Good news

2024.11.27 22:40 Competitive-Class120 Good news

Just received some good news and would like to celebrate! JO buddy? Im in pineville.
submitted by Competitive-Class120 to cenlabi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 vTLBB How important are meeting sprint goals for your team, and what the ramifications if you fail to meet them and/or the pleasures to meet the sprint goal.

submitted by vTLBB to ExperiencedDevs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 living_for_fiction How to ask a man out?

I have never done this before. I can be shy and due to my upbringing I do not have a lot of confidence. I want to break out of my shell and be more confident. I know everyone is different but wondering if a direct approach or a more subtle approach would be best.
He had made comments about us going out for coffee before and wanting to get to know me. I do think he is interested in me.
submitted by living_for_fiction to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 liquid00level T3 and my take on it

Terrifier 3
I am a huge fan of Terrifier 1 and 2. The bedroom scene alone in 2 is by far one of the best scenes in all of horror movies. I just spent $20 on 3 because I was super excited to watch it. Man, what a major disappointment. The gore was just so pushed forward and no intensity at all. It was just a “going through the motions” thing and just flat out sucked. I’m sure I’ll get hate over this post and I’m sorry for folks that thought this was good. The pacing was also just terrible. The end scene just came out of no where and honestly, I thought it was a dream sequence. There was so much hype about the first 15 minutes being so intense and how studious would never let it happen and that’s why it needed to be independent. The first 15 mins was child’s play compared to so many films such as Hostel. I’m sorry, but this was just not a great film. Even the ending was just such a lame evil dead reach.
submitted by liquid00level to horror [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 Potential-Fox-6849 what if my circumstance is hard to ignore?

Okay so I'm manifesting a better social life, but everyday I go to school and I only have like 1 close friend, so how do I pretend I have a lot of friends when I only talk to the same 2 or 3 people?
submitted by Potential-Fox-6849 to lawofassumption [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 TSLA_to_23_dollars Legendary Tales developer is at war with Meta over Quest deal and will no longer be bringing the game to Quest.

submitted by TSLA_to_23_dollars to virtualreality [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 gusbus_10 Expiration Checks

I was doing an order this morning and had a new check box to click after scanning an item, to confirm that I checked the expiration date.
I was surprised this was rolled out, especially on items that don’t usually have an issue, like gallon milk and butter.
Has anyone else experienced this?
submitted by gusbus_10 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 Jetsasanatan People who never wanted kids but ended up having them. Did the experience change your perspective?

submitted by Jetsasanatan to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 Ok-Independence6944 What do you think?

What do you think? Thinking about getting one to 3 black fire millipedes or peach millipedes you can ask the scientific name. I just can’t be bothered to type it now. These millipedes are very small. I’m presuming I still very young. The black fire millipedes cannot be more than over 2 inches. If and the peach millipedes are the average sized 4 to 5 inch if not larger millipedes i’d like to house three of the peach millipedes in the larger enclosure three of the baby black fire millipedes in the smaller enclosure. What do you think? Are there any other alternative millipedes? Are there better ways to create tanks? I know there is no leaf litter or decaying wooden there yet, but they will be added shortly after getting the millipedes.
submitted by Ok-Independence6944 to millipedes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 HoshimeYosei [For hire] 2D illustration, character design and emote commissions are open!!! $40 DM for more information

[For hire] 2D illustration, character design and emote commissions are open!!! $40 DM for more information submitted by HoshimeYosei to Artistsforhire [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 Proper-Custard7603 What’s something you hate about any fighter(s) in SZ?

Doesn’t have to be the typical AI/AIS, unblockable moves etc.
For me, I really hate when Jiren says “Sad..” after his perception dodging. Shit actually pisses me off sometimes and has me playing dumb after 😂
submitted by Proper-Custard7603 to tenkaichi4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 rafaelzor Quero achar uma série

Bom, queria lembrar o nome de uma serie que eu assisti, se eu não me engano foi na Netflix, o que eu lembro é bem vago. O que lembro é de gangues disputarem território e a protagonista é uma mulher que tem uma empresa e faz um empréstimo com alguém dessa gangue. Basicamente só isso que me recordo.
submitted by rafaelzor to QueroAchar [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 irishspice Richard + Glasses = Perfection

Richard + Glasses = Perfection submitted by irishspice to RichardArmitage [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 GaySheriff Had an idea to do an "Awake & Unafraid" tattoo. Which font would you use for it?

