ITAP of a bass guitar

2024.11.27 23:40 simplejoycreative ITAP of a bass guitar

ITAP of a bass guitar submitted by simplejoycreative to itookapicture [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Unfair-Ad-4108 625118887621 zacian

625118887621 zacian submitted by Unfair-Ad-4108 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Frosty_March4831 What do i do for my other 3 uni choices

I’m sitting on ABC predicted atm. i’ve done 2 of my choices and that were comfortably in my grades and have received offers from both. Do i go for a uni slightly above my grades as one of my choices? I know i can get a contextual offer for Bristol which i really like but it still only ends up at AAB. Advice please
submitted by Frosty_March4831 to 6thForm [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Atheistprophecy I’m starting a new podcast, it’s called the Rest is ______

submitted by Atheistprophecy to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 justanotherjohn123 Master of Minefields - Check out this upcoming 'Minesweeper' game for the Commodore Amiga by Digital Worlds Studio

Master of Minefields - Check out this upcoming 'Minesweeper' game for the Commodore Amiga by Digital Worlds Studio submitted by justanotherjohn123 to amiganews [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 jackspick 15% off on FFXIV Dawntrail/Complete Edition PC (Green Man Gaming)

Decent deal for those waiting for a sale. (Apply NOV15 at checkout)
*PC Version only. There are no Steam Keys.
submitted by jackspick to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 bernarrrrrdo Today i looked at my ____ and It Just Said ____

Deal with it
submitted by bernarrrrrdo to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 ZZBells Feel like I’m not having the “teenage experience” sometimes

I know this is a stupid post but writing about it makes me feel better. (I am 17F). I have friends and I have a boyfriend but we aren’t the type of people to go to big house parties or get high and blackout drunk. The “craziest” thing I’ve done is vape a few times and drink some orange liquor in a forest with some friends when I was 16. My friends and I hang out and have fun but it’s not in the same way as other people our age. One of my class friends is always going out and smoking or drinking. I don’t think I’m “jealous“ of her but I feel like I would like to experience it once or twice. I know I can do all of this at uni but it doesn’t stop me from feeling like I’m missing out sometimes and it makes me feel a bit lonely. As I said before this is a stupid post. I love my friends and my boyfriend so much and we have a lot of fun doing other activities. But yeah feel free to share your experiences if you feel a similar way! (Or any advice would be appreciated :)).
submitted by ZZBells to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Gamepigeon37 Should I get Trident or Aurora?

Overall, which one is better? I have enough money for both btw
submitted by Gamepigeon37 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Kululae Plants

Plants submitted by Kululae to aiArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Yalloow get rid of run energy

Every leagues I make the realization that seeing people run around in anything but graceful makes the atmosphere much more enjoyable. I'm sure it won't happen, but having graceful as a thing was a mistake. Maybe make the graceful effect "transmutable" to other gear?
submitted by Yalloow to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 ButterscotchEven6198 Just a shout-out to the mods

Just want to say I really understand this situation is difficult to handle. I have been checking the number of members and the last 53 hours there have been 3000 new/more members. I think we have to be understanding that it's impossible to handle this enormous inflow, especially when it's a subject with very different standpoints that can easily get heated. It must be a difficult job modding this right now.
One can report low effort posts and repetitive posts (I learned this quite recently, I had missed that before), which would make it easier but still, these amounts of posts - and we aren't seeing the ones that are already handled by mods - will be very challenging. I just wanted to say this to remind of the possibility of helping the mods by reporting, but also that it's an exceptional situation and I think we should be thankful for what they're doing.
submitted by ButterscotchEven6198 to JonBenetRamsey [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Ok-Abbreviations6547 He js yapping now

He js yapping now submitted by Ok-Abbreviations6547 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Imwhatswrongwithyou Libras being called fake but we just changed our minds is all….

Libras being called fake but we just changed our minds is all…. submitted by Imwhatswrongwithyou to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Weekly-Algae-1665 Please help! My hat trick is at 99.5

Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 35301028
submitted by Weekly-Algae-1665 to TemuUSAcode4code [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 cvntpvnter Grade or sell as-is? Sorry for spam. App won’t work like it’s supposed to.

Grade or sell as-is? Sorry for spam. App won’t work like it’s supposed to. submitted by cvntpvnter to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 TheKnallerZuender If Shyvana isn't getting a VGU ever, can she at least get some QOL updates?

