Peyton List

2024.11.27 08:40 Helpimapepple1 Peyton List

Peyton List submitted by Helpimapepple1 to CelebrityArmpits2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 Lost_Anywhere_4871 M 1——————-4️⃣ I need a mommy or a trans woman please 05ea2f437b307b639dedee15ce81aaf9490db7f76ef731c92c8fcf65b530005752

submitted by Lost_Anywhere_4871 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 ElmiraKadiev Madelyn Francesca @maddiefrancessca

Madelyn Francesca @maddiefrancessca submitted by ElmiraKadiev to 11line [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 PepsiColaPussy7860 Happy Birthday Erik! Wishing and praying this is the last birthday you have to spend behind bars.

Happy Birthday Erik! Wishing and praying this is the last birthday you have to spend behind bars. submitted by PepsiColaPussy7860 to MenendezBrothers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 hiIAmJan $350/mo for changing canonical url? Really?

$350/mo for changing canonical url? Really? We have just migrated our page to framer and I am using Netlify as reverse proxy because I need to do some backward compatibility rewrites.
Now we have SEO issues reported due to wrong canonical URL. And the only option to fix it is to pay $350 monthly.
Sorry, but $350 for changing one attribute value sounds very unfair.
submitted by hiIAmJan to framer [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 kureoli Need your help tech people, please

We’ll need respondents between ages 12-59 y/o, with emphasis on Gen Zs (12-27 y/o) and Millennial Parents (28-43 y/o) so we’re kindly asking if you can also share this with family, friends, former colleagues who fit in the criteria/indicated age brackets.
you may also answer the survey in your most convenient time, but we’re hoping to get results within the day.
thank you so much! 🙏🏼
submitted by kureoli to TechPhilippines [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 ForOhaea Hey WNBA gooner why don’t you explain yourself session in comments

submitted by ForOhaea to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 DreadknaughtArmex Phasing out dead enemies

I was leaving a cave in Cordon after being attacked by a Controller, I got in a fight with 2 random soldier enemies who's corpses turned blue and phased out after I tried to loot them. Is this a hallucination from the mutant? Or some sort of bug?
submitted by DreadknaughtArmex to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 EngineerLow7448 You need to check this 🚨

An old interview with Howard Blum says this about the FBI using genetic genealogy in the case:
“This is what the defense I believe is going to use ( against the prosecutors), they access ( the FBI ) genetic websites like: Ancestry which are illegal, law enforcement can't by law access them. If can be established his Fourth Amendment rights were violated well then the whole case could be in Jeopardy."

submitted by EngineerLow7448 to Idaho4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 Jylon10 these two at Melbourne Zoo got me thinking.. maybe stoned atheist is okay after all. Maybe we just different

these two at Melbourne Zoo got me thinking.. maybe stoned atheist is okay after all. Maybe we just different submitted by Jylon10 to Fishdom [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 More-Hippo8852 how many breaks should you get for a 9 hour shift

my rm says u should only be getting one 10 and a 30, but other stores have given me two 10s and 1 30
submitted by More-Hippo8852 to hungryjacks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 Naive-Tea-1640 Drilled into this rock and found the center glows green under black light.

Drilled into this rock and found the center glows green under black light. submitted by Naive-Tea-1640 to whatsthisrock [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 Teamerr3 Antifurry meme

Antifurry meme submitted by Teamerr3 to AntiFurryImperium [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 Azyle 200 Members with my "Join"!

Just discovered this game and as a huge fan of all true Survival games (The Long Dark, Stranded Deep, Subnautica, Grounded, Raft, Valheim, etc, etc), I am amazed that I had never heard of this one and further amazed Steam never seemed to have even offered it up or showcased it to me in my store feed. Makes no sense! I would have early accessed this one the day it came out.
Started immediately playing blind and going with Ironman, Very Hard because I wanted that pure difficulty and fun of trying over and over to survive like Interloper Long Dark used to be for me. So far, it has been that. Enjoying this game so much, I feel it is far superior to Stranded Deep for the Stranded-Island Survival genre and better designed over all. Only on the first island so far and slowly learning it, but wow, to think their is other islands/biomes to actually one day get to has me super stoked.
Anyhow, glad I found it and the subreddit and happy to be the 200th member here!
submitted by Azyle to survivalFOY [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 TimInosanto Physical release for PS5

As the title implies, will this game receive a physical disc release for the PS5 console?
submitted by TimInosanto to TheFirstBerserker [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 darklion15 Opaaa cam asemănător

Opaaa cam asemănător submitted by darklion15 to Roumanie [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 TYC888 Just completed the Campaign. the story is meh. my thoughts

Played Diablo since D2, just completed D4. heres my thought with D3 v D4
D4 main character is a pawn. we have so little in the story might as well be anyone.
No idea why we have to kill Lilith when she let us off so many times. i also dont see whats her fault in D4, she wanted to end the eternal conflict, she hates both Angels and Demons. she created santuary (human world), and the eternal conflict is bad for humans. In D3 we see both angels and demons are the same really, doesnt care about humans and just wanna destroy each other for reasons. and in D3 we get to beat up both angels and demons. the best of the best, and we win.
the stake in D4 also seems weak compare to D3, only santuary that MIGHT be destroyed, compare to D3 where the whole everything would be gone, and we also get to experience heaven map and hell map. In D4 all the maps are hell and broken hubris and swamp.
Boss wise, we beat all prime evil and archangels in D3. in D4, we beat all the newly made demons. cant even beat up that arrogant Inarius. Also where is tyreal.
i think D4 has better Graphics, i like this new paragon system more customisation always good, gameplay is diablo nothing much to say. about to start DLC story now.
submitted by TYC888 to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 Odd_Ear6035 Trying to fill my cards again:) m29

Trying to fill my cards again:) m29 submitted by Odd_Ear6035 to nudebingo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 Born_Requirement_727 What is your puppy’s name?

Here is my loaf named Skadi the Norwegian goddess of winter. I was wondering what everyone called their little sausages.
submitted by Born_Requirement_727 to swedishvallhund [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 Doodesof Ewww, u smell like ______!

submitted by Doodesof to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 Prudent-Ad9230 25 M I need advice on something DM me

25 M I need advice on something DM me
submitted by Prudent-Ad9230 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 SunQuad Jinx/Vayne vs 650 Armor 6K HP Ornn (Video fps is low for image clarity purposes)

submitted by SunQuad to ADCMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 boogx One of those mornings

submitted by boogx to Cornwall [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 etchedRail Sideloadly taking its sweet time now?

I apprecaite the devs intentions to fix the issues, but I was a user with No issues before 0.55. Now that my 7 day refresh has come up and its on 0.55.3, ive had to figure out how to solve my issue and reinstall an app. I hope Sideloadly can return to taking around 1 minute for 3 apps instead of taking 5 for one ~100mb app.
submitted by etchedRail to sideloadly [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:40 Kid_Freundlich Ich🎄iel

submitted by Kid_Freundlich to ich_iel [link] [comments]