2024.11.27 05:50 Iwanttoknowww Platforms for Earning Online Without Commission Fees?
I’ve been exploring ways to earn money online and have tried platforms like Upwork, but I’ve noticed that most of them take a commission fee from your earnings. While I understand why they do this, it can be frustrating when you’re just starting out and trying to make a decent income.
I was wondering if there are any platforms or methods to earn online that don’t take a commission fee. Whether it’s freelancing, selling digital products, or offering services, I’m open to suggestions. I’d also love to hear about your experiences if you’ve found a way to work independently or directly with clients without having to deal with hefty platform fees.
Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
submitted by Iwanttoknowww to remotework [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 BallsABunch Right on top his head
submitted by BallsABunch to judo [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 ArmyBrat035 Stats Displaying in Upper Right Corner of Screen
I do not know what caused my component usage to show up in the upper right corner. The only programs that I use to monitor usage are Task Manager and Xbox Game Bar when gaming. Does anyone know of a hot key or solution to remove this from my screen? submitted by ArmyBrat035 to PCHelpHub [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 05:50 ProcessInfinite4364 Legit check? Stiching under the cage is bad
submitted by ProcessInfinite4364 to LegitCheck [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 Gars-Du-Lux Luxembourg
Salut, je vien du luxembourg Je suis un homme et deja en etant plus jeune j'ai toujours ete interessé au 3ieme sex (Trangenre) a l'epoque j'ai penser que cetait Un fantasme mais avec le temps j'ai compris Que je me sentais mieux avec une trans Que avec un fille ... Donc j'ai eu la chance de connaitre une femme trans Au luxembourg au point que on est sortie ensemble! Maintenant celibataire ca fait des année que je cherche des femme trans au luxembourg, Soi c'est rare dans ce pays soi je cherche pas au bon endroit!!! La plus part veulle un plan Q mais je suis intetessé plus a une relation serieuse!
Quelqun peux me aidé? quelqun pret du lux peut etre?
submitted by Gars-Du-Lux to lgbtfrance [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 Responsible_Tower178 Annoyingggg
Not just copying Cody’s entire looks but also his facial expressions 🙄 Camryn never made this face before the throuple and now they are constantly forcing it, what do they think it looks masculine or something?? 😭😭 it lowk just makes their face look punchable because they pretend to be so dumb and quirky. Like how can you still have insane pick me girl energy while you’re trying your very best to be everything but a girl lmao submitted by Responsible_Tower178 to CamrynTurnerSnark [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 05:50 calliope_kekule A new study find that for Americans, every hour of walking could add up to six hours of life expectancy for the least active individuals.
submitted by calliope_kekule to science [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 05:50 guesswho1234 Trans bathroom
submitted by guesswho1234 to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 05:50 Cold-Quiet-2962 Plex Media not mapping?
Moved my Plex Server from a Raspberry Pi to my Synology NAS, running latest version of DSM 7. Plex is running in a Container using Container Manager. Got it all setup but it can't see my Plex Media folder on the NAS even although I set it up correctly. What am I missing here? https://preview.redd.it/k1wfgoilud3e1.png?width=1354&format=png&auto=webp&s=8985b90ab2f761f18a7da44ec0cf4176cb4a7c0c https://preview.redd.it/0cf4dciyud3e1.png?width=1148&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bc3ad78ee9ff937c12e239e1bed905abd7bc44f submitted by Cold-Quiet-2962 to synology [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 05:50 Old-One1705 Pulsar Map Tattoo
I've wanted this piece for a long time, I hope you guys like it please be nice lol
submitted by Old-One1705 to Astronomy [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 Tree_King_24-7 After about my 11th try
Little loot check how am I doing (somewhat new) submitted by Tree_King_24-7 to dayz [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 05:50 PovertyNextDoor_ There is 5 days left in Thanksgiving break. What game is a must play before break is over. It would be the first time i ever played any of these titles
View Poll
submitted by PovertyNextDoor_ to videogames [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 Ecstatic-Broccoli229 Suffering from sleep deprivation symptoms even when I get sleep
F16 215lbs on 15g of lexapro, diagnosed with anxiety, depression, low Vitamin D (15/16) and OCD. Previously was on clonidine and hydroxyzine for poor sleep a few months ago.
My entire life I've always been tired 24/7 (I went to the doctor and the only thing they ruled out was being very vitamin D deficient). But after my grandma died, I went 4 days without sleeping and I've felt miserable. I had a fever, dizziness, my brain felt like mush, I could barely walk, etc. A few months passed since then and I've been sleeping pretty well (my sleep schedule is messed up, but I have been getting my 8 hours and usually I get more than that.) But i can sleep 12 hours and wake up with a fever, dizziness, and symptoms of sleep deprivation and it won't resolve itself until I go to sleep. This hasn't started happening until that one day where I went 4 days no sleep. Is anyone able to help??? My doctors are kind of useless and they only tested for vitamin deficiencies or hypothyroidism.
submitted by Ecstatic-Broccoli229 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 Paowiekan Pepper Rewards App: $20 Referral Bonus after $200 Spend on Gift Cards
Referral Code:
Get the App: http://app.gopepper.com/
Referral Code: 584460
About the App:
The Pepper Rewards App is a new app for buying gift cards and getting cash back. They offer at least 4% back in Pepper points when buying a gift card from many brands. This includes top brands like Amazon, Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Best Buy, Nike, Airbnb, Nordstrom, Chevron, Delta, Ikea, Instacart, Meijer, Giant Eagle, Netflix, Texaco, Uber, and dozens more.
