2024.11.27 06:50 ChickenWitty I have about 2300 users, but only 2 paid users.
Conversion rate is less than 0.1> What am i doing wrong here?
About the tool: Helps people find low competition keywords. Result is based on analyzing data from SERP, People Also Ask, People Also Search, Reddit, and Quora.
USP: All at half the cost of leading SEO tools.
submitted by ChickenWitty to SaaS [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 hermes_best_bags CD 24 sizes 36/38/40
submitted by hermes_best_bags to Chanel_items [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 Fit-Morning5041 Obtaining offline YouTube content for research purpose
Hi everyone,
I am an academic researcher. In my current lab, we intend to use some videos during a research project. Basically, we plan to present videos containing both humans and food to participants in MRI, and record their brain activity. Because we need ~2h hours of long, steady and calm content, we're looking for things such as YouTube videos.
The issue is that, for technical reasons, we cannot use "live stream" videos (i.e., YouTube video player in a web browser). We need local video files (.mp4 for instance). And we found no legal way to download YouTube videos. We have obtained written approval from YouTube creators to reuse their already-uploaded videos, but they won't send us the original files. We are also paying YouTube Premium, which only provides a tons of temporary files, not the original files. We don't intend to modify the content in any way, and we will give full credits to original creators; which, in addition to educational objective, falls into "YouTube fair use".
I know it can sound too much consideration, but as academics we cannot use non-legal methods in any way. At the same time, the display of a streamed video or the screen-record of the same video sounds the same to me. Any legal advice?
submitted by Fit-Morning5041 to AskAcademia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Thomasshadbolt 2 things
2024.11.27 06:50 TopMoney6508 Can you still be a good person even though you’re doing something bad?
submitted by TopMoney6508 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 aloha4447 Last Resort cast doing their own "Pillow Talk"
Looks like what's normally in the Pillow Talk slot after 90DF eps they have a BTS/additional scenes episode for the Last Resort. Sharp/TLC reaaalllly desperate for content these days after (That said, I make poor life choices and I'll still be watching it because I watch every minute of this trash franchise) https://preview.redd.it/p1m1w2bl5e3e1.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=49549678f72c9a70f75fc38c7c223dfe18fea4b8 https://preview.redd.it/4gbun3bl5e3e1.png?width=687&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b61eae072762bf7d79ba054f456d04092c24de2 submitted by aloha4447 to 90DayFiance [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 nayr-26 241127 Ruka Weverse Moment Update
submitted by nayr-26 to BABYMONSTER [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 andybassuk93 Is this the “closest to breaking a record without breaking the record” measured?
From the BBC’s website on Arsenal’s win over Sporting:
*”Martinelli's goal, recorded at six minutes 43 seconds, was Arsenal's fastest in the competition since Theo Walcott netted against Basel in September 2016 (06:42).”
submitted by andybassuk93 to footballcliches [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Artur_exe The Poppy Field mission is either buggy or a Masterpiece
During yesterday's night session (of course) in Stalker 2 I got caught offguard by the poppy field mission and am wondering if any game has ever done this to me before.
So, you get a mission from a dude in the camp to go to the poppy field. Basically he tells you noone ever returns from the poppy field. On the field you meet another dude called Pomor who is all high and shit and wants you to search the poppy field for corpses and bring him ammo and broken guns(?). Right away something felt off, my first thought was: "Are you an anomaly/illusion to send me to my death?". After dying alot and figuring out how the poppy field works, finding all corpses and bringing him their loot, he tells you where the final stash with the idol is and wants to buy it from you. In return he would give you a custom gun (does it even exist?). When you return to him with the idol he lies DEAD on the floor which makes you think WTF is happening!?
An interesting sidenote:
In Ukrainian, "помер" (pronounced pomer) means "died".
After that you return to the original mission giver and get your cash so everything went according to plan I guess?
submitted by Artur_exe to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 OopsAllBallBearings Thoughts on this Boros aggro mouse deck?
Been finding a ton of success in Arena and personal matches with this deck. Weak areas would be removal and draw but that’s sometimes not an issue with how often you draw manifold mouse / heartfire hero. I try to offspring manifold mouse turn 4 so I can start double strike / trampling heartfire hero
submitted by OopsAllBallBearings to Magicdeckbuilding [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Outside_Scarcity7471 i dont know
guys how to turn on NSFW?
submitted by Outside_Scarcity7471 to CharacterAI_No_Filter [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Edgefall How its going
What do we need ? More Trains! Here we park our Train!!! No only for trains! No Petrol for me...... I hope it works out for you, Im just gonna take a break for a couple days, be back when tanks unlock i guess. submitted by Edgefall to foxholegame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 Fish_Fucker_Fucker23 On YouTube but not Spotify
I was looking to use a specific song (Deep Space - Audionautix) for a DnD campaign I am about to run. For a whole slew of reasons, I need to be able to use Spotify to play the song. Problem is, it doesn’t seem to exist on it. Am I just bad at searching or is it really not available? Also sorry if I’m breaking rules, I’m just desperately trying to solve this issue
submitted by Fish_Fucker_Fucker23 to spotify [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 DaEpikDerpGuy need help with headphones
So I'm looking for a new pair of "gaming" headphones for PC after my current Blackshark started having weird audio issues whenever I barely touched or moved the wire.
My price range is up to 100 EUROS and I'd prefer wireless while also having a mic. The mic quality does matter too much and ANC is not necessary.
My current choices are G733, G535 and Steelseries Arctis 1.
Can y'all tell me if these are any good and if you have any better suggestions.
submitted by DaEpikDerpGuy to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 falkoneto What do you think about this one?
