2024.11.27 22:40 bil-sabab Fifty Foot Hose - Rose (1968)
submitted by bil-sabab to SmorgasbordBizarre [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:40 Ok_Consequence1175 Ethereal Fox Mirage🦊
Nen Ability Name: “Ethereal Fox Mirage”
Type: Manipulation/Conjuration
Concept: (based off maegu from BDO
The user places enchanted petals on the battlefield to create illusions and weapons. These petals are versatile, serving as tools for both offense and strategic traps. Only one illusion can be active at a time, vanishing when struck, making the ability highly tactical.
1. Fox Petal Illusion • Mechanic: The user places a petal to conjure a single illusion of themselves. This illusion perfectly mimics their movements and can confuse or distract the opponent. Once the illusion is struck, it vanishes instantly, akin to a substitution technique. • Effect: This ability allows the user to trick enemies into attacking the illusion instead of the real body. • Setup: A petal must be planted on the ground to summon the illusion. Once the illusion disappears, the user can generate another one by placing a new petal. • Drawback: Only one illusion can exist at a time, and its strength depends on the user’s focus. Maintaining the illusion drains Nen continuously. 2. Sharp Petals (Offensive Use) • Mechanic: The user can manipulate two petals into razor-sharp projectiles capable of piercing objects or opponents. • Effect: The petals are small but fast and sharp, making them ideal for precise, deadly strikes. • Setup: The user channels Nen into the petals to sharpen and control them mid-flight. • Drawback: The sharp petals require constant focus and cannot be retrieved once used. If the user controls both petals simultaneously, it becomes harder to maintain other abilities. 3. Sticky Petal Trap • Mechanic: The user plants a sticky petal that attaches to surfaces or opponents. The petal can either explode after a set period or detonate on command. • Effect: The explosion releases a focused burst of Nen, strong enough to disorient or injure an opponent. • Setup: The sticky petal requires precise placement to be effective. If it is discovered and removed, it becomes inactive. • Drawback: Only one sticky petal can exist at a time. The explosion consumes a significant amount of Nen, limiting its repeated use.
Rules and Limitations:• The user can control up to three petals at any time: • One illusion petal (used for creating the single illusion). • Two sharp petals (used offensively as projectiles). • One sticky petal (used as a trap). • The petals are fragile and can be destroyed if hit with sufficient force. • The user must plan their movements carefully, as overusing petals quickly drains Nen.
Streamlined Inspiration:• Ties directly to Maegu’s tactical, elegant combat style with illusions and traps. • Balances offense, defense, and strategy, focusing on quality over quantity of illusions and attacks. • Keeps the ability grounded in the principles of the Nen system.
submitted by Ok_Consequence1175 to HatsuVault [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 No-Chapter-9563 Streak 018 - Pausentag
submitted by No-Chapter-9563 to WriteStreakGerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 Exhaust-lover Я не знаю як мені поступити.
Якщо коротко я хлопець мені 2 вже провчився в коледжі. Завжди хотів зразу після закінчення піти на роботу ще під час навчання я вже працював повний робочий день 2 курси. Проблеми знайти роботу немає взагалі, багато друзів які кличуть працювати з ними. Але вийшло так що через війну мої батьки вирішили запхати мене до універу. Немає навіть найменшого бажання продовжувати "навчання" зараз в універі де я вчусь без взятки не хочуть закривати предмети я порахував +- і виходить від 13 до 15 тисяч за сессію. Все це відбувається під егідою що в країні війна і тільки вийдеш на вулицю тебе зразу ж хапане тцк. Розумію що такі випадки відбуваються але це швидше рідкість. Та й не дуже то я по вигляду на хлопця чесно кажучи схожий. Декілька днів тому я вернувся з гуртожитку і розказав батькам що не хочу брати участь в цьому цирку і викидати гроші на вітер. Тим більше не свої. Мене дуже гризе совість що я по факту викидаю на вітер не свої гроші на це. Мама розплакалась бо говорить що дуже переживає. І просить щоб я відбув ще цей курс. Розумію що вона переживає але цілий рік витрачати впусту я не хочу. Я не знаю як мені краще поступити і що робити далі.
submitted by Exhaust-lover to reddit_ukr [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 bluevanilla68 Inneres Kind Übungen
Ich stecke zurzeit in der Therapie in einem Kreislauf fest, der etwa so aussieht: Ich berichte von einem Problem oder Gefühl was mich belastet, und erzähle aus welchen vergangenen Situationen es kommen könnte. Nehmen wir mal die Angst gesehen zu werden als Beispiel.
Die Antwort, die von meinem Therapeuten kommt ist dann erstmal das typisch empathische Erkennen, dass die Ängste und die daraus resultierenden Coping Mechanismen erstmal total Sinn für ein Kind machen, um sich zu schützen.
Und der nächste Schritt ist dann immer, neue Glaubenssätze zu entwickeln, um die alten schädlichen zu schwächen, und diese dann auch privat regelmäßig in Verbindung mit Klopftechniken zu wiederholen. Und auch die anderen typischen Innere Kind-Übungen.
Es ist schon an einem Punkt, wo ich mir eigentlich bei den meisten Anliegen schon selber Beantworten kann, wie die Therapiestunde aussehen wird. Ist das wirklich die einzige Technik, die einem helfen kann? Irgendwie kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass regelmäßiges Sätze sprechen, meine Tiefen Wunden und Ängste heilen können, die unterbewusst regelmäßig körperliche Reaktionen hervorrufen.
