2024.11.27 11:52 Sensitive-Loquat-948 JOB ADVICE

Hey everyone! I'm 19 years old and I've got pretty bad social anxiety. I've had it for many years now and it's stopped me from a lot of things, especially getting a job. At the moment, my parents keep pushing me to get a job but I just can't do it right now. I always try to but then I freak out, get depressed and have to quit which is just embarrassing for me. I really need some money though but I don't want to get a proper job just yet. Do you guys have any advice on what I could do to earn some money? I sometimes do doordashing with my friend but it doesn't give me that much money unless I do it for hours on end which gets tiring. Please help me!!! Thank you
submitted by Sensitive-Loquat-948 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 Annual-Artichoke-535 me and my gf (18) looking for a feed. you‘ll get a surprise if we like it ;) 054005e947d81a74622a1d990ee9f5a9c9ab3c5197b461a867eb6c5f174d555a01

submitted by Annual-Artichoke-535 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 doleep Enhancing Employee Engagement and Productivity through HR Videos\ Discover how HR videos in Dubai revolutionize employee engagement and productivity. Know the power of visual storytelling and the benefits of HR videos.

Enhancing Employee Engagement and Productivity through HR Videos\ Discover how HR videos in Dubai revolutionize employee engagement and productivity. Know the power of visual storytelling and the benefits of HR videos. submitted by doleep to doleepstudios [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 Beginning-Cow-8903 I’ll rate your legal irls dm me

submitted by Beginning-Cow-8903 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 front-page-watch [#570|+297|73] Bro tried to shit on KCD and got destroyed in the replies 😂😂 [r/kingdomcome]

submitted by front-page-watch to longtail [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 astroyamploo The feeling of running away

