Regidrago need hlep 8719 7939 5638

2024.11.27 23:34 Covertplot7857 Regidrago need hlep 8719 7939 5638

submitted by Covertplot7857 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 Razoran_ Leader of the Pack

Leader of the Pack submitted by Razoran_ to GuildWarsDyeJob [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 gapt00thbitch Holiday gift ideas

Hi! My mom is really into watercolor. She takes classes and even sells some of her art. I would say she’s an advanced intermediate.
She’s on a fixed income so I know she’s likely not buying the fanciest supplies. I want to get her a really nice gift that she wouldn’t get herself. Any ideas on paints, brushes, paper or supplies that would make a great gift?
Alternatively, I would think a nice gift would also be hiring someone who could take pictures of her work and help her sell online. Open to thoughts there too.
Thank you 😊
submitted by gapt00thbitch to Watercolor [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 Fun-Pie3937 Pie ads suck

Ima just say FUCK pie ad blocker
submitted by Fun-Pie3937 to Adblock [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 DuffyBagX Summary of My Madden 25 Franchise (Year 1)

Summary of My Madden 25 Franchise (Year 1) submitted by DuffyBagX to Madden [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 formedabull Info About New Carlisle

Does anyone have any info on New Carlisle? I have an interview in a couple weeks for a job out there. I was also wondering what the apartment scene is like because it seems pretty scarce from checking online.
submitted by formedabull to nwi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 feelinglost2023 Happy Waffle Wednesday!!

Happy Waffle Wednesday!! submitted by feelinglost2023 to Chihuahua [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 DeadlyHydra8630 BIOS Q-Flash Help

I lowkey really need help I'm stuck.
So I have the GIGABYTE B650 X AX V2 and I plugged in the 24pin and the 2 CPU connectors.
Made a FAT32 and renamed the file GIGABYTE.BIN and I plugged in the USB turned on the PSU and pressed the Q-Flash button it turns the red light on and the PSU's fans start but only for about a second and it stops
The light never blinks.
submitted by DeadlyHydra8630 to Microcenter [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 RVABarry Good deal? The EX90 is just too expensive so we are pivoting to the XC90 plug-in. Getting the captain chairs for kids.

Good deal? The EX90 is just too expensive so we are pivoting to the XC90 plug-in. Getting the captain chairs for kids. submitted by RVABarry to VolvoXC90 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 Occasion_Dry Alternative Chosen

Hello, I am interested in running 10 chosen with ol Fabulous Bill but I do not want to spend the money to invest in that that many chosen at the moment. What 3rd party chosen would you guys recommend? Thank you for any answers.
submitted by Occasion_Dry to Chaos40k [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 realdakes That's right Jay

That's right Jay submitted by realdakes to RedLetterMedia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 Standard_Guarantee18 What kind of dog do you think this is?

What kind of dog do you think this is? Hi! We started fostering a puppy from a rescue a few days ago. We don’t know anything about her, but we’re guessing she’s around 3m old based on teeth! She’s about 20lbs and VERY sweet and smart. As far as interesting traits, she doesn’t bark but she does whine. No yodeling or other vocalizations though.
The rescue thinks lab but there’s definitely something else, but we can’t put our finger on it! She almost looks fox-like when she moves
submitted by Standard_Guarantee18 to IDmydog [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 ryogadan Andretti: Cadillac F1 program has been eyeing Herta since the beginning

Andretti: Cadillac F1 program has been eyeing Herta since the beginning submitted by ryogadan to Formula1_world [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 v10l3t8 looking for my future bestie ⋆。°✩ 24f

hello humans, im in search of some long-term friends on discord who are up for messaging, memes, gaming, watching stuff, being motivation buddies, and hopefully even being future besties! (or all of the above)
i’m a little shy at first (a lot shy), but once I get comfortable, im talkative and fun! i like to think I’m a good friend, im loyal, supportive and probably care a bit too much
pls msg me for my discord! id love to chat about everything we’re into. bonus points if ur a girl, id love some more female friends💕
submitted by v10l3t8 to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 sergeant_sandwich Real

Real Played whole Halloween on steam deck, it's not as easy as it sounds
submitted by sergeant_sandwich to tf2shitposterclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 Icy_Two_1359 hii, guessin girls ages (under 19 and can't be borin) if it's boring i wont rate. 05529708cf056a6959ae09be2dacc1ef9e7164ab5c8ed72bab3e03ce7ea48c8629

submitted by Icy_Two_1359 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 so_curiouss06 Kendimi non-binary görsem de öyleyim diyemiyorum

