Feeling lost after a breakup

2024.11.27 22:53 Large-Replacement620 Feeling lost after a breakup

Hello possums
I just wanted to say this whole finding myself thing is really scary, especially living alone in not the best part of the city. I am 22 (f) and I just went through/am going through the emotions from breaking up with my partner who is 21 (m)
We slowly broke up and now he has a new girlfriend. I felt like he was my soulmate. I feel like I am grieving him. He cheated on me for years... I begged him to stay but he would not. He made it so clear that he wants nothing to do with me.
About two weeks ago, he came to "get his stuff" and then has nonconsensual s.. with me. I told him I was not into it anymore and he kept going he deliberately ignored me. I feel violated. He went to his new girlfriend's house after to spend the night at hers.
He cheated, lied, used abusive language, made fun of my laugh, and at the end....violated me in the worst way possible. I miss when he was my best friend and made me feel comfortable and safe. Now I feel resentment and anger but still missing my sweet boy I once knew and loved.
I am trying to keep my job and keep my apartment clean. I am working on myself by saving money. I am talking to a cool girl now and we are spending Thanksgiving together. I just need to focus on saving money. Meanwhile I am dealing with all of this anxious energy from these events. I am restless. Unable to sleep most nights. I have lost 20 lbs in the past two months due to grief and trauma. I am in Therapy but dealing with these anxious emotions on a daily basis!
Can you guys give some comforting words? Maybe some media or art that you like? I hope we can lift each other up here in these comments. It would be nice to chat about the positive parts of life with you guys!
submitted by Large-Replacement620 to Anxietyhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 DougFromWpg Nugz Terple Fresh Frozen Hash Rosin

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2024.11.27 22:53 Kchypark Elemental dmg vs Energy discs for Stunners (also best 4th slot core disc stat)

I had a question for stunners mainly for Lighter and Lycaon, is it better to have 2 piece elemental discs (inferno and polar metal) or 2 piece energy regen discs? also im not sure if its better to have atk% or crit fir the 4th disc slot.
submitted by Kchypark to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 CTran255 anybody else’s lock on not working?

Playing on Steam Deck with lock on bound to right stick click. Just not working at all for me
submitted by CTran255 to PlayWayfinder [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 DixonNumber9 So we just forgetting about viprin??

Title. Dude asked his whole discord to send him their favorite CP “as a joke” and ya’ll believed it? And now it’s like nothing happened? Huh????
submitted by DixonNumber9 to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 NotanOldRedditor What do you think of my eyes and it’s color?

What do you think of my eyes and it’s color? submitted by NotanOldRedditor to eyes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 VallesGames Spikye like ice cream! [ art by me ]

Spikye like ice cream! [ art by me ] Commissions Open! Prices start at $25! DM me if you're interested! :3
submitted by VallesGames to furry [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 Metalhead_Pretzel Please draw my cocky fellow

Please draw my cocky fellow submitted by Metalhead_Pretzel to redditgetsdrawnbadly [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 Then_Marionberry_259 Dad almost joined me in the ounce club after we dug up this big gold in quartz specimen

submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to MetalsOnReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 Spoo00oky My Yasuho cosplay (,,>ヮ<,,)

My Yasuho cosplay (,,>ヮ<,,) submitted by Spoo00oky to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 cherabemm How long are nursing sessions?

Recently started nursing my 6 week old after some latch issues and trying to keep my supply through pumping. In a pumping session (20 mins) I get roughly 12 oz from both breasts combined (I understand this might be a low supply). Some pump sessions I get less. Now that I’m nursing my 6 week old, I’ve nurses for roughly 30-45 mins (both breasts combined). Is this normal? He takes about 3oz when bottle fed.
submitted by cherabemm to breastfeedingsupport [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 Shadowkidrebox Best friend just had a miscarriage. How do I help?

