2024.11.26 20:11 peachfox Kinky looking bedroom
Interesting house with a lot of…styling decisions. The bedroom was quite a choice. $600k in NJ. submitted by peachfox to zillowgonewild [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 20:11 SirEphram 12 years since buying a new car, what's changed?
I'll be in the market for a new Honda soon (Selling my 2014 Civic to my kid nephew, so no trade-in). Overall, what has changed with the car buying market?
I hear MSRP is now a fair price if we can get to it, and haggling down to MSRP (if the dealer negotiates) is the standard. Is there any truth in that?
What about using the online tool to price your new car? Can I take the price it says online and use it to start negotiating a lower price or is that a no haggle price? If I take that online price, can I take it to the dealer and that's what they will charge me? Assuming I say no to all additional add-ons?
submitted by SirEphram to Honda [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 20:11 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 417
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 20:11 Conscious-Piglet3451 Jamba! Jamba! ❤️
submitted by Conscious-Piglet3451 to JambaJuice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 20:11 AgileSweet9115 Does this mean something or is it their way of cursing?
submitted by AgileSweet9115 to CultOfTheLamb [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 20:11 Carnid-X11 XBOX W: MULE H: KARMA/MULE
submitted by Carnid-X11 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 20:11 ady159 Touhou Chireikiden - Cheating Detective Satori Chapter 40 by Akimaki Yuu
submitted by ady159 to touhou [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 20:11 Icecoffelover_ guys where am i supposed to go ive been here for the last hour
submitted by Icecoffelover_ to HalfLife [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 20:11 Responsible-Swim4979 Insurance Pre Authorized - Do I need to resubmit for each dosage?
Hello, I have just been approved for Zepbound (I paid for my first month myself). WIll I have to resubmit as I progress to 5mh/7.5mg, etc., or will this reauthorization work? Thank you.
submitted by Responsible-Swim4979 to Zepbound [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 20:11 F-35Nerd Pylotes, will the flyte be late?
submitted by F-35Nerd to Shittyaskflying [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 20:11 DreamPirates Hruta Durgule Marathi Actress #HrutaDurgule
submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 20:11 Perfect-Lake8607 Can you help me choose a camera to get into the realm of photography?
Hi everyone,
I'm looking to get into photography and could really use some advice on which camera to buy. I'm a beginner, so I’m not sure whether I should go with a DSLR, mirrorless, or another type of camera. Here are a few things I’m considering:
2024.11.26 20:11 MiserableAd4902 Tatum paxley
submitted by MiserableAd4902 to LadiesOfWrestling [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 20:11 anonymous-belcher Last pack, car magic pull.
Went into Best Buy looking for some surging sparks couldn’t find any so picked up 4 sleeved temporal packs. 3/4 hits in the car, big boy was in the last pack.
submitted by anonymous-belcher to pokemoncards [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 20:11 lss_web_1444 Video post title 337
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 20:11 Calm_East_9309 Who the fuck is Daedicar?
So, now that the dlc is out and we got a few extra smatterings of snake stuff, did we get any indication as to who Daedicar actually was? As far as I’m aware, the going theory was that Daedicar was the mother of the serpent people, but I think the amnion kind of gives the game away that serpent people came from Rykard and eiglay fusion dancing into the snake king, so who exactly is Daedicar? I’ve noticed that the whole “sleeping with anything that moves” thing could potentially line up with Marika being called a strumpet, but outside of that I’ve got. nothing.
submitted by Calm_East_9309 to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 20:11 Medium-Original884 Vivendo por viver
Desabafo, não sinto que tô se tô feliz mas também não me sinto triste sempre fui uma pessoa alegre e com muitos amigos depois da adolescência mas algumas coisas me prendem e eu não sei se tô vivendo ou apenas existindo, meu trabalho não é ruim mas não é o que me faz feliz muitas vezes penso em abandonar mas tenho um bom salário e trabalho pros meus pais na empresa deles se fizer isso minha família vai se virar contra mim, namoro a mesma mulher desde os 14 anos entre indas e vindas ela diz que muda mas nunca evoluiu ja se passaram 6 anos e ainda é a mesma criança imatura com surtos, me humilha me chama de corno e tudo isso é um desrespeito nunca aconselhei ninguém a fazer isso mas eu faço já terminarmos varias vezes e eu sempre me guardei e respeitei o que vivemos e ela em menos de uma semana já saía com algum homem diferente e eu ainda aceitei voltar com ela. Meu maior sonho é ser pai e eu não tenho vontade nenhuma de engravidar ela sei que não vai ser bom vejo outras mulheres que se atraem por mim e fico imaginando se um dia vou ser feliz de verdade com uma pessoa boa de verdade que me trate bem e me respeite, não sei o que fazer ela sempre me manipula e eu não consigo sair disso todas as pessoas acham que eu minto quando conto nosso relacionamento de tão absurdo que é e quando acreditam não sabem como eu aguento tudo isso, queria conhecer alguém ser feliz mudar de emprego ser pai realizar meus sonhos viajar transar com alguem que me olhe com desejo. Enfim esse foi meu desabafo e meu concelho se você não está feliz com alguém ou alguma coisa é isso te faz mal por mais difícil que seja se liberte faça o que eu falo e nao o que eu faço.
submitted by Medium-Original884 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 20:11 Asleep_Sea_2032 Trade
submitted by Asleep_Sea_2032 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 20:11 Exposedchaff overpressured skull pop like a balloon
rushing sound of blood and a beautiful tune
submitted by Exposedchaff to Teenager [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 20:11 ashxhxlic Update on Maintenance 2
It was extended 😔😔 pray for the mods we love them and they're working super hard 🙏🙏 I miss viktor :( submitted by ashxhxlic to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 20:11 Skooma_Enjoyer_ Filter for the Location
I would like to be able to buy items in specific areas, like how Facebook marketplace does it, as most games that you buy from France are in French.
submitted by Skooma_Enjoyer_ to vinted [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 20:11 Certain_Leadership70 Kaiju No.8 is the 6th best selling manga of 2024!
submitted by Certain_Leadership70 to KaijuNo8 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 20:11 TheLostAstronaut1 Should I feel alone?
I have all the people in terms of friends and family I could ever ask for, but I still feel alone. I don’t have a girlfriend nor am I in a relationship but I feel like I’m too young to experience the level of loneliness I feel. I’m 20, but my friends and family all found their partners so I’m just stuck as a back burner in their lives at this point and it just hurts. Should I feel this way?
submitted by TheLostAstronaut1 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 20:11 VOIDBAKI Fire hat I made 🔥
submitted by VOIDBAKI to pokemon [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 20:11 PokemonGoBao 708060252363 WEATHER BOOSTED DIALGA
submitted by PokemonGoBao to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]