Carnet de aprendizaje para 18 años, dudas sobre el proceso.

2024.11.28 01:35 Money_Cunt_2000 Carnet de aprendizaje para 18 años, dudas sobre el proceso.

Estoy pensando en sacar el carnet de aprendizaje y la página de intrant es un desastre y no puedo pagar en línea, quisiera preguntar qué documentos puedo pagar presencial en la cede central de intrant, o si todos los documentos se pueden pagar ahí. (Quiero evitar ir al banco lo más posible por la falta de tiempo)
submitted by Money_Cunt_2000 to Dominicanos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 lss_web_1444 Image post title 795

Image post title 795 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Affectionate-Team197 Walkable areas

Hi, planning on getting serious in the next year to make a move. Just wondering if there are any walkable safe areas on Henderson? Or will I have to drive everywhere?
submitted by Affectionate-Team197 to HendersonNV [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 mixelfan220ALT What font is this?

What font is this? submitted by mixelfan220ALT to identifythisfont [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Valuable_Host4047 Help identifying these pre ban sea turtle boots!

Hi! Trying to get info on these great boots we found in my grandfathers things after he passed. The inside only has a sz and a partial number no brand name, any info is appreciated
submitted by Valuable_Host4047 to cowboyboots [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Goddamnanalog Self.

Self. .
submitted by Goddamnanalog to Polaroid [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Fiercebully9 Ivig

Is it absolutely not allowed while on rinvoq? Is anyone on both?
submitted by Fiercebully9 to Rinvoq [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 NomadicAdventurer28 35M - Let's Distract Each Other From A Long, Boring Night

It's a quiet a slow night with not much going on for me. I have some laundry going, some random YouTube going, and a good couch vibe. Anyone looking to keep each other company and hopefully make a new friend while we're at it?
About me: Nerdy, sporty, goofy. Somewhere between introverted and outgoing. Let's chat 😊
submitted by NomadicAdventurer28 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 SomeClassroom2136 LOST KITTEN PLEASE DM IF FOUND

LOST KITTEN PLEASE DM IF FOUND Hey! my friend lost her kitten earlier this week it’s a small brown tabby. If anyone has seen her and/or has her please DM me ASAP!! Thank you I’ve attached a photo of what she looks like!
submitted by SomeClassroom2136 to Purdue [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Fluid_Jaguar3973 Click on Money Tree Link

Needing help with this
Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge...
submitted by Fluid_Jaguar3973 to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 lss_web_1444 Link post title 311

Link post title 311 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Thecatwholovessushi I hit my neck on a chair and now my ear and throat hurts :)

So I hit my neck on a chair, bc I was being stupid. Mostly bc I have a chair in the MIDDLE of my room, right next to my bed, and my leg fell asleep so I was walking, and I FUCKING FELL, and hit my neck on the chair cause' it's like a plastic but kinda hard plastic. And now my ear hurts and my throat kinda. WDID? (what do i do)
submitted by Thecatwholovessushi to SamAndColby [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 tlachi18 [question] more applications and tweaks iOS 8

[question] more applications and tweaks iOS 8 I have an iPhone 4s on ios 8.4.1 but I wants some tweaks and more applications full or parcial works
submitted by tlachi18 to LegacyJailbreak [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 SAUCEmagic Okay so we are left with the boring fish and Jobe

And Burt.
Now what
submitted by SAUCEmagic to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Butcanitruncrysis Need Help Identifying Tablet

Need Help Identifying Tablet submitted by Butcanitruncrysis to CVS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Sudden_Quote_597 Catalent Full-time Job to Co-op/part-time

I'm a 3rd year college student, and recently I've been looking into co-ops and it turns out catalent takes in students from my uni for their co-ops. The issue, however, is that I've been watching their co-op portal (as instructed, since the one they use is through my uni) and I haven't seen a single change in months, yet students have been accepted. I was wondering, is it fine to apply to entry level positions that are full time and request them to be part-time for my college (they have dozens of these where I'm at, and they are for techs or manufacturing or assistant scientist, or QA)? I don't want to do the wrong thing with them incase their co-op does show up, but I can't handle wasting my time watching nothing (I apply at other places as well for internships, I just mean that I hope I'm not placing my time & effort in the wrong direction since I'm not well versed in any of this).
Thank you in advance for your help, and in case it matters, I'm a science engineering major.
submitted by Sudden_Quote_597 to biotech [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Jay-Storm Aside from wrinkles on my clothes and obvious funhouse mirror any thoughts on the fit?

