2024.11.27 08:28 Other-Ad-7945 Kaya Scodelario
submitted by Other-Ad-7945 to BritishCelebrityBabes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:28 Small_fry1998 Biting
I’m a mum & soon to be working at the same centre but I’m having issues with my son being bit constantly. Twice this week already and they are big red bites.
His teachers are aware of how upset we get when he gets bit because it’s always unprovoked biting from another kid.
But how do I approach and explain how I’m fed up with him coming home bit without being too aggressive because I’m about to be an employee there 😂
submitted by Small_fry1998 to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 masternowamz New single next week?
https://preview.redd.it/a1ex2es1ne3e1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee2e796eb97c9485ca3283d24f83223bac7cdc06 submitted by masternowamz to Dreamtheater [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:28 KellyfromLeedsUK 'I wouldn't call it eugenics as such': How Musk might influence Trump policy
submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:28 Right-Influence617 The Party in the Machine
A new AI tool allowing users to generate text based on the speeches of China’s top leader shows just how difficult it is to create tech that is both cutting-edge and politically compliant.
submitted by Right-Influence617 to ChinaNoCensorship [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 ObjectLeft8517 I had the Halloween fatalities why can’t I do them.
I bought them a while back. And now I’m tryna play the game after I took a break and can’t figure out how to do them
submitted by ObjectLeft8517 to MortalKombat [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 mocha_pudding All the makeup I own as a 21 year old✨
Some of it is really old (Hilary Rhoda for example😭) submitted by mocha_pudding to indianbeautyhauls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:28 TheCynicalKnitter Am I missing something?
I got my RM2 last week, first time user. So far I’ve been getting used to it, playing around a bit and I like it mostly. There are just two things that bother me/have me confused and I’m not sure if it’s me or the device. So hopefully I can get some feedback here.
1 - I feel like the handwriting is slightly off. Like the line begins about 0.5-1 mm away from where I would expect. For example, when I pause mid word and then try to connect my next letter by sight I always end up not quite where I want. Is my device broken or am I just not used to the pen placement on the screen yet?
2 - I cannot figure out how to create a new notebook or quick page in an existing folder. When I klick the little plus icon while in a folder and create a new notebook it always ends up under „my files“ instead of the folder I was in and then I have to manually move it to where I want. Is this normal?
Any help is appreciated! I feel like I’m going crazy here.
submitted by TheCynicalKnitter to RemarkableTablet [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 _Jamal Turnips selling for 535!
Donations appreciated but not required! Looking for real works of real art, NMTs, oranges, or bells.
Come join the queue: https://turnip.exchange/island/1f8a1b80
submitted by _Jamal to TurnipExchange [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 marcopolo7979 Kto wydoi swoja kol badz kimkolwiek, mogę pokazać jak wale z finałem
submitted by marcopolo7979 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 No-Function-4766 I found a purple tablet in a timecapsule
I noticed after that it’s blacklisted. Has this happened to anyone else or is this some sort of a glitch?
submitted by No-Function-4766 to subnautica [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 The-Flatypus Man Finishes Bodybuilding: 'I Lifted All the Weights'
submitted by The-Flatypus to theflatypus [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:28 reddit_lss_2 Crosspost image test for 27/11/2024 08:27:10
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 SectionOk517 Energy increases in the evening for no apparent reason
Energy increases in the evening for no apparent reason From what I found out the main factors for increase in energy are rest, food and also caffeine. From around 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm my energy increased from 37 to 44 for no clear reason. This happens often in the evenings. Could this be due to the times being my closing hours at work and my mind and body being more relaxed than during the day? Thanks in advance!y submitted by SectionOk517 to Garmin [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:28 InvincibleFan300 Brightburn Vs Percy Jackson Reposted Connections
So basically the last time I did this it had a terrible thumbnail and the connections weren't very clear Connections: ●Both were raised not knowing who their true parents were,often getting bullied in their schools ●Both devolped their powers when they were 12 years old ●Both are humanoid beings with Percy being a demigod and Brandon being an Alien ●There were signs of them being different even before they devolped powers,with Percy often seeing things that weren't there and having multiple mental ailments,and Brandon being much smarter than the average 12 year old and never being bruised or sick in his life ●It's also a Good vs Evil matchup Contrasts: ●Brandon was shown to be extremely smartvin schools while Percy was absolutely horrible in school Cons: ●It doesn't go very deep into Percy's lore and Brandon's aspect as being an evil Superman ●No matter what version of Percy you use the debate is always very lopsided in his favor with Brandon falling behind hard,the dynamic is a bit confusing and the animation might be a bit weird ●There's a decent tonal clash as well submitted by InvincibleFan300 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:28 Sufficient-Pool5958 I feel like something is missing, any advice?
**I write this letter to tell you how I feel. It means I’m too shy, or I’m scared to get the words wrong, or maybe I just can’t find the right moment to bring it up in conversation.**
I love you.2024.11.27 08:28 ksabas80 Thanksgiving Leftovers! Weekend Grindhouse Schedule - Fri 11/29 - Sun 12/1
Playing this weekend @ 420Grindhouse.
Showtime starts each day at about Noon PST. If you have any issues getting cytube to work - check the FAQ.
