Skillnaden är att installationskabel normalt är enkardelig (en fet kopparledare istället för många små). Detta gör att den inte tål upprepad böjning och således är den olämplig för en pendlad armatur som ev flyttas runt. Den är absolut inte lämplig att anslutas med stickpropp, vilket istället ovan nämnda QWPK är. Prova byta glimtändaren, se bara till att få rätt. Funkar inte det så är rektorn kass och då kan du lika gärna köpa en ny armatur, givetvis ingen Malmbergs då.. Kastar in ett varningens ord också om blinkande lysrör: De bli varma i ändarna och reaktorn överbelastas och blir varm den också. Detta är en brandrisk. Det ska kopplas parallellt hur du än gör, genom befintlig armatur eller dosa av. Seriekoppling tillämpas i princip bara för konstantströms-LED (i ett normalt hem). Låt bli Torix (=tomtehattar) om du inte är van att använda dem. Wago 773/222/221 eller motsvarande Helacon är avsevärt bättre för ändamålet, mycket svårare att koppla fel. Av den anledningen skulle jag inte sätta en armatur i taket, utan antingen på väggen (med träskärm) eller under lavarna där det inte rinner så mycket utom då man tvättar av dem. Men om en IP44-klass på armaturer duger utomhus, med slagregn och storm, så fungerar det ju i bastun också. Jag har ett badrumsskåp med inbyggd armatur högst upp för två stycken 60 cm 18 W lysrör, T8 med G13-sockel tror jag att de är. Vad jag kan se är dessa lysrör seriekopplade. Det ena lysröret nästan lagt av, det flimrar enbart lite i ändarna men hindrar samtidigt inte att det andra lysröret tänds. Vi har köpt en ganska stor metallarmatur som är tänkt att ha i sovrummet. Den kommer att hänga ned så att man kan nå den när man står på golvet. Nu upptäckte jag när jag skruvade bort lampan som redan satt i taket att det inte är någon jord framdragen. :O Armaturen har en jordkabel... Tänkte byta ut lysrören 2x36w mot 2x18w led. Men förstår inte riktigt hur jag ska koppla. Det sitter inga glimtändare i armaturen utan bara ett Vision electronic ballast vs-e136b. Ska jag ta bort detta och dra fas nolla direkt till lysröret och sen parallellt till nästa rör? Fick med... En faskompenserad armatur ligger cos fi ~0,9 dvs. I = 72 / (230 * 0,9) = 340mA En okompenserad ligger kanske på cos fi ~0,5 dvs I = 72 / (230 * 0,5) = 627mA (OBS! Detta är kvalificerade gissingar) Effekttriangeln: Den verkligt uttagna effekten är den skenbara. Det är den som du använder för att räkna ut den verkligt uttagna strömmen. Hej och glad fredag! (Frustrerande, riktig sk*t/detalj-sak!) Ska byta lysrör. Behöver då lossa kåpa eller hölje (det transparenta, s a s). Se bilder nedan. De vita sidorna tror jag man klickar i. Men jag kan inte hitta någon tapp för att nu lösgöra dem. Har pillat med liten skruvmejsel... Är nog tänkt att det ska dras en kabel med jordledare till dosa och sen en 2 ledare till armaturen.Så får nog bli en kopplingsdosa till varje armatur. Annars ser armaturerna ok ut.IP65 och 2x18W. Ger 2x1800lm så tot 3600lm vilket borde bli rätt ok. Kanske kan få in en bild när det är klart
2024.11.27 10:30 DeeZett Wasserhahn Armatur - Strahlregler abgebrochen
Hallo Community, ich war gerade dabei den Strahlregler der Küchenarmatur tauschen zu wollen - es wurde mal Zeit. Dieser hat ein M28 Innengewinde. Dabei kann man aber nicht an der überstehenden Metallhülse das Werkzeug ansetzen, sondern nur der Strahlregler (Kunststoff) selbst hat dabei herausgestanden. Da das Material mit der Zeit nun schon etwas spröde geworden ist, habe ich nur noch eine viertel Umdrehung geschafft, bevor es abbrach. Wie bekomme ich den Rest heraus? submitted by DeeZett to Handwerker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:30 niya-aes Ich_iel
submitted by niya-aes to ich_iel [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 m608811206 Berlin S-Bahn Verbrennungen
submitted by m608811206 to drehscheibe [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 UncleSpanker True Crime newbie sharing opinion from the documentary
My sister is obsessed with true crime, I’ve never been that into it. I know this is a case that has really captured the fascination of many and I see that reading some of the messages on here.
