2024.11.27 08:46 ilcoca Cambiare lavoro e pensare già al successivo
M28. Faccio un lavoro che non mi piace (impiegato da commercialista) full time per 24k RAL e sto fuori casa dalle 8 alle 13.20 e dalle 14.40 alle 18.50 (commute 15 minuti e pausa pranzo a casa).
Mi si presentano due opportunità che se tutto va bene potrei cogliere: si tratta - circa - dello stesso lavoro (però in azienda, quindi meglio), per 30/32k RAL (+ credo buoni pasto) e mi farebbe stare fuori casa dalle 8 alle 19.30 (commute 45 minuti).
Entrambi i lavori sono 100% in sede, niente smart.
Qual è il punto? Il punto è che vorrei proprio cambiare tipologia di lavoro e dunque mi troverei sicuramente ad iniziare questa esperienza pensando già al dopo.
Cosa fareste al posto mio? Ha senso fare questo passaggio, e quindi affrontare il periodo di ambientamento in una nuova realtà, dovendo pure trovare il tempo per fare colloqui e ricerca del posto che voglio?
submitted by ilcoca to ItaliaCareerAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 keshksh17 صحيت على خبر سعيد
واحد زميلي في الشغل بهزر أنا و هو دائما و بقوله انت ابني و هو بيقولي يا بابا على اساس ان أنا معلمه حاجات كتير في الشغل النهارده الصبح لقيته بيكلمني وبيقولي مبروك هتبقى جد فبركتله و كنت مبسوط جدا لأنه متجوز من سنتين و كان عنده مشكله في الإنجاب و المشكلة كانت من عنده بس اتحلت الحمد الله و مراته حامل دلوقتي و بجد من أسعد الاخبار اللى سمعتها من فتره كبيرة لأن الموضوع ده كان مسببله ازمه كبيره و الحمد الله ربنا نوله مراده بالحمل و أن شاء الله بالخلفة قريب
submitted by keshksh17 to CAIRO [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 PhilosopherOdd3392 A jornada vai ser longa, escolha um para te acompanhar
submitted by PhilosopherOdd3392 to Maromba [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:46 AK_CEEZ Looking for feedback.. AK CEEZ - What If
Hello there.. So I've always loved and wanted to make music, I finally pulled the finger out this past couple of months and have released a handful of songs. I feel like it's good/getting better, however some other perspectives would be amazing, any and all constructive criticism/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. also looking for other artists to link up with if interested.
submitted by AK_CEEZ to MusicPromotion [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 MusicHeaven1 Check if a company is legit
Hello ! How to make sure that a company is legit in china ? I want to buy products from a company I found online.
submitted by MusicHeaven1 to AskChina [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 TrungNguyenT Do you practice reading sheets that you haven't listened to?
So far I have been practice reading pieces that I wanted to learn a lot, and do feel like my learning speed increases a bit overtime alongside my ability to read music sheets. But everything I have read is music that I love a lot and have listened to hundreds of times throughout my life.
I have friends who study professionally and they are given sheets that are unknown to them as exercises and exams. This seems very intimidating to me. So just want to ask everyone here if such practice is important for musicianship overall? Even though I am just an amateur and my learning goal is clearly playing a few composers that I love, I am very curious about this.
submitted by TrungNguyenT to piano [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 Puzzled-Bid-1382 Next AC game we should be able to customize our hidden blade
We should be able to customize our hidden blades and give it new gadgets. I personally think that having different blade designs and gadgets on your blade could be really cool. You should be able to either have a phantom blade or a hidden gun at times for more long range approaches, or you could give yourself that hinge blade thing where you can use it like a normal knife for more combat situations. Or get the hook blade for more parkour abilities.
It would also be cool if you could have an upgrade menu like you have in Mirage, which could give you different abilities with each blade and you could prioritize one type of blade over the other.
And later on you could have two blades to have two different set ups with your hidden blade. One you could have a stealthy approach and the other could be for quickly taking down a group of enemies.
