H:5 sentinel mod box W:150 Leaders

2024.11.27 10:22 CheetosIVXX H:5 sentinel mod box W:150 Leaders

submitted by CheetosIVXX to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 SystemJunior5839 I just chewed the ear of a guy calling from AO after I placed an order, was I wrong? Has anyone heard of this?

So I ordered an appliance from AO today and about 20 minutes later I get a cold call from someone claiming to be from AO, but the first thing he did was start asking me to give my name and address and confirm details.
When I pressed him that he should be telling me my information to prove who he was, rather than the other way around he claimed he couldn't because they are 'regulated'.
Apparently they want to confirm that all the information is correct for the delivery?
What is this?
If it's legit then it's teaching people to dox themselves over the phone to strangers who call up cold calling.
Like how is a granny from Halifax supposed to tell the difference between genuine AO and someone pretending to be them?
Or, have they got my email address, was it a scam to get my bank details?
And finally, if legit I assume he was going to try and upsell me some insurance and I don't appreciate that either.
Anyway, he got a right earful and now I'm feeling kinda bad for ruining his day.
submitted by SystemJunior5839 to CasualUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 PermissionCute256 Selling tickets to Copenhagen

Hi! I've got 2 tickets to the show today in Copenhagen and due to changed plans am not going going use them, was thinking maybe 150dkk for them each if anyone is interested??
submitted by PermissionCute256 to PalayeRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 waynegretzki3900 Am I Overreacting

so ive been talking too this girl since freshman year i am now graduated & 20 years old me & her had a fallout around our junior year & we ended up talking again just too fallout at the beginning of senior year so in that time around senior year she ended up getting pregnant by another guy right before she was about too leave for college so me & her wasnt still talking & i never knew she was pregnant until me & her began having small talk again & she posted her stomach bump & i flipped out on her & i literally hated her so fast foward we ended up talking about it & her & her baby father is not on good terms ( not 100% sure) but she make it seem like he is very shit too her so me & her ended up having sex recently & it was just different i wasn’t attracted too her & i felt like a different person why doing it so she knew it was her too why the sex wasnt good & she broke down crying hard & i just been thinking because i shouldnt have talked too her again & got closer too her again after she had the baby by another guy so how it is now i honestly feel like she is still seeing him & me ( i know they have too co parent) but its like on a different level she brings him up to me alot & i really dont be saying anything or care honestly but she constantly talks my ear off saying very bad about him & it just makes me feel like i shouldn’t even be talking too her anymore the situation is just crazy & all of my friends been saying too just leave her alone but its a weird connection me & her have so how it always be now i see her often but im honestly not that attracted too her how i use too be she kisses me & i kiss her back & it just dosent feel the same knowing another man screwed her & got her pregnant why me & her wasnt on good terms
submitted by waynegretzki3900 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Spooneristicspooner Glad i what???

submitted by Spooneristicspooner to sbubby [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Realistic-Future-214 Should the name be changed to 'VictoriaMains?' The new model looks like a transgender woman.

submitted by Realistic-Future-214 to viktormains [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 lss_web_1444 Video post title 748

Video post title 748 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Correct-Dragonfruit8 Upgraded headlights on Mk7

Anyone put on aftermarket headlights, if so show me pics! Looking to change mine over Christmas and want some ideas….
submitted by Correct-Dragonfruit8 to FiestaST [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 asder12345 Latest Beta

Well damn, this was a good seed for cars
submitted by asder12345 to Thelongdrive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 ExperienceTimely6481 UNPARALLELED VR EXPERIENCE with SKYRM VR - Mad God Overhaul 3.0 - E...

UNPARALLELED VR EXPERIENCE with SKYRM VR - Mad God Overhaul 3.0 - E... submitted by ExperienceTimely6481 to skyrimvr [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Disastrous-Lynx5366 Conoscenza con una trans vwrstile che ami un uomo aperto da scoprirsi a torino?io 44 anni sano e pulito

submitted by Disastrous-Lynx5366 to torino [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 okkajy Steel or Aluminum?