So I want to share some thoughts from my perspective as someone who doesn’t work in law enforcement and hasn’t taken much intellectual interest in these kinds of cases before:
2024.11.27 10:30 gerardieway Found out this special needs mentally ill girl has been taking pics of me
I’m so scared :( She practices occult/witchcraft stuff, I don’t believe in those things but still it’s weird as fuck because she might do something to me. Found out that she took pictures of me because I was just sitting down on my phone and she sent it to someone. That someone sent the picture of me to someone I’m close to. I confronted the girl and she said she thought I was being mentally ill just because I was sitting down and focused on my phone? I’m scared that she’s been stalking me at school. Ive been told she’s special needs and has ADHD. But ADHD is not an excuse because I know people with ADHD who are friendly and act what I guess could count normally; like they’re just super hyper. She definitely has other mental illnesses that I’m not aware of.
The thing is I fear she has more pics of me and might spread lies? I don’t even know what this girl is planning. She already has a boyfriend so it’s not that kind of interest, she’s just a complete weirdo. Also I’m only attracted to men, I’m uncomfortable with women. I don’t want to tell the admin or her parents because what if she lashes out and does weird things? I’ve only told my close friends. She seems obsessive so I’m super scared for my own safety.
submitted by gerardieway to Advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 Rich-Enthusiasm7894 Which one do you prefer?
submitted by Rich-Enthusiasm7894 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:30 Honigmann13 It's so boring: If Hollywood would use ammunition tailored to the enemy in their films, the films might be more interesting. Do you have any idea why this is?
submitted by Honigmann13 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 JumpingJ4ck Anetra says her Spain gig was cancelled on her last minute
submitted by JumpingJ4ck to RPDRDRAMA [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:30 Livid-Egg-714 Un baiat pentru un cuplu de 18 ani pe aici ?
submitted by Livid-Egg-714 to albaiulia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 Warrior_x4 100km ultramarathon without any training.
submitted by Warrior_x4 to davidgoggins [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:30 chaosboy66 Mega altaria 104392563545
submitted by chaosboy66 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 Justanotherbob293 Lf top secret 1:1
submitted by Justanotherbob293 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:30 Arthur646 Got lighter and his weapon double S on weapon banner 70 pity, Insane
submitted by Arthur646 to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:30 TintinTheSolitude Anyone know the "Ashley Bolton" font?
submitted by TintinTheSolitude to identifythisfont [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 10:30 zaira223 Alguien para hablar soy mujer
submitted by zaira223 to emimernesbitch [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 Vired042 What effect is used in BTTB?
Heyo, I am a relatuvely new singer, Ive been trying new songs and I wanna learn to sing the song "Bad to the Bone" (yea I know funny meme song but also fun song in general) I dont really know what kind of vocal effect is used in this song, and so I cant google it to find out how to do it... Can anyone help? I have no real idea where to even start with learning this song so any advice would be much appreciated!
submitted by Vired042 to singing [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 linkenski IMO Half Life would've just been a collection of fun level design without Marc Laidlaw
I don't know the full scope of how he worked or pivoted anything in the games, but his story was always that he came on late in HL1, and was amazed by the stuff done by the team. Really, what he did then, was that he mentored people while also writing things himself, into becoming aware of what story dynamics the content of the game could contain. There were stories being told in the level design, whether it was military raiding a science facility, or dodging an attack helicopter.
According to him, the entire tram intro was his also in concept. But really, his contribution is in creating the Half-Life story and world. He was inspired by the "First person, worldless storytelling", he wrote in his own blog, taking the experience of playing the game as a new style of literature. The invention of G-man is based on the Cigarrette-Smoking Man from the X-files, but through the FPS narrative, the dichotomy of Gordon Freeman and "Government" Man was formed. The player is a free man in a pre-calculated series of events. There's already great poetry just in that, but the rest of the HL1 and HL2, and Episodes saga has plenty of great prose too.
