2024.11.27 22:28 South-Ad-9635 is anyone else getting this error on update attempt?
https://preview.redd.it/lbriph1ysi3e1.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=3814b50c379346a2034dec337916f724d4b99b15 submitted by South-Ad-9635 to factorio [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 Lumpy_News6807 Uzun vade ve kısa vade için önerebileceğiniz hisseler nelerdir?
submitted by Lumpy_News6807 to Yatirim [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:28 Fluffy-Ad4451 issue with speaker?
hi I have a 2014 Ford escape and I was literally just listening to music and then I heard this like strange popping noise and then my music stop playing none of the noise features of the car are going off and my music not playing the radio not playing nothing playingwhat do you guys think is going on I don't feel like fixing this car again
submitted by Fluffy-Ad4451 to AskAShittyMechanic [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:28 quAr0 yurtdışı uçuşunda uçak altı bagajında şampuan ve parfüm bulundurmak
kabinde yasak olduğunu biliyorum, pegasus'un sayfasından da uçak altı bagaj kurallarını okudum ama garanti olması açısından daha önce yurtdışına çıkmış arkadaşlar şampuan, duş şeli, parfüm gibi maddeler sıkıntı yaratıyor mu?
submitted by quAr0 to AskTurkey [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:28 Dangerous_Delay_8769 What do you think of my team?
submitted by Dangerous_Delay_8769 to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 malbeyin Ferrari: "Katar pisti aracımıza uymuyor"
submitted by malbeyin to formula1TR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 hiilanixart Can someone please draw my cats?
I’ve added a few pictures to choose from lol. One has long legs and the other has extra thumbs. They kinda look like oven mitts submitted by hiilanixart to redditgetsdrawnbadly [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 Worth_Sprinkles5532 Can you platonically buy a member of the opposite sex a drink?
For instance, to show appreciation for their work, and then nothing further happens with the person? Is this crossing a line if you’re married? Little difference of opinion between me and my spouse.
submitted by Worth_Sprinkles5532 to amiwrong [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:28 Seattlecanadian Assessment
Do you use a mental performance assessment to help your clients? If so, which one?
submitted by Seattlecanadian to sportspsychology [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:28 Ok_Rent_3573 Voltei a treinar (dessa vez é sério)
Já fui 3x essa semana e estou me sentindo muito bem fisicamente! submitted by Ok_Rent_3573 to Conquistas [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 PokemonNerd490 mega altria near me have 2 local ready 460819852894
add and comment here plz
submitted by PokemonNerd490 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:28 Jumpy-Clothes-5290 If you want or need Ableton Live 12 Suite ->DM
submitted by Jumpy-Clothes-5290 to AfroHouseUnreleased [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:28 jaygrum How is everyone holding up with Gloanéd (Gladiator + Moana + Wicked)?
submitted by jaygrum to Cinemark [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:28 Mgrocker94 Messages and profile disappeared
Hi I matched with a woman on okcupid Ali from Delaware we were messaging for a few hours than I was waiting for her to send a message so I could respond I looked and out chat and her profile disappeared idk what happened I didn't block or anything and I know she didn't
submitted by Mgrocker94 to OkCupid [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:28 cool_exec First time I’m ever happy I lost a game
Finished Champs at 9-10-1 Missed out on the 85 card for this consolation prize !! Best pull of the year. submitted by cool_exec to NHLHUT [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 SweetyPeachygirl Where is he at?
submitted by SweetyPeachygirl to ZoroIsLost [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 _Baka-chan_ Click 4 click
submitted by _Baka-chan_ to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 phillie187 Steckis Tag 32 (BT12) = 70cm Pflanzenhöhe 🚀
submitted by phillie187 to Canbau [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:28 Pythonbrongallday Galileo is the perfect Ivory.
submitted by Pythonbrongallday to snakes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 -O0w0O- LF feathered ears that match me!
May be able to add depending on how close the colours are! submitted by -O0w0O- to AnimalJam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 njkauto Do not use an uzi to assemble the desk, got it.
submitted by njkauto to funny [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 lateachercr Chilaquiles hecho en casa.
Chiquillos, de las cosas más fáciles comida rápida. Aprendan a tener un pollo asado en casa. Usan la mitad o un cuarto. Congelan el resto. Una capa de Tortillas, salsa Chunky o Salsa verde (me gusta más), queso rallado, pollo desmenuzado, aguacate o y los huevitos fritos. Luego me agradecen. submitted by lateachercr to Ticos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 stayintall NGD MIJ Epiphone Casino Elitist VS
submitted by stayintall to Guitar [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:28 smiskiluvr c4c, thank u!
r submitted by smiskiluvr to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:28 throwRAratfacee Wait for us to heal and reconnect or move on?
This is so heartbreaking for me. The short story is that we broke up because our relationship became difficult. My mental health was bad and not being treated and I affected him and he had intimacy issues which affected our sex life terribly.
He decided to break up and felt extremely hurt by me. I wanted to stay and work on things together. A few weeks and even days before he broke up with me he made some huge commitments, we were looking for a new apartment together and planning our life and talking jokingly about us being in a care home old together. We were together for 8 years and were best friends.
Throughout the breakup he really positioned this break up as a chance to heal, to grow and to better ourselves and be more independent since we relied on eachother heavily and both lost ourselves with no hobbies or friends - we had a lot going on in our lives and were just in survival mode.
He kept saying I need to get fixed, I need to work on things and that he’d see via my actions whether I’ve changed. We’ve been apart for two months and honestly, the moment I realised how much I was affecting our relationship, it’s like something clicked and my eyes were opened and I started bettering myself instantly. My mental health has improved heaps, I’m in therapy, I’m journalling, I’m more emotionally stable, I have new friends, I am working out etc.
He left the door open and kept telling me we didn’t know what the future held. But, we both agreed next time we’d be better, we would be incredible after healing and growing etc. he told me he wanted to stay in contact and we did until I ignored him for nearly three weeks - I regret not communicating but I felt overwhelmed and I didn’t know how to respond and comprehend us talking normally but not being together. After that time, I reached out but he is much more distant now and has told me he’s doing good with new friends and likes where he is living etc.
Our final day together we did say we loved eachother, he told me to keep him updated with my progress and throughout the breakup he told me he’d miss me and cared about me and that he wanted me to get better whenever I spoke about our old memories. He told me he’d be unhappy if our paths never crossed again, that he doubted it was the last time we’d see eachother and that he hopes we have a future together without all the hurt and once we’re healed. But, he emphasised change and happiness for both of us before that could even happen.
I have so much hope for the future because I know we’re meant for eachother but I am worried that he’s not so hopeful anymore. We’ve had a conversation over the course of a week and whilst he’s being receptive and responding he isn’t emotionally involved but is still sharing his life and trusting me etc.
I really don’t know how to move forward here, I miss him and I regret how the relationship ended up. We had a beautiful relationship for many years and we’re really best friends.
submitted by throwRAratfacee to BreakUps [link] [comments]