2024.11.27 09:37 Inevitable-Cup4159 Anxiety is so bad. Today's experience. Positive one.
In over years like almost more than a decade I was able to say something in public interaction without any fear, without having to give it multiple thoughts, without having to analyse it after speaking, without that mental pressure, without that need of tone manipulation to such an extent that it almost blocks my voice. Without all that. Though it was just 4-5 words. But it felt so good. It felt so normal. How much is i envy normal people.
submitted by Inevitable-Cup4159 to socialanxiety [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:37 geekyplug Orderable Black Friday Sale 2024- 40% Discount
Do you want to buy the ordering solution from Orderable but waiting for the Black Friday Sale?
If yes then using our SPECIAL LINK (Orderable Black Friday discount code attached), you will get 40% OFF for a LIMITED TIME ONLY.
submitted by geekyplug to saaslifetime [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:37 ClassicPage2040 Swimming underwater with the fish
submitted by ClassicPage2040 to natureisbeautiful [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 OddPromotion3718 Posting memes till season 2 release
submitted by OddPromotion3718 to SeishunButaYarou [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 Dragonbarry22 How dose one stop procrastinating?
How can I try new things ? To explain its more like I have ideas but also don't have ideas? I can never seem to draw without a prompt either Or I get stuck in a endless loop So I've noticed Ive been stagnating a little bit
My main issue I struggle with is not being able to pick an idea and just draw.
I have stories and written books I can easily do but I always struggle to draw anything but poses.
I don't really know how to draw stories in art ?
I also think it's because I really do over think more in I can't lock in on a single idea
submitted by Dragonbarry22 to CasualConversation [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:37 mikebot97 MS/Asobo literally said they were aware of issues but couldn’t be bothered to delay the game…
submitted by mikebot97 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 Valuable-Age292 Berlin: Justizsenatorin will Cannabis-Gesetz aufheben – Urteil aus Mannheim sorgt bundesweit für Diskussion | RNF.de
Ich denke mal die SPD wird nicht anders können als einknicken wenn das medial so "geschickt" argumentiert wird. Wenn nicht ein Wunder geschieht (Grüne 20%+) werden wir wohl ab 2025 wieder genau dort landen wo wir vorher standen. Was denkt ihr? submitted by Valuable-Age292 to germantrees [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 Odd-Bad600 Job boom creates Swiss immigration headache for EU trade talks
submitted by Odd-Bad600 to freenews6872 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:37 imasendit43 To all of my fellow steve fox mains, I LOVE YOU
sauciest character in the game submitted by imasendit43 to Tekken [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 No-Door-6834 My squad rating
What’s ur opinion on the team (tier 5 player) submitted by No-Door-6834 to DreamLeagueSoccer [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 horny_essex_milf Y2K denim and mini look
submitted by horny_essex_milf to skirt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 Jaysstuff I finally got E2 for my favorite lighting DPS any good team recommendations?
submitted by Jaysstuff to AcheronMainsHSR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 PitifulHamster2888 Must be a detailed chatter. Lets chat and jerk to thicc yn g girl i know guess their age session below
submitted by PitifulHamster2888 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:37 Silver-Arrival8052 Nnn is nearly over, make it a real challenge for me on sess
submitted by Silver-Arrival8052 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:37 Sad-Avocado-2342 Need help finding which movie this image is from?
submitted by Sad-Avocado-2342 to Letterboxd [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 AfigureGeek Anyone else have this Tales of the Golden Droid C-3PO set?
submitted by AfigureGeek to ActionFigureGeek [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 ImVeryHungry19 Fastest I've been able to get Anschluss without the cheese
submitted by ImVeryHungry19 to hoi4 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 GainOver5676 Center the name
Hi. I'm really not sure how to word that. So some character names will be longer than others and I want no them, no matter the length, in my "window" for character names to always be centered. Like you know in Word text can be either centered from the left, right or the center. I want the center one. I hope you get what I mean. https://preview.redd.it/467dubm5ze3e1.png?width=2736&format=png&auto=webp&s=324312e83520871a67f224526eb80e72d6648d09 submitted by GainOver5676 to RenPy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 TheLastAirbender2025 how to maintain large selfhosted library of anime shows that are on going ? Plex + Usenet + Automations
Hello All,
I have a Plex server that houses all my media. The problem is that with over 200 ongoing English-dubbed anime series, it's incredibly challenging to manually check and update each series with the correct episodes. To solve this, I decided to use a Usenet server and an index site, along with various applications. The applications I'm using are Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr, Readarr, and SABnzbd. Everything is working except for Readarr with SABnzbd, but since that's for books and audiobooks, I'll troubleshoot it another day. I did notice something interesting that none of these applications actually automate nor anyone them will help me keep my library up to date with English dubbed anime. Since i am new to these applications i will assume i need to learn more and practice to find correct setting.
So, here's my current problem:
1- The Usenet index site doesn't list English-dubbed anime, meaning I'll have to search for them manually.
2- I do not see episode update and downloads automations option in Sonarr unless i am wrong and i am not using the applications correctly
3- The challenge still will be to update each series after the automatic update happen assuming the applications wont start over by getting all seasons and episodes but instead only missing one or new release one.
4- Moving correct files to correct locations still will be maual work i assume at this point
5- Finding index site that only does English dubbed will be another challenge by itself
I'm sure many users here have likely faced this issue, and I'm curious how they solved it.
Please advise
submitted by TheLastAirbender2025 to PleX [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:37 kak05361 I'm bored so here is my breakfast
submitted by kak05361 to teenagers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 DraftCharacter1281 nose scab and hurt
what is this? is it a cold sore? submitted by DraftCharacter1281 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:37 Ok_Entertainer_8058 (REQ) Cleveland Ohio USA, $75 via cash app or Venmo, can pay back Friday 11/29/24
Single mom of 3 need $75 for thanksgiving dinner please help me I hate asking and have no food stamps left. Can provide proof
submitted by Ok_Entertainer_8058 to BorrowmoneyOnline [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:37 loneranger004 Beer from Halle
Does Halle have its own siganture beer like other cities (z.B. Krombacher, Kröstitzer, Weihenstephaner..)? I have heard of Böllberger, but why cannot I find it in the supermarkets? I want to try something that is native to Halle. Any suggestions?
submitted by loneranger004 to HalleSaale [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:37 Mike-DTL Pm with 2 YOE struggling to get past application screening
Hey all!
As the title says, I’ve been a PM in VC backed SaaS businesses for the past 2 years in London. I’m currently exploring my options and have been applying for roles for the last couple of months, with absolutely no success even getting past the application screening.
I’m wondering if anyone else is facing a similar position. I keep hearing that it’s just the state of the market at the moment, but it’s tough to not take things personally.
Not sure why I made this post 😂. Just a rant really. If anyone is up for having a look over my profile/experience, I’d be happy to send it over
submitted by Mike-DTL to ProductManagement [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:37 Iliketoyell1 Apps that work on Windows phone 8.1 (Tested in WP 8.1 VM and Lumia 640 WP 10)
Some of the apps can be found on the WUT Archive or Live Store. Instagram BETA (login works but verry unstable) TripAdvisor Vimeo 4charm AccuWeather Cinemagia Mail.ru Baconit Musixmatch Mixradio (music player only) Notes (WP7) Office Lens Toolkit Pro Digi Online (cant stream the channels but shows channel info) Unicord Legacy (kinda buggy) Zello Wifi Live Tile Flipboard Google (official client) VLC Deezer (needs subscription)
submitted by Iliketoyell1 to windowsphone [link] [comments]