UX/UI Designer

2024.11.26 19:50 o2drakefire UX/UI Designer

I've worked at this agency for 6 years now. I'm currently looking for another opportunity because the work environment doesn't feel the same anymore. A lot of negativity on the workfloor, a different vision for what I want to work on etc.
I wanted to know what would be a good estimate for my experience level. When comparing to others I think I'm currently not in a good spot, also had to deduct €400 from my gross salary in order to obtain a company car with fuel card (it wasn't sorted with VAA). I'm open for an agency spot as well as consultancy because I know the salaries can differ between the two.

submitted by o2drakefire to BESalary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 oksccrlvr Group Pickup Reports

Has anyone found a good group pickup report for groups? I would like to be able to see pickup by day, along with revenue.
submitted by oksccrlvr to Hilton [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 irwtfa I want to hear from folks that took it easy

The vibe I get from this board is that Japan is something to consume, or like it's a list you need to check off. Like everyone needs to go to specific towns and see specific temples and shrines because the guide book said so. Go go go Spend spend spend
"2 days here, 3 days there - but we actually did 2 day trips while we were there, so pretty much one day there, then the golden route, do not miss the GolDeN Roooote!".
I see posts where people get practically attacked because they stay outside Tokyo and not right at Shibuya or some other major downtown core.
I see other posts where people say they went 2 blocks from a busy place or took one side trail and it was practically a ghost town there were so few tourists, which makes me wonder why more people don't do that.
So my question is..
If you are NOT one that cares about seeing the number 1 of everything, what DID you do that you loved?
How did you find the 3rd best of everthing. What were your favourite activities and neighborhoods in the greater Tokyo area?
I feel like I'm a black sheep for deciding that I'm going to do only 1-2 things a day at most. For focusing on free museums and activities. For picking a random beach town in Chiba as my main excursion.
My budget is shocking low per day compared with the numbers I see you guys posting about.
I do have a 3 day trip to Nagano planned too. But other than that I'd rather feel like I lived in the area for 3 weeks, not that I gobbled up every "must see" from every guide book.
There must be others like me?
submitted by irwtfa to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 vanzi Can't adjust fan curves in MSI X670E GAMING bios

I've just finished replacing my CPU and motherboard with MSI X670E GAMING PLUS WIFI + 9800X3D.
Everything works fine, but I just can't adjust the fan curves, and the default setting for the back case fan makes it really loud.
I enter the MSI BIOS as usual, I click the "Hardware Monitor" to adjust the curves... and then my keyboard/mouse get disconnected. I can't change anything. Every time. And it only stops working in this menu, I can adjust the OC settings with kb/m normally.
Legacy USB option is enabled (by default). I tried clearing CMOS (and in general I didn't change any settings, I even tried without XMP). I have the most recent BIOS to make the 9800x3d work - E16v192(Beta version).
Did anyone experience a similar issue?
submitted by vanzi to MSI_Gaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 shadowF 20M — Bored. Anyone else? Could use a chat.

Name is Ariel. 20 years old. Super nerdy. Love comic books, movies, TV shows, and video games. Title says it all, really.
submitted by shadowF to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 PaleFlatworm7359 Sobre las apps para conocer gente

