2024.11.27 06:50 NoReindeer1093 Buying Lou for 169 Gem... Worth it?
Is Buying Lou for 169 gem for a F2P new player worth it?? I only have Tara and Juju as mythic brawler and Kenji as legendary submitted by NoReindeer1093 to Brawlstars [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 Noledgebase Java And PHP Complete Course For Java And PHP Beginners ($54.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 WisemanBest 🛡️ shields.
Please give the possibility to everyone to buy FREE a shield 24 hours every day as the same game so for all EVONY. That is the only possibility to grow up and have fun. Thank you.
submitted by WisemanBest to RiseofKingdoms [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Forward_End4636 Who can feed me with Insta Pics of my Step sis and her friends? I send the @ and we jerk and Chat together. Session 05bbfcc845978ee2feb8d3aafa164dcdf60bbdf5c84d7893f2b96ac2cbebf2500a
submitted by Forward_End4636 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Candid-Pause-1755 How can I make recurring reminders in Notion?
Hey everyone, I absolutely love Notion and use it for all my tasks and reminders. It’s amazing... But there’s one thing I can’t figure out: how to make recurring reminders.
I know how to set reminders with a date and time, and they notify me perfectly. But I can’t find a way to make them repeat, like having a reminder every Monday or repeating every week.
Is there a way to do this directly in Notion?
Thank you.
submitted by Candid-Pause-1755 to Notion [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 BiggityBogle Best way to learn Dead Cells
I just received Dead Cells this afternoon. I've been waiting for this one and am pumped to get it to the table. Anyone have any recommendations on the best way to learn the game? The rulebook doesn't have the best reputation.
submitted by BiggityBogle to soloboardgaming [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 vantaratine Custom Ink Discount
Look at for Custom Ink Discount. When you need the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the perfect spot to check. They also have current deals available.
submitted by vantaratine to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 mr_cheng Teacher here, looking for recommendations
Hi all,
I'm an English Language Arts (or literature in some areas) teacher. Long time fan of league of legends lore and I actually love using lore short stories as material for short story units. I've mainly taught grade 10 and this year I've been assigned grades 11/12 so I'm looking to expand and add some more stories to my classes.
Before you tell me it's a terrible idea, here are some examples of a few that have worked in the past.
2024.11.27 06:50 Noledgebase Adobe Photoshop CC Complete Mastery Course Basic to Advanced ($27.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 GrimDankDom mfw I met Angela for the first time
submitted by GrimDankDom to Atlyss [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 LeeTuneVane HẢI DƯƠNG: TƯỢNG ĐÀI 55,5 TỎI ÂM HỒ MỌC LÊN THAY LÚA GẠO
Phải nói rằng, việc xây tượng đài đài ở khắp mọi nơi bị người dân nói rồi, chửi cũng có rồi, thậm chí cả các ĐBQH cũng từng chỉ trích. Nhưng quan chức và chính quyền địa phương vẫn cứ cho dựng lên để kiếm chác, hợp pháp hóa và bòn rút ngân sách nhà nước. Tỉnh Hải Dương đang gấp rút xây dựng tượng đài “Tiếng sấm đường 5” vơi kinh phí 55,5 tỷ đồng và dự kiến hoàn thành vào đầu tháng 12/2024 tới đây. Tượng đài, quảng trường thì mọc lên khắp nơi và làm thì rất nhanh. Nhưng các công trình thiết thực với đời sống của người dân như trường học, bệnh viện thì lúc nào cũng thiếu, cũng quá tải và làm thì rất lâu. Việc xây tượng đài không chỉ tốn kém tiền của, mà nó còn cướp mất cơ hội để làm các công trình công cộng khác. Việc “ngắm tượng đài để quên đi đói nghèo” là một phát ngôn ngu dốt của một quan chức nào đó từng phát biểu. Nhưng nó còn cho thấy căn bệnh trầm kha của những quốc gia cộng sản, xây tượng đài, quảng trường hoành tráng để tuyên truyền và mị dân mà thôi. Cứ xây thật nhiều tượng đài đi, mai sau nhân dân chỉ cần kéo một lúc là sập hết. Cre: Vịt Tân https://preview.redd.it/dbm0d2po5e3e1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=586ba051b5218d27a9cc23a1890fd05dfb9c49ca submitted by LeeTuneVane to VietNamNation [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 Substantial_Cap_4246 What works better for this game? TAA, FXAA, or MSAA?
Turning on MSAA is a huge drop un FPS. While TAA barely affects the FPS and gives me a rather much better image compared to FXAA which just results in color banding.
So what do you think? Ulta settings with TAA and 90FPS or ultra settings with MSAA X2 and 58 FPS? What to do with them?
submitted by Substantial_Cap_4246 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 BayH00 I wonder why mackwop hate Trell it’s always him throwing subs. But Trell do come off thirsty with all the clout.
Money ain’t
submitted by BayH00 to BackonFigg [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Sayorifan22 Listen here you little sh-
submitted by Sayorifan22 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 ColliinG How rare is this? Ez clue loot
submitted by ColliinG to 2007scape [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 Noledgebase Python Mastery: The Complete Web Programming Course ($19.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 kimme Riddu Riđđu 2025: Nêhiyawak-folket hedres som Årets nordlige folk
submitted by kimme to Sapmi [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 Parking-Particular43 Pakistan 💔
submitted by Parking-Particular43 to PakLounge [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 DrFuzz21 is there a way to recover manual balance???
with rail balance, no matter how bad it gets, you can shuffle enough times and it'll reset fully. is there any reset condition for manuals? or does the meter just exponentially get worse and worse???
submitted by DrFuzz21 to THPS [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Ok_Sugar_4612 I need clarity
I know I ‘19 F’ am also in the wrong, but my boyfriend ‘19 F’ and I have been together almost 2 years. He keeps following and stalking gives on instagram, tiktok, and even vsco. I understand it’s wrong for me to be going through his phone but I do it in front of him. I ask to check his phone now due to issues we have had in the past. I am not sure what to do anymore I feel so undervalued and have no trust in him anymore. He always says “sorry”, “i’ll change”, “i love you”, etc. I feel like he’s 100% gotten better with it but i genuinely don’t know if it’ll ever end. What more can I do?
submitted by Ok_Sugar_4612 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Special-Donkey3189 Chromebook stuck on “Getting the device ready”
My chromebook randomly reset and gave me a “Welcome to your chromebook” screen, i went through the first step which was putting on wifi, but it’s been stuck on the same screen for ages. Any fix?
submitted by Special-Donkey3189 to chromeos [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Tripple-Gs Yukimura or Miko Mitama or Scourge Kasli
submitted by Tripple-Gs to BattleCatsCheats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 MrRobot256 Is nobody else seeing this crap?? Am I hallucinating or did Capcut desktop add watermarks for non-pro users
submitted by MrRobot256 to CapCut [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Noledgebase PHP Bootcamp: The Complete Programming Course With MYSQL ($19.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 Drifter_Lucas What if Aladdin wished additional Earths into existence?
The planet Earth, specifically.
submitted by Drifter_Lucas to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]