So I was just informed that my bestie had a miscarriage today. I didn’t know anything about her being pregnant or anything. I thought everything was fine, I was actually supposed to see her today but she never answered my text. Crazy thing is I gotta kinda mad when she didn’t respond because I felt like I could’ve been went home. Turns out this whole time she’s going through something and I didn’t even know. So how can I help her without being overbearing?
I already sent a dumb text and asked was she okay? Did she need anything?. I also let her know that I was here for her whenever. She responded and told me no she wasn’t okay and she just needed time to heal and rest. And that her mom is there with her. So I replied again and told her okay, I love her. I’ll give her the space she needs and that when ever she needs me I’ll be there and that I love her more than she knows.
So I’m now asking how can I be there for her without annoying her? And how can I stop feeling guilty about being angry? Like I want to comfort her but I know she needs her space and time to rest and heal like she said.
Is there anything I could do? Like I’m bawling right now just thinking of her.
submitted by Shadowkidrebox to Advice [link] [comments]

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ARG FIX FTX submitted by MultiBotV1 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 JamesAltraz After listening to their Regulation Pie, this ad showed up on this subreddit…

Maybe take all your pies and blend them into a pie smoothie? What’s the worst that could happen? Deliciousness? Can’t be any worse than Gavin’s meat pies.
submitted by JamesAltraz to theregulationpod [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 themaster_122 My first nFEP change and my first resin change and i somehow managed to print something first try

submitted by themaster_122 to resinprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 Byakko_12 Dasurv

Sarap sa feeling na naghandog ka ng piso tapos tinulugan mo yung pagsamba pati pagtupad HAHAHHAHA
submitted by Byakko_12 to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 Alihussainn Opeining Usa bank account on tourist visa without lease.

Hey can some kind soul please tell how can I open a bank account in Usa without having a lease (I am staying with my friend who is not charging me and I don't have my name anywhere on address)
I went to the bank of america and they demanded lease agreement.
Any usa bank which lets you open account without a lease?
submitted by Alihussainn to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 MindJoeBusiness Graduate Students in Greater LA: Participate in a Short Survey on Commuting and Mental Health!

Graduate Students in Greater LA: Participate in a Short Survey on Commuting and Mental Health! Hi everyone!
I'm conducting research as part of my MSW capstone project for CSUN, and I’m looking for graduate students in the Greater Los Angeles area to participate in a 15-minute survey. The study explores the mental health impacts of long commutes on graduate students.
Why Participate? Your responses will help shed light on how commuting affects mental health, potentially leading to better support systems for grad students navigating the challenges of long travel times.
Who Can Participate?
  • 18 years old or older
  • Graduate students (currently enrolled in any program).
  • Living or commuting in the Greater Los Angeles area (Los Angeles County, Orange County, Ventura County, Riverside County, and Ventura County).
  • You can commute by car, bus, train, bike, or walking (includes people who live in campus housing)
  • The survey is anonymous and takes about 15 minutes to complete.
Link to Survey: https://csun.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_57lARNDIXVcgTjg
Your input is valuable and greatly appreciated. If you know other grad students who might be interested, feel free to share this post or the flyer.
Thank you so much for your time and support!
submitted by MindJoeBusiness to SouthBayLA [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 BotherMany4756 Hey schreibt mir wenn ihr eine Dropbox wollt

submitted by BotherMany4756 to chupz [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 Rhalock Best Class to take to Demoniac PrC?

I am trying to work up a character to go into the Demoniac PrC (the revised one from Book of the Damned). I seem to be stuck in some analysis paralysis as to what class to start with. The group I will be joining has limited arcane (bard) and no divine casters. They are almost completely melee. So, I want to try to fill in something they seem to be missing. Any recommendations, thoughts, builds, etc.? I know demoniac is not a high grade PrC, but it is a theme I want to do.
submitted by Rhalock to Pathfinder_RPG [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 Jeantrouxa Loona the Hedgehog (Art by @Kanga_Yanga2001 on Twitter/X)

Loona the Hedgehog (Art by @Kanga_Yanga2001 on TwitteX) submitted by Jeantrouxa to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 Then_Marionberry_259 Current junk silver storage container.

Current junk silver storage container. submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to MetalsOnReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 Comfortable-Ice8333 New player tips

Hello, after playing enough mf I am deciding to pick up a secondary character.
Wanted to pick zeri up for a while and was wondering if there's any tips on builds or runes as right now I'm going the u.gg default.
Champ seems super fun with all the movement and skill expression, currently going stattik into runaan into ie then immortal etc etc
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Comfortable-Ice8333 to ZeriMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 Hot-Ship-3441 Muscle gains

What did giving up alcohol do for your muscle gains (yes I know it’s not good for it) just curious as to different people’s experiences with doing so
submitted by Hot-Ship-3441 to leangains [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:53 Alarmed-Macaroon-590 Same P fans who call BOs fans noisy & problematic

Same P fans who call BOs fans noisy & problematic Her caption isn’t accurate at all
submitted by Alarmed-Macaroon-590 to BadOmens [link] [comments]