Hello Reddit,
I’m turning to you to gain an outside perspective on my situation, hoping you can offer me objective advice. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond.
My current situation: I [23F] am in a relationship with a woman [26F]. We met on Twitter a year and a half ago, and five months ago, we moved in together, somewhat hastily. Initially, I lived on the other side of France and had never met my partner in person. However, my professional plans are based in her region, so I decided to relocate here while waiting to start them next year. Shortly after I arrived, I discovered her situation was more complicated than she had let on: she had sold her house to pay off debts tied to her business, which she then lost. She was living with her mother and her new stepfather.
To make things easier, we started by sharing an Airbnb before I found an apartment, where she then moved in with me. As for me, I had left my family home at the beginning of the year and gone through a very difficult period: I was living in my car while working odd jobs after dropping out of college due to burnout. I spent all my savings to settle here and now work as a bakery sales assistant.
The issue in our relationship: At present, I feel like the main problem is being in a relationship at all. While I am very attached to my partner, our relationship feels burdensome.
I know that mentally, I am coping better than she is. That’s why, from the beginning, I offered to take on work to support us. My idea was that she could use this time to recover mentally, recharge, and eventually invest herself in a project she’s passionate about. I wanted to give her this opportunity because I believe she deserves it after everything she’s been through. But now, four months later, she does nothing but play games, eat, sleep, or visit her mom. She doesn’t really help with household chores (I don’t do much either, to be honest 😵‍💫), doesn’t cook, and I’m managing everything else alongside my job.
For example, recently, after a full day at work without having eaten, I came home to find nothing prepared. We had agreed to be a team. I’m not asking her to be a "housewife," but I do expect a minimum amount of reciprocity—a meal to share, a moment to talk and reconnect because we’re supposed to miss each other and want to spend quality time together.
Sometimes I make the effort, despite being exhausted, to give her massages or small acts of kindness, but I don’t feel it’s reciprocated. Most of the time, it’s me who comes home, cooks, and cleans up afterward. Our intimacy has become almost non-existent. On the rare occasions when the opportunity arises, I’m often too tired or down. Even so, I push myself to go beyond my fatigue because I know these moments are rare. Yet I still feel there’s a lack of balance, a lack of attention from her, and this is starting to weigh on me emotionally. Even during those moments, I feel like I’m giving and getting nothing in return. (Wow, I’m realizing how pathetic my life sounds.)
• Lack of emotional reciprocity: I calmly explained to her that I’m unhappy, that this situation weighs on me so much that I’ve been having dark thoughts. She listened without saying anything, and a few days later, I learned something that broke me: she said she wanted to find work to save money "in case I don’t come back." This made me feel like she’s only thinking of protecting herself instead of trying to improve our situation together.
• Financial strain and family influence: We don’t have much money, but she struggles to set boundaries with her family, particularly her mother, who is very spendthrift. Recently, we used money originally set aside for a small weekend getaway to buy a piece of jewelry for her mom. It was far beyond what I could afford, and I had to cancel the gifts I had planned for my partner’s birthday, which was less than a month away. Meanwhile, my own parents are in a precarious situation, and I feel immense guilt about not being able to help them.
How I feel: • A sense of sacrifice: I feel like I’m completely forgetting myself in this relationship. I work hard but have no savings, no time for myself, and I’ve given up my hobbies, my projects, and even a simple, balanced routine. I sometimes fantasize about living alone, where I could cook, clean, live at my own pace, and save money to visit my parents.
• Emotional exhaustion: I feel like our relationship lacks real balance. She loves me, I know, but she expresses it in ways that make me feel unheard. When I talk to her, she apologizes and says she has "blockages," but I don’t see any visible effort to work on them. She keeps so much bottled up that it stops me from fully opening up to her. Sometimes, when I want to share something important or painful about my past, she brushes it off or acts like I didn’t say anything. Maybe it’s unintentional, but that’s how it feels, and I don’t know how to respond.
I’ve told her that I feel she’s not the person ready to listen to me, and that it makes me sad. In response, she wrote me a letter saying I’m her "comfort in her dark world." But what about my world, my needs? I’m left feeling like my well-being is often overlooked.
• Loss of freedom: Sometimes I feel like giving up, but I’m afraid I’ll regret it. I love my partner, and I don’t want to leave her in a catastrophic situation. At the same time, though, I feel constant anxiety in this life that doesn’t feel like my own.
My questions: - How can I find balance in this relationship without losing myself? - Am I rushing into the idea of leaving, or should I take this feeling seriously? - How can I handle my financial and emotional responsibilities without burning out further?
I have so many questions and feel mentally overwhelmed.
I also feel some shame in complaining about my partner, as if I’m unfairly blaming her for all my misfortunes. I know that’s not fair. If I’m reaching out to you today (I have no friends to talk to), it’s because I’m lost. I want to understand what’s wrong within me, too, rather than just pointing fingers. I need advice and kindness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to anyone who takes the time to help me.
submitted by astroyamploo to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 Odd_Entertainer8396 F22 TG: sey0202 ..So apparently my toes are too long to be sexy.. im sad come and tell me what you think. Start with your ASL

submitted by Odd_Entertainer8396 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 OldSailor742 Next stop...Jupiter!

Next stop...Jupiter! submitted by OldSailor742 to AltStreetBets [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 justtoo_introvert Props For SDRX-They're Grindin'

I had my new patient appointment with SDRX recently, during the decision chaos, shortly before the recent FDA decision date and then extension ordeal. I received my first 2 orders a week ago and started my journey on Tirzepatide, yay! I wanted my husband to get started on it as well while we can still get compound, but he didn't have time for an appointment before the previous deadline. So after the extension on the decision, I really wanted to get moving on it for him and the other day I went online to see if/when I could get him an appointment. Well, they had appointments for this Friday, the day after Thanksgiving!! Perfect for my husband, but, dang, SDRX is working all the days/hours. 🤣 I was not expecting to be able to get him in yet this week, let alone the day after Thanksgiving, but I love it!
submitted by justtoo_introvert to SlimDownRx [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 miojodasupreme Is there a way to pass your google play progress to the website (Pley login)?

