2024.11.27 23:34 ArmImpressive5684 Happy Hour at Claremore, OK. Happy Thanksgiving!
submitted by ArmImpressive5684 to Guinness [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 Background_Act508 Should I be peeking
submitted by Background_Act508 to sypherpk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 23:34 usdballum FS/NFT Each $2 Shipped - 2023 Topps Heritage High Number Chrome Hot Box Singles. Paypal Only
submitted by usdballum to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 23:34 Medium-Path4870 Doing Tribs of your Girls. Has to be Nude. 05e06f1d2e7365e274acacd72ef9fd42c00d1e949367b0204cb9ec8e671551bf23
submitted by Medium-Path4870 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 wagonwheel_01 Type of Cut?
Hey my Op is Friday 29th. Pretty nervous, about it all really, but feel it needs to be done as my phimosis has gotten worse, which limits sex positions and my piece always feels unclean! When it comes to types of cut, can somebody please explain what they mean by high, tight, loose etc.?
Did anybody get no choice / I don’t recall my urologist asking my when I did my consultation .. anyone experienced this under the NHS?
Also, shall I go with general anaesthetic or local? I prefer local as don’t want to go asleep. What is your experience?
Thanks ! Any other advice will be welcome 😊
submitted by wagonwheel_01 to circumcision [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 MGreene90 Issues with audio on some games using OPL
I am having issues where on some games the audio is stuttering, and on one game the video also stutters. I am using a HDD and a FreeMcBoot card running OPL (10th anniversary edition). All of my other games work fine, it’s just been these two that have had issues so far.
Could anyone help me with this?
submitted by MGreene90 to ps2homebrew [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 Haunting-Plate2502 Black spots in teeth after a fix on an old filling, are these blood clots??
Hello, I (F28) just got a filling yesterday only on one tooth, my second to last tooth, not my last one. As you can see there are two dark spots. I have pretty healthy teeth and see the dentist regularly, my only issue is my gums. I am a mouth breather due to a severely deviated septum (will be getting surgery) and because of this my mouth gets very dry, causing my gums to bleed excessively. My gums sometimes just bleed during the middle of the day randomly. When I go to the dentist they can simply touch my gums with one tool and they will gush blood, flossing is a nightmare but I do still do it. my dentist and hygienist are well aware of this. It’s so embarrassing and I feel horribly, I imagine it’s annoying. But anyway, I got my filling yesterday. I had this filling before but they had to fix it they noticed at my recent cleaning / xray (don’t know the exact terminology…) and I’ve never had this issue before. I looked in my mouth yesterday afternoon and it is black on two teeth. I only got one filling so this didn’t make sense or why it is black. I usually get white fillings not silver and this doesn’t even look silver. I called the dentist and explained what I saw and both my hygienist and dentist said that it’s probably from how much I bled and a blood clot likely formed, if it doesn’t go away in a few days and if I “feel concerned” I can call back to schedule an appointment to come in and to just floss and brush. I genuinely trust my dentist office they’re amazing and I’ve never had an issue there but this made me feel a little weird. This clot even if it is one, isn’t even dark red this is literally BLACK?. Is this a blood clot likely and if not what is this ?? And if it is a blood clot are there any quick ways to get rid of it, or should I go in and see them asap? Any input at all would be so appreciated. Thank you! submitted by Haunting-Plate2502 to askdentists [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 23:34 Drezrokal01 micro usb controller cord name/where to find help
i have gotten a few controllers (for switch, pc, xbox) and they are all micro usb, but there is a little slit/groove in the spot where you plug it into the controller. and i broke one cord and lost another, and for some reason just any micro usb does not work (and usually do not fit because of the slit/groove) does ANYONE know what that kind of micro usb cord is called or where to just buy the cord without another controller https://preview.redd.it/1yht9b9p4j3e1.jpg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f71900f470367365ee7b16c2b28682e2ef50e5a3 (srry ik bad pic) but the cord had a little indent/slit that fit that little peg on the controller port that i circled in the pic submitted by Drezrokal01 to Controllers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 23:34 george_hehe uhh train edit
submitted by george_hehe to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 23:34 zEeXUrqVR7DeM7M8yac3 I never play Sortie unless I have absolutely nothing else I could be doing, and I can't be the only one.
It just feels like playing the lottery, but in an especially time-consuming and sometimes annoying format (especially matchmade Spy missions).
The best rewards are incredible but I have no real shot at getting them unless I Sortie every day, for hundreds of days, and I just have better things to do with my time in the game.