Buenas! Escribo para sacarme dudas sobre socializar en una app con otra mujer, quisiera saber si hice algo mal o no. Conocí hace un par de semanas a una chica por una app que vive en la misma ciudad que yo (lo cual me hacía ilusión) y al principio la conversación fluyó bien, era muy simpática. Después hablamos por wpp, pero a los dos días de haberla agregado me borró de sus contactos y no entendí por qué si la conversación no estaba mal. Es verdad igual que hablabamos de cosas como estudios, trabajo y eso (no sé si el tema la pudo aburrir?). Después estuve muy enferma y no quería hablarle estando tan mal como estaba, demoré unos días en responder y lo hice con la mejor onda, sin traerle mi problema a cuento. Pero no volvió a responder. Puedo entender que se haya aburrido de que hablemos de cosas como estudios, trabajo, series, música, pero entonces quisiera saber, de qué hablan las mujeres cuando recién se conocen y que sea "un tema entretenido"? Yo también soy mujer, pero siento que con otras mujeres se me hace difícil socializar y saber bien qué decir, porque cuando un tema no les interesa no sé qué hacer y generalmente me dejan en visto. Lo que quiero saber es eso, de qué hablarle a una mujer cuando recien la conozco, y que no sea "aburrido"? Ideas generales. Pd: Otra cosa que me sorprendió es que vi en twitter que dicen que cuando dan respuestas con más de una vocal como "holaaa", "siii", "daleee", etc. significa que están interesadas en esa conversación. Para ustedes, que tan cierto es, aplican eso? Y si hay algo más que debería saber de este estilo (sobre indirectas en la conversación) me pueden contar porque me interesa
submitted by PaleFlatworm7359 to rediturras [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Spirit_mert Quin69 is going to design a unique item for PoE 2!

Quin69 is going to design a unique item for PoE 2! submitted by Spirit_mert to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 MrBarato What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by MrBarato to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Equivalent_Top_6978 Anytime know what the friends feature does?

submitted by Equivalent_Top_6978 to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 PyroFarms Perfect gift for plant and ocean lovers. This bioluminescent micro aquarium is a great conversation starter and brings a little ocean magic to any space.

submitted by PyroFarms to GiftIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Smart-Layer-7245 Where else should I try?

I’ve stumbled upon hard jewelry around last month and was so excited to get some pieces that were cool and didn’t cost a fortune. But unfortunately I haven’t heard anything good about them and that their quality has drastically changed. Do you guys happen to know any brands that have pieces like theirs that also don’t cost a lot.
submitted by Smart-Layer-7245 to hardjewelry [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 GorldtheGorkin Why is there unrest?

Apparently the country is revolting, I have no idea why. if some one could tell me maybe where I went wrong it would be appreciated.
Ive expanded welfare, reformed constitution, good economy, Full privatization, abolished special zone, did NOT trial Soll, expanded women's rights, declined Marcel Deal, refused cooperation with oligarchs
submitted by GorldtheGorkin to suzerain [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Prestigious-Guide-61 Need guidance for update my iphone

Currently iam on ios 17.4.1 , and i wanted to completely reset my phone then to install iOS 18 ,correct me if iam wrong here: -backup data -charge & cool down the iphone -download & install the update -iOS 18 installed -removing iCloud account -complete erase the iPhone -a fresh start .
submitted by Prestigious-Guide-61 to iPhone13 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 everchangingphases Müdigkeit und schlechte Schlafqualität durch Kaloriendefizit?

Ich geh seit ca. 8 Wochen regelmäßig ins Gym, die ersten drei Wochen ca. 2-3x/Woche, seitdem 4x/Woche. Bin absolute Anfängerin und les mir einiges an (u.a. in diesem wundervollen sub :P) und quatsch viel mit Kolleg*innen, hauptsächlich verlass ich mich also auf Laienwissen und Erfahrungen anderer.
Ich track meine Kalorien jetzt seit ca. 2 Wochen konsequent, war davor ca. zwischen 1.800-2.200 tgl., einige Tage auf 1.770 und bin jetzt bei 1.520 tgl. - kein krasser Cut eigentlich
Mein Schlaf, der vorher eigentlich top war, hat sich in den letzten 2-3 Wochen rapide verschlechtert. Wurde nun von einer Bekannten darauf hingewiesen, dass das Kaloriendefizit der Grund dafür sein könnte - mir fallen jedoch auch noch jede Menge andere Gründe ein, die meine Schlafqualität beeinträchtigen können. Möchte eigentlich noch bis ca. Anfang/Mitte Jänner im Cut bleiben, es fällt mir aktuell nicht schwer und ich muss auf wenig verzichten. Danach dann gezielter Überschuss für Muskelaufbau
Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: kann es sein, dass mich das Kaloriendefizit wirklich so stark beeinträchtigt dass es mich nicht mehr schlafen lässt oder ist das Geschwafel, das ich ohne weiteres abtun kann?
Zu mir: w, 25J, 1.65 cm, 55.5kg (von ca. 58kg Anfang Oktober) Ziel: Fettpolster verkleinern, mittel- bis langfristig Muskelaufbau und körperliche Gesundheit erhalten, Ausgleich zu sitzender Tätigkeit
submitted by everchangingphases to FitnessDE [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Radiant-Afternoon154 Horny af for Mia Khalifia rn and can’t stop jerking for her. Just seeing her makes me go wild. Anyone else into her and wanna goon together for her?. Session in profile

