Don't sleep on this game just yet

2024.11.27 21:26 echoalan Don't sleep on this game just yet

Don't sleep on this game just yet
submitted by echoalan to swg [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 ChrisSheltonMsc French Scientology documentary has now dropped on YouTube

French Scientology documentary has now dropped on YouTube submitted by ChrisSheltonMsc to scientology [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 autmartin advice <3 first alocasia!!

submitted by autmartin to plants [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Equanly 💀

💀 submitted by Equanly to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Pink-Lemonade7931 Why do we not get notified when authors respond to fanmail?!?!

Anyone else find it crazy how it’s been years since Episode released and still, there’s no feature of notifying you when an author responds to your fanmail. Like what 😭😭 you’re telling me I have to scroll through hundreds, even thousands of fan mail entries to try to find the response to a comment or question I asked a month ago?!
I love sending fanmail and I know not every author will respond to every one, but I have scrolled through before to read the reply to my fan mail and it’s so fun and nice to hear back from an author. I love reading other people’s fan mails too.
submitted by Pink-Lemonade7931 to Episode [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Kay_Cee_ Rocket equations - Help with calculating how much Δv is required to reach a circular orbit around the earth

Rocket equations - Help with calculating how much Δv is required to reach a circular orbit around the earth Apologies if the title isn't exactly worded properly. Also sorry for the long read. Most of this post is explaining how I derived my equation for people to see if they can find an error in my math or reasoning
I have been wanting to write a semi-accurate autopilot for a rocket for a decent amount of time now. Today, I decided to try to come up with a formula that would predict how much velocity would be required to reach a circular orbit with a radius r around the earth, as I couldn't find any equations/models in my research. To do this, I started by getting the equation for orbital velocity:
E = Earth radius in meters, added to make r=0 be earth's surface
After getting that down, I started working on calculating how much vertical velocity would be required to get to a height of r over the earth. The most difficult part about this was figuring out how to deal with a constantly changing acceleration of gravity. If gravitational acceleration were constant, it would be trivial; just use:
g = surface gravitational acceleration
But because gravitational acceleration varies with distance, I needed to use calculus (which I am not good at). I found an equation online that would give me final velocity given varying acceleration:
I used online tools to solve the integral and got the result:
Substituting this for the integral, we get the final velocity required to reach a specific height above the earth:
From my understanding of orbital mechanics, the Δv required to reach orbit comes from a combination of "going up" (the Δv for this component has been determined by P(r)) and "going sideways" (the Δv for this component has been determined by V(r)). Therefore, I should be able to add these components together to get the final Δv value:
the 1000r is just used to convert from meters to kilometers
When I do this, though, something unexpected happens:
Past ~13,700 kilometers above the earth's surface, the Δv required to reach that specific orbit begins decreasing. The main question I have is if this is a real phenomenon, or is there is a mistake or misunderstanding in my math somewhere and it doesn't exist in the real word?
I am fairly confident the equation (or model?) is accurate for values that fall within low earth orbit.
Also, if anyone can link any resources where I could learn more about the physics of rockets flying that would be very helpful
submitted by Kay_Cee_ to Physics [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 nazeem132 I feel a bit worried

Hi I have lived with RA my whole life currently 16 and don't have any active arthritis but still feel lots of pain even though my pain is way more tolerable than it used to be and went from having to crawl on the floor to now being able to walk several hours and be fine I have started to notice that I've been getting way more angry and irritated over the tiniest of things and that I've had some mood swings recently without any reason that I can think of.
I'm not sure if it's a RA thing because I've never really experienced this before or if it's something else but it does make me worried that I might accidentally snap at my friend's and worsen our friend ship or ruin it all together as I have done in the past.
I just feel a bit worried.
Sorry if I poorly worded that it's just I've always been a bit bad at wording my thoughts.
submitted by nazeem132 to rheumatoidarthritis [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Fit-Ad1371 [s2 spoilers] "What you took from us is far more valueable than gold"

submitted by Fit-Ad1371 to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Top-Organization-814 Mon psychiatre me traite comme un menteur ou alors il a oublié nos rdv

