2024.11.27 10:24 JesusForain Probably my bestest hair day ever, unfortunately it wasn't cleanest mirror day.
submitted by JesusForain to CheveuxLongsHomme [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:24 Admirable_Wait_4693 pretty good combo
submitted by Admirable_Wait_4693 to balatro [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 Maximum-Lifeguard952 Laziness
So i restared "playing" avakin recently. Why all the cool stuff that actually doesnt look like its been modeled by a 12 yrs old, are behind a paywall? Crowns? Really? Everything that looks like it has more than 30 minutes put into its design costs real money. This is a good way to thank your community who supported the game, by making everything a paywall.
submitted by Maximum-Lifeguard952 to AvakinOfficial [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 Donut_Thin Need some assistance
I don’t like how the back of my hair looks in comparison to the front and I’m wondering should I shave the back, or should I let it grow? And if I do let it grow what styles could help the appearance look better? submitted by Donut_Thin to BlackHair [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:24 anilsinghbartwal02 Sagility India shares soar another 10% as post-earnings rally extends to second day
submitted by anilsinghbartwal02 to IPO_India [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:24 telex_bot Húsz díler és három kiló drog: három megyét behálózó bűnbandát kapcsoltak le TEK-esek
submitted by telex_bot to telex [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 Salty-Peanut96 Where will he go?
submitted by Salty-Peanut96 to WaterfallDump [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:24 systemofawhat Tem como deixar uma tinta roxa mais roxa ainda?
Comprei a cor Polvo da Kamaleao, mas achei que esta rosado demais. Queria um roxo mais Ravena, mas agora nao tenho como trocar. existe alguma forma de fazer ficar um roxo mais frio? Eu deveria ter comprado a cor Rouxinol ou beija-flor
submitted by systemofawhat to CabelosDoBrasil [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 Nyaren-Chan Do codes for Pride Flag Charms work in every region ?
A lot of various video game companies who show support for LGBT groups usually do so only in western regions, never doing so in regions such as Russia, China and the Middle East.
This often shows a form of hypocrisy on their part, or very big limitations due to the laws in place in said regions.
I was interested in the case of BHVR: do these codes even work in regions such as Russia, China and Middle-East ? Does anyone have any info about this ? I haven't found any topic about it before, so I am very curious.
I'm assuming Russian players are supposedly going to see these charms regardless as (just like I do) a lot of them belong to the EU server region and therefore will see plenty of other European players using them.
I hope this is an interesting topic to bring up. If they did work I'd pretty much honor BHVR on this one for being legitimate on their support towards said communities. Feel free to let me know if you have any info about it!
submitted by Nyaren-Chan to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 apalepexp201 Unpopular opinion: Votul pentru Georgescu nu reprezinta doar manipulare si propaganda pe social media, ci si furia romanilor care nu sunt multumiti de nivelul de trai actual
Inainte as vrea sa spun ca nu sunt sustinatorul acestui individ si nici nu vreau sa se inteleaga ca l-as sustine, ci pur si simplu prezint o realitate in tara care este ignorata, in special de presa, iar realitatea asta incepe sa aiba efecte majore.
Consider ca tipul asta este extrem de periculos pentru toata Romania.
Asa cum spune si titlul, nu cred ca singurul motiv pentru sustinerea acestui individ este doar manipularea de pe social media, ci si din cauza conditiilor de trai care au crescut simtitor de mult in ultimii ani din Romania.
1 din 3 romani este in pericol de saracie si marginalizare, cel mai mare raport din UE.
2 din 3 romani nu isi permit sa plece de acasa intr-un concediu de o saptamana macar o data pe an, din nou cel mai mare procent din UE.
Sa nu uitam ca avem cea mai mare inflatie din Europa pentru a nu stiu cata luna la rand iar preturile au crescut foarte mult si continua sa creasca, am vazut multi pe aici care spuneau ca Romania are crestere economica si ca nu inteleg de ce se intampla asta, ei bine cresterea asta economica se simte foarte putin pentru multi oameni.
Multi abia reusesc sa traiasca de la o luna la alta din salariu minim, in cele mai multe cazuri acestia nici nu isi permit sa traiasca, cunosc tineri care stau acasa cu parintii chiar si dupa terminarea studiilor pentru ca nu au o situatie financiara buna care sa le permita sa traiasca singuri, sunt tineri care nu reusesc sa isi gaseasca de munca in domeniile in care ei au studiat.
Sigur ar putea sa plece din tara, dar oare chiar putem sa plecam toti din tara asa pur si simplu? nu toti doresc sa isi iroseasca viata muncind in alte tari ca mai apoi la batranete sa revina in tara si sa constate ca ar fi trebuit sa faca asta chiar in tara unde nu se confrunta cu diferite probleme cu care te poti confrunta intr-o tara straina.
