Help!! What’s the shadow?

Pamiętaj tylko, że przy dołożeniu bagażu lub plecaczka jest wymagane wyższe ciśnienie w tylnym kole i zwiększenie wstępnego napięcia tylnych amorków. Nie znam dokładnych wartości ciśnienia w kołach dla wszystkich moto, ale w VT1100C z 04, ma ono wynosić: Front 2.25 kg/cm2. Motocykl: Honda Shadow. Dołączył: 15 Lip 2010. Posty: 43. Skąd: Zgierz. Wysłany: 2011-10-23, 13:42 Honda Shadow 750 Świece. Witajcie. Wczoraj przeczyściłem moje świece w Shadowce są to NGK RK DPR8EA 9 ale chciał bym je wymienić na nowe tylko nie bardzo wiem które były by odpowiednie:) Forum SHOC.PL. FAQ Szukaj Użytkownicy Grupy: Rejestracja Zaloguj Album Chat: Obecny czas to 2024-11-27, 04:24 Znaczy, że osoby nie posiadające widzenia przestrzennego mogą zapomnieć o kat. A. W przyszłym tygodniu idę na badania wzroku, wiem, że kiedyś jakiś okulista gadał mi, że ja nie posiadam właśnie takiego widzenia (nie wiem o co chodzi, do tej pory nie brałem tego do bani, bo wydaje mi się, że widzę normalnie pomimo noszenia okularów). Wysłany: 2009-05-08, 11:50 Opony do VT1100. Witam, poszukuje od pewnego czasu opon do mojego cienia. Teraz, mam założone Dunlopy (ale wersje na USA, więc strasznie twarde) i w dziwnym rozmiarze 140/80 - 17, serwisówka podaje 130/90 - 17. Tu pierwsze pytanie czy założyć tak jak podaje producent, czy tak jak jest teraz? A wakuometr służy do synchronizacji gaźników. Nie do regulacji. Regulacja gaźników to regulacja składu mieszanki. Synchronizacja gaźników to takie ustawienie przepustnic w dwóch lub więcej gaźnikach aby otwierały się jednocześnie generując taki sam przelot w gaźniku. Wysłany: 2019-04-25, 13:47 Reflektor oraz żarówka. Witam, wczoraj pierwszy raz w tym sezonie miałem okazję jechać z pracy na motorku. Zaskoczyła mnie jakość dawanego światła. Reflektor ogólnie bardzo słabo oświetlał drogę i w dodatku główne światło było przede mną jakieś 3 metry. Wiem, że trudno to dokładnie stwierdzić ... Wiadomość. sloniu99. [Usunięty] Wysłany: 2008-10-21, 20:31 Regulacja tylnego zawieszenia. Witam. Posiadam Hondę Shadow Sabre. Tylne amortyzatory mają trzy stopnie regulacji. Skąd: Jeżowe. Wysłany: 2009-04-20, 08:40. Bezpośrednio możesz sobie sprawdzić, odkręcając korek chłodnicy zbiorniczek wyrównawczy znajduje się pewnie po prawej stronie motoru, przed pompą paliwa, za silnikiem, sporo pod airbox'em Jak nie jesteś pewien, co jest wlane (o ile to jest płyn do chłodnic) to raczej jest niewskazane ... 1. Postaw maszynę na centralce. 2. Zdejmij kanapę i oba boczki. 3. odłącz ujemną klemę od akumulatora. 4. opróżnij układ chłodzenia (odłącz rurę między chłodnicą a pompą wody) 5. zdejmij wydech z tylnego cylindra. 6. Zdejmij prawą rurkę płynu chłodzącego.

2024.11.28 01:40 laughingmadcap47 Help!! What’s the shadow?

Help!! What’s the shadow? submitted by laughingmadcap47 to MergeDragons [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Brent_Kulak RIP St. Louis fans

RIP St. Louis fans They really had 5 more wins than Chicago but didn't get the #1 seed because Chicago has 14 OT losses.
55-24-3 should probably finish ahead of 50-18-14
submitted by Brent_Kulak to HockeyLegacyManager [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Triingtolivee Listening to music and playing along to the song with a bit of bourbon. Not a bad way to start the holiday weekend.

submitted by Triingtolivee to drunkhifi [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Additional-Bill-4148 Nostalgic

Nostalgic submitted by Additional-Bill-4148 to SoundTripPh [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 bot_neen Conflicto arancelario entre México y EU puede afectar a ambas economías: Coparmex

Conflicto arancelario entre México y EU puede afectar a ambas economías: Coparmex submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 rookiex3 Has wubby talked about new commander comitee members yet. Lua stardust in particular can show hole and wotc likes it but make jokes about showing hole is bad.

No I'm not hating that she has an of im hating wotc isn't consistent.
submitted by rookiex3 to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 shakadabrah DS3 Pioneers

I really have no idea what I would do without the original gangsters that mapped and created guides for these games. I cannot imagine what it would have been like to find my way through these games with 100%% completion. Let’s alone to even find out the next area to go to in most cases.
Any OG’s in here that could share their stories of blood, sweat, and tears?
submitted by shakadabrah to darksouls3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Bcw-2 Pt.2261

Pt.2261 submitted by Bcw-2 to KhloeKardash [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Extension_Name_9334 English teaching in Kagoshima.

