2024.11.27 13:39 FerociousHummingbird SF area pro bono removal?
Hey all,
I have a ring tattoo that is a remnant of an abusive marriage that I need removed. I already paid laseraway for removal, but their laser isn't touching the purple ink and ive been told I need somewhere with a pico, but can't afford to pay a second time (struggling to pay bills right now at all, if im being honest).
Does anyone know a site in the bay area that has a laser that treats blue and would consider doing this pro bono? I need to file for divorce (we're separated), but walking into a courtroom and seeing him with this still on my hand hurts to think about.
submitted by FerociousHummingbird to TattooRemoval [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 jake_azazzel Anyone remember this?
submitted by jake_azazzel to vargskelethor [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Southern_Position_96 Jo job video call aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàa group link at & ttttt dc and Mayweather bane bane bane bA
Mc sus dancingggg around meeeeeeeeee 13 13
submitted by Southern_Position_96 to radiohead [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Sufficient_Safe_815 Marketing Management survey (18+)
Hi, we would really appreciate if you would take a few minutes of your time to fill out our survey for marketing management brand research!
This survey should take 3 minutes, and your input would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you so much in advance 😊
submitted by Sufficient_Safe_815 to SampleSize [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 RubberyDolphin Dumb Movie
It must be way easier than I thought to write and produce movies. This turd made no sense and told no story. Given the nonsensical scenes, the cinematography is very good. But cinematography can’t change a turd to gold. A true waste of time that does not do justice to its title.
submitted by RubberyDolphin to CivilWarMovie [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 kush0110 M30 looking for SB in toronto area
submitted by kush0110 to onlinesugardaddies [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Adventurous_Tap1030 So this is what it feels like to meet Luke Skywalker in his prime. Utterly blown away like you met Hercules or Achilles.
submitted by Adventurous_Tap1030 to StarWarsCirclejerk [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 FearlessJake Humans burn very well in this game it seems. Taste that BBQ flesh!
https://preview.redd.it/kdnl438e6g3e1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4ee0df1491ff1b5ac00a62114b1c5c70d740d8f submitted by FearlessJake to stalker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:39 Kazew201 How do I stick to it?
I'm 30 male from norway. I've tried quitting porn many times. I had a throwaway account here before but failed. I deleted almost all my porn two days ago but can't make myself delete my collection of bought porn (about 1000 dollars ish) I want to but almost had a panic attack when I hovered over the delete button yesterday. I'm usually able to stay away for about a week, then relapse for months getting more and more shameful and taboo with it. I'm worried about where I'll end up if I fail to quit properly. How do you stick with it?
submitted by Kazew201 to PornAddiction [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 ExternCrateAlloc Migrating away from Unicorn, yikes!
HI all,
I'm upgrading a very old piece of software I put together; today I've taken it from:
2024.11.27 13:39 rrrmmmrrrmmm What is the recommended way to interact with Podman programmatically?
I want to create and manage quadlets and pods from my program. What's the recommended way of communicating from Ruby with Podman?
Is it via socket and the REST API?
I don't need Docker compatiblity.
submitted by rrrmmmrrrmmm to podman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 MasQuatschu Zamazenta raid add 738777067993
submitted by MasQuatschu to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 UrameshiYuusuke Got my eyes on you
submitted by UrameshiYuusuke to Goldendoodles [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:39 After-Cricket-1029 A little help
So I recently got both sides of my nose pierced and I love them to death. I wake up though with one halfway out and the other completely fine. (Which doesn’t bother me I push them back in) but I woke up this morning with my left one completely gone and it scared me so much. Is there any advice you have to avoid having them fall out again? I got them pierced mind you- not even two weeks yet
submitted by After-Cricket-1029 to PiercingAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Logical-Concern9539 Suprise Meeting Announcement
Could this mean new data already since SITC??
submitted by Logical-Concern9539 to MedicennaMDNA [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Outrageous-Lock-3076 Charles and Camilla?
submitted by Outrageous-Lock-3076 to TheSecretHistory [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:39 Mysterious_End_5962 What plant is this and why are the leaves turning yellow again?!
I bought it off Facebook, has done this before but I thought I was overwatering it, it’s now pretty dry and has started doing it again, any ideas? I’m watering every couple weeks, it is sat in a pot in a pot, so some but not much drainage. Plant was sat on a shelf not in direct sunlight, has been moved to the window in attempt to help. submitted by Mysterious_End_5962 to plantclinic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:39 bilbofraginz The Gardens of Monticello were first designed by Ex President Thomas Jefferson. They served as a sort of this experimental testing lab where hed try new vegetables he sought out from around the globe.
submitted by bilbofraginz to Damnthatsinteresting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:39 Infraredrex 😪 why!!!