Toate lucrurile astea arata ca lumea a inceput sa se sature de cum isi umfla burtile clasa politica actuala in timp ce oamenii isi rup din viata ca sa incerce sa isi asigure o viata decenta si nu reusesc sa o faca, asta ar trebui sa fie un semnal de alarma catre partidele politice ca ar trebui nu doar sa combata manipularea in masa care se petrece pe retelele de socializare ci si sa se gandeasca ca se afla la conducerea tarii cu un motiv.
Iar acel motiv este sa asigure un nivel de trai cat mai bun posibil pentru toti oamenii din tara asta, nu doar pentru ei ca sa isi mareasca averile, sa isi ofere pensii speciale si sa plece in vacante in toata lumea iar oamenii sa traiasca la limita saraciei si sa cotizeze pentru luxul in care ei se scalda.
Manipularea l-a ajutat pe tipul asta sa se prezinte ca o solutie la probleme oamenilor si la nemultumirile cu care ei se confrunta, din pacate ei sunt dusi de nas si asta doar ne afecteaza pe noi toti ca popor, el NU reprezinta o solutie la problemele oamenilor.
Georgescu se foloseste de problemele lor pentru interesul lui personal si doar atat.
TLDR: Costul de trai crescut al romanilor reprezinta un alt factor major pentru situatia in care ne aflam combinata cu manipularea politica de pe retelele de socializare care l-au propulsat si l-au promovat pe acest dubios.
submitted by apalepexp201 to Romania [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 telex_bot Titoktartási kötelezettség miatt nem vallotta be minden jövedelmét a Kutyapárt két hegyvidéki képviselője
submitted by telex_bot to telex [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 jonn_jonzz WTFU its time for the Wild to Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
submitted by jonn_jonzz to wildhockey [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 telex_bot Az EP elé citálnák a TikTokot a váratlanul nagyot nyerő szélsőjobbos román elnökjelölt miatt
submitted by telex_bot to telex [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 leveragetrading "🔊 Bitcoin's Bright Future 🌟"
. 🚀 MARA CEO: Institutions are ready to buy Bitcoin! #Bitcoin #Crypto #Investing
. #Bitcoin #CryptoInvestment #DigitalAssets #MarketDemand #FinancialInstitutions
submitted by leveragetrading to BitunixCrypto [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 telex_bot „Adminisztrációs hiba” miatt nem archivált az ügyészség három hónapot Boldog István lehallgatásaiból
submitted by telex_bot to telex [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 ReallyCreative4 how to create beautiful Illustrative Indian Wedding card in Canva | Step...
submitted by ReallyCreative4 to YouTubeVideoShares [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:24 telex_bot Felforgatja a hazai ingatlanpiacot egy merőben új bérlői előnyrendszer (x)
submitted by telex_bot to telex [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 team-spartans The oldest known customer complaint was written in 1750 BC. The customer complains that the copper he purchased from the merchant Ea-Nasir was of the incorrect grade.
submitted by team-spartans to Archaeology21 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:24 telex_bot Magyarország utolsó a gyümölcsfogyasztásban az OECD-országok között
submitted by telex_bot to telex [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 galinha_furiosa Município de Barcelos paga 103.544,23 €€ a Domingos Pedrosa Barreto Lda para Intervenções na Rua Professor Celestino Costa, Barcelinhos, incluindo intervenções de acordo com os ... - Consulta Prévia
submitted by galinha_furiosa to barcelos [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 Haleu911 ubc engineering offer
faster than I expected😂 submitted by Haleu911 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:24 Likeadrug15 For the VHS degenerates
Forgot my local record store sells overpriced VHS tapes. Ranging from $1.99 - $40. Average price I found was $10. Bunch of oddball stuff too. I love posts like this to just scan and see what’s out there. Hope you do too submitted by Likeadrug15 to VHS [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:24 vigneshk_war My laptop inside a bag fell from a table
So i had my laptop inside an bag and i was unpacking it and by mistake it fell from the bed on the floor. Should i be worried? It doesnt have visible damages or dents and it works fine only. But still since its a new laptop im worried.
Which things should i be checking to ensure that mu laptop is fine?
The pic uploaded is the bag i had my laptop in. Sorry if i sound too worrysome .
submitted by vigneshk_war to Asustuf [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 petubis Wayfinder performance
Has anyone been playing wayfinder on the deck? How is performance? Can it manager to maintain 30fps on the open world?
Thank you all!
submitted by petubis to SteamDeck [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:24 suprisedpikachumeme craving attention from older men
im 17, last year i started seeking sexual/romantic attention from guys in their 20s on the internet, ever since then it’s just gotten worse. i still slip into that habit sometimes, but now i’ve been talking to men who are older than their 20s, like 30+. i used to feel really guilty about what i was doing and now i don’t.
i know this is dangerous, i know this is wrong, in my state i’m not even the age of consent (im not sure if that matters since it’s all online contact and i’m not sending explicit pictures)
all the men i talked to were nice to me, i was never forced to do anything and they respected my boundaries
i don’t even know why i’m still doing this. i don’t think i’ll ever be the same again. i didn’t think i’d still be dealing with this a whole year later but here i am.
please be nice to me in the comments.
submitted by suprisedpikachumeme to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]