Sick (swift )

2024.11.27 10:22 DAKSH_Floor9578 Sick (swift )

Sick (swift ) submitted by DAKSH_Floor9578 to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Aromatic-Salad4080 Was beachten Übergabeprotokoll?

Hi zusammen,
nach langer Suche habe ich meinen ersten Mietvertrag unterschrieben und morgen findet die Übergabe statt. Worauf soll ich alles bei der Übergabe achten? Speziell, wenn ich mit dem zuständigen die Wohnung auf Mängel besichtige.
Ich hab da wirklich keine Ahnung und weiß nicht was mir genau alles “zusteht” bspw. ist die Küche komplett leer und am Telefon hat der Zuständige gefragt, ob ich eine eigene Einbauküche habe und wenn nicht, ob ich bei der Vermieterin eine Spüle angefragt habe. Ich war verblüfft, dass ich das Recht dazu habe.
Danke Euch.
submitted by Aromatic-Salad4080 to wohnen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Equivalent-Gap-3056 I need recommendations for good bags with non animal real leather. Please help guys! 😁

submitted by Equivalent-Gap-3056 to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 lss_web_1444 Video post title 352

Video post title 352 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 403

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 reddit_lss_2 crosspost without new title for 27/11/2024 10:21:40

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Umbrella_user67 Should I invest in her?

Should I invest in her? She's my first diamond. So should I or should I save up?
submitted by Umbrella_user67 to SkullGirlsMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 KR_Steel What movie that only exists in a movie do you wish you could see?

What movie that only exists in a movie do you wish you could see? submitted by KR_Steel to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Takukoko-king777 I did it

submitted by Takukoko-king777 to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Sufficient_Ad_2545 hey everyone, just wanted to come on here and announce that the hollow knight cookie cutters i showed here a few days ago are now on sale for Christmas, ive dropped them down to 25% off, im pretty sure if you order quick they will arrive well in time for the Christmas season, link in comments :D

hey everyone, just wanted to come on here and announce that the hollow knight cookie cutters i showed here a few days ago are now on sale for Christmas, ive dropped them down to 25% off, im pretty sure if you order quick they will arrive well in time for the Christmas season, link in comments :D submitted by Sufficient_Ad_2545 to HollowKnightArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Particular_Ear6575 How do I deal with feeling of disappointment?

I’m in my 2nd last year of uni studying economics maths and statistics. I have also been suffering from chronic urticaria for the past 2 years and has worsened a lot more in the past 2 months. It has gotten to the point where I have scabs all over my body because of how much I itch throughout the day and night. There have been points where I couldn’t sleep till 5am and the antihistamines I’ve been taking have caused an insane amount of brain fog and dizziness. On top of this I’m also moving flat during my exams and financially hsve to work a lot more rn to support myself. I honestly feel so overwhelmed and stressed out that I’m seriously considering retaking the year. I think I have fair extenuating circumstances and it’s hard to imagine I could’ve focused on my studies with all of this going on. However, I just can’t seem to get rid of this massive feeling of disappointment from myself and I can’t bear what everyone else will think. It might also be more difficult with my gf as she’ll then be graduating a year before me and I don’t want her to think of me as being lazy. I just don’t know what to think, should I be disappointed? Could I of tried harder?
submitted by Particular_Ear6575 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Recent-Ad9169 why After finding out I flirted with his friends, does my friend with benefits goes around spreading rumours about how repulsive I am??