J’ai déjà fais un post sur mon psychiatre et aujourd’hui ça fais 2 mois que je le vois, aujourd’hui il a demandé à ma mère d’être présente et je n’ai pas été gêné vu que je suis proche d’elle et qu’elle m’a accompagné à mon premier rendez vous, je pensais qu’il voulait peut être faire un compte rendu vu qu’à moi il ne me dis RIEN… mais il a agit comme si j’étais un menteur, ou du moins comme si il avait oublié tout ce que je lui ai raconté, il a dit que je ne lui avais pas parlé de pensé suicidaire alors que je l’ai fais et c’était la raison pour la quelle il m’a mis en ALD à la base parce qu’après lui avoir dit que je voulais mourir ect (je détaillerais pas exactement ce que je lui ai dis j’ai pas très envie) il m’a juste dis que je devais essayer de travailler avec lui et qu’après ça si j’avais pas changé d’avis sur la vie je peux me tuer (je lui ai d’ailleurs dis à ce moment que je lui avais déjà parlé de pensé suicidaire et il a dit « oui peut être mais ça devais pas être sérieux ») , il a parlé à ma mère comme si le problème venait de mon éducation et que je devais « manger équilibré » et « dormir la nuit » alors que je lui expliqué mes tendances à m’affamer pendant des jours sans rien pouvoir n’y faire, et mon incapacité à dormir parfois jusqu’à tomber de fatigue ou contrairement être dans un état d’hypersomnie
Il m’a demandé « toi tu penses avoir quoi comme maladie ? » j’ai dis que je savais pas vu que c’est lui qui est censé me diagnostiquer mdrrrrrrr et il m’a rep « bah voilà » comme si le fait que je sache pas ce que j’ai était la preuve que je n’avais rien alors que c’est lui le psychiatre qui est censé m’éclairer????
A côté de ça il m’a déclaré autiste et un trouble de la personnalité et une dépression mais aujourd’hui il n’a pas dis un seul mot sur aucun de ces diagnostique, aucun conseil sur ce que je dois faire en cas de crise ni rien il a juste conseillé à ma mère de m’emmener à ma mère si j’essayais de me suicider (logique elle va pas me laisser faire mais bon c’est bête de croire que si je le fais c’est a côté d’elle)
Merci d’avoir lu je n’attend pas vraiment de conseil y’a pas grand chose à ajouter, je voulais juste faire une update de ma situation pour extériorisé un petit peu, je n’ai jamais eu aussi honte et dégoûté de moi même je ne sais pas ce que j’ai, j’ai l’impression d’être impossible à aider, la séance a était horrible elle a fait tellement de mal à moi et ma mère je ne veux plus jamais laisser personne savoir ce qui se passe dans ma tête je vais faire une pause de tout et changer de psychiatre je pense
submitted by Top-Organization-814 to besoindeparler [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 raptoman123 Cursed_nipslip

submitted by raptoman123 to cursedcomments [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Swimming_Wall_4327 The cat does not find it funny

The cat does not find it funny submitted by Swimming_Wall_4327 to lolcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 ExpatTarheel What did Lesley look like after what happened happened

I know that Mr Punch alters the bone structure of a person's face when he posseses them and that bone structure collapses when he leaves. This causes their 'face to fall off' in the books. But what exactly does that look like? Is there just a hole in their face where their nose and mouth used to be?
submitted by ExpatTarheel to riversoflondon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Amiiraaa7_ [IN-HAND REVIEW] Van Cleef & Cartier bracelets

[IN-HAND REVIEW] Van Cleef & Cartier bracelets —> W2C: https://lingkejewelry(dot)com
—> Whatsapp: +86 1984 9358 835
—> Price of Van Cleef bracelet: $70. Mention AMS7_ for your discount
—> Price for Cartier bracelet: $40. Mention AMS7_ for your discount
submitted by Amiiraaa7_ to fashionrepsv2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 JustFartinRound Buying a 2021 mx bike after 2025 in California

