Daily MULTIPLE emergency tests from ATT

2024.11.26 20:00 Rootman Daily MULTIPLE emergency tests from ATT

It's weeks, it sometimes stops for a few days, today I just had my 5th one. Short of disabling them - which I am not sure will work - who and how do I contact someone about them? They are from ATT which PureTalk uses as a carrier.
submitted by Rootman to PureTalkUSA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 MAH_mama Okay, what else do I need?

Finally my shrimp tank is settle, but feels like Im still missing something. Do you have any recommendations of the plants that shrimps like? And other than shrimp pebbles and red worms what kinds of fruit/veggie that they would like to eat?
submitted by MAH_mama to shrimptank [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 Comfortable_Elk_6301 I’m hoping to be deferred at this point

I look at the stats of people who are borderline apparently and they have 3.8 GPAs and 12 APs.And I’ve heard Binghamton is going to have even more applicants and this has practically made me lose all hope and now I am just hoping to get waitlisted and am less confident that I’ll get in.
submitted by Comfortable_Elk_6301 to BinghamtonUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 bradzilla2001 Laura Marano at the 2019 Teen Choice Awards

submitted by bradzilla2001 to CelebEvents [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 AutoModerator Daily Off-Topic Discussion Thread

Use this thread to post shit about Fitness, Finance, dating etc. For all topics unrelated to FnF,Destiny, Aba and preach Tates etc.
submitted by AutoModerator to LengfOrGirf [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 alexanderrmoonn Melanie Candle Collection Launch 11/29

Melanie Candle Collection Launch 11/29 tune in friday (11/29) for a restock of your favorite candles 🌙✨ now what station was the album on?- i seem to be flipping through all of them 😮‍💨
Check out my socials @MoonLandingArtCo for more info 🫶🏻
Sold exclusively on Etsy.
submitted by alexanderrmoonn to MelanieMartinez [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 Student_KN Identify as a man with orthorexia and want to share your experiences? (moderator approved)

My name is Kristi Nielson and I’m a research student at Lancaster University. I am posting here to invite eligible participants to be involved in a study I’m conducting on orthorexia nervosa (ON) or obsessive healthy eating. Orthorexia is defined here as an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating, to the point where it negatively impacted someone's life (e.g., emotionally, physically, socially, etc.). Specifically, I am interested in the lived experience of ON among individuals who identify as men that live in the U.S. The purpose of my research is to explore what men believe led to their experience with orthorexia, as well as what they think currently maintains it.
You’re eligible if:
• You identify with orthorexia nervosa or obsessive healthy eating, in which this phenomenon has negatively impacted your life (e.g., physically, emotionally, socially)
• You identify as a man
• You are > 18 years old
• You reside in the U.S.
• You are able to speak English
What is being asked of you? If you meet the above criteria and want to participate, you will be asked to partake in an online interview with me for approximately 60 minutes.
Additionally, if you know anyone who may be interested in taking part in this study, please feel free to pass along my email ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])).
For more information, please contact me directly at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Please DO NOT reply directly to this forum post.
Thank you!
submitted by Student_KN to HubermanLab [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 -Retrofuge- The last one, Gex: Enter the Gecko for the Sega Saturn. How did you think it would have fared against the PS1 and N64 versions, would have been better or worse? I imagined it would have been the middleground between the two.

submitted by -Retrofuge- to gex [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 GU3STHK .

. submitted by GU3STHK to GU3STHK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 Shot_Split8416 Ask Anything Thread

Use this thread to ask anything at all!
submitted by Shot_Split8416 to chattingcomm [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 RJDeep Why does my cat like literally any source of water except for her bowl?

Let me elaborate. Not my cat, my roommates. I moved in about 7 months ago, and she's clung to me more than anyone in this house. I was told it's okay for her to go in our small fenced in backyard, because she's too old and chunky to jump over the fence. So I noticed her want for water when I would let her outside while I went out back, and she'd drink from puddles in the yard from the hose.
Then, summer came. I slept with a frozen water bottle and noticed she loved, really, LOOOVED licking the condensation off of it. I thought maybe she just wants cold water? I started putting ice cubes in her bowl, she mostly just pawed at them. And when I would drop an ice cube by accident, she'd go crazy licking it and swiping at it.
At some point, I noticed the roomies leaving the bathtub on just slightly. They said she loves the water. It became like a routine for us, I'd come home and go to the bathroom, cat would join me and I'd turn on the tub for her to have a drink. But the water bill got insanely high so I've had to stop. But NOW. She follows me in there when I'm about to shower. She gets IN THE GODDAMN TUB WITH ME. JUST TO DRINK THE WATER. And I can't do much because I'm naked and afraid.
I understand cats have a need for running water, but then why the fuck does she drink from puddles so much? She doesn't even care if it's raining. She'll happily get sopping wet for a drink from a nasty puddle. I make sure her water bowl is always clean and fresh. In an accessible place for her chunk butt. I don't know what to do, or what her issue is.
(She doesn't even care if the water in the tub is running. Today she was just licking the wall after i showered cause it was still wet)
Is my cat just a weirdo?
submitted by RJDeep to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 Gjorgdi Acabei de ser despedido.

