How about exploring Gokarna uniquely? [OC]

2024.11.27 13:53 sumoysen_hts How about exploring Gokarna uniquely? [OC]

How about exploring Gokarna uniquely? [OC] Full Travel Video:
submitted by sumoysen_hts to SoloTravel_India [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 No-Upstairs5951 Helicop Investigates Words and Numbers está de volta!
Após a Lander Software fechar em 2002,os seus jogos ficaram dificeis de se acessar pra download e comprar os discos dos seus jogos,e atualmente,se for baixar o game,ainda é preciso do Disco pra joga-los.Então decidi recriar o Jogo para Desktops,(Pc,cromebook,etc).Esse jogo saiu pra Windows 95 e XP,e não tem suporte nativo pra Linux Ubuntu,MacOs,e outros desktops execeto o Windows 11,7,10,e vista.Então decidi recriar o Game no Construct 3,pra tentar manter seus jogos ainda vivos!O jogo estará disponivel pra Google Drive,então pra acessar o Jogo você terá de entrar no Construct 3 e abrir o Arquivo.Depois estará disponivel na Scirra arcade!
submitted by No-Upstairs5951 to construct [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 KeyPlatform7837 Step up gacha??

will there be a step up gacha for yuta?? i still cant get him after spending lots of cubes :(( probably need a step up gatcha for guaranteed summon for him :(
submitted by KeyPlatform7837 to PhantomParadeOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 Sensitive-Resort7089 Looking for a mentor.

I am first time applicant. First Gen doctor and didn't have any connections or mentors. I worked so hard to achieve good scores( step2 late 260s and step 3 late 240s) and USCE but I have not been able to get interviews. So the situation is very unpredictable for me. Looking for a mentor who can help me navigate my weaknesses and improve for next cycle. I would be very grateful if any resident can DM me.
submitted by Sensitive-Resort7089 to IMGreddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 Wagamaga Eliminating current physical activity disparities between male and female youth in the United States could save around $780 million for each new cohort of six-to-17-year-olds, according to a new study

submitted by Wagamaga to science [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 DG12_ph What's that movie where they used Lucky by Jason Mraz

Premise the I remember was. There was a guy song writer writing a song for a pop star and the assistant helps him write that song but when the pop stars sings it, it doesn't sound genuine and it's like a cursive type of singing so he lets the assistant sings it on the record then the popstar hates it at first cuz it's her song but she likes it she supports it and the assistant and the guy feel in love
submitted by DG12_ph to NameThatMovie [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 Idontknowofname Countries with a smaller population than Uttar Pradesh

Countries with a smaller population than Uttar Pradesh submitted by Idontknowofname to MapPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 Ok_Group_17 Coinbase

Will we see Coinbase this season?
If I'm not mistaken, the reason why THETA has not been readily available in the US market is due to regulatory uncertainty.
That is hopefully about to change, which might benefit tokens such as THETA disproportionally.
However it is important for the token to be visible and readily available on the main and most trusted exchanges.
Especially since I suspect the potential segment of the market who might focus on projects such as THETA are more conservative or even boomer types, looking for crypto with utility.
I suspect we might get a big inflow of newcomers (latecomers?) to cryptocurrencies, with a more conservative and mature approach and THETA might check all the boxes. However such investors are likely to use exchanges like Coinbase, a trusted counterparty listed in the US.
Therefore I think it is extremely important for THETA to be listed as soon as possible.
Have we seen any updates or indication from the team that this is on the roadmap? at least for Q1 2025?
submitted by Ok_Group_17 to theta_network [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 shilolz Rich man Vs Camel

Rich man Vs Camel submitted by shilolz to dankchristianmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 Chaotic-waifu محتاره بماوس وكيبورد

السلام عليكم، انا حابه اجدد الماوس والكيبورد عندي ومحتاره ايش اختار، انا احتاج ماوس وكيبورد اسود وفيهم rgb ماعندي مشكله اذا كانو لاسلكي الصراحه واهم حاجه من براند ممتاز مو رخيص او مو تمام جودتو
لقيت ماوس Logitech g g502 x plus هل تنصحوني فيه؟ لانو مره عاجبني
والكيبورد مره محتاره ومو عارفه ايش اخذ لكن ابغا اذا اشتريت اركب سويتش من عندي
ياليت لو تفيدوني 🙏🏻
submitted by Chaotic-waifu to saudi_gamers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 I-am-Brown-Bear Are puffed grains GMO-free?

