8 mins into opening day 2024

2024.11.26 19:13 AffectionateCook2235 8 mins into opening day 2024

submitted by AffectionateCook2235 to WisconsinDeerHunting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 Oxena "Un verre de vin" - why de and not du?

I am working on the preposition de and in Lawless French post there is an example of "un verre de vin" and I just cannot comprehend that.
Both "verre" and "vin" are masculine nouns, so why there is "de" which indicates "un verre de la vin". Since "vin" is uncountable" we are using partitifs with it, but even then it should be "du", no?
I am trying to look for some explanations and make sense out of it, but I really can't.
submitted by Oxena to French [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 Haunting-Western2851 Eric Spofford = WHAT THE FUCK REPUBLICANS?

Are we really going to act like this is normal? Republican judges are getting indicted for mafia-related crimes, and now the owner of New Hampshire's largest drug-treatment facility is making tens of millions in state funds, heavily donating to Republicans, facing allegations of sexual assault, and—what a shock—his associates are caught vandalizing the homes of a journalist, her family, and her editor. Weird. More mafia vibes!
submitted by Haunting-Western2851 to newhampshire [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 jvc72 Buy Signal Warner Bros Discovery Inc - 26 Nov 2024 @ 14:10 -> USD10.15

Ticker: WBD
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 26 Nov 2024 @ 14:10
Price: USD10.15
Link: https://getagraph.com/NASDAQ/stock/live-signals/WBD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 ctRJWaltz I know some of this fake

I know some of this fake It's gotta be
submitted by ctRJWaltz to uselessredcircle [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 Substantial_Rush_206 Top ten artists who released their first album in the 1970s

  1. Ramones (#27, 531)
  2. The Clash (#50, 303)
  3. Buzzcocks (#63, 265)
  4. UK Subs (#79, 247)
  5. The Specials (#85, 241)
  6. The Cure (#95, 226)
  7. Black Sabbath (#98, 223)
  8. Paul McCartney (#103, 216)
  9. Queen (#107, 213)
  10. Ringo Starr (#141, 179)
submitted by Substantial_Rush_206 to lastfm [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 No-Squirrel-8358 Överleva? Jäkligt kämpigt.

Rushing through 30, getting older every day Förteckning:
Del 1: Det finansiella
Del 2: Sociala livet
Del 1: Det finansiella
Jag skriver ner några tankar om livet just nu – reflektioner, insikter och funderingar.
Vet ej vad för sorts svar som kan väntas, om något men såhär följer reflektionerna.
Tiden vi befinner oss i är har redan nått en nivå, där trotts att jag har hög utbildning har oerhört svårt att förbättra min ekonomiska ställning i längden.
Oavsett hur hårt man försöker öka sin inkomst ter det sig omöjligt att skapa en verklig förändring när man tar till beakt att den faktiska, effektiva monetära förvanskningen är så mycket värre än den officiella inflationen som rapporteras.
Låt säga att jag skulle lyckas få en löneökning på några tusenlappar per år, det innebär i praktiken att jag ändå förlorar pengar.
Löneökningen matchar nästan aldrig inflationen – och om den på något mirakulöst sätt skulle göra det, så går man ändå inte framåt.
Jag har insett att det är helt avgörande att accelerera takten för hur mycket jag tjänar om jag ska ha en chans till en dräglig framtid. Möjligheten att investera i aktier, fonder eller andra värdepapper som behåller sitt värde känns som en bit av sättet att ta sig framåt.
-> Däremot inser jag att värdet på pengarna man sparar i något lågrisks-värdepapper inte kommer växa lika snabbt som värdet på kronan faller.
Jag skulle vara beredd att jobba 15 timmar nu, om det monetärt skulle löna sig, men det håller inte, för då skattas man sönder. Och att ens få ett sekundärt jobb är inte vidare lätt när man jobbar som dataingenjör.
I ett globalt perspektiv urholkas köpkraften, och det påverkar även livsstilen både här hemma i Sverige men även om man reser utomlands, eller vill försöka flytta utomlands.
Det sämsta tipset jag någonsin fått är att "man ska hitta ett sätt att vara nöjd med vad man har", jag är kognitivt oförmögen att vara nöjd med det jag har och vill hitta ett sätt att ha mer.
Del 2: Sociala livet
Har nått en punkt där jag inte har något socialt liv kvar heller.
Hur det har lett till det var genom att jag bott i utlandet i några år, när jag kommit tillbaka är kompisarna man haft innan dragit sig tillbaka och lever isolerade storstadsliv och har ej tid att umgås mer än 1 gång om året, kanske 2, med förväntan att höra att kompisen "ska hem och äta middag med tjejen snart." eller något åt det hållet.
Mina vänner kanske inte aktivt undviker mig, men i praktien är resultatet detsamma, total social isolation.
Vad gör ni? Jag har vandrat på Stockholms gator och sett själalösa vålnader som bara flyter omkring och existerar, förmodligen från punkt A till punkt B för att "eventuellt träffa en kompis för fika nästa vecka på torsdag 17:45-18:15, faaan va nice!" Så jäkla deprimerande liv.
Inte säker på hur länge jag klarar av allt det här mentalt innan jag blir galen.
Mycket mer på sinnet, men börjar med att informationsdumpa sådär, så får vi se om någon känner att de har något att säga kring det.
submitted by No-Squirrel-8358 to sweden [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 Intelligent_Truth644 Electronic store in Riyadh

