选择c7单元格,输入“=match(80,c2:c5,1)”,按回车,显示“2”。 公式解析:在“c2:c5”区域内查找小于或等于“80”的数值,按顺序找到c2:c3单元格的数值都小于“80”,选择其中最大的数值,即c3的数值,c4在“c2:c5”区域内排第2,所以显示“2”。 硬盘在使用过程中或多或少会出现一些问题,经常我们都是用软件进行测试,查看错误,那么出现这个(c7)Ultra DMA CRC 错误计数警告应该怎么办呢 点击再下方一栏的“添加”按钮,对于弹出的小对话框,“单元格引用”还是选空白黑色框中的内容,“约束”一栏里县选择“bin”即可出现二进制字样,输入完成后点击“确认”按钮。 机械硬盘报c7错误,是否有损坏? 新的HC550机械硬盘安装在电脑上,没有显示,后来发现是sata接口没有安装好,后来正确安装后发现硬盘中(C7) Ultra DMA CRC Erro… 首先解释一下c7这一项,crc校验机制是udma的特性之一,当发生错误的时候c7项就会自动加1 这一项一般两种情况,第一种就是数据传输出错,即上述解释的,一般都是数据线接触不良或者本身质量质量不好,更换SATA线即可,此外恶劣的工作环境,使用硬盘扩展卡 ... c7 风险-经营异常. c7-1 风险-历史经营异常. c8 风险-知识产权出质. c9 风险-司法协助. c10 风险-终本案件. c11 风险-抽查检查. c12 风险-大数据行政处罚. c13 风险-简易注销公告. c14 风险-严重违法失信. c14-1 风险-严重违法失信-列入. c14-2 风险-严重违法失信-列出. c15 风险 ... 观察(c7)Ultra DMA CRC 项目的数值是否在增加,电脑能否正常使用中,如果没有继续增加,请继续使用并做好重要数据的备份工作 遇到上述错误提示之后,首先关闭错误提示框,双击打开已损坏的压缩包,在顶部菜单的“工具”中选择“修复压缩文件”,这种方法是借助WinRAR软件自带的修复功能,但可想而知如果我们下载的压缩包内是一份视频文件或Word文档等内容,损坏的原因是我们没有下载完整,显然这种修复方式是不 ... 选中c2:c7单元格区域,如图在“数据”选项卡的“数据工具”菜单中点击“数据有效性”下拉菜单,选择“数据有效性”。或者直接点击“数据有效性”的图标。 滚珠丝杆精度等级有:C10,C7,C5,C3,C2,C1,从左向右依次提高。 c3,c5代表滚珠丝杆的精度等级,c3等级滚珠丝杆允许移动量误差和变动的范围要比c5等级小,c3代表更高的滚珠丝杆精度。 C3和C5级的滚珠丝杆都是研磨的。C3级的精度比C5的高。一般也看客户主要用来做什么用。
2024.11.27 20:30 Mysterious-Park9524 C7 suddenly won't respond.
I have two C7's. One for my house and the other for my barn. Yesterday, my house C7 stopped communicating with my wall tablets.
I tried pinging but no joy. I tried the barn C7 and it is just chugging away.
The green led is lit.
I tried unplugging it and waiting for a couple of minutes then plugged it back in. The green led came on but I still could not communicate with it either by pinging it or trying to access the webpage.
We have not had any storms here and I have a whole house surge protector. It is also ran on a UPS.
I tried Hubitat's findmyhub and when I put in the mac address and the ip address it said if found it but I still cannot access it.
submitted by Mysterious-Park9524 to Hubitat [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 AccomplishedEgg4976 Gay trade 05c966697e8c5b4a9e3d755b7051d3020723f155ae303d9ef49a71b43a60f7841c
submitted by AccomplishedEgg4976 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 Glorious_potato45 Wie suche bzw. finde ich die passende Masterarbeit ?
Guten tag allerseits.
Ich befinde mich im 5ten Bachelorsemester des Medizinstudiums. Die Frage ist vielleicht ein bisschen CH-spezifisch aber das es um das schreiben einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit geht, werden die meisten hier damit wohl erfahrung haben.
In einem Semester müssen wir eine Masterarbeit finden, die wir dann unter der Supervision eines Prof oder PD der Medizinischen Fakultät Schreiben werden.
