Recuperare Prejudiciu E-Distributie

2024.11.27 22:28 El_scauno Recuperare Prejudiciu E-Distributie

Buna ziua,
Am avut in jur de 35 de intreruperi neplanificate pe toata reteaua de pe strada in alimentarea cu energie electrică in ultimii 2 ani (in București). Asta seara a fost nr. 36, iar cu aceasta cadere de tensiune au cedat si cele doua UPS-uri pe care le aveam in casa (Unul la calculator, unul la sistemul de alarma). Cum pot proceda sa iau banii pe ele? La pana de curent de acum nu a rezistat UPS-ul la PC nici macar sa salvez documentul la care lucram.
Se rezolva prin ANRE, ANPC sau prin instanta? Se recuperează prejudiciul? Nu am chef sa dau 1400 lei pe inca doua UPS-uri pe care mi le strica iar astia in 2 ani.
submitted by El_scauno to juridice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 BeeOutrageous6409 When i wrote "we didn't have to know you rated a worm" I thought people would know this is a joke

When i wrote submitted by BeeOutrageous6409 to whoosh [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 DISANews Why Trump foes can’t block day-one tariffs on China, Mexico and Canada

submitted by DISANews to StonkFeed [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 kentaromiura_AMA Do you need fewer calories to gain muscle after eating very little for an extended period of time?

In my particular case, I got sick for a solid week some time ago and wasn't able to hold anything down. By the time I got better, my appetite was already shriveled up like a raisin and I kinda just rolled with it for a little while since I was already trying to lose some weight anyway (unhealthy, I know). Slowly built back up to something of a normal diet but I can still go off of two small meals a day without feeling starved, and I'm more or less staying the same weight in spite of that.
I do wanna gain some muscle though, which is where my question comes in. I was wondering if you can gain muscle faster in the same way you gain weight more easily eating normal portions after essentially starving yourself. Do I need to work my way back up to the same calorie deficit I'd normally need to be at to gain muscle? Or would returning to an average amount of calories for maintenance make any difference? Would eating at a higher deficit than average make an even bigger difference?
submitted by kentaromiura_AMA to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 Silverlake77 Discarded last week! Blocked! Now unblocked?!

So we broke up last week, I tried to communicate with her a couple of times, then blocked! Then today 6 days NC, unblocked.
This has probably been discussed a million times but what could it mean?
Happened to anyone else? What happens when you reach out?
submitted by Silverlake77 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 ChefDadK Singer (34m) looking to start band

In the Northern Suburbs and looking to start a pop punk cover band. Nothing over the top serious, just having a good time and playing great music at local festivals and local spots. Long time bucket list item here.
submitted by ChefDadK to chicagomusicscene [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 Murderdronesfan10 Trading these!! (Lf things to match my dragon or double tail

Trading these!! (Lf things to match my dragon or double tail submitted by Murderdronesfan10 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 ShineBrightBear How long do TinyTans live?

Back on October 14 I hatched a TinyTan Tamagotchi. It's well over a month later, and little Koo is still thriving. I still feed him and play with him and clean up his poop and his health is almost always perfect! That said, does TinyTan have a lifespan? Or will they stick around as long as you're looking after them?
submitted by ShineBrightBear to tamagotchi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 DISANews Billionaire Larry Ellison helped steer $10 million to a Michigan high-schooler — and gave us a glimpse behind the NIL curtain

submitted by DISANews to StonkFeed [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 yimmy51 Jamie Sarkonak: Trump is right that Trudeau needs to clean up the border - Fair or not, Canada faces a Trump government willing to economically waterboard us into a recession come January. We need to act accordingly

Jamie Sarkonak: Trump is right that Trudeau needs to clean up the border - Fair or not, Canada faces a Trump government willing to economically waterboard us into a recession come January. We need to act accordingly submitted by yimmy51 to CanadianIdiots [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 PuzzleheadedRide8614 18 teen selling nudes add me

submitted by PuzzleheadedRide8614 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 Similar_Cold9009 Who are some of the most immoral people that later practiced stoicism?

I can't stop feeling regret. I understand the emotion can be useful. It is. But it also isn't. I have an unhealthy amount of regret. It would be helpful to research others who have lived immoral lives and then pursued virtue.
submitted by Similar_Cold9009 to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 AztigRed1 Russian 1968 Tula

Russian 1968 Tula Built beautifully about 6yrs ago by In Range
submitted by AztigRed1 to ak47 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 matchateagoblin Which leg warmer colours should I get????

Which leg warmer colours should I get???? Pale green, pale blue, stripy, or dark green? Plz help me decide I am having decision paralysis /:
submitted by matchateagoblin to rs_x [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 aveistupid What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by aveistupid to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 PhoenixBlack136 This popped up on insta today.

submitted by PhoenixBlack136 to tron [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 Toucann_Froot Gemini just useless and I can't go back to assistant?

Gemini can't access Spotify, it can't access Google home/smart home stuff it can't even do basic math without spewing this entire dialog:
"Great! I’ve been focusing on improving my problem-solving abilities. Let's evaluate the expression: 32/5 Steps to solve: 1. Divide the numerator by the denominator: 32/5 = 6.4 Answer: 32/5 = 6.4"
I'd rather it just say... "6.4". I've told it to do that but it doesn't listen (as expected). I get that it's early days, but I can no longer use Google assistant. Why did they launch with such a dysfunctional package and take away everyone's ability to use assistant?
submitted by Toucann_Froot to GooglePixel [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 IC_1101_IC Didn't know that that ringed brown dwarfs could generate around even G type stars

Didn't know that that ringed brown dwarfs could generate around even G type stars submitted by IC_1101_IC to eliteexplorers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 GlobalConsequence644 My fakemon starters!

My fakemon starters! submitted by GlobalConsequence644 to fakemon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 lentils36 they're holding space with defying gravity

they're holding space with defying gravity submitted by lentils36 to HivemindTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 AggressiveMobile3668 I Feel Like a Dumb Dumb

Every time I see someone post “My BF order” I read it as “boyfriend” not “Black Friday”. Am I the only one? 😂😅
View Poll
submitted by AggressiveMobile3668 to simplynailogical [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 Key-Passenger-2934 Can one get into a T5 grad school for math from a low-ranked undergrad?

I am currently in high school. By the time I start college, I will have taken several dual enrollment classes (specifically Discrete Math, Real Analysis 1/2, DiffEq, LinAlg, Stats 1/2, and Probability). My credits transfer over, so I will be able to complete my major-specific requirements after 2 semesters.
I will likely go to a nearby school for undergrad - not a bad school per se, but not a T50 either. I’ve heard that attending a school outside of the T50 vastly decreases one’s chances of getting into a good graduate school. How true is this, and how can I compensate for it?
submitted by Key-Passenger-2934 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 Responsible_Mud_9856 Current MNVV offerings

My wife and I will be going on a cruise in a few weeks, and we are already looking at a trip next year. I'm trying to decide if I should book now with the Black Friday deals, or wait until we are on board in a few weeks and use the MNVV deals. Can anyone who is currently on a cruise or just got off share what they were offered?
submitted by Responsible_Mud_9856 to VirginVoyages [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 MurphyRoberts Helldivers vs Warhammer Space Marine

Helldivers vs Warhammer Space Marine submitted by MurphyRoberts to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 22:28 TheSecretSword All my equipment skins from the latest event are gone?

I have the pumpkin hunter but thats it all the gun skins, tools, and consumable skins are gone
submitted by TheSecretSword to HuntShowdown [link] [comments]