Hello everyone, I'm looking for PS5 30th anniversary controller in Riyadh. But I dont live here, i am gonna stay for one Day. Which electornic stores should i check?
submitted by Intelligent_Truth644 to Riyadh [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 DLtheGod Big Tree

Big Tree I used to play modded minecraft with a bunch of friends, and one of the most iconic things to happen when we played on that server was when someone burned down a sacred rubber tree from mine factory. Recently, i got back together with one of these friends to build a quest-based modpack in 1.20.1. We were wanting to implement a similarly sized tree into the pack, but we couldnt find a mod to add one. Ive seen some crazy world gen mods recently, but i didnt know if there were any that added anything like that.
Is there a mod out there for 1.20 thatll add something like this?
submitted by DLtheGod to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 As_Louco Finally, the last one

Finally, the last one This is just mean man the placement of this last one just sitting on the side of the track like nothing is happening and I'm losing my mind trying to find it
submitted by As_Louco to DerailValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 mcfw31 ROSÉ (BLACKPINK) - 1st Solo Album: rosie (ROSÉ Store Exclusive vampirehollie Edition Vinyl Album Packaging Preview)

ROSÉ (BLACKPINK) - 1st Solo Album: rosie (ROSÉ Store Exclusive vampirehollie Edition Vinyl Album Packaging Preview) submitted by mcfw31 to kpop [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 That_Ad_5235 I'm not going to be able to get the double rcs in a few days.

For context, I used to have roughly 20k. But then I had gone shopping. I bought multiple gifts for my closest friends, and easily spend them all. Then I remembered the Black Friday deal coming up.. and now I'm disappointed. I know it's completely my fault. I get that. I'm just disappointed now. Plus now I have nothing to get anymore gifts too. Which I still have until Christmas to do but idk. It's so hard to sell anything now. But yeah this is on me, I'm just disappointed with myself..
Thanks for reading- if anyone does end up reading this.
submitted by That_Ad_5235 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 Tasty_Sherbet9567 RB Hunger pains freestyle #Hungerpains #freestylerap #Newmusic #Spotifyartist #RB #5GOD #Aftereffect

RB Hunger pains freestyle #Hungerpains #freestylerap #Newmusic #Spotifyartist #RB #5GOD #Aftereffect What do people think 🤔
submitted by Tasty_Sherbet9567 to rappers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 mo_shmoneyyy Sniping in past cods

I just saw a clip of simp sniping in bo4 bro they allowed snipes in with STIM SHOT. What was competitive that year with STIM SHOT… snipers could literally re peak in 2 seconds after getting tagged and we played with that in but can’t play with snipes this year with no attachments and massive flinch???? Especially after that “watching the cross” OP spot bs got exposed on stream ??? We are LOST.
submitted by mo_shmoneyyy to CoDCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 Grand_Ad714 Sou ex de uma pessoa com T P bordelaine, está pergunta é para quem tem, ou possa me ajudar

Namoravam a mais de um ano, sempre alegou pra me que era lesbica, eu sempre afirmei a ela q era BI ( e ela odiava isso, acho que o medo é o ciúme obsessiv). Estavamos brigando muito por motivos inexistente que ela criava. Em uma destas últimas brigas eu falei eu não aguento mais, eu só quero paz e leveza na relação, 90% do tempo brigando e 10% amor, assim a gente vai terminar, acho que ela entendeu que eu iria terminar e criou o abandono na cabeça dela. Aí em menos de 10 dias do suporto termino ja tava postando foto e declaracao de amor com o moleque que ela jogava free fire, e viajou pra ficar e conhecer, e agora vive em uma cidade sem conhecer ninguém é bancando este menino/gigolo.( coitada, não tinha nada e o que tem hoje foi com minha ajuda e incentivo, e ta torrando tudo pagando aluguel e bancando ele, tem dias que fico sabendo q ela n tem dinheiro nem pro absorvente, e triste me da um aperto no coração, e a pobre da mãe é de da pena de tão desesperada que esta de toda essa situação com a filha) do nada me bloqueou de todas redes sociais , não fala comigo, me humilhou difamou e me odeia, eu fico sem entender o pq disso, já que eu sempre amei, ajudei, incentivei, tratei bem e fui fiel, nao sou perfeita ( ngm é! Mas, dei meu melhor) Como pode ir do amor ao ódio sem sentido assim, eu quis manter a amizade/contato ja que sou mto protetora e empatica, n queria q ela passasse por isso, queria sempre poder ajudar. Agora eu fico sem saber se devo ir attas, já se passaram mais 5 meses, e ainda me preocupo com ela será q devo ir atras, ou serei humilhada mais uma vez?? Dizem q essa fase preto é branco uma hora passa, e quando o atual relacionamos dela der merda e ela ou ele enjoar ela volta a me idealizar e volta pra fase branca, isso procede? Sei que ela n me merece e não me faz bem, mas gosto dela, estou fazendo terapia pra me livrar deste sentimento, mas enquanto isso n acontece eu quero ajudar ela, tem horas que penso em fazer pix de conta terceiro pra ela ela sem ela saber q foi eu, pra ajudar ela nos momentos difícil, mas aí vem outro sentimento e penso vc é otaria, vai manda dinheiro pra ela gastar com quem ela te eu chifre. E complicado alguém pode me ajudar com conselho, pode chingar tbm, importante e ouvir todos.. desde de já, gratidão a atenção e tempo de todos que estão aqui!
submitted by Grand_Ad714 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 Medium-Ad9908 Part 2 Easy

