I am gonna deliver soon??

2024.11.27 16:30 LadyM7M I am gonna deliver soon??

I am 40w1d today. And i have been having contractions for 3 days now. I had some period like cramps and back pain 2 night ago and they stopped in the morning . I had a cervical check but was only 1cm , last night they started again but this time much more stronger but still bearable every 10to 15 mns and lasted for 1 to 2 mn!! The difference is they did not stop when i woke up this morning or when i move . Does that mean that it gonna happen soon?
submitted by LadyM7M to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Embarrassed-Dirt-511 The audio is off or Bull

I have the tapes and have been listening to them. However the whole hemisync part is either lies or not recorded correctly. First a tone in the right ear, then a different tone in the left ear. And then as if by magic we do not here both tones what we are supposed to hear is an oscillating tone and then it oscillates.
However listen to it with just a single ear buds. Well you get all the same with the oscillating tone. However how can I be hearing the oscillating tone when I have only listened to a single tone???
The oscillation is on the tape and not your brain syncing or hemi syncing two different tones
submitted by Embarrassed-Dirt-511 to gatewaytapes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Blow11 Thinking of getting back into OSRS - convince me this is a terrible idea.

As the title suggests I've stumbled across this subreddit recently which has lit a fire within my belly and has got me reminiscing about playing Runescape for a long time when I was younger.
I've not been able to get into my account and Jagex haven't been able to recover it for me (a mix of not really remembering critical details, email addresses etc.) which means I would need to start a fresh from level 3.
Having all my skills start at level 1 wouldn't bother me too much but what does worry me more is that the game would have hundreds of updates and progressed since I last played so optimal training methods and gear would all have moved on which I'd have no idea about. Last time I played the Abby Whip / Dragon defender combo were elite, God Wars existed and bosses like the Zulrah and the Cerberus had just been released. I figure the last time I played was 2015 / early 2016 but I generally am not sure on the dates.
Can someone please convince me that the game has moved on so much that I would have no idea what I'm doing and as such it would be a waste of time to continue with this endeavour. Thanks
submitted by Blow11 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Advanced_Gazelle988 Ventajas de la Tecnología LED en el Estuche de Diagnóstico Pocket Plus

Ventajas de la Tecnología LED en el Estuche de Diagnóstico Pocket Plus La tecnología LED ha transformado muchos aspectos de la vida diaria, y en el campo de la medicina, ha revolucionado la forma en que los profesionales realizan diagnósticos. El Estuche de Diagnóstico Pocket Plus LED de Welch Allyn es un ejemplo perfecto de cómo la tecnología LED mejora la calidad y eficiencia en la atención médica. En este blog, exploraremos las ventajas de usar tecnología LED en el ámbito del diagnóstico médico, específicamente en la otoscopia y la inspección ocular, comparándola con las bombillas tradicionales en términos de brillo, durabilidad y ahorro de energía.
1. Brillo Superior para una Mejor Visibilidad Uno de los principales desafíos al realizar una otoscopia o una inspección ocular es asegurar una iluminación adecuada. Los procedimientos de diagnóstico en los oídos y los ojos requieren una visibilidad precisa para identificar detalles finos, como infecciones, lesiones o cualquier anomalía. Aquí es donde la tecnología LED brilla con luz propia.

2. Mayor Durabilidad y Resistencia El Estuche de Diagnóstico Pocket Plus LED no solo es más eficiente en cuanto a iluminación, sino que también ofrece una ventaja significativa en términos de durabilidad. La tecnología LED está diseñada para durar mucho más que las bombillas tradicionales, lo que resulta en menos reemplazos y un menor mantenimiento.
3. Ahorro de Energía y Sostenibilidad El ahorro de energía es otro aspecto clave en la elección de la tecnología LED. En un mundo cada vez más consciente de la sostenibilidad y el consumo responsable, los LED ofrecen una solución energéticamente eficiente sin comprometer el rendimiento.
4. Menor Calor Generado Otro beneficio de la tecnología LED es que genera significativamente menos calor en comparación con las bombillas tradicionales. Esto es particularmente importante en dispositivos médicos portátiles como el Pocket Plus LED, donde un exceso de calor podría resultar incómodo tanto para el paciente como para el profesional de la salud.
5. Impacto Ambiental Menor La sostenibilidad es un tema que cada vez preocupa más en el ámbito de la medicina. La tecnología LED no solo es más eficiente energéticamente, sino que también tiene un menor impacto ambiental en general.
Conclusión El Estuche de Diagnóstico Pocket Plus LED de Welch Allyn representa una excelente opción para los profesionales de la salud que buscan un dispositivo confiable, eficiente y sostenible. La tecnología LED proporciona ventajas significativas en términos de brillo, durabilidad, ahorro de energía y menor impacto ambiental, todo ello sin sacrificar la calidad de la atención al paciente. Si aún no has probado un dispositivo con tecnología LED, es hora de considerar cómo esta innovadora tecnología puede mejorar tus diagnósticos y hacer tu práctica médica más eficiente y ecológica.
Al adoptar la tecnología LED en herramientas de diagnóstico como el Pocket Plus, los profesionales no solo mejoran su capacidad para realizar exámenes más precisos, sino que también contribuyen a un futuro más sostenible en el cuidado de la salud.
submitted by Advanced_Gazelle988 to laleo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 ShortAd4356 switching life form

when i change from human to rocktal, will i have to pay artifacts again to select techs or will it stay same? i know pevious tech levels are kept
submitted by ShortAd4356 to OGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Capital_Battle4927 RB dilemma