I hooked up with this guy, and it was the worst sex of my life. I was attracted to him and wanted to fuck him; that’s as far as my feelings go. My heart belongs to someone else, and I was lonely. Before hooking up, I made it clear to him that I wasn’t looking for a relationship and was not over my ex, and he made it clear to me as well that he doesn’t see this long term; he even brought it up first. We decided to be friends with benefits. I ended up flirting with two of his friends and started talking to them for a month. Nothing serious; I made it clear to them I liked him and was just bored trying to flirt. I even told these two friends I like my ex still. I let my friends with benefits know I was talking to these two friends, but nothing was really going on; I was just flirting a bit. He gets mad at his friends and cuts them off. He runs into the two guys i’ve been flirting with at a bar, and one of them tells my friends with benefits that he likes me and wants a chance with me. They end up getting into a physical altercation over me.
My friend with benefits gets extremely mad at me over this. He calls me and tells me how much he hates me, how he likes another girl, and he’s done with me. Then he goes around telling our mutual friends how he finds me disgusting and would never kiss me. how I’m sloppy, etc. goes on and on about how repulsive I am. My ex-boyfriend gets wind of this and starts getting mad at him. So my ex messages my friends with benefits and tells him to stop spreading rumours around about me. This makes my friend with benefits even more mad, and he then threatens to find my ex-boyfriend and kill him. Sends a picture of the condom we used to my ex (I didn’t even know he took a picture of it). and says I was just a body and he's going to really fuck my ex up, etc. He even pulls up to my ex's house. I’m just so confused and hurt on why he would do this. We never discussed talking or being exclusive; why would he get angry and treat me so terribly? He even made racist remarks about me.
submitted by Recent-Ad9169 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 VeterinarianFlat9873 Kit sleeves

Man i really really just think they should give us an option on the length of the player kit sleeves , like its all subjective and i really do not like short sleeves , I wish we had the option to change it
submitted by VeterinarianFlat9873 to pesmobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Neither-Monk-2844 It’s either my hands are getting bigger or the watch getting smaller lol love this damn thing

It’s either my hands are getting bigger or the watch getting smaller lol love this damn thing submitted by Neither-Monk-2844 to gshock [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 kichelle23 New addition to the family, Tom Ford Nude Dip.

Absolutely love the wet/dry Tom Ford quads and so glad I could get it at a discount. The shade is Nude Dip.
submitted by kichelle23 to makeupflatlays [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 cupcake-riri AITAH for confronting my friend about her birthday gift?

It was my F25 birthday a couple days ago and I received a gift from my friend F30. She gave me this really cute Tamagotchi and I thanked her profusely for it. She knows I love collecting Tamagotchi and playing with Tamagotchi is my main hobby and interest. On my birthday she passed me this tamagotchi, no box, no instruction manual, just the tamagotchi wrapped up.
We went out for dinner, and she says that I should pay for her because it’s my birthday and I should treat her. I was fine with that, she always liked leeching off me, I pay for the coffee when we go cafe hopping, I pay for the tickets to the amusement park because “I asked her to go”, I pay for her Uber home because “I can see her location and if she reaches home safely”, I pay for her clothes shopping because “it’s more special as a gift rather than if she bought it herself” A lot of these excuses are lame, but I put up with it because it doesn’t bother me anyway, whatever floats her boat.
When I reached home and tried to use the Tamagotchi, I realised that it is in a horrible condition. The keys aren’t sensitive, barely working, the screen has this green line across it and the colours are just…. off. I know about this model because I’ve thought of getting it before, and trust me, it’s broken. The sound is always glitching, barely can see anything on the screen and it doesn’t respond well to the buttons.
I went to Carousell (an online platform for people to sell their goods) and went to search for her account. I saw her reviews and found the tamagotchi there. She purchased it from Carousell, left a review for the seller, snd Carousell shows what listing was bought, so I can see who she bought the tamagotchi from. The listing read “Broken tamagotchi for sale” and it costed $5. For a brand new one, it’s only $40.
So she bought a broken tamagotchi on purpose for my birthday?
I was mad furious. I took screenshots and sent it to her, asking why she bought me a broken tamagotchi, and she replied that “it’s just for collection purposes, you are so unappreciative “
I screenshotted my conversation with her and ranted on Facebook. Now her friends are scolding me with curses and profanity about how I shamed her online and have no gratitude. (I even covered her name and profile photo before posting online to spare her some dignity)
submitted by cupcake-riri to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Electronic_Spare1821 I wanna play the Clash of _____s!

submitted by Electronic_Spare1821 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 CheetosIVXX H:5 sentinel mod box W:150 Leaders

submitted by CheetosIVXX to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Infamous_Seaweed7527 What’s the point of racism?

