Feel like I'm tripping. Used this bag daily for two years and this is the first time I'm realizing that the strap is in reverse. Can this happen during use or have I been wearing it uncomfortably all this time?

2024.11.27 07:54 lomsucksatchess Feel like I'm tripping. Used this bag daily for two years and this is the first time I'm realizing that the strap is in reverse. Can this happen during use or have I been wearing it uncomfortably all this time?

Feel like I'm tripping. Used this bag daily for two years and this is the first time I'm realizing that the strap is in reverse. Can this happen during use or have I been wearing it uncomfortably all this time? submitted by lomsucksatchess to ChromeIndustries [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 Glad_Prompt2516 Just got top surgery and nobody is answering my questions about drains

I’ll be honest I think I might be entering panic mode. I got top surgery on Friday November 22. Drains have been doing fine and right away there was a lot less than expected, so m also taking norco for pain and it’s a lot more manageable with. I tried spacing out my doses more in fear of addiction and my body never felt more sensitive or out of my own control. So I’m trying to play it as safe as possible.
However two days ago I noticed some dry blood around the tube of one of my drains poking out from under my compression binder. I asked my sister help pealing that small side up to see what’s going on and there was a line of dried blood around the one pipes connection and that’s it. The other side was fine. Also this drain, drain 1, had much lighter liquid within 2 days post op indicating a very speedy recovery. At least I think. I’m the first of any of my friends to get this surgery so I really don’t know what to expect.
My dad and sister say they aren’t concerned and think I’m overreacting. However something just feels off and I want to listen to my body. I really don’t want any complications so am I just catastrophising over nothing?
Also the tubes the drains are connected to kinda hang low and are held to my chest with Bobby pins but now I notice dark red fluid/stuff is built at the lowest part where the tube hangs down and I try moving it with my fingers but it doesn’t move and looks like a string of red something all connected hard to break apart all lining the entire tube. Not sure if it’s a clot or not it’s very long and thin. How concerned should I be?
I called the doctor and they said they’d get back to me, so far nobody has gotten back to me. Every family member says it’s not a concern but this is kinda scaring me because I have no clue what it’s supposed to look like and I don’t like having my well being in other peoples hands especially since they’re all cis and don’t know what they’re dealing with. If any of you guys know what I’m talking about please please please help?
submitted by Glad_Prompt2516 to TransMasc [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 Spirited-Question293 warhammer 40k darktide lookin for 3

submitted by Spirited-Question293 to steamdeckteamup [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 RadiantSeries2646 Hilfe bei der Sendung

Hilfe bei der Sendung Moin zusammen,
Gestern Stand das das Paket für die Verladung ins zustellfahrzeug vorbereitet wird, und heute wird es Plötzlich zum weitertransport vorbereitet. Habt ihr sowas schon mal gehabt? Gestern wurde ein anderes Paket zugestellt, da lief alles ohne Probleme.
submitted by RadiantSeries2646 to dhl_deutsche_post [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 luxmeatruth Free Student-led Finance Newsletter - Advice, Feedback and Suggestions

Hey guys!👋 We're a bunch of finance-curious students from Australia who got tired of drowning in ads, fluff, and info that barely matters while trying to "read more finance news" (thanks for the advice, professors -_- )
So, we said: Why not fix it ourselves?
Enter: The Weekly Charge - A free, no-nonsense, student-led newsletter breaking down the top 5 finance stories of the week in a casual, jargon-free manner.
We read (a LOT of) news so you don't have to. You'll get: - Bite-sized finance updates that actually matters. - Sent straight to your inbox every week. - Totally free-forever. No strings, no catch, no spam, no jargon.
Whether you're grinding through assignments, binging Netflix, or pretending to be a stock market wizard we've got your back with finance news that fits into your life.
Wanna join? Sign up at https://weeklycharge.beehiiv.com/ and check out our past issues!
Learn More About Our Mission: https://weeklycharge.beehiiv.com/c/about-us
We only *officially* launched 2 weeks ago so advice, comments or feedback would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by luxmeatruth to GrowthStocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 Reasonable_Ad4172 What’s the one piece of advice you wish you had when you started learning to code?

Focus on building real projects instead of getting stuck in tutorial hell. Pick one language, stick with it, and create something—even if it’s small and simple. You'll learn so much more by doing than by endlessly consuming tutorials!
submitted by Reasonable_Ad4172 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 NefariousnessFit4425 Boys, send that risky text

Boys, send that risky text submitted by NefariousnessFit4425 to IndianBoysOnTinder [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 hardcoretubbins New bots for the HP fans

Draco: https://share.character.ai/Wv9bx9dwuez
Harry: https://share.character.ai/Wv9c1zuuuy0
Seamus: https://share.character.ai/Wv94vcdt1s5
Feel free to do whatever you want with them & let me know if there’s any others you guys would like.
submitted by hardcoretubbins to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 chicken19-- Sonic the hedgehog (2005) and Rayman SA1 pose

