Manchester Airport UAP/Drone floating inches above Tarmac. Taken from inside the cockpit.

2024.11.28 03:00 SaltyAdminBot Manchester Airport UAP/Drone floating inches above Tarmac. Taken from inside the cockpit.

Manchester Airport UAP/Drone floating inches above Tarmac. Taken from inside the cockpit. submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 sophatter Taiwanese drama recs?

Hello, as an OG meteor garden watcher I’ve always quite liked Taiwanese dramas but I haven’t seen one I liked in some time. Now I mainly watch PRC Chinese dramas. The last TW drama I tried but didn’t finish was lost romance (I got a lot of recs for it but for some reason the ML just didn’t appeal).
Any good recent tw dramas? I would prefer something without Jerry Yan (forbidden flower) and we go fast on trust is on my watchlist.
I watch romance-centric fluff, must have happy ending, low angst preferred.
submitted by sophatter to CDramaRecs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 sky_Rocks_7 Diljit mumbai Fanpit available

submitted by sky_Rocks_7 to PunjabiMusicTickets [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Lakutaia Playing around toning cyanotypes to create my jewelry

Here are the results of my recent experiments toning cyanotype prints. I used madder for most of them, and the one on the bottom is a mix of safflower and madder. I’m just starting to explore the art of toning prints. If you have any tips or insights, I’d be thrilled to hear them! Thanks
submitted by Lakutaia to cyanotypes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 wrotech Save up to $2,000 off your Tesla order - NEW Tesla Nov 2024 Referral link
submitted by wrotech to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Nas160 Jordan Binnington has passed Mike Liut to achieve the most wins in St. Louis Blues history. Congratulations, Binner. 💙💛

Jordan Binnington has passed Mike Liut to achieve the most wins in St. Louis Blues history. Congratulations, Binner. 💙💛 submitted by Nas160 to stlouisblues [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 AutoModerator Simple Questions - November 28, 2024

This thread is for simple questions that don't warrant their own thread (although we strongly suggest checking the sidebar and the wiki before posting!). Please don't post involved questions that are better suited to a [Build Help], [Build Ready] or [Build Complete] post. Examples of questions suitable for here:

Remember that Discord is great places to ask quick questions as well:
Important: Downvotes are strongly discouraged in this thread. Sorting by new is strongly encouraged.
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submitted by AutoModerator to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 luv1etters no good interest for a career

i’m 19 and from west virginia. unfortunately i’m not a very smart person due to not getting the best schooling, and i put most of my time into video games and art. i feel like art is the only thing i am somewhat good at, even though my true passion is writing and story telling. i feel like i have no other skills or interests to put myself into besides art and writing. the only thing is, both of those industries suck right now.
i’m currently majoring in studio art but i can’t help but feel uncertainty. everything i look at regarding the art, film, and animation industry it’s mostly people getting laid off or haven’t had work for months. especially with the rise of ai. even if i did pursue art, i’m very mediocre and i realize it’s a very competitive field.
if anyone has any ideas or advice, even majors that i should look into, please tell me. i’m not sure where to start.
submitted by luv1etters to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Forsaken-Bad-6070 Banana

submitted by Forsaken-Bad-6070 to bananas [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Correct_Elk_6320 Estou perdido nesse ex relacionamento.

