2024.11.27 14:30 Zestyclose-Snow9275 What the best everyday backpack you use ?
A little off and I guess on topic. What backpack are you guys using to carry your drone around? Looking for one that I can drone, action camera and laptop with space for a toilet tree bag and some clothes. What you guys rocking ?
submitted by Zestyclose-Snow9275 to drones [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:30 EinKomischerSpieler As divindades e entidades podem aparecer pra alguém como uma pessoa "física"?
Minha família tem um histórico muito profundo. Meu pai é um caboclo, minha mãe era espírita, minha irmã é do candomblé, minha avó paterna era bruxa e eu recentemente despertei um interesse pelas religiões afro-brasileiras. Meus pais e minha irmã contam histórias incríveis de encontros com "espíritos" (maldosos e também anjos). Por exemplo, minha mãe quando era mais jovem, antes dela se converter ao cristianismo, um dia tava deitada na cama dela, mas acordada, só olhando pro teto, quando de repente esse homem lindo de cabelos longos entra no quarto dela e toca numa vela que estava acesa na mesa que ela tinha, fazendo as chamas da vela subirem até o teto e se extinguirem. Isso fez um barulho muito alto, como se a casa tivesse pegando fogo e minha avó que tava num outro quarto ouviu isso vindo do quarto da minha mãe e correu de pressa pra ver o que tinha acontecido. O local onde a vela estava até o teto estava todo chamuscado, como se tivesse pegado fogo. Minha mãe, que hoje é crente, atribui essa experiência a um anjo ou mesmo a Jesus, diz ela. Mas eu e minha irmã sabemos que muito provavelmente era o guia da minha mãe. Outra vez, o meu avô paterno estava com uma doença que ele sabia como curar (ele morava numa fazenda perto da aldeia indígena que meu pai e a mãe dele faziam parte), e um dia quando ele tava trabalhando na plantação, um homem se apresentou a ele e perguntou se ele estava doente e meu avô explicou o sofrimento dele com aquilo. Daí esse homem falou um nome de um remédio que eu não me lembro e disse pra ele ir na cidade procurar ele. Meu avô abaixou a cabeça para agradecer ao homem, mas quando ele a levantou, o homem tinha sumido. Então meu avô mandou a minha avó procurar aquele remédio que o homem o havia recomendado. Com pouco tempo meu avô tava curado de algo que ele estava doente fazia meses, se não anos.
Então minha pergunta é: o que a umbanda/candomblé/ou qualquer religião afro-brasileira acha dessas experiências? Obrigado!
submitted by EinKomischerSpieler to Umbanda [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:30 helpmeimconfus who did you guys twist with?
i chose to close my eyes and pick at random like, idec, send me back alr. ended up with yash tho (i picked him as my casa couple).
also is it just me or the casa boys were totally underwhelming? like... nothing happened. then we're suddenly twisting and go back to the villa 🧍♂️ im glad casa wasnt long, but now it felt unecessary lol
submitted by helpmeimconfus to fuseboxgames [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:29 rixtomegap Lillian Vernon Black Friday 2024 Offers
Check out the link for Lillian Vernon Black Friday 2024 Offers. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by rixtomegap to NowNewsNow [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:29 Illustrious-Tone7966 So bakit nga ba nadiin?
Thoughts? submitted by Illustrious-Tone7966 to ChikaPH [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:29 AV_geek1510 Is VNAV broken in the 787-10?
I cannot get VNAV to work. It will arm but will either descend and level off randomly or it will just level off.
I have everything in the FMC filled out correctly (to my knowledge and both flight directors are on.
LNAV works perfectly, but VNAV just won’t work.
submitted by AV_geek1510 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:29 DeepNavyBlue Salve, churrasco! 25.000 usuários e um recap. O que acharam?
Lembrando que a gente não tem nem 6 meses completos e saímos do 0 absoluto com o sub fechado por tantos anos. Achei que o recap não teria por sermos novinhos. Deveríamos ter assado bananas para postar no recap. Ainda deve dar tempo.
parabéns a todos users deste sub. Sempre bem positivos em tudo.
Vamos nos preparar para os assados de final de ano. Muitas fotos heim! 💙
submitted by DeepNavyBlue to churrasco [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:29 inapickle113 Trying to diagnose PMR. Doctor refused Prednisone, is she right?
I posted on here recently about my symptoms which closely line up with PMR.
Visited a rheumatologist today and my blood result came back with NO inflammation. Coupled with the fact that I'm "too young" for PMR (32M), she refused me Prednisone.
Is she right to do that? Is my blood result reason alone reason enough to rule out PMR?
submitted by inapickle113 to PolymyalgiaRheumatica [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:29 imunsure1204 Just got my daith pierced!!
Just got my daith pierced 2 hours ago!! Helix is 3 months old now too. Super happy with it, it’s my favourite piercing yet!! submitted by imunsure1204 to piercing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:29 Swatcol The players tribune - Young Musiala with Chelsea stars, 2012.
"I walked up to André Schürrle. I was so shameless. I went straight for the German. I held up my phone like: Bitte, André? Bitte? Please, sir. Blurry. Awkward. I didn’t care. That picture was like gold to me. I ended up getting Drogba, Terry, and a bunch of others. It was like Pokémon. “Bro, I got Luiz the other day! I got Hazard!” You’d be showing off your camera roll. My dad actually helped me with JT [Terry], I remember. That was a proper one. My dad caught him walking around one random day and said, “Skipper! Can me and my son please have a quick picture?” submitted by Swatcol to chelseafc [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:29 _AD_ad Arrest After Neighbour Assaulted, Window Broken
submitted by _AD_ad to City_of_Guelph [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:29 DoorDashRash [WTB] Day by Fragrance One (Bottle)(Decant)
I'd prefer a full/partial bottle, but also willing to consider a decant.