Is this real?
submitted by falkoneto to CanadaGoose [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Azeemjaffer After Inc.
submitted by Azeemjaffer to iosgaming [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 JoeBDaGenie What light for 16x16x48?
Not my first time growing but my first time indoors and I'm lost on the lighting, any help would be tremendously appreciated, even just a jumping off point would help. Thank you
submitted by JoeBDaGenie to microgrowery [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Former_Soil_6471 Wil koopovereenkomst ontbinden maar winkel werkt tegen
Op 21 juni jl hebben wij een bank aangeschaft bij Woonsquare. Dit onder valse voorwendselen, want er zou een gemiddelde levertijd van 8-10 weken zijn en ‘over het algemeen eerder acht dan tien’. Na wel tien keer navragen zou dat echt zo zijn. Ook konden we het meubel niet in het desbetreffende filiaal ophalen (vlakbij ons) maar zouden we dat alleen bij het hoofdkantoor kunnen doen, wat voor ons enorm ver is. Hierdoor zijn we op bezorgkosten gejaagd. Helaas bleek later bij telefonische navraag beide zaken onjuist (gemiddeld 12 - 16 weken levertijd en bank wel af te halen bij filiaal). Verkoop onder valse voorwendselen is echter nooit erkend, noch is er excuses geweest.
Fast forward naar vandaag de dag: nooit enige informatie gehad over de status van de bestelling, anders dan bij eigen navraag. Medio oktober, toen bleek dat de uiterste leverdatum niet gehaald zou gaan worden (telefonisch, wederom eigen navraag en zelf erop moeten wijzen dat ze het niet gingen redden) kreeg ik vijf minuten na mijn telefoontje ineens een mail dat ze last hebben van overmacht. De timing, dat dit vijf minuten na mijn telefoontje was, zou op toeval berusten, ook al was er telefonisch nooit een woord over overmacht gerept. De overmachtsituatie zou de onrust in het Suez kanaal en de Rode Zee crisis betreffen. Dat deze situatie ten tijde van de koop ook al speelde en we hier nooit over geïnformeerd waren, doet er volgens Woonsquare niet toe. Bij geen enkele andere leverancier heb ik overigens enige vertraging van meubelen.
Nu is inmiddels de uiterste leverdatum niet gehaald en ik heb in een mail en telefonisch om ontbinding van de koopovereenkomst verzocht. Ik wil de bank namelijk niet meer, mijn vertrouwen in Woonsquare -voor zover ooit aanwezig- is geheel verdwenen, ook in geval er iets aan de bank mankeert mocht deze eindelijk geleverd zullen worden (voorspelling is nu februari en ik heb gezien dat Woonsquare klachten niet of nauwelijks afhandelt en ook pas na maanden klagen). Woonsquare gaat hier echter niet in mee, beroept zich op overmacht en rekent 50% annuleringskosten. Ik wil vanzelfsprekend kosteloos annuleren. Er wordt zogenaamd wel meegedacht, maar dit zijn allemaal oplossingen in ons nadeel en in voordeel van Woonsquare (nog duurdere bank op voorraad aan te schaffen). Ik ben eigenlijk wel klaar met hen. Op mijn verzoek -volgens CBW-voorwaarden, waar zij bij zijn aangesloten- uiteen te zetten waar die 50% annuleringskosten gegrond zijn, kreeg ik een enorm vaag document, getekend 2021 met een niet-werkend telefoonnummer. Tevens willen zij geen bewijs aanleveren van wanneer de order is uitgezet en zwart op wit met datum een bevestiging van de leverancier dat er sprake is van overmacht en dat deze specifieke order daarom vertraagd is. Ook kunnen ze niet vertellen wanneer ik wel kosteloos zou kunnen annuleren, noch kan een van de collega’s antwoorden als de dame die de afhandeling van onze case weer eens afwezig is (komt redelijk veel voor).
Helaas heb ik geen rechtsbijstand en Woonsquare is uitermate onprettig telefonisch en per email. Tevens gaat Woonsquare overal in de vertragende stand (mijns inziens in de hoop te rekken, zodat ze alsnog kunnen leveren en mij als klant kunnen behouden).
Wat te doen? Hebben jullie tips? Begint een vervelende situatie te worden, waar ik snel vanaf wil. Dank alvast!
Overigens zou ik Woonsquare aan eenieder vanzelfsprekend ten zeerste afraden.
submitted by Former_Soil_6471 to juridischadvies [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 Only-Umpire-642 Are you friends with or related to any mouth breathers?
submitted by Only-Umpire-642 to no [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 GA3Dtech I did a Unique DIY Light Sign with mostly FreeCAD, Blender & my little laser head fixed on my opensource SAK-Bot. I did stacked puzzle for the front face and standard puzzle assembly for the back. I've used also the CAM workbench to program my laser displacement, all details in link,I hope it help
submitted by GA3Dtech to FreeCAD [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 PeachInside4477 Have you ever felt like there is a warm presence of someone’s spirit but they’re not physically there? What is that like for you?
submitted by PeachInside4477 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 anshadlive المنشدة شمس محمد - الله الله على نور رسول الله
submitted by anshadlive to anshadlive [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 ibwitmypigeons Brand New Sentence
submitted by ibwitmypigeons to CuratedTumblr [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:50 STDs4U What are your thoughts on TF clones?
Been thinking of expanding my collection and I'm very interested in getting a TF but obviously that's big bucks to pay. What would y'all recommend on which is better for Tom Ford — Fragrance World or Maison Alhambra?
submitted by STDs4U to fragranceclones [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:50 keedee2 Is napalm better than bombs at bombing airfields?
If it takes 4 bombs to kill a base, and 2 napalm bombs to kill one as well, does that translate to airfields?
submitted by keedee2 to WarthunderSim [link] [comments]