I personally ride an aluminum frame bike, but I'm thinking about getting a second one with a steel frame, what are the main difference? I know about weight, stiffness and all that, I'd like to know about your personal experience, feelings and preferences. what do you consider the best option in a traffic jammed city with mildly bad roads?
submitted by okkajy to FixedGearBicycle [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 badboy3420 Who Gave Me These Fleas Part 2

submitted by badboy3420 to MusicPromotion [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 CMan_82 How to select a channel ?

Hi all,
New to the UHF app but exploring IPTV player options as my older app (Tivimax) is causing me issues with connectivity & playback.
I have everything set up and can access the EPG etc, but how do you actually select a channel to watch ?
If I click on the channel name, the channel logo depresses as if it's selected, but doesn't do anything. I have to mash the select button several times before a channel will initiate a loading sequence (which only then starts to load about 25% of the time).
If I head into the epg and select the current program, the only options at this point are to watch program from the beginning, not Live.
How do I actually watch the channel Live ??
Using an Apple TV with Harmony remote if that makes any difference.
submitted by CMan_82 to uhf_app [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 HoldMyCodes Our progress on Feeling-of-Hit! Some more animations, refactorings, some lighting and a normal map! What do you think and how do you think we can improve it?

Our progress on Feeling-of-Hit! Some more animations, refactorings, some lighting and a normal map! What do you think and how do you think we can improve it? submitted by HoldMyCodes to IndieDev [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Upbeat-Gain-9580 Filhote maltês com fezes moles

Bom dia pessoal, sou novo por aqui, adquirimos (minha noiva e eu) uma filhote de maltês recentemente e temos passado por algumas coisas que tem nos preocupado bastante.
A cadela é uma maltês, têm 3 meses, recebeu a segunda dose da vacina no início desse mês.
Resumindo o histórico dela é o seguinte:

Dado o histórico, estamos preocupados e não sabemos se estamos fazendo algo errado, quase todas as fezes apresenta um pouco de muco, é comum encontrar um pingo de fezes mole próximo ao local que ela defecou.
O que poderia ser? Seria algo tratável? Nos apegamos muito a ela, mas querermos a ver bem... Temos dúvida também se pode ser algo do nosso ambiente.
Dependendo do grau de emergência temos a possibilidade de retornar novamente para o canil para tentarem um novo tratamento, mas é estranho ela ficar bem e depois ficar assim logo após chegar aqui.
Sobre as fotos: 1- Como estava há 2 dias 2- A melhora onde firmou 3- Últimas fezes
Obs: é a primeira vez que temos cachorro filhote, não temos outros pets, ela fica num cercado dentro de casa em cima de tatames e nunca passeou.
submitted by Upbeat-Gain-9580 to ApoioVet [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 BasedChadEdgelord When they lost at their own game

When they lost at their own game submitted by BasedChadEdgelord to ChadsAndEdgelords [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Electrical_Rope1839 Trying to finish my first set ever

Trying to finish my first set ever submitted by Electrical_Rope1839 to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 MajoorKontboor10 Can someone look if this car got a good history? Looks perfect to me, and the seller told me the car has NAP

Ik heb deze advertentie op AutoScout24 gevonden.
Verkoopprijs: € 22.950,- Kilometerstand: 77.220 km Bouwjaar: 09/2019
submitted by MajoorKontboor10 to mazda3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 _moon_89 Max amini tickets 28th nov in mumbai

Hi wanted 1 -2 tickets for this show ! Please. DM
submitted by _moon_89 to Tickets [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 Fluid-Mood1447 We love you and so proud of you!Please keep your head up King! 👑

We love you and so proud of you!Please keep your head up King! 👑 submitted by Fluid-Mood1447 to TheKM [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 sunrisedHorizon What age do you buy shoes?

What age do you buy shoes for your baby/toddler? And I mean the type of shoe that’s for actual walking, not fashionable booties
submitted by sunrisedHorizon to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 gadylaga112 updated cards and some more cards. gimme all the feedback you have pls :)

updated cards and some more cards. gimme all the feedback you have pls :) submitted by gadylaga112 to TerraformingMarsGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 hjqr Pagar multa por extensión de estadía en Colombia 🇨🇴

Sabe el proceso para determinar el monto y tratar de que sea lo más bajo posible? Gracias
submitted by hjqr to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:22 XBloodRushingX Mega-Altaria 🐦☁️ 769833141852

submitted by XBloodRushingX to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
