Julia und Jana oder Lisa und Lena? Welches Geschwister Duo gefällt euch besser. 0513efa8129f94eb3603409da1cd61c91df7be15ca590ac7f6cd5da6b0a1820e48

2024.11.27 07:30 Infinite_Pea3445 Julia und Jana oder Lisa und Lena? Welches Geschwister Duo gefällt euch besser. 0513efa8129f94eb3603409da1cd61c91df7be15ca590ac7f6cd5da6b0a1820e48

submitted by Infinite_Pea3445 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 vantaratine Coway Discount Online

Go to this page for Coway Discount Online. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by vantaratine to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 Virtual_Evening_4857 I’m new to Tau

So I want to start to play Tau but I have no clue where to start I just want a strong army that can counter vehicles and decently damage infantry but I don’t know what does what is good any suggestions for a 1000-2000 point army?
submitted by Virtual_Evening_4857 to Tau40K [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 False-Guarantee-6020 Gibt es einen Stammtisch für Nicht-Muttersprachler in Graz?

Hallo zusammen,
ich wollte mich erkundigen, ob es in Graz einen Stammtisch oder eine ähnliche Gruppe für Leute gibt, die Deutsch als Fremdsprache sprechen. Ich spreche schon auf B1/B2-Niveau, aber ich fühle mich oft unsicher, wenn ich Deutsch mit Muttersprachlern spreche.
Deshalb würde ich gerne mit Menschen reden, die in einer ähnlichen Situation sind, oder mit Muttersprachlern, die Lust haben, uns zu unterstützen. Der Fokus wäre auf lockere Gespräche, ohne Druck – einfach, um die Sprache im Alltag zu üben.
Hat jemand Interesse oder kennt so eine Gruppe? Falls es keine gibt, könnten wir vielleicht selbst eine starten. 😊
Freue mich auf eure Antworten!
submitted by False-Guarantee-6020 to graz [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 Gqrey communication error while making custom profile!! send help

communication error while making custom profile!! send help i spent an hour making this and i forgot to save periodically, and it said a communication error occurred. can it be saved? do i have to redo this?????????? (pls say no)
submitted by Gqrey to ProjectSekai [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 ModularMeatlance Escape10 missions

Hi All,
A friend and I really enjoy placing the Escape10 missions created by Bohemia- they are always well balanced, logical, challenging and fun. Especially as we normally play with just 2 people, so this requires some softer settings in some cases and careful respawn management!
We’ve completed all the core ones quite a few times: escape10 Malden, Altis, Stratis, Tanoa, as well as the escape missions in Prarie Fire campaign.
My question is are there any more in any of the creatorDLCs worth playing? Do any of the other DLCs add any more of these escape missions?
Thanks in advance for any input!
*note- we’ve tried a few of the community ones and have found varying results- some seem quite buggy, or the respawn positions don’t seem to function as expected, but if there are any other community made ones at the level of the Bohemia created ones, keen to know about them too!
submitted by ModularMeatlance to arma [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 fiddlesticks-app Fiddlesticks Match #1280

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by fiddlesticks-app to Fiddlesticks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 reddit_lss_2 This an automation added post 27/11/2024 07:29:44

this is a post description 27/11/2024 07:29:44
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 balkanxoslut Which music video would you have liked to be in?

submitted by balkanxoslut to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 Skullface123x Xerox Shop In J block?

submitted by Skullface123x to redtaganna [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 Justlooking000013 Big Dick image by justlooking000013p

Big Dick image by justlooking000013p submitted by Justlooking000013 to PrinceAlbertPics [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 holyschsism those who got interviews from imperial for finance and data science, what were your tmua scores?

stressing tf out rn
submitted by holyschsism to 6thForm [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 Due_Assumption_6432 Epic DOYOUNG for sale!am I getting a good deal?