Immer wenn ich anspreche, ob es vielleicht noch andere Methoden gibt, kriege ich ähnliche Methoden vorgeschlagen, die z.B. mit der Vorstellung zutun haben, auch dann im Rahmen des Inneren Kindes. Also irgendwie Sachen die ich bei einer Google Suche finden würde. Ist man bei einer Verhaltenstherapie wirklich so beschränkt auf mögliche Lösungsansätze?
Ich hoffe es klingt nicht allzu pessimistisch, aber ich würde gerne wissen, ob diese Technik wirklich so erfolgsversprechend sind, da sie mir sehr simpel vorkommt, und ich das Gefühl hab da müsste mehr hinter stecken.
Danke :)
submitted by bluevanilla68 to Psychologie [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 Thoughts_dreams_ Nothing left
I have said everything I can. I have shed all the tears I have for you. I don’t care anymore. Nothing left
submitted by Thoughts_dreams_ to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 Prestigious-You8779 Crazy Japanese street signs edit (photography manipulation)
submitted by Prestigious-You8779 to PsychedelicArt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:40 Mead-i-ochre Blueberry Mead - 8 Days in
My current gallon batch seems like the fermentation stalled. Bubbles in my stopper have completely stopped and I'm getting a lot of sediment, but it still smells yeasty and unfinished.
Should I rack it do a different container and try and restart the process? Thoughts?
submitted by Mead-i-ochre to mead [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 UbiquitousSlander Not my photo, or “long range but something different for yall (read below)
Technically long range for the pistol, I just got a Ruger LCP (2.5inch barrel .380) and my targets are looking something like this at 25yrds+. I understand even this is further than intended for the pistol but any suggestions to improve my accuracy and precision? Good ammo recs and practice drills etc... it’s my edc and I want to be more than profecient submitted by UbiquitousSlander to longrange [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:40 MAYHEDO-Star-Society Immersive traveling
Traveling by portal is quick but sometimes you might want to feel like you are on a long journey. I try to avoid using portals and instead i travel like this:
I use pulse speed untill i get within 5 seconds of the destination.
Then i use boosted speed untill I get within 10 seconds of the destination.
Then i use standard flight speed untill I get to the destination.
This is just for roleplaying/immersion but it makes traveling a better experience for me personally. Your milage may vary.
submitted by MAYHEDO-Star-Society to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 IndigoNovaa wrapped like a present
submitted by IndigoNovaa to soleslovers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:40 Grayhadeswolf Power outage
Does anyone else have no power in Northern Oshawa?
submitted by Grayhadeswolf to Oshawa [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 Shakettsu This game used to be easier
I swear to god it's so hard to find consistency between CG showing up in Elite and the playerbase being so good nowadays. People be hitting perfect shots and not messing up any hole.
submitted by Shakettsu to GolfBattle [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 LexGoEveryday Classy enough?
submitted by LexGoEveryday to lexgoeveryday [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:40 deathofunme Son 24 saat
Belki saçma, anlamsız gelecek ama son 24 saatiniz kalsa ne yapardınız?
submitted by deathofunme to felsefe [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 Comfortable_Pilot975 18M started last week. Am I doing this right?
submitted by Comfortable_Pilot975 to TheRaceTo10Million [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:40 Historical_Ad1970 My worldwide notes collection Part1
2024.11.27 22:40 hitmybutt Help with upgrade
I’m upgrading my current desktop to something better and I am wondering if this is the right way to go.
Current specs CPU: ryzen 5 3600X Motherboard: MSI B450M pro M2 Max (mATX) GPU: asrock radeon 7800XT (got a good deal previously) RAM: corsair vengeance LPX 2x8 3200Mhz. PSU: seasonic 850W power supply.
What I’m looking for is mostly a CPU upgrade. I am currently planning on picking up a Ryzen 9 5900X and faster DDR4 (corsair vengeance LPX 2x16 3600).
Upgrade price (with 2TB m2 SSD) = 400 euro’s, so quite reasonable.
I’m just wondering if I have to update my BIOS to accomodate the newer CPU?
PC parts picker also checks out. Any tips or suggestions on this upgrade?
submitted by hitmybutt to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 julian2thurl will the inauguration of Donald Trump impact Tia?
Could it cause a bull run
submitted by julian2thurl to CelestiaNetwork [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 Tanis8998 How would you feel if the final Jedi game was called Jedi:Unleashed and featured Cal Kestis facing a canon version of Vader’s Secret Apprentice?
Ideally with a story that shifts between their two perspectives. submitted by Tanis8998 to StarWars [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:40 helloxstrangerrr SolarZero’s final outage: Inside the collapse of publicly financed solar firm
submitted by helloxstrangerrr to newzealand [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:40 PerformanceFine1733 4 day weekend fuckers. 🤓
submitted by PerformanceFine1733 to workselfies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:40 Creepy_Experience_38 Rate my gang kit
submitted by Creepy_Experience_38 to airsoft [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 22:40 LittleBigMoney Should I be worried about this ?
What is this ? It's in my bathroom.
submitted by LittleBigMoney to Renters [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 22:40 rusakovic 📩 Boat Captain at De Leon Springs Salary: 💰18.00 USD. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States
submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments] |