submitted by I-am-Brown-Bear to Grains_and_all [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 merdekabaik I think I got to delete this app.

submitted by merdekabaik to stupidfuckingliberals [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 eatoff PETG CF woes

Printing PETG CF for the first time on my A1, and looking for some help.
The filament is from bambu, and has been dried at 65c for 8 hours.
Printing a benchy at default everything results in this stringy mess in the first pic.
So reading around here on Reddit I saw the recommendation to bump temps up to 270, which resulted in a great looking benchy (2nd pic).
But when printing a larger piece, I got the stringing about 70% of the way through after a perfect looking start. What am I doing wrong? Ive put it back in the dryer for another 8hrs just to be safe
Any advice?
submitted by eatoff to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 bornmusician63 Got a v2 pro and pivot for 357$

Got a v2 pro and pivot for 357$ submitted by bornmusician63 to puffco [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 Revolutionary_Ask123 Dreamlit Valley #ambientsoundscape #atmosphericmusic #darkambient

submitted by Revolutionary_Ask123 to YouTubeShorts [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 Awkward_Status3032 Metro Penalty Services

Anyone else find that the Penalty Services for the Metro are completely unreasonable? Around a week ago, I took the Metro into town and had lost my ticket somewhere along the way. Fortunately, I had paid by Apple Pay, so had the bank transaction to prove that I had purchased a ticket, but was given a fine as apparently online banking ‘can’t be accepted as proof of purchase’. I appealed the fine as, after all, I HAD purchased a ticket and my appeal was declined.
I now owe £50 to Penalty Services over a £3 fare! I’m 19, a student and live in my own flat. This is money that I simply don’t have to spend! Has anyone else experienced anything like this? What did you do about it? Cheers
submitted by Awkward_Status3032 to NewcastleUponTyne [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 Scared-Suit3416 Looking for a bull or daddy to humiliate me on my sisfriends. 05e4444e2a43657dd962fbce7fcf6aa051dd03a258021ccf8c1700dc50ee86b80f

submitted by Scared-Suit3416 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 pandit_memes No enemies

No enemies submitted by pandit_memes to DesiVideoMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 Upper-Can3005 If I want to ship Steve something I think he hasn’t seen and should try. Where would I find a PO Box?

Title basically says it. I have an item I want to ship him. Not sure if I should post it here or keep it a secret. What do yall think
submitted by Upper-Can3005 to steve1989mreinfo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 Few_Branch_9917 Tylil grabbed that shit

Tylil grabbed that shit submitted by Few_Branch_9917 to KaiCenat [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 Frett-Buzz I’m actually hoping for a PW SE with a “warmer” screen….

Hello. I haven’t opened my PWSE yet as I want to be sure it’s what I want because I got it from BestBuy and they charge a restocking fee. I know the yellow screens are considered defective, but I’m actually hoping that I get one with the warm-toned screen. Anyone else got one and like it? Do you feel this was really an issue, or a new thing Amazon was doing?
submitted by Frett-Buzz to kindle [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 HumbleFox1664 Finally convinced someone to watch it

I watched this amazing show when it was airing originally, and have re-watched a few times since. Have consistently tried getting anyone & everyone to give it a go. Got one friend to start it during COVID but they couldn't handle some of the topic matter (first season starts rough w/ pedophilia to be fair) and stopped.
BUT! After always saying it's my favorite series finale EVER, my wife agreed to give it a shot. We are now halfway through Season 1. She was hooked after the pilot.
Just wanted to share my joy of finally having someone IRL to talk to about this highly looked over show.
submitted by HumbleFox1664 to TheShield [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 GXibra What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by GXibra to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 fpschechnya TIL of a very secretive and little known tier 1 army unit called ISA, nicknamed "the activity" or "the army of northern viriginia"

TIL of a very secretive and little known tier 1 army unit called ISA, nicknamed submitted by fpschechnya to todayilearned [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:53 Reasonable-Bid4160 HAVE VS NEED

HAVE VS NEED submitted by Reasonable-Bid4160 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]