Part 2 Easy submitted by Medium-Ad9908 to TheEasyPlace [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 salamander8701 Thomas Andre

Are there any leaks about what set will be best for him i was going to build some other people but I really want him so I was gonna look around what I have for him
submitted by salamander8701 to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 krytox13 Setup jedině na koukání MITHA a hraní FORTNITE

Setup jedině na koukání MITHA a hraní FORTNITE Setup
submitted by krytox13 to Kerddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 leon1271 Ποιο είναι κοινό γνώρισμα στους Αγίους

Ποιο είναι κοινό γνώρισμα στους Αγίους Ποιο είναι κοινό γνώρισμα στους Αγίους
submitted by leon1271 to orthodox_greece [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 Mysterious-Minute245 Results Letter

Just passed my final FE1🥳🥳 does anyone know if the LS automatically send out the letter with all 8 passes or do u have to request it???
submitted by Mysterious-Minute245 to FE1_Exams [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:13 LoneHelldiver Her name is Rigs...

Her name is Rigs... submitted by LoneHelldiver to walkaway [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:12 Loud_Impress_1096 Personalmangel

Hallo, in welchen Bereichen herrscht der größte Personalmangel bzw. der größte Fachkräftemangel?
submitted by Loud_Impress_1096 to bundeswehr [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:12 Ah_Bea Found a stupid amount of geodes and geode fragments

Found a stupid amount of geodes and geode fragments They don't have any crystals in them, just dirt, but I still think they're neat!! Found near Pittsburgh, PA
submitted by Ah_Bea to Geode [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:12 dumstarbuxguy Looking for someone to take over my lease that expires August 31, 2025. 1br/1bath (600sqft) in downtown Long Beach. Details below

Looking for someone to take over my one year lease that ends August 31, 2025. 1bedroom/1bathroom (600sqft) in downtown Long Beach. $1,895 monthly
As the title says the apartment is 1bedroom/1bathroom. Location is walking distance from the Pacific Station on the Metro Blue Line, stove and fridge included and utilities (water, gas, electricity and trash) included in the $1,895.
There is no assigned parking, it is just street parking. No laundry on site.
Move in date would be January 1 but that can be moved up a bit if needed.
I am offering to pay your first month’s rent and application fee.
As you would be taking over the lease, the property manager will screen you for income, your credit score and eviction history.
If you are interested, please feel welcome to message me and see if we can work something out.
Pictures of the apartment here: https://www.apartments.com/548-cedar-ave-long-beach-ca/4md3b9k/
submitted by dumstarbuxguy to LARentals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:12 CleverJever Struggling to know if I made the right decision

My dog Smudge, only 4 years old, was taken to the emergency vet Saturday morning due to internal bleeding from a mass in her stomach. She was also anemic, wouldn't eat anything (not even medicine to stop internal bleeding from vet) and in very obvious discomfort. The vet quoted 7,000 for a spleen and tumor removal and I don't have pet insurance (will not make that mistake again). They couldn't tell if it was cancer, we got x-rays that didn't show anything else spread but everything I read all signs point to hemangiosarcoma. So i decided the financial risk wasnt worth it to put her through all the surgery and maybe chemo to only get a few more months with her. So she was euthanized.
But what if it wasn't cancer and i gave up on her too easily? I didn't have time to get a second quote due to internal bleeding and it being on the weekend.
I just feel so lost.. she was my best friend and i feel like my heart was ripped out of my body and stomped on in front of me and I am full of regret that I didn't try hard enough for her because she was so young... I don't know how to cope
submitted by CleverJever to AskVet [link] [comments]