Aside from wrinkles on my clothes and obvious funhouse mirror any thoughts on the fit? submitted by Jay-Storm to bigmenfashionadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Significant-Egg-1414 [s1 spoilers] where did ekko get his stopwatch and does it appear again in season 2? (did benzo give it to him?

submitted by Significant-Egg-1414 to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Important_Box2833 I am trying to find a manga/manhwa /manhua bl

From what I can remember it was like "the Truman show". The mc was filmed all the time but he didn't know. It's a bl manhwa/manga/ manhua (idk exactly) I hope someone knows it because I am searching for it for 1 hour....
submitted by Important_Box2833 to Manhwa_BL [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 PodinoXD glitch no começo do jogo

glitch no começo do jogo Boa noite pessoal, estava jogando gta sa aqui de boa até que acabei descobrindo isso daqui.
Basicamente quando eu dei load no meu save da big smoke e um new game ao mesmo tempo, o cj spawnou na frente da casa e a cutscene do aeroporto começou e tudo ficou sem física kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
submitted by PodinoXD to segredogigatonico [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Knuckledust Um dog partindo pra cima do outro aleatoriamente e sem motivo aparente

Olar pessoal,
Eu resgatei o Buk faz 11 anos. Ele já é um quase idoso tranquilo, sem manias a não ser dar uns latidos pros vizinhos.
Ocorre que, faz 1 ano, vi a Ravena pra adoção e me apaixonei. A ONG descreveu ela como tranquila, amorosa, se dá bem com outros pets etc.
A surpresa veio mais ou menos 1 mês depois de adota-la. Inicialmente se deu SUPER bem com o Buk, ambos brincavam juntos, uma alegria. Tive que mudar de apê e a partir daí, a Ravena começou a dar uns surtos e atacar o Buk do NADA.
Tem vez que acontece 2x por dia, ou pode acontecer de passar 2 ou 3 meses sem nenhuma ocorrência. Sem mudar absolutamente nada na rotina da casa. É realmente hiper aleatório.
Nesse meio tempo a Ravena também foi ficando cada vez mais intolerante com os cachorros na rua. Ela nunca atacou nenhum, e se chegar perto ela só cheira e brinca, mas se ela ver outros cachorros ela faz um PUTA escândalo. E antes, era tranquilo. Ela era até medrosinha.
Fui falar de novo na ONG e, pra minha surpresa, eles simplesmente admitiram que mentiram. Ela já havia sido devolvida 3 vezes por tutores por atacar outros pets ou atitudes similares....
Eu realmente não sei mais o que fazer. Já tentei vários adestradores sem sucesso. A última tentativa foi com a Tudo de Cão (adestramento 100% positivo, me cobraram R$1.600 por mês pelo adestramento dos dois, e não resolveu nada... Passaram apenas treinos básicos de obediência que os dois já sabem, e disseram que seria algo de longuíssimo prazo. Por quase 2k/mês, meio inviável......
Alguém ja passou por algo parecido, ou tem conhecimento de como eu poderia solucionar uma situação assim? Já não sei mais o que fazer. Tá foda.
submitted by Knuckledust to ApoioVet [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 speedracer73 Canon Image Class mf656cdw broken screen (control panel) help

The lcd is cracked and unusable. I was able to remove the screen from the printer, pulled the cables off. It looks like replacing it is easy enough, but I'm not sure where to get a replacement.
I found a couple ebay listings for other ImageClass printer screens, but from different ImageClass models. The screens look exactly like mine, but unsure if they will work. Does anyone know if these screens will work across numerous models?
Thanks in advance for any help!
submitted by speedracer73 to printers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Guilty_Masterpiece65 What’s V’s album name/the first song on the album

submitted by Guilty_Masterpiece65 to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 Astroloud Hey y'all. I'm taking part in a no-banlist tournament soon and I'll be playing Tear. Is this list ok?

Anything that can be improved?
submitted by Astroloud to yugioh [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:35 loload3939 Does God not love everyone?

I'm referencing Romans 9 here. I read this also during a time where my friend (probably one of the nicest people I've ever met) is going through a lot of health and family issues. I pray and it gets worse and worse and nothings getting better. Is God trying to tell me he doesn't love everyone equally?
submitted by loload3939 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]