Hello, my wife and I currently live in the UK. She is a Japanese national from Kagoshima. She has started missing home very much and wants to move back.
My job requires a 1 year notice period to leave, and since I don't really know any Japanese, after googling a bit it seems the only job I'll be able to really get it as an English teacher.
I was curious if there was much work in Kagoshima, and how easy it is to actually get a teaching job in Japan, before I pull the pin and commit to moving?
submitted by Extension_Name_9334 to teachinginjapan [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Boundinink Local Walmart find

Local Walmart find submitted by Boundinink to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 PieForsaken6529 I can’t find the anime anywhere.

Does anyone know where to watch it?
submitted by PieForsaken6529 to DiabolikLovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 tdun56 Parents of grown children, what did you notice first when your kids moved out/grow up?

submitted by tdun56 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 SnooRegrets5190 Why do I get getting out of steam at 1.3GW?

Why do I get getting out of steam at 1.3GW? What am I doing wrong?
submitted by SnooRegrets5190 to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 isrizzgoated Logitech G935 mic sounds "muffled" in discord.

Friends say my mic sounds like I'm talking though a tunnel or it kinda sounds muffled. Any settings I could change or try in discord or GHUB?
submitted by isrizzgoated to LogitechG [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Determinaator Slice - earn passively by watching ads + other tasks

Updated November 28 2024 proof
Guide for Slice that goes more in-depth
Slice is a browser extension that offers a simple way to earn passive income. It displays non-intrusive ads, and pays users in the form of "slices" for viewing them. 10 slices are equivalent to 0.01$. Payments can be redeemed via Paypal or Bitcoin through ZeeBeDee, and there is no minimum payout limit. The extension is available in most countries, and slices can be redeemed after 30 days to prevent fraud.
Other features:

📧 Sign-up options: Email
🖥️ Devices: Chrome extension
🌍 Countries: Worldwide
NOTE: If you are using "Wallet of Satoshi" like me, I have recently noticed that the QR codes have not functioned properly. To receive payment, simply copy the lightning URL that Slice will send to your email and the wallet should immediately recognize it on your clipboard, allowing you to accept the payment that way.
submitted by Determinaator to beermoneyph [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Squigee03 Frazzled Feathers Pack

Frazzled Feathers Pack Chosen from ALL over the world. Ways to flesh out the bird roster without having to make TONS of new rigs. The poster child will be; Burrowing Owl, followed by the Dalmatian Pelican, Secretary Bird, Red Legged Seriema, Helmeted Guineafowl, Nene (Hawaiian Goose), Bush Turkey and the Eastern Capercaillie. I am aware (most) can fly but so can the storks and swans, so I feel like it’s fine
submitted by Squigee03 to PlanetZoo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 joecool_nyc Check you mail

Got my information on the lawsuit in the mail. Small pot but I guess something better than nothing.
submitted by joecool_nyc to SafeMoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Deep-Possibility2771 if youd like to make easy money add discord - daddydaddy69

submitted by Deep-Possibility2771 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Choice_Try_7953 Need some advice and resources to prepare for VEX

I go to a specialized stem high school that has its own VEX robotics team and I really want to make the team as a freshman. Tryouts are in March and I'm gonna try to be a builder anddo Mech. I study the parts and information on vex from the purdue bots website currently. Are there any other sources you guys can recommend to help me? Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys.
submitted by Choice_Try_7953 to vex [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 AdmirableThing6066 De Soto sizing

Hello everyone, I would like to know the sizing in centimeters of De Soto's new Oakley sunglasses.
Could anyone please help me?
submitted by AdmirableThing6066 to Oakley [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Crazy-Freak5401 Self-Exclusion from Online Casinos and PAGCOR

Self-Exclusion from Online Casinos and PAGCOR I just wanted to share an update about my self-exclusion journey. I submitted my application this past weekend, and to my surprise, I already got a response today!
The process was simple—just a filled-out exclusion form and a 2x2 photo. I didn’t expect it to be this fast, but it feels so empowering to take this step toward regaining control over my life.
For anyone struggling, I want to remind you: if you have the energy to find ways to gamble, you also have the energy to exclude yourself if you’re really determined to stop. It’s all about taking that first step, and trust me, it’s worth it.
submitted by Crazy-Freak5401 to PhGamblersAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Dry-Current-981 Carro parado na oficina

Boa noite! Fui a uma oficina da marca, para trocar o intercooler, Radiador e braços de suspensão. Qual não foi o meu espanto, quando o recepcionosta da dita oficina me telefonou a dizer que o carro já não pegava após o mecânico ter actualizado a centralina. Eles emprestaram-me um carro até resolverem o problema mas entretanto já se passaram 2 meses e o problema ainda não foi resolvido.
A carrinha sempre pegou á primeira nas minhas mãos desde 2008.
O que devo fazer?
submitted by Dry-Current-981 to AutoTuga [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 Nadiya-8912 How'd I do?

How'd I do? I was going for dramatic.
submitted by Nadiya-8912 to reddeadfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 ReflectionIcy3337 Eucerin dual serum - Darker Spots?

I have been using hydroquinone for a few months / break as doctor has recommended.
I decided I wanted to try out this serum and see if I noticed any results.
I have taken breaks from hydroquinone before and saw it slowly coming back but not that fast. However, this time around when I started to use the eucerin serum I noticed my melasma has been darkening faster all over. Is this expected behavior at first?
Does it get darker and then lighten after using it for a while, it’s been about a week or two for me now! Thanks !!
submitted by ReflectionIcy3337 to Melasmaskincare [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 01:40 DirectCranberry1026 They knocked the population group out of the park.

They knocked the population group out of the park. submitted by DirectCranberry1026 to 23andme [link] [comments]