Honestly I don’t get it.
It must be my algorithm effing things up but I’m just seeing all kinds of racist comments these 2 days. It’s extremely disturbing. For context, I’m mixed race (speaks mandarin and English).
I don’t see a point of being a racist. Everyone has racial biases. But spewing so much hate online even anonymously is weird behaviour. Do these people not have jobs?
Especially in Singapore where a lot of healthcare or government facilities and even preschools you see many people of different races. How do you hate a group of people whom you practically have to interact with at some point?
What would the world be like if everyone just stopped talking about race?
Would love to hear heartwarming stories about actual racial harmony and not all the trash I have been unfortunately coming across.
My Chinese colleague always tells me about her Malay neighbours offering food during Hari Raya and always interacting with her children. Sometimes not even during Raya. My colleague also randomly bought food for her neighbour just because 🥹 maybe it’s nothing to people but I found it heartwarming.
Different races and colours, but aren’t we all humans going through life?
submitted by Infamous_Seaweed7527 to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 SystemJunior5839 I just chewed the ear of a guy calling from AO after I placed an order, was I wrong? Has anyone heard of this?

So I ordered an appliance from AO today and about 20 minutes later I get a cold call from someone claiming to be from AO, but the first thing he did was start asking me to give my name and address and confirm details.
When I pressed him that he should be telling me my information to prove who he was, rather than the other way around he claimed he couldn't because they are 'regulated'.
Apparently they want to confirm that all the information is correct for the delivery?
What is this?
If it's legit then it's teaching people to dox themselves over the phone to strangers who call up cold calling.
Like how is a granny from Halifax supposed to tell the difference between genuine AO and someone pretending to be them?
Or, have they got my email address, was it a scam to get my bank details?
And finally, if legit I assume he was going to try and upsell me some insurance and I don't appreciate that either.
Anyway, he got a right earful and now I'm feeling kinda bad for ruining his day.
submitted by SystemJunior5839 to CasualUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 PermissionCute256 Selling tickets to Copenhagen

Hi! I've got 2 tickets to the show today in Copenhagen and due to changed plans am not going going use them, was thinking maybe 150dkk for them each if anyone is interested??
submitted by PermissionCute256 to PalayeRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 waynegretzki3900 Am I Overreacting

so ive been talking too this girl since freshman year i am now graduated & 20 years old me & her had a fallout around our junior year & we ended up talking again just too fallout at the beginning of senior year so in that time around senior year she ended up getting pregnant by another guy right before she was about too leave for college so me & her wasnt still talking & i never knew she was pregnant until me & her began having small talk again & she posted her stomach bump & i flipped out on her & i literally hated her so fast foward we ended up talking about it & her & her baby father is not on good terms ( not 100% sure) but she make it seem like he is very shit too her so me & her ended up having sex recently & it was just different i wasn’t attracted too her & i felt like a different person why doing it so she knew it was her too why the sex wasnt good & she broke down crying hard & i just been thinking because i shouldnt have talked too her again & got closer too her again after she had the baby by another guy so how it is now i honestly feel like she is still seeing him & me ( i know they have too co parent) but its like on a different level she brings him up to me alot & i really dont be saying anything or care honestly but she constantly talks my ear off saying very bad about him & it just makes me feel like i shouldn’t even be talking too her anymore the situation is just crazy & all of my friends been saying too just leave her alone but its a weird connection me & her have so how it always be now i see her often but im honestly not that attracted too her how i use too be she kisses me & i kiss her back & it just dosent feel the same knowing another man screwed her & got her pregnant why me & her wasnt on good terms
submitted by waynegretzki3900 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Spooneristicspooner Glad i what???

submitted by Spooneristicspooner to sbubby [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Realistic-Future-214 Should the name be changed to 'VictoriaMains?' The new model looks like a transgender woman.

submitted by Realistic-Future-214 to viktormains [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 lss_web_1444 Video post title 748

Video post title 748 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]