Send me what you have.
Paying with Zelle or PayPal. Located in CONUS.
submitted by DoorDashRash to fragranceswap [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:29 typical_gamer1 Decided to boot up this game again since god knows when… anyone else enjoyed this game back in the days of the 7th Gen consoles?
submitted by typical_gamer1 to PS3 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:29 xatfi Tietoturva | Naapuri löysi hoivakodin pihalta apteekin lomakkeen – sisälsi asukkaiden henkilötunnuksia ja tietoja lääkkeistä
submitted by xatfi to Uutiset [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:29 MississippiJoel Why do we colloquially say one will "take medicine" for painkillers and antibiotics, but "take medication" for psychiatric drugs?
submitted by MississippiJoel to etymology [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:29 Accomplished-Path957 Am I the only one who HATES the map rotation in reload?
I wish they gave us the option to pick which map to play on. How tired I am of Venture.
submitted by Accomplished-Path957 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:29 lostbutyoucanfollow Need casual players
On my second album so I’m not necessarily trying to win, just want some goodies during the races. IGN: AmusingPanda14 | FC: MGO-678-SYK-86W | Add me submitted by lostbutyoucanfollow to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:29 Suspicious-Gap-8303 Travel for the near future of potential economic crisis?
My partner and I are planning a trip to Japan but its for next year and with everything going on- we are super concerned about how much everything is going to cost with ya know- the potential economic collapse we are facing next year. Japan is affordable right now but not sure how long that will last. Thoughts? Suggestions? Anything helps. Should we scrap this and consider it a pipe dream? Thank you- sorry if this is a random post and if not for here perhaps someone could suggest a place to post this question? Ty <3
submitted by Suspicious-Gap-8303 to economicCollapse [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:29 Deedogg11 Von der Leyen calls for more EU defence spending after narrow election victory
submitted by Deedogg11 to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:29 peasybits Another Julie theory...
This might sound dumb but does anyone else think it's possible that (future) Julie was the one who killed Thomas? Tabitha always said that they only looked away for a second, and that's when he fell off the changing table.
If Julie knew the only way to return to Fromville and save everyone was for her parents to take (past) Julie and Ethan on that 'divorce trip', then she would have to do something drastic. Or, she tried to warn them, and it happened accidentally, thus setting the events in motion anyway.
I keep thinking of Dark, where some of those characters would have never existed without the time paradox. What if Thomas was never meant to exist anyway, because all of their lives are eternally bound to return to Fromville and anyone outside of that is simply a means to an end to get them to come back?
submitted by peasybits to FromSeries [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:29 March_Explorer 天高環保。品牌故事
天高環保。品牌故事 天高環保服務有限公司在2017年開業,是香港一間發展迅速的清潔公司,在過去幾年更得到全面發展,員工人數由2人上升至140+人,合作的公司超過300間。 我們一直本著《以客為本》的精神,對員工保持開放而尊重的態度,重視員工的培訓和溝通。 現為本港各區提供專業清潔服務,我們不斷改進服務質素,務求令客戶滿意,多年來服務水準備受客戶讚賞和信賴,口碑良好。 至今,我們擁有龐大服務團隊,提供優質,專業服務及技術,了解顧客需要,幫助顧客解決清潔滅蟲問題。 Environmental Service Co. Limited. Brand story Environmental Service Co. Limited. was established in 2017. It is a rapidly growing cleaning company in Hong Kong. Developed comprehensively in the past few years, the number of employees has increased from 2 to 140+, and it cooperates with more than 300 companies. We have always been in the spirit of "customer-oriented", maintained an open and respectful attitude towards employees, and valued employee training and communication. Now we provide professional cleaning services to various districts in Hong Kong. We constantly improve the quality of our services to ensure customer satisfaction. Over the years, our service quality has been appreciated and trusted by customers, and we have a good reputation. So far, we have a large service team that provides high-quality, professional services and technology, understands customer needs, and helps customers solve cleaning and pest control problems. Contact Address:大角咀洋松街長發工業大廈13樓1306室 Telephone:62045788 WhatsApp:62045788 (https://wa.me/85262045788?text=) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tingocleaning Instagram: u/Tingocleaning https://preview.redd.it/jj5nhimlfg3e1.jpg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf34bce01b633e0e0ec95e6373319312d74ff323 https://preview.redd.it/lgt9fmmlfg3e1.jpg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a143e89de36de8ffe21969dcd738927f21ec9e15 https://preview.redd.it/lklj9hmlfg3e1.jpg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=040e3f01e7b31e19612cff6be44e552616ec488c https://preview.redd.it/aa6fjhmlfg3e1.jpg?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed01084c006037fa546a587f188d492e74f23252 submitted by March_Explorer to Isletforum [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:29 Firm_Interest2841 If you work in Tech and are learning English … I have created some free materials for you
Hey guys,
I recently developed a free English for Tech professionals course on Udemy! If you’re intermediate + and / or working in tech then it may be useful for you
This is what it covers:
2024.11.27 14:29 Mr4514 Use you imagination 😏
submitted by Mr4514 to BitLifeApp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:29 Soggy-Instruction-99 It’s crazy that many characters have LL as their initials (Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, Lana Lang)
It’s part of Superman lore.
submitted by Soggy-Instruction-99 to Smallville [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:29 Particular_Desk_8380 They talked about kendrick for like the first whole hour of the pod, then finally realized they spent alot of time on it so they get ready to move onto the HP and yuriy topic, but then Suspect walks in so they spend another 30 minutes talking about kendrick🤦🏾😂
that shit was pretty draining to me, I obviously expect them to talk about the album but damn that was long as hell n kinda repetitive
submitted by Particular_Desk_8380 to NoJumper [link] [comments]