Für mich ist das ein reiner Dschungel, die Informationsveranstaltung hat uns die Regeln mitgeteilt die eingehalten werden müssen, praktische Tipps gabs aber kaum. Deshalb hier ein paar Fragen
-Wie kann ich einschätzen ob die Betreung gut sein wird ? Ich kenne ein paar Studenten aus dem Jahr über mir aber da bräuchte es ein Wunder damit sie unter der gleichen person wie ich arbeiten.
-Was für Arbeiten bringen mir wirklich etwas was Lehre und Lebenslauf angeht ? Und welche bringen nichts ?
-Mir wurde gesagt das man seine Dissertation auf der Masterarbeit aufbauen kann und so ziemlich viel Zeit spart. Stimmt das und wenn ja wie finde ich eine Masterarbeit die es ermöglicht ?
Solle ich mich bemühen etwas zu finden was warscheinlich publiziert wird ? Oder ist das eh egal ?
Sollte ich sonst noch was wissen ?
Vielen dank im Voraus, schönen Tag.
submitted by Glorious_potato45 to medizin [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 Certain_Grab_4420 Odd theory regarding VSS
Perhaps VSS - or to get more specific - just VS, is caused by a hyperawareness of the senses. I’ve had VSS since I was 18, and it’s come and gone. During my times of high Anxiety it comes back; and during my times of low anxiety it subsides. Perhaps when the Anxiety is peaking I’m just more aware of my physical symptoms than when it isn’t? I know this isn’t the root “cause” per se, but maybe it’s why we’re aware of it.
submitted by Certain_Grab_4420 to visualsnow [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 _Guruji_ [s2 spoilers] I asked chat gpt to translate Ma Meilleure Ennemie song and now I am crying again.
The song Ma Meilleure Ennemie ("My Best Enemy") by Lorie reflects a playful and competitive dynamic between two individuals who are both rivals and close companions. Below is an English translation of the lyrics:
When I see her arrive, she puts on her airs, Her diva looks, the way she sways, I hear her say, "Excuse me," but no one is fooled, She is my best enemy.
She copies my style, imitates my moves, She thinks she's unique, but she doesn't see, That everything she does, I've already done before, She is my best enemy.
(Chorus) But when we dance, it's a whole other story, It's a fierce battle, we light up the floor, We act like we hate each other, but it's clear to see, She's my best enemy.
She has a way of wanting to be noticed, Always putting on a show to feel adored, But deep down, I know she envies me, She is my best enemy.
Behind her facade, she hides her flaws, Her desire to shine, her fear of letting go, We share this game, this rivalry, She is my best enemy.
(Chorus) But when we dance, it's a whole other story, It's a fierce battle, we light up the floor, We act like we hate each other, but it's clear to see, She's my best enemy.
(Bridge) We can't stand each other, but we can't part, A strange connection that binds us in art, We push each other to be the best we can be, She is my best enemy.
(Outro) So, let's keep this game, this rivalry, A twisted bond, yet full of energy, She is my rival, yet so close to me, She is my best enemy.
submitted by _Guruji_ to arcane [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 Animuweb Help with upgrading
So, I have an unbelievably garbage PC, and with the Black Friday deals going on, I want to upgrade some parts, but I am clueless as to how. I have some pictures to the specs but I'm not sure if I have captured all the parts I have. Any suggestions or recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Note: I'm trying to go for budget options for a decent PC build (I'm poor)
Processing img mnm6p2ff7i3e1...
Processing img bpksh1ff7i3e1...
submitted by Animuweb to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 SllaYerX can someone send me 0.0005 solana pls
i’ve been collecting from the faucets for 3 weeks 😭 i wanna start investing already
submitted by SllaYerX to SolanaSniper [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 Charming-Public-8816 My juggalo art
submitted by Charming-Public-8816 to juggalo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:30 B_1_R_D AC definitely has this
submitted by B_1_R_D to AngryCops [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:30 pigeon2704 Trying to get into old account-was it deleted?