submitted by Radiant-Afternoon154 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Damned_Doughnut Taxi broke legs cat, they saw the cat in pain and drove off. Please help x

Taxi broke legs cat, they saw the cat in pain and drove off. Please help x Who we have here is a cat named Ozzy (otherwise known as Baby).
Ozzy belongs to my sister and from what I know, a taxi driver had hit Ozzy with their car, the driver saw the cat discombobulated and needing help, but they simply drove off... I don't understand how any person lacks any kind of heart to not stop and help an animal that is injured, especially when they were the ones that did it!
My sister used the last of her money which was around £750 to pay for vet bills to check what he needed, of which the vet suggested that the thigh bone needs to be surgically removed, otherwise the bone will keep healing, breaking, and continuing over and over in a vicious cycle that this poor car doesn't deserve.
I know my family would give all they could to get Ozzy's surgery straight away, but none of us are well off and simply don't have any funds of £2,500 to go towards his surgery. Ozzy doesn't deserve to live in pain, nor does he need to be put down after some
If anyone could please donate, no matter how small, if would make a massive difference. I know people are preparing for Christmas, but if you have a spare £1, it could bring us closer to getting Ozzy back into shape.
My sister and her family absolutely love him and I'd be overjoyed to go visit and see Ozzy back in good health again. I have linked the gofundme below, it includes the details of Ozzy himself, the vet bills, and we have been told by Cats Protection (charity) that if we can't get to the total but are at least close to the amount, they would cover the rest of the cost.
Thank you so much!
Link for gofundme for Ozzy here
submitted by Damned_Doughnut to GoFundMePets [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 0m3r- If I buy nfs unbound ultimate collection today will I get access to all previous premium speed passes content including volume 8 and 9

I don’t see a volume 8 catch-up pack in the PlayStation store yet does that mean if I buy the ultimate collection that includes the base game I won’t be able to unlock volume 8 premium content right away
submitted by 0m3r- to needforspeed [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 niknakpaddiwak WTS/WTT XS Tops, Small Bottoms

WTT WTF items:

Looking for:
WTS - prices include shipping in CONUS, add 4% for PayPal G&S
submitted by niknakpaddiwak to OutlierMarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Alternative-State675 “It’s Sandwich Day!” (Lilo and Stitch Style Study)

“It’s Sandwich Day!” (Lilo and Stitch Style Study) I LOVE the art style in Lilo and Stitch, especially how they draw children. They look so cute and like actual kids. The proportions are interesting and I’ve been wanting to study this style for a while and apply it to my own style. So I did a bunch of Lilo studies in my sketchbook, applied them to some kid studies from Line of Action, and then applied some aspects of the style to my own characters, with Kiera being more pudgy and round, still having her baby fat, and Mariela being more lanky and taller because she’s older than Kiera, but still maintaining a little bit of the baby fat to indicate that she’s still a young child.
submitted by Alternative-State675 to drawing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 SatanicMusic_ I need more damn memes

I need more damn memes Post your latest mems I need a good laugh
submitted by SatanicMusic_ to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Stunning_Soup_9045 Need Advice On What To Do With My Cat Who Has Cancer