Epic DOYOUNG for sale!am I getting a good deal? Is this a good deal for this epic? I thought epics should go for way more, is anyone willing to buy this from me for more than that loll
submitted by Due_Assumption_6432 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 veeSpot Zamazenta anyone? 888271994969

submitted by veeSpot to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 Exploding_END tuah

tuah submitted by Exploding_END to whenthe [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 Mivadeth Pokédex is so underrated

So there is this card that allows you to check the three top cards of your deck. While this may seem useless since you can't draw them at this exact moment, some players have found the way to efficiently use Pokédex.
It doesn't allow you to draw the cards but it gives you the most valuable resource in any game: information. The key here is knowing what to do with that information.
This can be giving energy to certain pokémon because you just saw you are drawing it's evolution next turn, or the other way around, giving the energy to a different Pokémon because now you know you are not evolving it soon enough.
There is also what I personally consider the BEST use for a Pokédex: combining it with PokéBall to change the tides of the battle.
In my experience this works a lot better in decks witg Stage 2 Pokémon such as Mewtwo, Alakazam or even Charizard, where you need your Stage 2 Pokémon to be succesful at all.
So let's imagine a scenario: you are playing Charizard, you have a Moltres with one energy in the active spot, and you have a Charmeleon in bench. You also have a Charizard in hand. You are in need of Charmeleon.
Now, you could be giving energy to Charmander every turn and hope for a Charmeleon to show but it may show too late. I am not telling you how to draw it faster, but you can somehow increase the chances of doing it by following these steps:
1- Have a Pokédex and a PokéBall in hand.
2- Use Pokédex BEFORE using Pokéball and scout your deck.
2.1 if Charmeleon is in those three top cards, you delay your PokéBall.
2.2 if Charmeleon is not in those three top cards, you use your Pokéball to shuffle the deck.
So basically PokéBall serves two purposes, the main one is drawing a basic Pokémon, but it also serves as a deck shuffler. Every time you use a PokéBall, you may be shuffling your Charmeleon to the bottom of your deck wiwhout knowing it, Pokédex gives you information so you can actually prevent that.
Again, Charmeleon could be at the bottom of your deck and after you shuffle it could be at the bottom still but at least you hade one chance of putting in in the top. The less cards left the more chances of it.
With the decks veing only composed by 20 cards it may be hard to include a Pokédex for this only purpose and I get that. I included one in my Alakazam deck and for now it's doing well for me. Just wanted to share this little trick.
submitted by Mivadeth to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 Asuka_TLR I tried to combine TETO with my usual minimalist style.

submitted by Asuka_TLR to KasaneTeto [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 thesillygirl25 Offering 5-7 cards detailed reading for USD 3 (on discount) //Spreads (8-10 cards) for USD 5

Offering 5-7 cards detailed reading for USD 3 (on discount) //Spreads (8-10 cards) for USD 5 submitted by thesillygirl25 to TarotReadersOfReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 Lucymaidencd Feeling girly

The best thing about crossdresser is that you can have so many different looks. I hope that you think I make a good woman.
submitted by Lucymaidencd to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 Wolfj13 Extrembiote Dragon

Extrembiote Dragon Given how hard it is to control a symbiote independently, it was interesting seeing him using the Extremis virus as a vector to hijack other symbiotes.
submitted by Wolfj13 to Marvel [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 drainbance is it possible to find out what genes hes made out of? he has a faint yellow line on his spine

submitted by drainbance to BallPythonMorph [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 Ok-Refrigerator My one regret about my divorce is

That my wedding ring was perfect and now I can never wear it again.That I had my ring custom made to my design . It fit my style, personality and lifestyle. The man was a depressed cheating douchebag who tried to kill me when I left, but the ring was lovely.
I remarried 15 years ago to a kind and thoughtful man who picked out an absolutely hideous expensive ring. It's flashy and blocky and heavy and impractical. Oh , and it gives me rashes because it traps soap and onion juice in these channels underneath. I sometimes see my old ring when I'm cleaning, and it makes me sad (also impressed with the taste of Ok-Refrigerator from 20 years ago lol).
I'm not going to be in a financial position to buy a new ring for years. I don't want to make my husband feel bad. How can I acquire and wear a ring I actually love again? How can I explain it to my guy?
submitted by Ok-Refrigerator to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 PepperMint_Frost Does anyone has "Imogen Heap - Box Of Tricks" cracked for windows?

If anyone has it i would appreciate it!
submitted by PepperMint_Frost to CrackedPluginsXI [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 Square_Excitement369 "July 4th" & "Human Chain" sets for regifting

submitted by Square_Excitement369 to Pocketfrogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:30 xPecT_MaLiCe Hotel Galifornia

Just found out about this a little while ago is there any significance to the counter saying to come back in a little over a week?
submitted by xPecT_MaLiCe to Gali [link] [comments]