Sadece içimi dökmek istedim. Kendimi ne erkek olarak görebiliyorum ne de kadın. Ama fazla maskülen göründüğüm için kendime non-binary demek de utandırıcı geliyor. Ne yapsam bu görünüşümü, konuşmamı veya davranışlarımı değiştiremiyormuş gibi hissediyorum, dışardan bakan birinin düz hetero erkek olarak gördüğüne eminim ve ben o şekilde bilinmek istemiyorum. Sanki asla hiçbir yere uyamadığım gibi queer topluluğuna da kendimi ait hissedemiyorum çoğu zaman, ne yapacağımı da bilemiyorum..
submitted by so_curiouss06 to Turkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 FixedUp88 Wednesday Evening NHL Totals Pick (Blues/Devils)

submitted by FixedUp88 to cryptosportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 catbolognese My Senior Shih-Tzu Won’t Stop Crying and Eating

My senior Shih-Tzu has always been a bit of a drama queen, but lately, things have gotten out of hand. He has hypothyroidism and has been on medication for it since 2018. He’s also allergic to cow protein, so he eats lamb-based dog food.
Over the past month, he’s become incredibly restless. He cries all night, pees inside (which he never used to do—I take him out several times a day), and now he’s constantly hungry and throws tantrums over it.
I took him to the vet, who initially prescribed pain relievers for his joints, but that didn’t help. On a follow-up visit, I suspected he might be having an allergic reaction, and it turned out he had dermatitis. They treated him for that, and he seemed better for just one day before reverting back to crying, peeing indoors, and throwing tantrums.
On top of all this, he’s gained a kilo in the past month and a half. He was already at the high end of a healthy weight, so this is concerning. We’re traveling in two weeks, and he needs to stay under 8 kilos—he’s at 7.5 now, up from 6.5 at his last vet visit before all these issues started. I’ve been taking him on walks, but he’s restless most of the night and only sleeps a few hours.
I’m at my wits’ end. Has anyone experienced something similar? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by catbolognese to PetAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 Good_Tart3432 Championship

If anyone’s interested in joining a custom championship all you gotta do is go search for a lobby and pick the on that says FrostedDabs as the host
submitted by Good_Tart3432 to EASPORTSWRC [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 Ok_Yoghurt879 Referral Link
submitted by Ok_Yoghurt879 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 RedditvsDiscOwO Zeeble zorp

Zeeble zorp submitted by RedditvsDiscOwO to what_the_hellllllllll [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 Frequent_Dragonfly91 Has anyone had any weird side effects from TB-500, BPC-157, and/or GHK-CU?

I have injected in my right hip twice and my left thigh once (protocol below). My right buttock down to my right calf feels weird days later. It’s not numb.. but it feels like tiny shards of glass is slightly imbedded in my skin and if you run your hand down my leg even lightly, it feels like your pushing in the glass shards and feels slightly bruised.
I injected 200mcg BPC/200mcg TB-500/1mg GHK-CU on the following days:
One injection at night 8 days ago into my left thigh and didn’t experience any side effects other than a lump which I massaged out.
One injection on my right hip/upper buttock on the 22nd and 23rd . I had no side effects on these ones and didn’t see a lump so didn’t massage it. There was no stinging or anything. I’ve been getting the weird feeling in my right buttock and leg for past 3 nights. I have tried massaging, but again.. feels like I’m just massaging glass shards into a bruised leg.
submitted by Frequent_Dragonfly91 to PeptideForum [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 AnyFuture8510 Iron overload due to transfusions

I've recently had two MRIs for something else but when resulted showed "minor iron overload involving the liver, spleen, and bone marrow."
My team never mentioned it to me and when I brought it up today was just told "oh that happens sometimes to patients after treatment." I was already aware of that but they did labs to check my iron levels, again only because I asked about it. The iron levels in my blood were normal, but my ferritin is way above standard at 1147.
I'm wondering if anybody has had any experience with iron overload? My team doesn't really seem concerned about it. I know mine is stated as minor but I don't want to have problems down the road because of it, since the body can't get rid of iron on its own. Especially since I've just recently had my second transplant and a lot of side effects are out of my control but I know something can be done to help iron overload. Just wondering if I should push my team on this or if it will be okay since MRI indicates it's mild?
submitted by AnyFuture8510 to leukemia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 23:34 breaddistribution Who's cooking up some "make America Burt agian" hats. Do I gotta do this shit myself!?!!?

submitted by breaddistribution to fishtanklive [link] [comments]