So i have not played animal jam in about 4 years, and i tried to sign into my old account (14 years old) and no password i used was correct. so i selected "forgot password", provided my moms email, and it said they'd send an email. it's been 24 hours and my mom has not received an email. i created a new account to look up my old one, and the profile still comes up, all of my animals are there but they have no clothes on, and i can go to my den but it is just an empty default den with default music. has my account been deleted or just marked as inactive? Any help is appreciated! 🙏🙏 submitted by pigeon2704 to AnimalJam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:30 PriorityOk1610 موضوع ساخن
انا اعرف انو كل بلد ولها عادات وتقاليد وو ولكن ليش لما البنات السعوديات يسووا زي باقي بنات الدول الثانيه خدلك احلى سب وشتم وانو احنا يهود، ماعمري شفت بنت سعوديه تنشهر وتسوي نفس اللي يسووا نفس البنات من باقي الدول العربيه واكثر احتشاما كمان الا وتنسب؟؟ايش مشكلتهم؟
مثال بسيط دوبي واخر مرا راح افتح التطبيق المعفن (تويتر) شفت تغريده لجد وجده و حفيدتهم جالسين ومبسوطين وكلهم محجبين والتعليقات عالم اخر وكلها عن الاحتشام مع انهم متحجبين!؟🤡 الشوام والمصريين لما ينزلوا صورهم بتويتر ليس مايجيهم نفس النصايح على انهم يتنقبوا ويغطوا وجههم؟ ليش السعوديات بس؟ وزي لما بنت سعوديه تسوي حفله او مناسبه يجيبوا طاري فلسطين ، بس لما يسوونها شوام(اقصد فيها المشهوره والمشهور يلي انخطبوا) مافي ولا تعليق عن فلسطين او الحجاب عموما؟؟؟ ايش اللي صاير؟ وليش احنا الواجهه؟
submitted by PriorityOk1610 to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 Puzzleheaded_Bee4285 Algún servicio de fibra óptica que me recomienden? Cantv no sirve para nada (plan de 8 mbits del que no recibo ni 0.5)
estoy pagando 9 dolares + 2 dolares del teléfono mensual por esta pedazo de mierda inservible un auténtico robo y un escupitajo en la cara al consumidor por donde vivo hay fibex y netcom, por los mismos 30 dolares que cobra fibex en netcom te dan 400mbits pero no se nada de lo de la instalación, ademas de que necesito un modem de fibra óptica que no se cuanto cuesta. conocen algun otro servicio? soy de valencia por cierto
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Bee4285 to vzla [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 2204happy Update: You now need 113 Kopecks to make 1 US Penny
submitted by 2204happy to GenUsa [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:30 PutridLocksmith4978 Rise 4 Plus Max
I have the Clicky kit on my bdm 30 installed (bumper+trigger+buttons) and i want to install the rise 4 plus max. How should I do it without getting an extra only buttons clicky kit?
submitted by PutridLocksmith4978 to eXtremeRate [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 Available-Habit6650 Would love a more longlasting or more in depth roguelike upgrades in normal mode.
I've only made it to ascension 4 with each character and I feel stuck. Still addicted to the game but I'm getting tired of losing and getting nothing more to show for my effort. I think it would be more worthwhile if certain things were carried over after each loss. Gold for instance. Or even the ability to slowly keep a card or two from your previous deck after you continue to build up points in the score system. There are plenty of other minor upgrades I could think of but to be more brief I'll just ask the community. Does this seem like it may happen for the sequel or do you have any quality of life upgrades you'd like to be added once you've unlocked all the characters and all the cards?
submitted by Available-Habit6650 to slaythespire [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 ongand2 I Recently Received A Request From The 32nd Brigade For 2 Chainsaws, A Set Of Axes To Build Fortifications And 2 Desiel Heaters Which Are All On Sale, So I Decided To Ask For Your Help Once Again. The Total Cost For All Of This Is $1125.
submitted by ongand2 to ukraine [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:30 Solarbeam62 Does anyone form the military play DnD?
If so what branch? What rank? And what class in DnD do you play?
submitted by Solarbeam62 to DnD [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 PizzaIndependent1144 AITA for telling my sister she's selfish for never being there for me?
My (F23) sister (27) and I have always been close since the very beginning. And by close, I mean very close : We shared the same passions, the same music tastes, we traveled a lot together... We were literally stuck together, all the time. She has a boyfriend (28) for a few years now and they started living together two years ago : I was extremely happy for her because she deserved all the happiness this world has to offer, and nothing had changed between us... Until a few months ago.
For context, about a year ago, she got into a very bad car crash and she called me so, despite recovering from a wrist surgery, I drove (which I wasn't supposed to) to where she was, did all the paper stuff for her, and brought her to her and her bf's house, stayed the entire evening, made dinner, etc. A few weeks pass by, and she gets very ill and had to go to the hospital. Once again, I took a few days off, drove her to the hospital, stayed with her as much as I could, brought her home when she left the hospital... I thought this was just a normal thing to do for her, because she's my sister, and I love her.