Sonic the hedgehog (2005) and Rayman SA1 pose The Sonic drawing I did 2 months ago, the Rayman sa1 drawing I did yesterday.
submitted by chicken19-- to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 CouncilofNut SAOFD: Weekly Argo News (November 27th)

SAOFD: Weekly Argo News (November 27th) submitted by CouncilofNut to SAOFD [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 Sweaty-Specialist-44 [i ate] Ultimate Cajun Pasta with shrimp and grilled chicken

[i ate] Ultimate Cajun Pasta with shrimp and grilled chicken submitted by Sweaty-Specialist-44 to food [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 Flying-Coyote iPhone 13:This might be unpopular, but I actually like the painting look of some pictures. But why does it happen?

iPhone 13:This might be unpopular, but I actually like the painting look of some pictures. But why does it happen? Bought my first iPhone and I’m really happy with most things in general including the camera. Some pictures have this oily paint look, especially when I increase exposure. However I wonder why this happens and if there’s any way to control the sharpness of the final product. I will attach an example.
Thank you.
submitted by Flying-Coyote to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 CouncilofNut SAOFD: Weekly Argo News (November 27th)

SAOFD: Weekly Argo News (November 27th) submitted by CouncilofNut to swordartonline [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 Puzzleheaded_Mood984 Realization of being conscious

How old were u guys when u realised like fk I'm alive n being born in Nepal is a curse.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Mood984 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 AskMeAnythingIAnswer Zollikerberg at 08:54

Zollikerberg at 08:54 submitted by AskMeAnythingIAnswer to Zollikerberg [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 No-Sheepherder-8764 The Autobot Elite Guard, the de facto leaders of the faction while Optimus Prime is away (Ultra Magnus, Elita-1, Jazz, and Perceptor)

The Autobot Elite Guard, the de facto leaders of the faction while Optimus Prime is away (Ultra Magnus, Elita-1, Jazz, and Perceptor) submitted by No-Sheepherder-8764 to TransformersArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 Redfortandbeyond Location

Hi All.
I'm here on my 5th visit and am looking for where to stay for 3/4 months next year.
We are going to be looking for Condo on the West Side of CM so I have easy access to the hills.
The condo should have pool and gym. ( as in better than Chomdoi and cheaper than Sky River)
We stayed in nimman last year in a really nice top floor apartment but the planes were too noisy.
Can you guys suggest any Condos that meet these requirements?
submitted by Redfortandbeyond to chiangmai [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 muzzyyo Booth pic! c:

Booth pic! c: submitted by muzzyyo to solaropposites [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 synthsoldier Synthsoldier - Escape

Synthsoldier - Escape submitted by synthsoldier to hardstyle [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 Zemiriel Decreto Fiscale, la mossa che raddoppia il finanziamento pubblico: 2 per mille ai partiti anche senza la preferenza del contribuente. Ma Mattarella solleva dubbi

Decreto Fiscale, la mossa che raddoppia il finanziamento pubblico: 2 per mille ai partiti anche senza la preferenza del contribuente. Ma Mattarella solleva dubbi submitted by Zemiriel to Italia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 AstronomerIll2335 Oh my gotto, it's alecc Pandeyyy

Oh my gotto, it's alecc Pandeyyy Emotion🫦
submitted by AstronomerIll2335 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 VonLycaonsDoormat What drug does Anaxa take to help with his depression?

submitted by VonLycaonsDoormat to thanksjingyuan [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 OrochiYoshi I only play Frontier Defense because I suck at FPS games

Played Ghosts and BO2 in the past and I had my face mopped around the map. Played Attrition Mode recently and even the Titan Brawl mode and I still get destroyed the entire match.
But in Frontier Defense, even if I'm at the bottom of the food chain, I know I'm still helping the team. Dashing in between Legions and my Titan Ally to Vortex Shield the bullets with Ion just feels so special to me. I'm not getting any points much because I'm too busy holding off Reapers with Scorch near them..
BUT that's ok! Everyone has a role in the team and being 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th doesn't matter in the scoreboard, what matters is we beat all the waves together. I love Titanfall 2 and it's various game modes, everything's fun for everybody. :)
submitted by OrochiYoshi to titanfall [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 SisterMaryAwesome Buying a home pole

Ok, so my sister and I want to start pole, and decided to get one to practice on. I know I should probably know better than to trust a Wal-Mart pole (lol), but would it be ok for a beginner? Is there a variance of quality in poles, or are they all pretty much the same? Are some brands better than others? Any recommendations gladly accepted. If this isn’t allowed, feel free to delete, mods.
submitted by SisterMaryAwesome to poledancing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 07:54 Sorabellesilli I drew my favorites !

I drew my favorites ! Don’t ask why Agetha is always a capybara in my art :3
submitted by Sorabellesilli to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments]
