_4 X-Files: i 5 migliori episodi della serie tv cult che ha fatto la storia
The X-Files non è solo alieni e misteri: gli episodi migliori mischiano horror, filosofia e una sana dose di ironia, diventando capolavori di storytelling.
X-Files ha segnato la storia della televisione grazie al suo mix unico di fantascienza, horror e dramma, affiancato da personaggi indimenticabili come Mulder e Scully. Creato da Chris Carter nel 1993, lo show non solo ha ridefinito il genere paranormale, ma ha anche saputo intrecciare storie autoconclusive e una mitologia aliena complessa.
Prosegui la lettura
submitted by Turbulent_Property_4 to malatidiserie [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 spleenerpleener Bibi listened to YE-I 530
supercell give me dark angel Edgar skin before I crash out on fonem grave submitted by spleenerpleener to Brawlstars [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 SubtleRhino any f lurking or deprived looking for an older guy to chat or confess to. Nl ses below
submitted by SubtleRhino to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 Zealousideal-_ Bumps on arm?
I have a lot of these bumps that appear to pimples, but they don’t come to a head. I also have some blackheads.. I’ve never had bumps on my arm before they appeared suddenly. I shower daily. I always exfoliate & follow up with PanOxyl. It will not go away. Any ideas? submitted by Zealousideal-_ to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 Frosty-Sherbet8503 Essentially JJ was willing to drag everyone into hell all because Shannon… said she paid for everything
Men are so goddamn fragile it’s insane.
submitted by Frosty-Sherbet8503 to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 Xoreling which of these things would you rather have
All things can be taken off but the effects will be disabled. The effects of the mask cannot affect other people if they wear it. You can summon a hat to your location at any time. The hat will look the best possible way for it to look good on you
2024.11.26 19:41 T-Dot-Two-Six Hey all, had some questions on my new laptop.
Hey all, just got a Lenovo Legion Pro 7i and after uninstalling what bloatware I could find, deactivating Tobi, installing a second SSD, and loading it up with launchers/games I have a few issues I’d like some advice on.
2024.11.26 19:41 MapShnaps What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by MapShnaps to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 Evewithasnake Effective (non-NHS) screening/testing for vaginal and bladder microbiome in the UK
Dear all,
While testing the vaginal/bladder microbiomes is costly, it could save a lot of money/time in the future, yet alone the headaches, pain, and so on. I have been dealing with bladder issues for over a year now, and am trying to get some answers after difficulties with NHS, and a confirmed high white blood count from a private clinic. . .
Sharing a very reliable (and recommended to me by my nutritionist) UK-based company that tests for all pathogenic bacteria (and at lower levels, for those with long-term or "embedded" infections that even some PCR tests would not pick up on. As we know, BV, yeast, and other vaginal overgrowths can also make the bladdeurinary system more vulnerable. My intention is to try and ameliorate my immune system more broadly, and specifically to improve my vaginal/bladder health. It's easier to know which probiotics, supplements and so on to take if one knows precisely what one is lacking; and on the contrary, if one has an excessive overgrowth of yeast, or bv pathogens, even at low levels, this can cause a lot of discomfort.
I hope someone finds this helpful. Solidarity!
submitted by Evewithasnake to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 Lacey271 Leasing?
It’s my first time navigating the car world by myself. I wanted to hear the pros and cons of leasing with subaru. How the mileage limit has been. End of contract payment?
I have a vehicle i’m planting to trade in that’s only worth 1,500.
I have great-excellent credit.
I really want to say in the $350 month for payment.
I love the idea that maintenance is taken care of by someone reliable.
submitted by Lacey271 to subaruoutback [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 Hooverpaul Constance Bennett, 1933.
submitted by Hooverpaul to oldhollywood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 WynterdaSharko Ultrakill is everywhere
submitted by WynterdaSharko to SuddenlyUltrakill [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 Galaxy_Bg Can someone make this image higher quality?
submitted by Galaxy_Bg to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 S4tine My game is glitching like crazy
They're all falling out at once. Nearly impossible to take any action. Certainly not stoppers. And the reward rocket screen... It's all zero. Reinstall? submitted by S4tine to LemmingsGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 19UnFaZed93 Look at the little ant
submitted by 19UnFaZed93 to macrophotography [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 MonyWony How can I join these pieces of indium back together?
I tried stacking weights on top of the pieces but that didn't seem to work. I don't have the equipment to melt it (idk if an oven works), but even if I did I a) do not want to inhale the fumes, and b) have any indium vapours float away. Thank you very much for your help! submitted by MonyWony to AskChemistry [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 hansen_acm Keyboard til arbejde og gaming
Hej holdet
På mit hjemmekontor har jeg et setup med en dock og min egen computer. I den forbindelse leder jeg efter et tastatur, som både kan benyttes til arbejde og gaming. Jeg har et par krav.
- Det skal være 100%, både min kone og jeg bruger numpad i forbindelse med arbejdet på hjemmekontoret.
- Det skal være low profile. Hverken min kone eller jeg kan holde til at skrive på et "regulært" gamertastatur i længere tid ad gangen.
- Det skal være så stille som muligt. På mine ældre dage er jeg ikke fan af de klassiske gamertastaturer som larmer meget.
- Forbindelse er ikke vigtigt, da jeg planlægger at bruge en USB switch, så jeg ikke skal flytte rundt på ledninger hele tiden.
Jeg har kigget på både logitech 915 og Keychron K10, da det virker til at være de eneste low profile mekaniske tastaturer man kan få i 100%.
Er der nogle her der har erfaring med de to tastaturer jeg har kigget på? Eller en helt tredje mulighed. Jeg er meget grøn når det kommer til tastaturer, da jeg indtil for nyligt har gamet på en laptop.
God aften
submitted by hansen_acm to dktechsupport [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 TheUnknownXanny stop acting like yall wouldnt rock w the lows #usps
submitted by TheUnknownXanny to bud_n_pill_lovers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 eggs_bacon_eggs First time attempt cave build - Eissentam
submitted by eggs_bacon_eggs to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 LCDRformat When your stupid ass daughter is sad that her mom is dead
submitted by LCDRformat to creepcast [link] [comments] |