A few weeks ago, I got hit by a car and even if I didn't go to the hospital because I felt like I didn't need it, I was left extremely shocked. So first thing I do is send a text to my sister, knowing she doesn't work, and all I'm left with is message saying she's sick and can't drive to see me but she hopes I'm okay. And I believed her at first, until her bf posted a story of the two of them outside, "enjoying the afternoon together". I felt extremely sad, disappointed even, but didn't say anything because I didn't want to be that terrible self-centred sister who cannot let her enjoy her life with her loved one.
Time goes by, and I see her less and less. Only once every two weeks when her boyfriend is working and she doesn't, and she stays about 3-4 hours, then leave.
As I've been struggling (again) with eating disorders and depression for a while and hiding it from my family to not be a burden, I finally gathered enough courage to call her last Sunday to tell her how I felt, how hard it was for me, that maybe spending the afternoon with her would help me feel better for a bit, and once again, she tells me she can't because she has things to do. She doesn't ask me if I'm free the following week, or if it's okay to talk through the phone... And hung up.
So I called her back, and told her she has been absolutely horrible to me for the past few months, and that I exist only when her boyfriend isn't around to entertain her. She said I was "being mean", started crying and hung up once again.
So... AITA or telling my sister she's selfish for never being there for me?
submitted by PizzaIndependent1144 to AITAH [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 Review_bros Is the review too harsh?
submitted by Review_bros to Preworkoutsupplements [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:30 howtobanano BANANO Monthly Update #79 (November 2024)
Here's the BANANO Monthly Update November 2024 containing all news from the BANANO ecosphere from October 2024. It's been a lot - check it out here:
submitted by howtobanano to banano [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 natelull7 Presentation is such lackluster
This is the first game in a while that feels like the gameplay is there, but the presentation just isn’t good. There’s no special “holiday” broadcasts anymore, cutscenes are few and far between. I’m glad the game plays well, but they really striped down the minor details that add to the realism of the game. I dont get it. Curious to hear takes on this.
I’m strictly talking about play now/ any mode not named MyCareer or MyTeam.
submitted by natelull7 to NBA2k [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 thelegendofkatee Farewell celebration
submitted by thelegendofkatee to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 20:30 MantisBass85 Wazuh Notification Customization
I am setting up some Notifications for monitors I have created. I am wondering if there is a way to customize the e-mail sent to display data within the retrieved query results (i.e. the UserID for an e-mail user.) It looks like I can only add information using the ctx trigger variables. Anyone know of a way to customize the alerts from the query results?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by MantisBass85 to Wazuh [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 KAZY_K0REAN Code violation, dumb, or just a old practice?
Doing some home electrical work. I am not a pro. But I know the basics. I just found this weird set up and fixed it. Now I am curious what the heck it was about.
Single pole light switch has one 14/2 wire. The white wire has black tape on it and is attached to the switch. I am like well that’s probably either an old way of doing it or a code violation. But how is this working on 1 wire? I follow the wire back to an electrical box that has 3 more wires, (4 total) and 1 goes to the light fixture. I figured 1 of these last 2 unknown wires is hot and one is probably something else. I open up the box and one is just capped off. It’s not attached to anything. I turn the breaker back on and test the wire that was capped and it is hot! I test the other unknown wire and it is also hot.
So I have 2 hot wires on the same breaker, just 1 is capped off and not in use. 1 to the light fixture, and 1 to the light switch.
I follow both hot wires back. Picked one and removed it properly. Rerouted the 2nd hot wire down to the light switch, then ran a direct line from switch to the light fixture. Last I removed the now empty electrical box.
What the heck? They made this way harder than it needed to be. Is any of that normal at all? Or just dumb and code violations.
submitted by KAZY_K0REAN to electricians [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 20:30 Puzzleheaded-Big9593 Pc wont boot past bios after switching RAM sticks, even after switching back.
So i wanted to replace some old ram sticks and it would only boot to bios with those in, so i figured i'd switch back to my old ones and for some reason that won't boot past bios either.
The green boot debug light is shining contunuously.
Specs: MSI pro B760M-P DDR4 Intel i5-12400F Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8gb
Boot drive is an old samsung ssd that ive never had issues with.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Big9593 to buildapc [link] [comments]