Why can I not find an option to remove the bottom slider!! S23u submitted by Infraredrex to NovaLauncher [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:39 TheWTFGuyOfficial Smiley would still have born anyway even if they found Fatima earlier.
Even if they found Fatima in time what could they have done, nothing, say somegow they managed to kill the baby in womb, someone else must bave gotten pregnant then. What do you think?
submitted by TheWTFGuyOfficial to FromSeries [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Tony_Tanna78 Saga - Wind him up (Live Rock am Ring) [New wave, 1985]
submitted by Tony_Tanna78 to LiveMusicHub [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:39 LePertichenelQLO Padre picchia il figlio durante una cena, che fare?
Vorrei raccontare questa situazione che mi è accaduta all’incirca un mese fa ed è, in parte simile, anche senza sevizie, a quella capitata al bambino di Padova, dal padre, quantomeno nel mostrare estrema cattiveria.
Quindi dicevo, circa un mese fa, sono stato ospite ad una cena di amici, c’erano sia single che coppie, sia con prole che senza. Ebbene durante la cena, anche se ero spostato verso una parte della compagnia con più ho confidenza, era impossibile non notare, a me come agli altri, che un papà, che non conosco bene, doveva essere qualche parente di altri amici, picchiasse e insultasse, per tutta la cena, suo figlio, su come doveva stare seduto, su come e cosa mangiava. Questo con un tono cinico e arrogante, e non capivo il motivo, dato che il bambino, avrà avuto 5 anni, non mi pareva fosse così diseducato
Finita la cena, ci si è spostati nel salotto, chi per accomiatarsi e andarsene, chi, come me, per continuare a stare i compagnia con gli altri per caffè ed ammazzacaffè. C’era un gran casino, ma normale, come capita in queste occasioni, anche perché c’erano un po’ di bambini che scorrazzavano. D’improvviso si sente un bambino piangere, perché era inciampato e caduto, e sempre lo stesso padre di cui parlavo prima, prendere a sberle dietro la testa il figlio, dicendo: “ hai visto che hai fatto scemo, stupido, lo hai fatto cadere”, con una tale violenza e cattiveria che ha lasciato tutti sbigottiti
Io, purtroppo, non ce l’ho fatto, la misura era colma, anche per quello che avevo visto precedentemente a cena. Mi sono avvicinato e gli ho detto cos’aveva fatto per trattarlo così, ch’era un bambino, che, comunque, non si poteva difendere da un adulto
E’ intervenuta la madre che sino a quel momento non aveva detto una parola per difendere il figlio, dicendo che: “ non erano cazzi miei, che dovevo tornare a sedere da dove ero venuto!” io le ho risposto, che, comunque erano anche “cazzi miei” dato che mi trovavo in quella casa con loro e soprattutto era un comportamento sbagliato ed eccessivo nei confronti del bambino
Ha esclamato il padre, che era rimasto in silenzio mentre parlava lei: “ va beh, ho capito, qui stiamo antipatici”, si è rivolto alla padrona di casa per farsi dare i vestiti per andarsene, continuando a strattonare il bambino, e borbottando sino a quando non sono usciti
submitted by LePertichenelQLO to psicologia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Coelhinha07 Dúvida ML
Estou vendendo um notebook usado pelo mercado livre. Se o comprador comprar parcelado pelo aplicativo eu recebo o valor a vista/ total? Alguém q tenha experiência.
submitted by Coelhinha07 to farialimabets [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 mr_whit33 Engine Coolant low - 2023 w/ 17k
I just got into my car this morning and saw that my engine coolant is low. I popped the hood and it looks about 1.5-2inch before the minimum line.
A few questions since I am not car savvy whatsoever. - Is it normal for coolant to be this low for 17k miles. -Should I replace this myself or just take it into the dealership? - Typical cost to top it off myself/vs dealership. -Anything I should be concerned about?
Thanks so much!
submitted by mr_whit33 to Tiguan [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:39 Left_Boot7084 Kick off about to start
Kick off between liv mod em and Brit about to start
submitted by Left_Boot7084 to britniejlockyersnark [link] [comments]