$20 Referral Bonus
Get $20 when using a referral code during the signup process (my referral code is 584460), linking a card, and spend $200 or more using the linked credit or debit card.
submitted by Paowiekan to referralspay [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 ChartConsistent The Polaris has no repair, rearm, or refueling capabilities!
Since its concept phase, the Polaris has been described as having repair, rearming, and refueling capabilities. Even now, it is stated that it can perform repairs and resupplies. However, these repairs and resupplies are manual and player-driven, using tools like the MaxLift or Cambio SRT. How is this any different from what can be done inside the Ironclad? They listed repair and resupply as features of the Polaris. Yet, the current functionality is no different from what any ship with a hangar can do—just like on the ground or in space. In the Q&A, they even mentioned that they have no intention of changing this system. If that’s the case, what is the meaning of listing these as features of the Polaris? The hangar doesn’t even have a gun rack for hanging tools.
submitted by ChartConsistent to starcitizen [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 tarplette Wayfair Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes
Check out the link for Wayfair Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by tarplette to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 deletetemptemp Visiting San Francisco, Oregon then driving to Seattle. Any tips?
I don’t want to annoy my wife with stop to every single one. Do you guys have and must stops to maximize my luck?
submitted by deletetemptemp to Costco_alcohol [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 IcyTurnip5537 [Mobile/Google Play][2000+] Adventure game where you're a robot and you need to solve puzzles and collect gears to progress through the levels.
I think I remember it being a brown and light blue cartoonish robot with a square head. I also distinctly remember there being a spin-off platforming game similar to doodle jump where you had to jump on platforms to get as high as you could.
submitted by IcyTurnip5537 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 littlered551 How do I move on?
I met my gf in college when she was a sophomore and I was a junior. I was her first boyfriend, but she was my 2rd girlfriend. We started dating in the 2nd half of the school year and we hit it off from there. A year passes, I go through my senior year as she goes through junior year. I graduated, got a job, and we got an apartment together. For the next year we were happy. A few months into our second year, we talked about marriage. Obviously we weren't planning on an early marriage, just small questions of if I would marry her. The question then popped up again last month, and it was basically the same, simple questions. Of course, I said yes both times.
About 3 weeks ago, she told me that she loves and cared for me, but she's been having feelings about the fact that if we were to get married, she would never have the chance to explore more of herself. I was the only person she's ever been with, and that this relationship isn't all there is. She said she wanted to either go to couples counseling or go on a break, and we decided on a couples counselor.
Two weeks ago she had her consultation, and basically the counselor told her that breaks usually resulted in break ups, and that young relationships tend to not last anyways. The day after, she told me she wanted to explore more of herself, and she broke up with me. She stressed that none if it was my fault, and there was nothing wrong that I did to make her leave.
I'm still so broken. I loved her with all my heart, and I just don't know where to go right now. My 2 relationships before more were short, about 6 months each, and ended up with me being cheated on both of them. She gave the love that I never knew I wanted. We hugged, kissed, cuddled. We went to live shows and conventions together. She got me into musicals and cosplaying, and I got her into some of my music. We also still live in the apartment together and our lease expires in 8 months, and it hurts so much seeing her everyday knowing we're not together anymore.
I have no reason to believe she was cheating or was looking for someone else. She's not that type of person. She said were both still so young (I'm 23 and she's 22) and that there's still the whole world. She said that I'll find someone better, but who's could be better than her? I feel like if I get a new partner, I'll just be comparing them to her. Where do I even look for a new partner these days?
I just loves her so much and I just don't know how to feel. I'm sad and heartbroken, but I also feel a little frustrated and angry. I don't know where to go from here or how to recover.
submitted by littlered551 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 Turbokoupp Go home instacart your drunk.
I thought Instacart had a new feature but the app was just glitching. submitted by Turbokoupp to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 05:50 Character-Garlic-285 Teach me the way. I’m tired of losing to teams destroying their spread in the second half. -500 just today.
submitted by Character-Garlic-285 to sportsbetting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 05:50 Cultured-Hermit My girl says she loves my hands, maybe I don’t understand the hype
submitted by Cultured-Hermit to hands [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 05:50 greenedan Kaycee’s boot barn commercial
Is it just me, or has this commercial pretty much ruined Kaycee and Yellowstone with its vapid lyrics that literally can’t be construed to mean anything at all, with his stupid tortured face. You can’t unring that bell. Once you’ve seen that 2 dimensional character for what it is. anything else you’ve ever seen, you’re responsible for projecting. I feel stupid for ever liking this character or this show. I cannot believe I ever expected someone as retarded as Taylor Sheridan to write anything more than a shit script written for cave men to consume like the fucking vegetables that they are. It’s a terrible feeling, the moment of clarity where you realize that you’re a fucking retard.
submitted by greenedan to YellowstonePN [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 05:50 very_loud_icecream TIL that in 1964, Barry Goldwater won Sutter County, California, despite losing almost every other county in the state. This is a reference to the fact that in 1848, people found gold in water at Sutter's Mill, thus starting the gold rush.
submitted by very_loud_icecream to ShittyTodayILearned [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 05:50 PuNBooGz [WTS/WTT] HandleIt for Magpul K2, Pistol grips, Pistol mags
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/YR5nyYJ
Troy Control Gun Grip w/ storage and screw: $25
Handleit k2 grip tape. BNIP Catch and release. My stupid ass bought this but I have k2+: $18
Canik Tp9 15rd mag $25
Taurus g2c 12rd mag $15
Obviously no ban states.
Take it all for $60🚢
Add on only:
Ruger pistol grip w/ screw new take off from RPR $5 or free with bundle of all the above.
All prices are shipped to the lower 48. PP FF or G&S but you pay fees, Zelle or CashApp.l
submitted by PuNBooGz to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]