De qué estado son las mujeres más feas de México

2024.11.27 23:21 RequirementReal5989 De qué estado son las mujeres más feas de México

submitted by RequirementReal5989 to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 TomatilloPretend6557 Locked character slots

Noob question. The 3 slots on the right in the character screen, what are they and how do I unlock them? TIA
submitted by TomatilloPretend6557 to IdleMineApp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 Himbler12 Priff dodgy dealer spot

Priff dodgy dealer spot submitted by Himbler12 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 kosherkitties How many takes did they do before Jerry stopped laughing enough?

How many takes did they do before Jerry stopped laughing enough? submitted by kosherkitties to seinfeld [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 not_a_hero_824 Fork in the road, lost AF

In a double whammy today I just found out that I: A) didn't make the warrant list (my 2nd look) B) just got put on assignment for drill
Obviously I'm not happy about either of these things, but after almost 10 years as an 11B why should I be surprised at this point? This might be like a ramble/rant, but IDC. I'm just at a point where I feel like lost career wise like I don't even know what I want anymore. I couldn't even tell you the last time I felt like I was thriving with where I was, probably when I was just a measly SAW gunner back in 10th mountain.
I've tried a lot of different things over the years to do something different, SFAS, POAS twice, OCS and now warrant and I've come up short every time. Hell I was going to try to apply for SFAB if I didn't make the list again. There were also other things I could have done years ago but didn't and now it's too late (CID, counter Intel, EOD to name a few). I even tried making it work here at Campbell because maybe I'm the problem uk. Now I just feel like I wasted the last almost 10 years of my life in the infantry and I don't have anything to show for it besides aerosol and a rocker, and I can't even be proud of that because of how many shitbags and retards I know/have known that have 1 or both of those things. I don't even like the fact that I'm going to go on the trail as a slick sleeve. I know it's not supposed to bother me but it does.
I know I'm not God's gift to the NCO corps, or the infantry for that matter and I'm fine with that. I'm not too proud to admit when people are better than me fair and square. But because I'm not as good as those guys I get looked at less favorably when it comes to applying for shit because it's "why aren't you top 10%?" and it's like if I was top 10% I wouldn't be trying to not be infantry.
My wife and I just got into an argument because of why I haven't done G2G (ironically I was trying to avoid an argument in the first place). I don't have any good real reason, but if I tell her she's just gonna tell me I'm being stupid of whatever. Truth be told I just don't want to go back to school, I didn't thrive in college when I was doing my bachelor's and that was when I thought (at the time) I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I have a BA in psychology that I haven't used, and even if I did get into grad school I don't even know of what use I would have for a master's in anything when I retire. But she still sees it as a ticket out of the infantry and would say I'm not seeing the bigger picture of better pay, QOL etc. Idk, I might just end up caving anyway and doing just because there's no real reason not to. And I've seen how good my career decisions have been when I've made them on my own.
Before anyone says anything, no getting out isn't an option for me. Idk how I'd fit in anymore. You can call me institutionalized all you want but I didn't even feel like I belonged even when I was still a civilian.
Idk, I lost my appetite. I'll let the guy behind me order.
submitted by not_a_hero_824 to army [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 BitWaffleGames I built another wooden keyboard

I built another wooden keyboard White Oak - 65% I messed up a bit (the router jumped on me), but I’m happy with the final product!
submitted by BitWaffleGames to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 netocrat Ottawa man charged with attempted murder over Orléans attack

Ottawa man charged with attempted murder over Orléans attack submitted by netocrat to OttawaNewsPulse [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 LnA_toB HUT rollout explained in one image

HUT rollout explained in one image
submitted by LnA_toB to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 Big-Palpitation3641 This again?

This again? This is the second time it asked me this? I’m of age to use the app yet it booted me out
submitted by Big-Palpitation3641 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 questionarycuriosity oh my god what a shocker!

oh my god what a shocker! submitted by questionarycuriosity to TwennyWunPilots [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 jameSCabritaxd Brand new depin project!! Bless Network

📌 Project: Bless Network
💵 Funding: $10M
📈 Difficulty: Very Easy
✔️ Cost: FREE
🌐 Project Overview: Bless Network is a global peer-to-peer computing network powered by everyday devices like laptops and desktops. Users contribute CPU/GPU, RAM, and bandwidth through distributed nodes to execute workloads and earn rewards.This Depin project, similar to Grass or Gradient Network, is simple to use—just launch a Chrome extension to participate and earn uptime rewards.
Why Join?
• Launched 16 November: With very few users, it’s still highly underfarmed.
• Big Potential: Early adopters of similar projects like Grass earned five-figure airdrops.
submitted by jameSCabritaxd to AirdropInvites [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 Technical_Being_5845 WB ZACIAN 2 local 420723676074

submitted by Technical_Being_5845 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 CoolJellie Anyone got double red cald?

Paying mush, nyp! Will pay extra for shimmeglowtail
submitted by CoolJellie to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 Jordanandbryant12777 Follow for follow

Hey everyone, doing a follow for follow, I’m a permanent follower as long as you stay as one too. My channel is , I stream games. Give me a follow and let me know you did here, in the comments. When I see your comment, I’ll send you a follow back on twitch and reply to you here to let you know I’ve returned the favor, cheers🙏🏼
submitted by Jordanandbryant12777 to TwitchFollowers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 No-Vacation-8656 Help!!!