She still feels so clunky when you actually play her in the intended way as an AD bruisetank. It's no wonder that most players go for the gimmicky AP playstyle because at least it's reliable and you only have to use her awful ultimate as a way to reposition.
Just a few things that would make life for Shyvana players much more pallatable until the VGU arrives in 2028 or whatever:

Oh and also give her back her passive. What is the point of having a pure stats passive and then nerfing her stats gain? Phreak said in his last patch notes video that he thinks having 20% dmg increase on dragons is enough of a passive as it is, but surely he was joking? Right?
submitted by TheKnallerZuender to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 gatuflow I am still broken

I watched this series 100% blind some time ago, you can imagine, broke me. I had never been as emotionally impacted by a show as I was with this so I kept pondering the question "why?". Well now I know why it got me so deep. I remember that when I watched the ending, I curled up into a ball on the floor, crying, I muttered then "no one will ever love me like that". That's what got me, the scenes of Lucy missing David, they made me think of that, of how tragic yet beautiful it could be to love and be loved at such a deep level. And when I realized I'd never experience such a thing, then I broke. My new favourite show.
submitted by gatuflow to Edgerunners [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 distractednova I’m a student solo dev who just put out a FREE sticker-themed dungeon roguelite - I would love it if ya’ll could check it out!

I’m a student solo dev who just put out a FREE sticker-themed dungeon roguelite - I would love it if ya’ll could check it out! submitted by distractednova to roguelites [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 ember2232 Looking for someone to edit a photo

Looking for someone to open my sister's eyes in one of our family wedding photos. I am not a fan of posting photos on here of myself so I'd prefer to do it privately!
Shouldn't be too difficult. I have a very similar photo of her with her eyes open already!
Can tip $10!
submitted by ember2232 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Ill-Palpitation-9556 Gilmore Girls first and last

As much as I absolutely adore the first and last series, I’m so sad knowing that he won’t experience all the Gilmore girls characters with us 😭💔
No team Dean, Jess, or Logan Paris, Kirk, Christopher, Tristan Richard’s death 😭😭 Rory’s horrible character development
And most importantly, he’s not going to see DAVE, do we think he knows that he’s missing out on Adam Brody?😭
But I’m still so HAPPY he did this, Gilmore girls has always been my favourite show and I may be biased but it’s my new favourite video
submitted by Ill-Palpitation-9556 to YoTroublemakers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Krys144 New skit dropped! How public restrooms be dirty af 😭

New skit dropped! How public restrooms be dirty af 😭 submitted by Krys144 to RDCWorld [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Film_in_Idaho Red filter held up to the 120GCFN (Tri-X)

Red filter held up to the 120GCFN (Tri-X) Red filters, winter, and black and white film are one of my favorite combos. Now that winter is basically here again, I need to 3D print and attach a filter holder rather than just rubber banding a filter against the front of the Holga.
submitted by Film_in_Idaho to Holga [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 sympbannonp Miyake Mugler on their way to slay the grand march

Miyake Mugler on their way to slay the grand march submitted by sympbannonp to HBOmaxLegendary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:40 Agreeable-Method5374 Should I quit now?

I have been working at this CS company for 1.5 years now that pays me good, etc. I was dealing with inbound calls and rotation shits for 8 months and now I'm doing chat support. The job is easy with fixed shifts and days off and also a support team but the metrics are so hard to achieve; as it will be the 9th month now for the team not achieveing the metrics. I haven't personally met the metrics for 3 months; and one thing that happened is that I decided to take an advice from the support team on a case that we don't really deal with and advised the customer with that I have been told accordingly; which made my boss go very frustrated as I did not advise of what she had told me to do (although she had no clue as well about this case as it is not something we offer help with); planned a meeting out of the blue with the HR to be told that if I did not meet the metrics, I will get fired. Although, this behavior should not be done as I should have had coaching sessions, deductions etc before treating to fire me!
However, I slightly improved as my boss literally obligates one of the oldest co-workers to do a side by side investigation with me, which I am thankful for. But I still do not know if I should leave my notice without another job lined up instead of letting myself get fired (I swear I do my best!) or since she is helping me, she does not want me to get fired? I'm actually confused as I literally never felt happier when I was told that I might get fired lol as I'm very burnt out and need a break but at the same time I'm a bit worried about the finances although I have my savings that can cover me for more than 6 months and no bills to pay, honestly.
So should I take this as a break while applying for new jobs and actually focus on what I really want to do? I believe it will be better to leave than being terminated as I will be blacklisted if they terminated me and will not be able to work at the same company again if I ever wanted to.
submitted by Agreeable-Method5374 to callcentres [link] [comments]