Kyren, Walker, Irving, Hall 3 of 4
submitted by Capital_Battle4927 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Purple-Persimmon-953 Same guy?

submitted by Purple-Persimmon-953 to Reality_Quest [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 berkanathema It's all about mathematic 😄

It's all about mathematic 😄 submitted by berkanathema to idleapocalypse [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 commander_wombat EV charger on SE cable

Has anyone put an EV charger (hard wired or plug in) on SE cable? Working on a Remodel and had to rerun the oven circuit. The existing oven circuit is 6/2 SE AL, so the thought was to reuse the cable since it's already in the panel. I have not installed a charger on aluminum wire and curious if anyone has and had any calls backs.
Deleting the cable and starting over isn't out of the question, but I was curious if anyone had experience with this before.
submitted by commander_wombat to electricians [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Emotional_Music_1226 Doing remix on snap (bwc)😈😈

submitted by Emotional_Music_1226 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 TrueHeat69 Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

submitted by TrueHeat69 to horror [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 what_lions_i_hunted Best Harvest Moon for Beginner: SNES vs. N64

Hello! I haven't played Harvest Moon since briefly trying my brother's copy of A Wonderful Life way back in the GameCube days. I was pretty overwhelmed by how much I had to do to keep the farm running, and since I was mainly interested in the life sim aspects of the game, I ended up just sticking with Animal Crossing. My tastes in gaming have expanded in the past 20 years and lately I've been catching up on classic games that I was too young to appreciate as a kid.
Recently I've been playing retro games on Nintendo Switch, and since my NSO subscription includes a couple of classic Harvest Moon games, I'd like to give the series another shot (without spending any extra money for the time being).
All that being said, which game makes for a better introduction to the series, Harvest Moon SNES or Harvest Moon 64? And can you recommend any beginner's guides for learning how to play?
submitted by what_lions_i_hunted to harvestmoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Salt900 Warehouse treasures out of stock?

I was looking at the warehouse treasures, and it looks like some of them are listed as out of stock now. Will they be available with the others on the 29th, or did something happen?
submitted by Salt900 to Owala [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Apprehensive-Sell-35 Is this a mistake?

Is this a mistake? It’s been up a while so I thought they would have fixed it by now if it’s a mistake
submitted by Apprehensive-Sell-35 to wafflinpod [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 awsedr_ Hanoi & sapa weather in last week of march

Hi, would like to know how cold it will be towards end of March and how should we dress? Thanks
submitted by awsedr_ to hanoi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Romanlavandos UAH to RUB exchange rate hit new high (compared to pre-war, excluding Feb-Apr 2022)

UAH to RUB exchange rate hit new high (compared to pre-war, excluding Feb-Apr 2022) submitted by Romanlavandos to europe [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Vulceravnos Potential Gym Spots?

I'm(23M) looking for a gym in Jersey City that's not too crowded and reasonably priced. If you have any recommendations, I'd really appreciate it.
If anyone lives in a building that also has a gym, I'd be more than willing to compensate you for allowing me in.
Just trying to stay in shape!
submitted by Vulceravnos to jerseycity [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Separate-Cranberry-9 Unable To Generate New Messages After F!!ter

I guess my other post was deleted before for some reason but its exactly what it sounds like, im not sure if its a bug or not but when I get a message and it gets f!!tered im unable to generate a new reply, I deleted the app and reinstalled it and it worked but after a while it just reverted back, is this a new feature or something?
submitted by Separate-Cranberry-9 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 some-Government-7794 Suggestion: damage should be cut in half if your head is less than 1 foot from your opponent's head.

In reality, you can't throw a powerful punch at this distance, so you shouldn't be able to in the game, either. Unless it's an uppercut that you are putting your legs into it. This could help with the wild flailing spammers getting too many knockouts, too.
submitted by some-Government-7794 to ThrillOfTheFight [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 AdKindly4868 He’s evolving…

He’s evolving… It’s been 9 months since they stole his leg😔
submitted by AdKindly4868 to CryptidDogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 No_Target5122 Shelby 🤦‍♂️ fuck off

submitted by No_Target5122 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Significant_Lake_449 An old Alia art I drew

Thanks for helping me, u/madladder67!
submitted by Significant_Lake_449 to Megaman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 softkanojo WTS C4 Changli + BIS more !

WTS C4 Changli + BIS more ! NA server UL 51, has: C4 Changli + bis, Zhezhi + bis, C2 Verina, Camellya, Xiangli Yao, Encore, and Lingyang. Message me here or on discord (dollfault) if you're interested :)
submitted by softkanojo to WutheringWavesTrade_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 Resident_Attorney114 Diletta 🥵💦🔥

Diletta 🥵💦🔥 submitted by Resident_Attorney114 to DilettaLeotta [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:30 StreetFoodExplorer Bangladeshi Famous Potato Jhal Muri - STREET FOOD

submitted by StreetFoodExplorer to streetfood [link] [comments]