Hey ya'll, been trying to find a straight answer on this. As we lucky Californians know, once New Years strikes for 2025 it's kind of a "smoke em if you got em, but if you don't got em, get fucked" situation for mx bikes (and others) 2021 or older. What I'm wondering is if you buy a 2021 or older mx bike after 2025--whether from in state or out--will you be able to get it registered with one of those permanent green stickers they're doing for these bikes?
submitted by JustFartinRound to Dirtbikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 raeofsunshine231 What are your plans for Thanksgiving Eve?

submitted by raeofsunshine231 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 slobotfan4372 some fun builds in my kingdom

some fun builds in my kingdom
  1. Leaf’s electric guitar house
  2. Violet’s monster tower
  3. Royal Academy boy/girl dorms 4-6. My Reward Island duplex castle (reached the max block limit building this lol)
please forgive the image quality lol
submitted by slobotfan4372 to MySims [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 AltruisticRun5574 I’ll trib ur tight irls/fam. nI love sleeping girls and creeeps. 5NXV9LLUS

I’ll trib ur tight irls/fam. nI love sleeping girls and creeeps. 5NXV9LLUS 05f44b587dc31b6000b9e3b3e7f242d5c3268a30b18daf4830d527321cc3554a35
submitted by AltruisticRun5574 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Wildlight622 Daily Wilbur Pic: Day 20

Daily Wilbur Pic: Day 20 submitted by Wildlight622 to WilburSootHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 dabatswag Gaming headset that doesn’t have to be super low budget

Hey guys I’m looking for a headset for exclusive use with my desktop and ps5 (meaning usb connection is okay!) I just want something that sounds great and has a good mic. Wireless is a bonus but good mic’s on those are rare.
Most of the posts on here are like 100-250 budget. What’s the headset you guys would recommend someone actually buy just in general?
What do you think is the best headset on the market with a good value ratio. I’d be okay saving and splurging if it’s worth it, but I wanna know some opinions not restricted by price
submitted by dabatswag to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 zoinkytonk Yearning

I long to be loved, I long to give love. I search for connection, I grasp at straws of affection. I give pieces of my body, thinking that will make him love me. When he leaves I am broken, but really, what was I expecting? Maybe it was worth it, to feel wanted just for that moment. But I wish he wanted my spirit, I wish it actually meant something.
submitted by zoinkytonk to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Joshuary81 Clown not doing well

Clown not doing well Laying on bottom, tipping over, not wanting to eat. Year old tank, and ive had him 6 months. No other fish reacting. Nitrate at 6. Carbonate was at 5 so i upper that. Salinity 1.025. Dropped in a bubbler to help w oxygenation for now. Did quick 20% water change w what i had on hand. Reef store closed. Any thoughts what i can do?
submitted by Joshuary81 to ReefTank [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 The_Morbid_Moose What Mushroom is this?

Friend was wanting me to ask what mushroom this may be? I know nothing of fungus so thought I'd ask here.
submitted by The_Morbid_Moose to whatplantisthis [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 New-Manufacturer-680 microdosing for about a month update

i have been taking capsules of 0.05 - 0.07 g of mushrooms every two days. i have been noticing that im very happy lately and i started it because i was feeling very bleak and starting to worry i would get depressed for a long time because i tend to feel that way when winter comes around. i have had days where i felt sad but it usually goes away the next day. i dont know if my change in mood is associated with microdosing necessarily (correlation vs causation) because i have been also incorporating a lot of lifestyle changes (like eating mostly home cooked meals from scratch, not being in a relationship, trying to go outside more to do simple things like reading a book in public, taking care to get ready and wearing outfits and makeup that i like)
submitted by New-Manufacturer-680 to microdosing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 Legitimate-Desk-5536 Who do I ask or what do I for extra payments for my car loan

Just bought a new car on loan with CIBC. Although, its showing principal amount, interest rate, payment date on Lending account in app but there is no option for extra payment. I confirmed with my dealership and they said there is no prepayment penalties. How do I make extra payment?
submitted by Legitimate-Desk-5536 to CanadaFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:26 thecrisisactors Looking for a singer for punkish type of band

Hi we are a punkish band starting out in montreal our singer is no longer working with us and we are looking for someone to join. Should be able to take direction well, work independently, and write lyrics and vocal melodies. You can check out the project here if its something you may be interested in please reach out
submitted by thecrisisactors to montrealmusic [link] [comments]