I tried loging in with google, it didnt work (logged into a new account). Email did nothing too.
submitted by miojodasupreme to DeadAhead [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 Oxtry Weird question

So im currently questioning if I may be bi, but im worried because im not sure if that wont change. I went to the doctor a while back and found out I have way less hormones than i should (im 18 M btw) and im unsure if after my hormones are put back to normal if i wont go back to being straight. Anyone had this kind of experience before?
submitted by Oxtry to questioning [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 Charming_Doughnut816 What should I change for PvP and brawl

What should I change for PvP and brawl submitted by Charming_Doughnut816 to SDSGrandCross [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 Hrbassemand Please help! - Ad schedule on Daily Budget (Meta Ads)

Hi I run meta ads,
We don't sell much if all on the weekends. Therefore I would like to decrease budget or stop running ads during the weekend, but I also want to run a daily budget.
Do you have any tips/ideas for this? Can I e.g. use budget planning to increase budget during weekdays?
submitted by Hrbassemand to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 Ok_Basis_9869 Bbq SD1242

We are two, going to polar and coastal
submitted by Ok_Basis_9869 to unioncircle [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 Large-Ad-2859 Kardashian’s or celebs 0510a50cde275b9ac1f7e49f0f640281e1b497f0935a123e1fe8dcc4ebff0b4915

submitted by Large-Ad-2859 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 Maaatttttttttttttttt Join the Star Serpent Records Discord! With over 750 members we talk all things music, with a small spotlight on the artistic parts of it, and recorded music like streaming, physical media and more. The community also serves as a place for anyone to share new music from small artists and the label

submitted by Maaatttttttttttttttt to findaserver [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 SnooWoofers333 [lore spoilers] {may also contain S2 act3 spoilers} Heimerdinger's whereabouts

So, yordles. They set their spawn point in bandle city. So they whenever they die, they respawn there. Heimerdinger is a yordle, thus he isn't dead...
But will he respawn in main timeline bandle city or wholesome timeline bandle city.
I think he would respawn in the wholesome timeline bandle city, cuz yordles probably can't travel across the timelines...
So he might be stuck in the wholesome timeline. Which can possibly get us more of that wholesome timeline maybe?
Cuz he probably can't do another of that machine that brought ekko back to the main timeline as doing so killed him and if he want to build it, there would be someone who have to secrficed??
What are your thoughts???
If any of the things I said were wrong, I'm deeply sorry, I'm not an expert in lore stuff
submitted by SnooWoofers333 to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 theLabradorStation For your consideration

submitted by theLabradorStation to PuppyBellies [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 linux__user Is this good?

Is this good? I am new to reading, I picked this book up at a preowned book sale for extremely cheap price. Just wanted a heads up on what I can expect?
submitted by linux__user to IndiansRead [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 This-Creme8291 Wer sagt wir was er mit meiner Schwester machen würde?

submitted by This-Creme8291 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 VeoWind Landscape sketch by me

Landscape sketch by me submitted by VeoWind to ImaginaryLandscapes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 SkyIntelligent623 My Old Hone Got Dropped From Two Stories.

My Old Hone Got Dropped From Two Stories. yes it's a Microsoft (windows) phone shut up
submitted by SkyIntelligent623 to hardwaregore [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 uns3an Xbplay not working on mobile network.

Xbplay not working on mobile network. I have 5g if not, LTE full network available on my iPhone 14 with latest update and I keep getting this message.
I just downloaded XbPlay and was working perfectly on my home network and allowed me to play Xb360 games like butter, but now today on my work break I can't connect with my cellular network.
Can someone advise?
submitted by uns3an to xbPlay [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 SirAren So i wanted to get rid of my anniying curls but I wanted to make my hair straight & smooth but now I accidentally have this ugly spiky straight hair, Can i fix this without doing much damage or cutting my hair ?

submitted by SirAren to Haircare [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:52 onlyfancharley My friends love how my shorts make me looking

My friends love how my shorts make me looking submitted by onlyfancharley to reallygorgeous [link] [comments]