I've been wanting to get a tattoo. Originally I thought about a different quote from the same song - "I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone" as its my favourite one, but it's quite a mouthful. So I decided to settle for "awake and unafraid" but I have to many ideas in my head for how to frame it. Which font would you guys use for such a tattoo? Blackletter? Or something different?
submitted by GaySheriff to MyChemicalRomance [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 FearlesCriss Ponies, will you stop looking weirdly to me? I just want to drink my soup for bucks sake.

Ponies, will you stop looking weirdly to me? I just want to drink my soup for bucks sake. submitted by FearlesCriss to equestriaatwar [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 Princesinhaa Estou frustrada com relação a umas atitudes do meu namorado

No domingo quando fui na casa dele tínhamos marcado de ficar juntos até umas 22 hrs, porém assim que cheguei ele foi me avisando que eu iria ter que ir mais cedo, por que tinha umas coisas do trabalho para resolver. Então eu disse que não tinha problema é podíamos ficar juntos até por que eu também tinha atividades da faculdade, e podíamos só ficar no mesmo cômodo fazendo nossas obrigações. Então ele "aceitou " mas fui sentindo que ele tentava me expulsar, até uma hora fiquie chateada e disse que ia embora, na hora ele perguntou o que eu tinha e eu não queria falar sobre por que achei que seria humilhante de mais ter que explicar, fui pra casa e ficou por isso mesmo, fiquei bem magoada.
Contextualizando: Fiz questão de estamos juntos mesmo que ocupados por que ele iria ficar ocupado sexta e sábado, e só daria para me ver no próximo domingo de noite.
Detalhes: ele falou que poderia me ver durante a semana a noite já que eu não teria aula durante alguns dias da semana. Por ter ficado chateada com o negocio do domingo eu não chamei e esperei ele pedir para me ver ....passou-se e hoje é o meu último dia livre da semana e ele não falou nada.
Enfim só queria desabafar, estou triste com isso, sei que estou frustrada com as expectativas que eu mesma criei mas não acho que seja crime querer ficar com a pessoa que você ama, e também querer que ela queria te ver.
Fora que de sexta a sábado ele não vai poder me ver por que a mãe dele vai esta na casa dele ( ele ainda não me apresentou), diz ele que a mãe dele é complicada mais umas coisas, estamos namorando a menos de um mês.
submitted by Princesinhaa to ClubeDaLuluzinha [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 Bubbly-Material313 How to make Picket good?

It's stats are just so terrible , I don't know if it just needs big miro management for chip damage , setting the AI to direct attack, while commanding mix magic every turn .
submitted by Bubbly-Material313 to azuredreams [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 Equivalent_Post_6141 Got panties snap jo_soh24

submitted by Equivalent_Post_6141 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 S2018141018 What Kind of Cup Doesn't hold water ?

D cup / Hiccup or two girls in 1 cup, whatever Its not like I am getting anywhere
submitted by S2018141018 to 3amjokes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 Best_Sympathy4877 I want to join a volleyball club but afraid of looking stupid.

In the past, I have quite a few experiences of sucking at any sport, being soccefootball or volleyball.
But to be honest, what I did truly enjoy was playing volleyball, but I am not good at it, despite trying my best. I need too much time to get better, I learn really slow, and when I did play football (quite rarely, only in sport lessons when I was kinda forced to play), everyone in the team judged me for being too incompetent. And I felt really shitty, when I did not play good I got screamed at by everyone. I fear this is going to happen again.
submitted by Best_Sympathy4877 to volleyball [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 Initial_Question3869 Can I change my starter domain name?

So by default after deploy domain name becomes , i just want to modify it a little bit like instead of octopus i want to put my orgs name. can i do it?
submitted by Initial_Question3869 to digital_ocean [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 DigiGirl02 Digimon, According to my Real Mother

Digimon, According to my Real Mother submitted by DigiGirl02 to digimonmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 bil-sabab How Did You Do On The AI Art Turing Test?

How Did You Do On The AI Art Turing Test? submitted by bil-sabab to SmorgasbordBizarre [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 LexGoEveryday Soft and cozy

Soft and cozy submitted by LexGoEveryday to lexgoeveryday [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:40 collegeneral Trading cards available???

Hi all,
My son likes to take screenshots and print off the dragons detailing their features and such. Are there any physical card decks available anywhere? Anything similar?
Thanks for the help!
submitted by collegeneral to RiseOfBerk [link] [comments]