Comecei em um novo emprego há 2 meses (um estágio mas sem documentação nem nada), o salário muito bom, porém fui despedido hoje porquê de acordo com o dono, a academia estava c mt poucos alunos e ele precisava cortar gastos. Porém, essa semana ele contratou uma moça nova pra ficar na recepção enquanto eu trabalhava de estágio como "professor" (eu curso educação física).
Só tô me sentindo bem abalado, eu estava bem feliz com esse "estágio" e já estava fazendo planos futuros encima dos meus próximos salários :(. (tirar cnh e possivelmente comprar um pc que é um sonho de criança meu)
Pra piorar estou em semana de prova na faculdade e tenho que estudar com isso em mente.
Não esperava isso pois recebi muitos elogios dos alunos e vários mandaram mensagem pra academia parabenizando :(.
submitted by Gjorgdi to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 thegarmeyo69420 Test post

Test post
submitted by thegarmeyo69420 to mobile_gameplay [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 zerevoid PumpKraft Server Network: Brand new map [Modded] [SMP] [PVE]

submitted by zerevoid to minecraftcommunities [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 EmmaYourGirl7 Do I look gorgeous for you

Do I look gorgeous for you submitted by EmmaYourGirl7 to reallygorgeous [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 Ok-Onion2831 Game Save Crashing

Game Save Crashing https://preview.redd.it/vbtasc59xa3e1.png?width=1223&format=png&auto=webp&s=77cb06b390a62377c887783f69da83a14787fd15
Hi guys and gals,
My last game save crashes when loading up.
The previous save, (7 hours before...), works fine.
Any idea what to do? I've tried dx11, updated drivers, and verified game files.
Thanks and have fun!
submitted by Ok-Onion2831 to SatisfactoryGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 Secure-Handle8088 have a listen ;)

https://soundcloud.com/gator223/p-1?si=f68b0c13b5d1494c8f386894d5dce4a0&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharinghi i'm a beginner bedroom dj, just learning an messing around with mainly techno/house tunes.. would appreciate any and all feedback. ^ that's a link to one of my mixes. lemme know what you guys think :) THANKS!!!!
submitted by Secure-Handle8088 to BEDROOMDJs222 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 BigPaleontologist520 Sentry vs flash who wins?

Sentry vs flash who wins? submitted by BigPaleontologist520 to powerscales [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 Maria7Tika Diana Branco

Diana Branco submitted by Maria7Tika to Influencers_Tugas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 CostlyValor “Request” Depressed, Cleaning up a nightmare to prevent homelessness

“Request” Depressed, Cleaning up a nightmare to prevent homelessness I am requesting any kind of meal. Today is garbage day and I am currently sorta homeless and trying to clean out my way out of it. I posted more about that situation in a appropriate subreddit but I’m a long time lurker on here and it really boosted my spirits seeing this community. This is my first time asking on here. I won’t make a habit of it and aim to pay stuff forward just need a hand today.
Side note there no microwave here. The prior resident destroyed it
submitted by CostlyValor to RandomActsOfTacoBell [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 _chicken_alfredo_ Did You Get The Memo?

Did You Get The Memo? submitted by _chicken_alfredo_ to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 Alternative_Arm_2131 Iphone Help

My little sister has locked her phone that my parents pay for. They need to get into the phone to retrieve old pictures and data, but she is being non compliant and does not want to give them the password. I am willing to pay anyone who is able to help us get into the phone and retrieve the data.
submitted by Alternative_Arm_2131 to UCSD [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 GapRevolutionary1055 W: q5025 or qe25 fixer. H: 40k caps

submitted by GapRevolutionary1055 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 NationalAnything1547 Hot Model in Commercial for Free Debit Machine Canada

Hot Model in Commercial for Free Debit Machine Canada submitted by NationalAnything1547 to PaulMurtonFans [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:00 TemperaturePlane3056 Runout issue

I’m running an Ender 5 plus with insanity firmware
Everything was going great but my runout sensor stopped working, in that it doesn’t stop the printer anymore
I’ve replaced the sensor and the wires and it hasn’t helped
Am I a dumbass and don’t see a setting in the firmware menu or are the printer gods just being themselves?
submitted by TemperaturePlane3056 to ender5plus [link] [comments]
