I am new on Doom and i want be better

2024.11.26 22:10 El_cactus_ITA I am new on Doom and i want be better

Here a game on Doom to rate and tell me my errors (YH74S3)
submitted by El_cactus_ITA to doomfistmains [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Altruistic_Fig9987 Looking like that anime/cartoon character

submitted by Altruistic_Fig9987 to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Intelligent_Lake4667 Coursera Courses for CPA credits?

Does NASBA accept coursera courses from University of Illinois for audit and tax requirements for 150 credits to be licensed?
link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/federal-taxation-individuals
submitted by Intelligent_Lake4667 to CPA [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Hioshicos Bayonetta (Hioshicos) [Bayonetta 3]

submitted by Hioshicos to CosplayCharacters [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Rhangalord AITA for not wanting to be “squeezed in” to her schedule for a date?

Not too much to say. I was supposed to meet a girl from my university. We met on a dating app last week and we texted for a while before agreeing last Thursday to meet this morning on campus.
Last Friday she told me she has something after class so can do a “quick coffee grab.”
Initially accepting it, it never truly sat right with me and on Sunday I told her that I dont want to be squeezed in and that I’d rather have a first date with someone who has the time.
My friend group is split - some have called me inconsiderate and stubborn whereas others have commended me for respecting myself.
I feel a bit of guilt, but something says I wasnt wrong. AITA?
submitted by Rhangalord to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 manggabasai Would like to hear your thoughts

Would like to hear your thoughts Aside from the flow of the snake doesn't make sense haha lol, would like to ask what can I do to imrpove this piece.
submitted by manggabasai to irezumi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 DeepDelivery1747 Ich biete jedem kostenlos an über seinen CV zu schauen.

Ich bins wieder der recuiter👍 da mir einige privat geschrieben haben, weil sie ein feedback zu ihrem CV haben wollen, dachte ich mir ich biete das jedem an. Keine sorge kein CV wird hier verschickt oder in einer datenbank gespeichert. Schwärzt gerne eure persönlichen Daten. Ich hoffe ich kann hier einigen helfen.
submitted by DeepDelivery1747 to InformatikKarriere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 wiseowlwho Ads for hello fresh

Just seen another Ad from crazy pieces for hello fresh box meals , stating how the kids love them for dinner and everyone gets involved. Now hello fresh have a family size of 2/3/4/5 people so how are they having them as meals for dinner ? Logan just made 3 steaks and he ate one and Crystal and Aaron ate the others, they’ve made 3 separate meals and still don’t have enough for the family!
submitted by wiseowlwho to Crazymiddles [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Excellent_Dig_3593 It should not be your “friends” or “supporters” responsibility to pay your bills every single month. No wonder you get so much hate. Maybe pay your bills on time and you wouldn’t have your stuff shut off. I get people struggle daily but it’s every day she’s asking for food, gas, bills SOMETHING!

submitted by Excellent_Dig_3593 to jordanpaulscammer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Firm-Crew2743 Into the dream I walk, unafraid....

Into the dream I walk, unafraid.... submitted by Firm-Crew2743 to darkwave [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Superb_Contact_3929 What is this?

What is this? submitted by Superb_Contact_3929 to Crystals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 hoop_dancer_joy 🎟 Ticket To My Heart 💙

🎟 Ticket To My Heart 💙 A big hug to my husband Michael for being a star in this video! You are so amazing, talented, and loved! 🌟🥰
Filmed at Lake Mangamahoe, New Plymouth, New Zealand 🇳🇿
submitted by hoop_dancer_joy to flowarts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Tr_champ 👠Thin man punctured with sharp heels..

👠Thin man punctured with sharp heels.. submitted by Tr_champ to multitrampling [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 grebnedor Tesla Referral Code

Congrats on your new Tesla! https://www.tesla.com/referral/daniel346215
submitted by grebnedor to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Ok_Suggestion_3002 How do I follow up with a company months after not getting a job?