Friday Thanksgiving Leftovers
Funky Cheese Friday
2024.11.27 08:28 kwinz I want an Insta360 X4 1inch version.
I want an Insta360 X4 1inch version.
Or an upgrade of the OneRS 1-inch with the bigger battery, higher bitrate and 8k resolution of the X4.
Personally I would prefer an 1inch sensor version of the X4.
I am tired of having to pick between the X4 and the OneRS 1-inch. I want both the features of the X4 and the noise performance of 1inch sensors.
submitted by kwinz to Insta360 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 tocco-voice Lets Get to know Avalose Unda-Roasted Rice Jaggery Laddoo | Tocco
Introducing "Avalose Unda-Roasted Rice Jaggery Laddoo" – a delightful fusion of traditional flavors and modern health consciousness. Crafted from the finest roasted rice and wholesome jaggery, these laddoos offer a tantalizing blend of sweetness and nutrition. Inspired by the classic "ari unda" recipe, they embody the essence of homemade goodness. Indulge guilt-free in these healthy treats, perfect for satisfying your sweet cravings while nourishing your body.
Avalose Unda-Tocco
submitted by tocco-voice to HomemadeSnacks [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 BadiestCraze Classic car help
Hi. I'm not selling or soliciting. I have a classic car i need to get rid of but know nothing about the classic car communities. Asking for help to connect me to a group or community that can assist. Thanks.
submitted by BadiestCraze to classiccars [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 Fraaneekk Que es el amor
El amor es el mas bello sentimiento que nos obsequio Dios, eI AMOR es olvidarse de uno mismo por pensar en la persona amada, es soñar despierto con la persona que tanto deseas, EL AMOR es cuando la persona que tanto añoras esta en tu ultimo pensamiento antes de dormir y el primero al despertar, el AMOR es vivir con la idea de pasar el resto de tu vida al Iado de la persona que amas, el amor es algo que sientes dentro del pecho y que al tratar de expresarlo te faltan palabras, el AMOR es esperar con ansiedad ese momento en el que podras volver a ver y abrazar a la persona que tanto extrañas, el AMOR es alegría y tristeza, lagrimas y sonrisas, dolor y felicidad, el AMOR es entregarse plenamente sin miedo a equivocarse, el AMOR es sentir nostalgia cuando no estan juntos, el AMOR es llorar desesperadamente cuando piensas que todo puede terminar, el AMOR es cuando no sabes cómo explicarle a tus manos que ya no podran tocar mas esa calida piel, cuando no sabrás cómo explicarle a tus labios que no volveran a sentir ese rose sublime de sus encantos, cuando no sabras qué decirle a tu mente que deje de pensar y soñar en ese ser amado porque ya de ti se han olvidado, cuando jamas podras explicarle a tu corazon y a tu alma que ese ser que te dio tanta luz y tantos motivos para seguir adelante tiene otros planes y tu no vas incluido en ellos, el AMOR es sorprender todos los días y en todos los aspectos posibles sin importar el que diran, porque si todo lo que haces por tu pareja es con amor existira todo lo que pueda juzgarlo pero nada que pueda separarlo, el AMOR es entregarse en cuerpo y alma con fidelidad para toda la vida sin importar cuantas veces que por esa persona se tenga que luchar. El perdon es la maxima expresion del AMOR, pero Io mas importante del AMOR que yo siento por ti es... lo que tu... tú AMOR de mi vida haces sentir aqui dentro de mi corazon.
submitted by Fraaneekk to POESIA [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 AK_CEEZ Looking for feedback.. AK CEEZ - What If
submitted by AK_CEEZ to shareyourmusic [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 Tofutits_Macgee Any sims players? One of my sims became a vampire so I gave the family a makeover to look like some of the True Knot. (Doctor Sleep) I was devastated to learn these sims can't eat the tasty kids.
submitted by Tofutits_Macgee to stephenking [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:28 aebline Ripetizioni di inglese a un ragazzo dislessico
Questo venerdì dovrò fare ripetizioni di inglese a un ragazzo dislessico. Dato che è la primissima volta che faccio questo tipo di lavoro, qualcuno ha qualche consiglio per rendere la lezione piacevole e non pesante al ragazzino?
Non so il livello né tanto meno il tipo di dislessia e per di più non è stata neanche sua mamma a dirmelo, ma la mia in un secondo momento dato che si conoscono e quindi suppongo ne abbiano discusso assieme...
So che gli piacciono i videogiochi, potrebbe essere un'idea quella di farlo giocare a qualcosa per una mezz'oretta? (La sessione di ripetizione è di due ore)
submitted by aebline to CasualIT [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:28 Grasusui Going in blind- what ethnicity do I look?
I'm adopted from China, but honestly have no clue what ancestry I am from and get varying answers with only about 10% of people asked actually saying I look Chinese. Also, just for reference since apparently there are some thoughts and studies on this as they relate to Asian women- I am 5'6" (167 cm) I also have a fuller bust (US 32DD-DDD) (last picture is the only side one to show the shape of my whole face- please don't smite me, mods ❤️) submitted by Grasusui to phenotypes [link] [comments] |