Miss Maggie's new sweater :)

2024.11.27 16:29 bksmith0512 Miss Maggie's new sweater :)

Miss Maggie's new sweater :) submitted by bksmith0512 to minpin [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 gentle_swingset I turned Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies into a 3D card drawing experience

submitted by gentle_swingset to eno [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 Amy_drium Do UPS packages MOVE 365 days a year like USPS? They are simply not *out* for delivery on sunday or holidays.

submitted by Amy_drium to UPS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 InternationalPin7638 Patch or whole new tire ? 😫

submitted by InternationalPin7638 to tires [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 Unwilling-volunteer Looking for MC friends

Hey everyone I’m (34m) looking for friends who I can play MC with please be in my age group. I had a realm with some friends but they all lost interest. I’d like to keep playing but it’s not as fun by myself. I play on the Xbox
submitted by Unwilling-volunteer to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 Bartymor2 I sold my T460s and bought T496

I bought it for 700 PLN (Polish zloty) with Ryzen 7 3700u, 16GB RAM and 256GB. Battery was barely used (28 cycles). Massive upgrade from i5-6300u in T460s
submitted by Bartymor2 to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 Intoxic8edOne Great Vault Selection

Just started endgame activities and I keep getting notifications that I unlocked a new Great Vault tier, but when I go to check I only see one option. Did I accidentally "lock in" my selection already or am I missing something?
submitted by Intoxic8edOne to wownoob [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 Grxva white(ish) build

What do you think?!
submitted by Grxva to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 Nugtard Dueling spots in the dlc?

Unfortunately there’s no arena equivalent in the seamless co-op mod for Elden Ring, but you can get solo invaded! So I’m looking for some cool dueling spots in the DLC, boss rooms are invadable too so keep that in mind. Right now there’s a couple spots I know of in Enir Ilim, and then the top of that massive elevator tower, but that’s about it. Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts!
submitted by Nugtard to EldenRingPVP [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 Neon-_-God Upgrade für FullHD Gaming

Seid gegrüßt Baumeister,
ich will demnächst meine alte Mühle durch was neues ersetzen und habe einige Fragen, da mein letzter PC-Bau doch schon einige Jahre her ist. Ich will im Prinzip ein komplett neues Setup mit Ausnahme der Grafikkarte (8GB XFX Radeon RX 6650 XT) da die später nachgekauft wurde.
Hauptsächlich würde ich gerne ordentlich Path of Exile (und in Zukunft PoE2) in 1080p spielen können, aber auch die "großen" RPGs wie Witcher3, Cyberpunk und Baldur's Gate würde ich gerne mal anspielen. PoE gilt als recht CPU-Hungrig und die Erfahrungsberichte die ich gefunden habe sprechen sehr positiv von AMD's 3D v-Cache. Außerdem wäre es nett, wenn die Lautstärke sich einigermaßen in Grenzen halten würde. Ich habe mir diese Builds für den Ryzen 5 7600X3D und den Ryzen 7 5700X3D überlegt, wobei der AM5 Prozessor jetzt insgesamt doch 130€ mehr kosten würde.
Budget: Ich habe keine strikte Budget-Begrenzung, lege aber Wert auf ein Gutes Preis/Leistungs-Verhältnis. Ich denke deutlich mehr als 850€ würde ich nur ausgeben wollen wenn es sich wirklich Lohnt.
Im Prinzip gibt es einige zentrale Fragen zum Build, nämlich:

Vielen Dank schonmal, ich freue mich über eure Kommentare!
submitted by Neon-_-God to PCBaumeister [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 Prestigious-Hope-640 Having fun ?

Having fun ? Everybody that is just chasing unicorns and short term gains in memecoins will at one point burn themselves and will either loose all their gains or atleast a big part of them. Objectively. Chasing candles in this field is deadly and if you want good long term plays it’s important that there is a community. A real one, and not just a bunch of gambling addicts that try to push just another shit/memecoin to a million dollar mc just to cash out a 10x on a few hundred dollars. By doing that (Essentially gambling) you will end this bullrun with a loss or break even. Instead you could try to see the bigger picture and looking at actually successful memecoins from the past, they had big consolidations and loooooong downphases/accumilations. But then they went up bigtime and even people that missed the high on these are still up 100-300x from the point before the big rip even after an 60-80% „loss“ from ath. That’s what you should be looking for and that’s what you will find in $Kenduinu. You can fund all you want but that just proves the points stated above( if it’s not going up right now then it needs to be dead. Right now? Wrong!) for the people that aren’t able to grasp the concept of what I’m talking abt I added pictures.
I wish everyone, even the jeets and gamblers a wonderful bullrun.
Let’s doit
submitted by Prestigious-Hope-640 to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 Klutzy-Main9341 Game instance and game mode issues

Heyy so I just started learning unreal engine for a course l'm taking and I made two new c++ classes ones a Game mode and the other a Game instance and they're both properly created but when I go to the maps and modes tab in project settings I don't see them in their respective drop downs to select them over the default ones there. Been bugging me for a while
submitted by Klutzy-Main9341 to UnrealEngine5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 ElPrimoooooooo How to revise Spanish?