I unexpectedly lost my job back in July due to a corporate restructuring that completely dissolved the team I was on. Since then, I have interviewed with multiple companies, but have yet to land a new job yet. I got the feeling that a lot of companies were waiting until the election to make any hiring decisions, and now after the election I've interviewed with a few more companies, but we're now getting into the holidays/end of the year, which, from my experience, companies typically will defer until the beginning of the year to hire or start someone new - at least in positions that i've been in.
About a month after being laid off there was a smaller company I interviewed with several times, even talking with the CEO directly. Following my final interview with this company, I didn't hear back from them in over a week & just assumed I was being ghosted. However, after a final follow up with the CEO he called me & basically explained that they really liked me and wanted me on the team, however the company just really wasn't in a place to take on another employee at the time like they had thought & didn't know when they would be (a month, a year, etc") He did say that they would love for me to still consider them in the future, however. While, I know some may say they were just trying to let me down easy - & that may be true - I do believe him because he also passed my name and resume along to two colleagues of his who were also CEOs of other similar companies, which he didn't have to do at all. I did reach out to his colleagues & they both confirmed that he did reach out to them, however neither of them were currently making any hires at the moment either (again, all of this was prior to the recent presidential election).
All of that to say, now that the election is over & it has been roughly a couple of months since these conversations, I want to follow up with all 3 of these companies as we're getting closer to the end of the year. However, how do I do so without sounding desperate that I still have yet to land a job?
Thanks in advance for any and all tips anyone can give me!
submitted by Ok_Suggestion_3002 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 IceInYourHeart What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by IceInYourHeart to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 dazzumz Why don't TVs have a mute option for video as well as audio?

submitted by dazzumz to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Still_Selection9083 Hypothetical

Like many of you I have way too much time on my hands before decision day so I’ve been trying to run through this scenario.
I received interviews from my instate schools and a 3 year program. If I’m lucky enough to get into both (I know this is not even close to a guarantee) I find myself faced with a tough decision. Assuming all other things being equal and only interested in the finances, what is the best way to determine which school is best? (E.g. specific loan repayment calculatodebt to income ratio I should be aiming for)
COL is virtually the same.
Instate total (4 years): ~200k 3 year school total: ~330k.
submitted by Still_Selection9083 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Comfortable_Bike_845 Lmfao 35 miles away. Would you take this? Robbery

Lmfao 35 miles away. Would you take this? Robbery submitted by Comfortable_Bike_845 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 SinigangSpam What's the most playful thing you've ever done to get someone's attention?

submitted by SinigangSpam to AskPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 SunnyLeone--son Is Age me bhi hamara maal nikaal rahi hai Archana Randi

submitted by SunnyLeone--son to archanapuran [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Given_To_Fly90210 Low TSH, low T3, low antibodies. Any advice?

Hello all, thanks in advance for any advice. About week 8 into Graves diagnosis but I think I’ve had it for at least a year. Beta blocker helping a lot. Methimazole (15mg/day). I actually feel pretty great right now. But labs today showed a TSH of .004. Low T3. Normal range T4. And low antibodies. This was my first antibody test from an endocrinologist. No word from doc yet but at appointment he said a potential thyroid uptake test would be needed. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Thank you all and if you celebrate have a happy turkey day!
submitted by Given_To_Fly90210 to gravesdisease [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 Gluestick227 Crime? Body hung upside down, bleeding?

Copied this from a FB post, none of us can figure it out!!
“Ok help me out. I'm trying to remember what this book is and all I remember is the very visceral opening scene from a victim's perspective. They are hung upside down and blood is draining from them slowly. And they are describing how it feels and everything around them before they die. It's a serial killer book I think? I wanted to recommend it to a friend but can't for the life of me remember the book! I read it about 5-10 yrs ago. Any help is appreciated!!”
Further info from a comment:
“From what I remember, the opening scene was the only scene from the victim's perspective. But it could be dual POV from Cop/Killer perspective. Seriously kicking myself for not adding it to my Goodreads account. I went through all my books and it's not on there”
Things we know it is not: Genesis - Chris Carter(can’t seem to place ANY of their books with this opening scene) Pretty Girls Still Beating - Jennifer Hartmann Butcher and the Wren Sworn to Silence - Linda Castillo(BUT ITS VERY CLOSE!!)
submitted by Gluestick227 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 actually_I_am_human9 Z squeeze after some layers / previous layer scratch

Before starting the print, I level the bed properly, printing starts everything fine, after let say 30-50 layers, it starts scratching the previous layer, after some point it moves the print and makes a spaghetti. I’m able to solve it increasing Z offset slowly over time during the printing. Does anyone know the problem is and how it can be solved? ender 3 v2 / cura slicer
submitted by actually_I_am_human9 to ender3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:10 enthusiusiast How expensive do you estimate the Ryzeal and Maliss cards to be?

So far I’ve only gotten singles and it’s the first time ever I’m thinking about buying a case. I believe that the URs are going to be way too expensive (like 30-40€ each).
submitted by enthusiusiast to yugioh [link] [comments]