I’m getting a Tesla in a couple weeks and figure I should sort out the charging situation now. I am currently renting a house the was built before 1996 which means I have an old 10-30 dryer outlet. I have a gas dryer so my plan was to use the outlet to charge rather than the stander 5-15 outlet. I’ve done a lot of research and found out the best option is to switch out the 10-30 in for a 14-30, given I’m a renter I don’t know if my landlord will allow me to have an electrician come and make the switch ( guessing around $250 since there’s no ground wire) which I will pay for. If asking results in a no, how safe will this setup be, or should I even do it? 1) I plan on using a neo charger splitter or splitvolt splitter just to have an extra layer of protection. 2) I then plan on connecting a 10-30 to 14-30 with a ground wire connected to a 5-20 outlet.( 3) I also need a long charger to reach my car so I plan on using the 15ft 24A Gen 2 EV Charging to give me the length I need.( I drive around 30 miles a day, a 5-20 outlet would be fine for my daily needs. However, the outlet is right next to my 10-30 and I need a cord long enough to connect to the Tesla mobile connector and I heard using an extension is a big no. I know using the 5-20 as ground isn’t smart since there’s wire gauge isn’t recommended for 30 amps, so I plan on turning down the amps in the Tesla to only 20 or even 19 to be safe which would give me around 8-15 miles per hour.
submitted by No-Vacation-8656 to TeslaModelY [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 Kylesmile347 x7.73 custom game😂

x7.73 custom game😂 This was crazy. I’ll play on x11 no evidence and not have this type of stuff happen😂
submitted by Kylesmile347 to PhasmophobiaGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 Breath_of_Life_686 Even the argument of "She's a Danish/Icelandic/Norwegian character, so she should be played by a Danish/Icelandic/Norwegian actress" is treading on VERY thin ice.

Even the argument of submitted by Breath_of_Life_686 to saltierthankrayt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 Lemur1989 $4500 to fix shorted ABS wiring harness?

$4500 to fix shorted ABS wiring harness? Dealer came back with the attached diagnosis on dash lights on our JLU 2019. Says 2 ABS wires are shorted and whole harness needs replacing. $4500.
submitted by Lemur1989 to Jeep [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 kb4shizzy UPDATE: Help me keep this girl warm!

UPDATE: Help me keep this girl warm! Hello,
First I want to thank you all again SO SO much for all the suggestions and tips! 🧡
So I visited grandmas yesterday, OK (This is what we call our stray - Orange Kitty), looks super healthy. She's growing in a sweet winter mane. I gave her a lick treat and she came inside the door, so that trust is still being won't over 🎉
As for the house; OK Supervised us the entire time. 🤣
  • I got green board insulation and cut it to the size of the panels and glued it on.
  • I got the silver bubble staple roll of insulation and covered all of the board and other spots with that.
  • I stapled up the little flaps on one door. To see if we can coax her into using that. (But left the big door open until we're sure she will go in the small one.
  • I got a couple (so we can swap out and wash) weather resistant 'space blanket' type mats. She had already made a little nest in the straw so I left a layer down, built up the sides and set the mat inside (to further attempt to keep it dry), then added more straw around to form the sides of her nest.
I'm still considering the plexiglass glass 'hall' type entrance or the 'carport' type entrance with a table and a something on the sides. But if we can get her using the doors I won't need those.
Grandma mentioned she's considering something about a chicken coop light? Idk but she seemed to know what she was talking about.
Anyway, it really came together so far and I feel so much better about it. So again, thank you all!
submitted by kb4shizzy to Straycats [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 granttheginger [Slater] On the Steph Curry front: There’s no indication tonight’s injury absence/issue is anything beyond the accumulated aches of an NBA schedule for a 36-year-old high usage point guard. Four days off between games assuming a return on Saturday at Suns.

[Slater] On the Steph Curry front: There’s no indication tonight’s injury absence/issue is anything beyond the accumulated aches of an NBA schedule for a 36-year-old high usage point guard. Four days off between games assuming a return on Saturday at Suns. submitted by granttheginger to nba [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 Groundbreaking_Ebb_5 Drop dk for vele?

Ros looks better and dk now feels like he’s decoy for jsn. And of course I dropped jsn earlier 😩. My other wrs are jettas, evans, Jennings.
submitted by Groundbreaking_Ebb_5 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 masaraee 😰

😰 submitted by masaraee to Snark4sunnyChristina [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 TormentedTopiary The razor wire facing the road is what makes this coastal mansion special.

submitted by TormentedTopiary to zillowgonewild [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 Pure_Bandicoot_2453 I make Assignments, Essays, Thesis, Projects, Presentation, Reports, Case study, Dissertation, Exams, Research paper and Quizzes… I have 6 years of experience in Content and Academic Writing…

WhatsApp +254711559476
submitted by Pure_Bandicoot_2453 to LawSchool [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:21 Head_Worldliness2714 Most legendary Counter-Strike players of all time

Warning: These are my personal opinions.
1. f0rest (Patrik Lindberg)

2. GeT_RiGhT (Christopher Alesund) 3. s1mple (Oleksandr Kostyliev) 4. ZywOo (Mathieu Herbaut) 5. olofmeister (Olof Kajbjer) 6. coldzera (Marcelo David) 7. Neo (Filip Kubski) 8. kennyS (Kenny Schrub) 9. device (Nicolai Reedtz) 10. shox (Richard Papillon) 11. Kjaerbye (Markus Kjærbye) 12. gla1ve (Lukas Rossander) 13. Niko (Nikola Kovač) 14. Markeloff (Yegor Markelov) 15. JW (Jesper Wecksell) submitted by Head_Worldliness2714 to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]