Once you've gotten past early game and have unlocked good Steel Path farming nodes and endgame modes, is there any real point to Sorties?
submitted by zEeXUrqVR7DeM7M8yac3 to Warframe [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 Sou_Anardedria Nesse dia, surgiu o maior hater de Demon Slayer
submitted by Sou_Anardedria to japan_insoul [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 23:34 mmarie_3 Christmas Tree
Looking at getting a new Christmas tree (7.5 ft Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree, 950 Color-Changing Radiant Micro Dot LED Lights). Does anyone know if Costco does sales on their trees at all? Or will this be the best price? submitted by mmarie_3 to CostcoCanada [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 23:34 dboyrockz ✨ [18+] We have a bookclub and we’re a wholesome and friendly community with members from all around the globe. Celebrate the holidays with a new place to call home. 💖
submitted by dboyrockz to AdvertisingCentral [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 Jal5516 I used peridex mouth wash last night and This morning I woke up with chalky spots on 4 of my front teeth, is this permanent?
Sorry pics don't show the white spots but they show the areas affected by them. First pic is before the cleaning and second pic is after just highlighting the areas of my enamel erosion that I've had for many years already. I floss daily, water floss and brush twice a day with an electric toothbrush. I was prescribed peridex mouthwash after I told my dentist how unhappy I was with this outline over my front teeth. I used peridex for the first time last night. Before I went to bed I looked at my teeth and didn't have any white spots but when I woke up this morning I had white chalky looking spots in the circled areas which are the areas I've struggled with erosion while I was on Invisalign. Initially I thought it was plaque and tried to wipe it off with no luck. Are white chalky spots that appear suddenly permanent, can I do anything to treat it ? submitted by Jal5516 to askdentists [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 23:34 Unable-Ad4105 MHF4U anyone complete the final exam? just wondering if it’s like the practice test or more difficult. is it multiple choice or do i have to type out each answer?
submitted by Unable-Ad4105 to ILC [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 BirdCultureDickMove More testicles means more iron.
S05E19 submitted by BirdCultureDickMove to TheSimpsons [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 23:34 Efficient_Range_110 How to apply to more than 20 colleges on Common App?
submitted by Efficient_Range_110 to bsmd [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 Grtbow999 😂😂
submitted by Grtbow999 to NoJumper [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 Top-Consideration253 Solar Powered cameras for harsh sun and heat
I’m looking at the Eufy solocam s340 but the solar panels seem to have major reliability issues I’m concerned about given I live in Las Vegas where it regularly hits the kid 110’s in the summer.
Can anyone recommend any solar powered exterior cameras that have local storage and ideally 270-360 degree swivel coverage capability like the solocam and most importantly, reliable/durable solar panels.
submitted by Top-Consideration253 to SecurityCamera [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 ecosq Struggling with Social Anxiety and Isolation - Need Advice
Hi everyone, I’m a 20-year-old male, and I’m feeling completely lost in my college life due to overwhelming social anxiety. I’ve been dealing with this for as long as I can remember, and it’s really taken a toll on me. To give you some background, I’ve had a tough childhood. I was chubby and often made fun of, even by teachers. I've faced sexual harassment from peers and was sexually assaulted by my male cousin from ages 10 to 17. To top it off, I lost my father in a car accident when I was 13. Since then, it’s just been my mother and two older sisters who are busy with their own lives. Recently, I was diagnosed with kidney failure, and one of my kidneys has failed. This has added to my feelings of hopelessness. I have zero friends, no hobbies or talents, and no dreams for the future. My anxiety has held me back from joining any social or coding clubs at college, which I genuinely wanted to do. I don’t even have many photos of myself—just a handful from school documents. I’ve tried to make a few female friends, but when people started speculating about my sexuality, I was outcasted and harassed for it. Trusting people, especially men, has become incredibly difficult for me. I’m reaching out because I really don’t know how to move forward. How can I begin to let go of this anxiety and depression? Are there any steps I can take to start building connections or improving my mental health? Honestly, I don’t want to survive anymore. Any advice or support would mean the world to me. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
submitted by ecosq to indiasocial [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 Eastern_Roman_Empire An obsession
submitted by Eastern_Roman_Empire to hindumemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 23:34 BLeibo Maryland's Tafara Gapare with the poster (and subsequent technical)
submitted by BLeibo to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 23:34 mredd3 Pilot Episode
METV is showing the pilot now. Thus starts another run through the series. Just watched "As Time Goes By", the last episode filmed. Love this show!
submitted by mredd3 to mash [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 gotenksinsane NAD 1600 preamp - left channel slightly lower volume output. Do these caps look okay? YouTube video said to clean off the 'old brown glue gunk' as that becomes conducive as it ages. Will do that for now. Thanks for any help. Brown gunk also on other parts of board...
submitted by gotenksinsane to audiorepair [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 23:34 Chance_Board_5424 friendly 5 a side football game
Few spots available in a friendly football game 7-8pm tomorrow (Thursfay) night at York sports village £4 5 a side. Reply or message for details 🙏
York Sport Village, Lakeside Way, Heslington, York YO10 5FG
submitted by Chance_Board_5424 to YorkStJohnUniversity [link] [comments]