Hello! Back in April 2024, my cat had a sudden abscess under her jaw. Because the abscess wouldn’t clear up with antibiotics, we opted to have it surgically removed in May. Cytology of the abscess (performed three times) found that it was an infection. Because of that, I opted not to get the removed tissue biopsied, which I came to regret much later. The reason I didn’t do a biopsy was because my vet deemed it unnecessary, and said it was probably nothing, so I didn’t. I also didn’t realize at the time that a cytology wasn’t definitive, and there may be something else there.
We took her back to the vet probably two to three times a month starting in June because her eyelid started to swell. The eyelid responded to antibiotics, but never cleared up. We tried her on multiple topical and oral antibiotics, topical had no effect and oral cleared it up, but it always came back. I was worried about an underlying cause, but reassured that it was probably just a stubborn infection by each separate vet I took her to in the same clinic.
In October, we noticed that another abscess had occurred in the same area as the removal. I took her to the vet, more antibiotics, and it got better but didn’t clear. We finally took her to an internal specialist after finding another abscess on the side of her neck. They performed a cytology on both areas and found it to be cancer. We’re currently waiting for a test to see if it’s lymphoma or carcinoma. They said carcinoma could be treatable, lymphoma probably not.
For those of you who had pets with cancer, should I treat her or make her comfortable? From what I can see, there’s maybe 2-3 tumors in her neck (just based on feel), and her eyelid swelling is also probably caused by a tumor. We have the option to do a CT Scan to see how far it’s spread, and then surgery and chemotherapy if they can be removed.
Normally I would say just make her comfortable, but she’s only three. She could still have her whole life ahead of her with treatment, or it could just make her last few months with us miserable. What would you do in my shoes?
TLDR; My three year-old cat has cancer, and it may be treatable. She has 2-3 tumors in her neck and one in her eyelid. The vet wasted seven months trying to fight an infection that was caused by the tumors. For those who have had pets with cancer, should I treat or make her comfortable?
submitted by Stunning_Soup_9045 to PetAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Appropriate-Tea-4647 Make K stop!

This gurl and her overly dramatic reels, putting her camera on record and attempting to look thoughtfully into a mirror and comment on trauma... STOP. YOU'RE A GLUTTON FOR ATTENTION THAT'S IT. trying to make yourself some poster child for trauma is INSULTING. DISGUSTING PIG
submitted by Appropriate-Tea-4647 to outingRGWigs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Moist-Ad-3564 907575543294 WB Dialga 3 in person with pp… only need 5 total but will add 10

907575543294 WB Dialga 3 in person with pp… only need 5 total but will add 10 submitted by Moist-Ad-3564 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 StunningInjury9827 Am I Demisexual?

Hi! I just wanted to make this post to know if I'm a demisexual I rlly don't care if I am one or not however I really do wanna know the answer since I'm a person that can get confused with sexuality and stuff. For starters I am a lesbian demiromantic and I've been considering the possibility of me being demisexual I think this started because of hookup culture whenever I heard the idea of people hooking up with somebody they just met I've always found it weird or just having sexual attraction for someone they barely know in general, so I always assumed that what people meant with hookup culture is a situationship with somebody they already have feelings for like a friend, roommate, etc but no I'm just realizing ppl actually hook up with ppl they don't know and my jaw dropped 💀. I've also had a struggle with the saying "Do you think [insert name] over there is hot? ;)" I've always found this so weird like how do people just look at someone and go "yeah i'd have intercourse w/ them" is so weird to me... yeah just wanted to share this to know if maybe im Demi since im not completely sure, any thoughts?
submitted by StunningInjury9827 to demisexuality [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Mrtom987 Project Polaris has entered full scale production phase and the news is trending whole sidewide

Project Polaris has entered full scale production phase and the news is trending whole sidewide submitted by Mrtom987 to Witcher4 [link] [comments]
