Endorse Jobe!

2024.11.27 00:20 bleepbloopweepwoop Endorse Jobe!

Make him the #1 or 2 contestant
submitted by bleepbloopweepwoop to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Redwolf734 Test

submitted by Redwolf734 to cqs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 AAABBBEEYY What to do when you miss your cat

What to do when you miss your cat My dear she went to get married I wish I could see her children playing around her
submitted by AAABBBEEYY to cat [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 waneerrr I loose the strength in my fingers after spike of emotions

Now let me elaborate, I've been experiencing this for as long as I can remember, it never really bothered me because that weakness in my fingers would usually go away after 2-5mins. This weakness would only appear when there was a sudden spike of emotions like embarrassment or when I told a joke and it made everyone laugh, it was never anger or sadness. The "weakness" would make me unable to write comprehensively and would make any kind of precise motion practically impossible. What does it all mean? Should I go with this to a doctor?
submitted by waneerrr to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 dannonallred How are Shanghai Universities intensive language programs?

Recently I’m been doing some research into taking intensive language classes (non-degree) in Shanghai and have found a few, but am not sure which is most effective/renowned. For reference, I’ve found these schools:
Fudan, Shanghai Jiaotong, East China Normal, Shanghai NYU, and Gangji Universities.
I will be entering the next fall semester likely working towards HSK4. How are these universities programs, and which should I gravitate towards? I’ve also considered enrolling in private schools for quicker learning, but they are far more expensive.
Thank you!
submitted by dannonallred to chinalife [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 VishieMagic how I met your oil spill

how I met your oil spill submitted by VishieMagic to HIMYM [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 tyrannosaurus_pecs69 Everyone deserves a home

Everyone deserves a home submitted by tyrannosaurus_pecs69 to Jordan_Peterson_Memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 toturee Maxed M4 Pro or Base M4 Max ?

I actually have a M3 Pro 18Gb in a hurry replacing a dying laptop. I’m now looking to swap it because its too weak for my use. I mostly do Blender and React dev on it. What do you think fits the best : M4 Pro 14/20 48Gb or M4 Max 14/32 36Gb ?
submitted by toturee to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 ActivityOk7443 Dialga 382512582927 3 Local w/ PP

Dialga 382512582927 3 Local w/ PP submitted by ActivityOk7443 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Cmac3288 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Cmac3288 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 NastyNastyPerson69 New friend just dropped

New friend just dropped submitted by NastyNastyPerson69 to nickfromthegymsnarkk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 HRJafael Clarksburg declines to renew town administrator contract and posts position

Clarksburg declines to renew town administrator contract and posts position submitted by HRJafael to NorthBerkshireCounty [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Msanborn8087 Superbowl Futures

2k on the Steelers to win the Superbowl today pays 68K when they win it.
submitted by Msanborn8087 to sportsbook [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 awohl_nation this game is sucking all my time in the best way possible

this game is sucking all my time in the best way possible finished afternburn station building
submitted by awohl_nation to PlanetCoaster [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Out_In_The_Tiles What to do as delegate of Venezuela in a crisis committee about the crisis in Venezuela?

I'm the delegate of Venezuela and the topic is "Venezuela: economic and humanitarian collapse"
Every other delegate is representing a country from the Americas, so I expect the delegations of Nicaragua, Honduras, the United States, Bolivia, Cuba, Peru, Colombia, and so forth.
The mission is to develop a new economic model and to solve human rights issues
I'm a bit clueless what to do, any help?
submitted by Out_In_The_Tiles to MUN [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 lamppots Boat pranks

My second engineer got me good today so I plastic wrapped his door while he was sleeping.
You guys got any good boat pranks ideas or stories?
submitted by lamppots to maritime [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 MilkySkills Advice for new player

I’m a newer player I think level 17 and I can only play on weekends with a buddy. Recently we attempted Labs and I was able to extract once with not much of anything. Aside from that both of us died every other time and I’m just trying to get to the residential room or whatever it is. I know it’s a very competitive spot but I’m just wondering if it’s even going to be possible at our level.
submitted by MilkySkills to Tarkov [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 monaru2 How many times a week should I run the dishwasher?

Hey fellas.
Conundrum. Basically I run dishwasher daily thought it wasn't an issue until I had a revelation the other day.
What are y'all's opinion? An asshole if I run it daily? They never say anything about it though it's been half a year so not sure
submitted by monaru2 to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 ConfidentBoot3999 ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and the other guys, we proudly present, Carnie Vall

ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and the other guys, we proudly present, Carnie Vall submitted by ConfidentBoot3999 to vtubers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Apart_Shock Dad of Boy

submitted by Apart_Shock to GodofWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Slopii People say that Binx is coddled, but forget about everyone else.

Apparently if a fish is sensitive then they should be untouchable, but if one acts unfazed by hazing, then they're coddled.
What do you think would even break Binx, that isn't greatly disproportionate to the rest of the house? Give some real examples.
submitted by Slopii to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Y_Nekat I too follow the teachings of Fuckbro99.

I too follow the teachings of Fuckbro99. submitted by Y_Nekat to CrueltySquad [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Ok_Bell2306 How Blade feels posting a render of a killer 2+ months before the killer is even close to be releasing

How Blade feels posting a render of a killer 2+ months before the killer is even close to be releasing submitted by Ok_Bell2306 to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 dexkin Crap

Crap submitted by dexkin to AnotherCrabsTreasure [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 jb5687 Are the lap pools warmed in the winter?

I want to try doing lap swim but I’m afraid I’ll be freezing does anyone have experience doing lap swim when it’s colder out?
submitted by jb5687 to berkeley [link] [comments]