Also it would be cool if you could customize the colors of the blade and give it different engravings or bracers (or whatever that thing is that the blade is attached to) in order to match the outfit your going for.
submitted by Puzzled-Bid-1382 to assasinscreed [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 Aggroplayer I'm Woozy
I was feeling a bit annoyed at only getting the gloves but I can't complain anymore. submitted by Aggroplayer to 2007scape [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:46 DJSANJ Huawei Mate 70 - Specifications and Price
submitted by DJSANJ to AndroidCrunch [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:46 AulRider Offres de cashback à outrance : quels intérêts ?
Hello la commu
(H35 ici)
Mes trois banques (HB, SG, LBP) m'envoient, depuis quelques semaines environ, régulièrement des mails pour que je souscrive à leur offre de cashback.
J'avoue être assez méfiant à l'égard de ce truc, auriez vous des retours d'expérience à partager ? Faut y aller ou passer son tour ?
Je peux pas m'empêcher de penser à la phrase "si c'est gratuit c'est que c'est toi le produit", et encore plus pour le cashback où en gros, si j'ai bien compris, on vous promet de vous donner de l'argent en échange de dépenses...
Merci d'avance pour vos retours :)
submitted by AulRider to vosfinances [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 kkgmgfn Does 10k off work for you guys on these credit cards?
submitted by kkgmgfn to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:46 Ilovegothgalls BOYZ IZ DER SUCH FING AZ 2 MANI LIL GITZ???
submitted by Ilovegothgalls to orks [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 WTXNews Shambles - The Irish News
submitted by WTXNews to UK_News24 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:46 Apprehensive-Cup2728 King shot but does anybody want to swap two seater tickets for two standing tickets at Leeds next week?
submitted by Apprehensive-Cup2728 to fontainesdc [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 Silly_Voice8731 Very new to trading, can somebody answer this for me.
Let’s say I bought 1 million coins for €10. If that coin hits €1 does that mean I get 1 million from my initial investment. Or is it based on the % increase?
submitted by Silly_Voice8731 to CryptoMarkets [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 DesignerLate9624 how much do you guys think the price will go down?
submitted by DesignerLate9624 to CHILLGUYCOIN [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 unfortunategamble Gehirnakrobatik
submitted by unfortunategamble to DEvier [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 Better_Complex4800 Maybe there’s no color combo more 90s than mint green and red.
submitted by Better_Complex4800 to 90s [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:46 paper-boat10 Sure she didnt vape before buying it?
submitted by paper-boat10 to MurderedByWords [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:46 bekaindabox What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by bekaindabox to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 DoorPlane8662 i swear to god, im just talking with OP thats why i came back to this
i had to put a second image cause it wont show the video thorugh the banana submitted by DoorPlane8662 to tf2shitposterclub [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:46 Horarynerd Will I get this position in Asia
Hello everyone.
I'm basically self employed but dreaming of a position in Asia.
I'm in Europe currently.
Querent: me, the moon in libra at 15⁰16 Quesited : jupiter R in gemini in its detriment at 17⁰45 (they're really struggling at the moment).
So you would think good there is an applying trine.
But not really. Venus at 17⁰46, who is my ruler, in mutual reception with saturn in pisces seem to work against me ?
Will venus block me from the trine to jupiter ?
Venus is on another axis, strong. In any angular house, moon too. But not as strong as it usually goes 1,10,7 and last is 4.
The job is in a cadent house. In the 12th. Which again, isn't great.
Anylne for an insight. I am lost.
submitted by Horarynerd to horary [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 Chill_Broh98 KoKo payment error with account
I have an issue with this payment. I have been trying to pay it since November 4th. The due date for this payment was November 12th, but I still encounter the same error when I try to pay. I have already paid the next month’s installment for this payment as well (december 12). I have completed all the other payments without any issues; this is the only one causing a problem. I have contacted Koko more than 15 times and sent multiple emails, but they haven’t done anything yet. They always say they have informed the relevant department and that someone will contact me. It has been three weeks now. I am unable to make any purchases due to this overdue payment. Does anyone have a solution? submitted by Chill_Broh98 to srilanka [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 08:46 TheTitanThanos42 i finally got the secret illustration!!
submitted by TheTitanThanos42 to PTCGP [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 08:46 f_GOD superfart II: he smells crime
submitted by f_GOD to matchbox [link] [comments] |