You can tell Marc who was probably in his late 30s in the Half Life early days, was inspired by all the film and TV shows from his childhood and adulthood, like Alien, but the dialogue in HL1 and HL2 also use a lot of archaic turns of phrase, like when Kleiner says "Oh, fie." Breen's orwellian Newspeak is so well done too.
I just think a lot of what I associate with Half LIfe when I'm not playing it, the things that really stick with me, are the conceptual things, and then when I play them I'm reminded that so much of what Half Life is, is just great ideas for gameplay -- it actually takes precedent over story, but the story is always complementary. But when the games take time to breathe between gameplay, like HL1's great "Day at work before disaster", or Kleiner's Lab, or the Black Mesa East portion of HL2, it really made me feel like Half Life is a great franchise.
IMHO, without that added touch by Laidlaw, this series would've been like a Serious Sam franchise. Just a "collection of great level design". But with Laidlaw, it became this revered thing.
submitted by linkenski to HalfLife [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 Previous_Pepper227 ciao a tutto
"Ehi, sono Dowatheproff! 🎮🔥 Uno streamer senza pazienza ma pieno di passione, pronto a portare caos, risate ed energia pura sul tuo schermo! 🤪 Se ti piacciono gameplay epici, fail esilaranti e un pizzico di follia, questo è il canale giusto per te. Clicca su iscriviti e unisciti al divertimento—non te ne pentirai (forse le tue orecchie sì 😅)! Facciamo il livello successivo insieme! 💥🤘"
dowatheproff - Twitch
submitted by Previous_Pepper227 to FollowersofCyberJudy [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 Fearless-Phone3032 Help
My girlfriend and I have decided take a break from talking with each other because of her mother creating obstacles. All I want to ask is will the conversation will ever be restored? Will her mom accept me
submitted by Fearless-Phone3032 to freepsychicreadings4u [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 Yz6xi Zamazenta rn 628303956580
submitted by Yz6xi to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 Pleasedontkillme2day Dealing with insecurity
I have lost a ton of weight. Going down from 240 to 148 pounds has led to a lot of earlier “out of my league” men to approach me and it is very overwhelming.
I start falling for anyone who shows the least bit of interest because of how often I used to be ignored when I was obese. I don’t know how to navigate things anymore.
I’d say I look good objectively but even so, every guy who approaches me feels out of my league and I feel like I have to be over the top to be able to keep them.
I don’t know how to fix it
submitted by Pleasedontkillme2day to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 Southern-Quiet7894 Ich möchte das nicht mehr für mich
„Ich möchte das nicht mehr für mich“ Ich habe den Gedanken in letzter Zeit öfter. Ich habe dieses starke Gefühl, dass es endlich voran geht in meinem Leben und es treibt mich unglaublich an. Ich lasse Dinge die mich schon lang zurückhalten los und finde mich das erste Mal selbst. Ich habe immer ein Identitätsproblem gehabt. Ich habe mich immer gefragt wer ich eigentlich bin.
Jetzt habe ich das erste Mal das Gefühl ich bin am Weg das herauszufinden. Zu sagen, dass ich manches nicht mehr für mich möchte tut unglaublich weh… Zu sagen, dass ich dies nicht mehr für mein Leben möchte… Aber ich weiss es geht mir damit besser.
Ich tue das erste mal Dinge die unangenehm sind, damit es MIR besser geht.
Ich bin mir nicht mehr egal.
Und es tut so gut.
submitted by Southern-Quiet7894 to Gedichte [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 Leonjoman Demirovic oder duksch nächsten Spieltag?
submitted by Leonjoman to kickbasemanager [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 TheJokingArsonist People who've been clinically dead and brought back, what was the experience like?
submitted by TheJokingArsonist to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 10:30 desibeauty420 Prakriti Pavani
submitted by desibeauty420 to fashiondesi [link] [comments]