I've always found Spanish hard to revise and need some advice on how to revise for Reading and Writing because I got a 2 on listening
submitted by ElPrimoooooooo to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 JStandardsx H: 5k caps W: luck mod 2 star

submitted by JStandardsx to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 bbryan047 [WTS] Shellback Rampage 2.0 Multicam, CMT HDM 13" rail, Roscoe 13.7 purebred 223 Wylde barrel w/ SLR gas block, SBA4 pistol brace, Microbest chrome BCG, Reardon R3 HT 1/2X28, LWRC single stage trigger, Aero 2 stage trigger, LWRC charging handle, LWRC grip, BCM Mod 3 grip, BCM foregrip, ETC.

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/29QsdD1
Extra photos: https://imgur.com/a/hhZjSsw
All prices include basic ground shipping. Dibs calls the item at the listed price. Paypal FF preferred.

It Sat in the closet, never used for anything but larping, and comes with an original cummerbund and shoulder pads.
Very light salt from accessories. Comes with a rail, barrel nut, and all mounting hardware.
About 500 rounds through the barrel. Light salt, mostly carbon from suppressed shooting.
About 500 rounds on the BCG. Very light salt.
About 500 rounds through. Salty from suppressor carbon.
Put in a carrier and didn't fit
Sat in carrier and never left the closet
Brand new pulled out of lower never fired with
About 500 rounds through it. Very light salt
Unknown brand upper. Very light salt
Brand new pulled from a new rifle.
submitted by bbryan047 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 HummingbirdGirlie Kane District Lawyers?

Hi everyone! I am going to try and explain this the best I can. If I did this wrong please delete my post. I just saw a video from the enforcer lady. She has a clip in her video from another lady who allegedly is trying to get the public documents from the school A worked at. The lady in the clip said the district has lawyered up concerning this matter. It makes me wonder why they would do this if they don’t have anything to hide.
submitted by HummingbirdGirlie to adriellesiglersnarkk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 Consistent_Car4694 Help with maintenance

I’ve reached my goal weight after 16:8 IF for a year, for about 4 months I’ve been having difficulties with maintaining the weight. My eating window was between 9am to 5pm (but in reality it was like 9am to 2pm). Now I can eat whatever I want while the sun is up but once the sun sets whatever I eat at night when I measure my weight the next day I find that I gained 1 pound. It takes me around 4-7 days to lose that 1 pound. I know that it is technically impossible to have gained that much fat overnight and it probably is fluid retention but that cycle is exhausting! I just wanna have dinner sometimes 💔.
submitted by Consistent_Car4694 to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 venraged I just don't understand the different kinds of "emo"...

I've seen all the tags in this reddit but I'm just not good with labels... can someone explain or give me examples?
Midwest Emo
submitted by venraged to Emo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 Wonk_Majik My childhood pj's from thr 80's that my nan kept for all these years.

My childhood pj's from thr 80's that my nan kept for all these years. submitted by Wonk_Majik to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 SadlySasuke Z fold 6

I have a galaxy z fold 6 and it does ps2 and gamecube emulation perfect. Does anyone know of any wii or wii u? Or how to
submitted by SadlySasuke to EmulationOnAndroid [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 slashbackblazers ELI5? Hair Color

These may be dumb questions but I know nothing about genetics. Wondering if someone can answer some questions I have about hair color. I recently did 23 & Me and my results are 50% French & German, 38% British & Irish.
1) I am white and was born with very pale skin and very black, straight hair - so black that strangers stopped my parents in public to comment on it all the time when I was a kid. My dad had black hair, my mom had brown. My understanding is that truly black hair is super rare unless you are of a certain ethnicity, and it seems to be mostly people of Asian descent. What’s the simple explanation for why my dad and I would both have jet black hair?
2) my husband has blonde hair. We had two ginger kids. We don’t know anyone in either family that has had red hair. We know that means someone at some point in one of our families had it, but how far back can we assume it was? Would it have needed to be someone recent, or could it have even been someone from generations ago?
submitted by slashbackblazers to genetics [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 -crowbloke- Trod on the cat's tail yesterday.

It took ages, those things are fast.
submitted by -crowbloke- to TwoSentenceComedy [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 AlbertFingernoodel Many of the epic monsters in My Singing Monsters (Spoilers for Epic Buzzinga as it was added just today)

submitted by AlbertFingernoodel to TopCharacterDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 26nmd A True Work of Art

a magnificent piece of art, doesn’t get any better than this.
submitted by 26nmd to billiards [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:29 hundredyears_0 EN STICKERS!!!

Hi guys! this is my first time posting on Reddit, I wanted to show off the stickers I made of en! i'm making most of the characters anime & manga (the official list of the characters I'm making is in the listing) You can check them out here! En dorohedoro Stickers
submitted by hundredyears_0 to Dorohedoro [link] [comments]