Então, eu comecei em fevereiro a me relacionar com uma garota de 19 anos, e eu tenho 25, ela que me abordou num lugar que eu estava com uns amigos e disse que eu era a pessoa que ela falou comigo meses atrás e eu tinha ignorado pois era um perfil fake e no whats tampava o rosto, nos ficamos naquela noite e trocamos conversas pós isso, na mesma semana descobri que ela era irmã de um amiguinho que tive na infância com 9 anos de idade, cuja a mãe dela é próxima da minha madrasta naquela época e me conheceu quando eu era pequeno, essa guria esteve no meu aniversário de 6 anos de idade, mas ela jurava não saber, ela inclusive por pouco tempo foi colega de colégio do meu irmão, ela me chamou pela primeira nesse fake em novembro de 2023 e ela me disse que me conheceu num bar e insiste nisso até hoje, porém ela conversou comigo logo na sequência que meu pai faleceu e a mãe dela se aproximou da minha madrasta e acredito que foi assim que ela me conheceu me stalkeando. Bom, voltamos para fevereiro, começamos a sair todos finais de semana até que pedi ela em namoro, a mãe dela não gostava de mim no início pois eu havia jogado o filho dela quando eu tinha 9 anos num laguinho num parque.... E ela vivia indo na minha madrasta para falar da filha dela e inclusive dizendo que a filha dela não queria nada sério...
Passou fevereiro, a mãe dela conversava comigo algumas vezes e inclusive falava besteiras sobre minha namorada e insistia em perguntas sobre coisas específicas, por ser a mãe dela e querer ser amigo dela, contei algumas coisas que eu via na filha dela e que de fato me doía " essa minha namorada é muito vaidosa, ela é ruiva de olho verde, só usa roupa curte, curte funk, faz cílios, unha gigante" é de fato o que ela gosta, eu particularmente não sou fã de funk, gosto de rock que é um universo diferente, pois bem, em Março num dia a mãe dela contou tudo pra filha e a guria terminou comigo e me bloqueou pelo whats, então fui até a casa da mãe dela que era onde ela morava para tentar reatar essa relação, porém sem sucesso e o pior de tudo chamaram a polícia, sem agressão sem nada do tipo e essa guria colocou uma medida protetiva contra mim, porém dois dias depois ela me desbloqueou e ficou olhando meu status, de fato eu sentia falta dela e insisti, acabei colocando um status para ela e ela respondeu através de outro status, passamos a semana inteira dessa forma, no sábado nos encontramos e acabamos ficando juntos novamente, voltamos e ela tirou a medida durante a semana, até aí a mãe dela falava muito mal de mim, falava mal e mal e mal, enchia a guria e a gente acabava brigando demais, eu sempre tentando resolver na calma mas ela não era assim infelizmente, foi se passando, Março, abril, maio, junho, julho, agosto, setembro... nesse meio tempo nós brigamos inúmeras vezes, a gente fazia brincadeiras um com outro que no final sempre acabava em algum tipo de agressão por parte dela, era tocar no cabelo dela, eu havia agredido, era cutucar ela, era uma agressão, mas ela não pensava duas vezes quando era para me estapear... e além dos términos, eu implorei para voltar em todos eles, ela é extremamente ciumenta e eu extremamente fiel por ela, só que ela sempre achava que eu poderia trair ela, que ela nunca ia se entregar para mim pois se não eu iria tentar mandar nela pois era na visão dela como os homens são. Tentei trazer ela para a gente morar junto mas nunca rolou, ah, um pouco antes de maio, ela se mudou da casa da mãe dela e foi morar sozinha, a gente ficava finais de semana e alguns dias da semana, porém muita das vezes era uma briga eu pedir para estar com ela que era prático para mim, mas para ela estragava a rotina dela, sem contar que toda vez que eu ia lá ela ficava cuidando para ver se eu ia mexer nas coisas dela, se quando eu fosse tomar banho controlava até a temperatura do chuveiro, realmente eram coisas que eu nem dei a mínima. Chegamos no fatídico setembro, eu estava estudando e entrei na faculdade, ela estudando também porém ela não me conta nada da vida dela, inclusive ela sempre escondeu o celular, no qual acabei vendo uma vez porém não havia traição, porém ela sempre escondeu tudo, fui o último a saber que ela havia entrado na faculdade de Direito e eu cursando Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, totalmente o inverso kkkk. Ela ia voltar a morar com a mãe pois iria ser melhor pro financeiro dela, então, tentei fazer com a que a gente morasse junto mas ela não quis ainda, passou uma semana ela descobriu que estava grávida, tenho convicção que é meu, a gente infelizmente não se cuidava e isso gerou muitas brigas, ela quis se separar de mim denovo, mas com muita insistência e conversa, voltamos, ela tentou abortar mas não fez, ela rejeitou isso, chama isso até agora no quinto mês de gestação de inferno pois é relacionado a mim, ela nunca deixou eu participar dos pré natais, a primeira eco que fizemos eu participei, porém a gente voltou e ficou juntos depois de 9 vezes de términos e voltas nesse menos de um ano. Ela sempre foi horrível com as palavras comigo, sempre me ofendeu ao extremo em tudo, ela por ser linda, fica dizendo que vai arrumar outro todo tempo e realmente muito cara da em cima dela, ela esconde a gestação dos outros e agora ela terminou comigo pela mesma questão lá em março, a mãe dela denovo encheu os ouvidos dela contra mim, minha madrasta infelizmente joga do lado delas junto e eu fico sem saída, resumindo, hoje estou bloqueado em tudo, elas nem sequer esperam eu receber meu salário para comprar as coisas para minha filha, a eco nem sei se poderei participar, pois do jeito que ela é, não vai deixar e vai me privar disso, mesmo eu querendo ser presente em tudo, eu sempre quis família e a guria me chutou. Admito, ainda quero voltar, não só pela minha filha que irá vir, aonde elas já decretam desde já que eu vou ver minha filha quando elas quiserem, que não posso dormir com ela pois a mãe da minha ex falou que bebe da trabalho " mas eu não sou o pai ". Eu estou tendo crises, eu estou sozinho, eu tento me matar constantemente, estou arriscando meu emprego que é bem estável, ver minha ex, grávida e realmente só pensando em estar se relacionando com outras pessoas e nem esperar essa gestação me dói, me dói ela me jogar no lixo nesses 9 meses tão fácil, me dói não estar presente nessa gestação, tenho tudo, todas as conversas sobre aborto, sobre ela não querer amamentar pois acha feio " ela disse que não romantiza isso também ", ela esconder a gestação e agir de forma imprudente apenas pensando nela, claro que nesse momento não estou lá para ver, pois ela me bloqueou em tudo. Mais um adendo, eu pensei em pedir DNA e ela disse " Se eu pedir isso, podia sumir da vida da minha filha pois seria muita humilhação. O que me faz pensar pelo menos um pouco nesse teste de DNA é que todas as vezes que a gente terminou nesses meses ela em menos de um dia já estava falando com outros caras até marcando de sair e falando coisas indecentes, mas no fim voltava comigo e nada disso acontecia. Sinceramente eu estou sofrendo hoje enquanto as duas estão bem eu me sinto incapaz de tudo... Entre outros adendos, quando minha ex entrou na faculdade a gente só se via uma vez por semana pela rotina corrida dela, porém após grávida se tornou um inferno me ver, passava a semana marcando comigo e chegava horas antes não queria mais me ver e dava mil desculpas, depois de muita conversa a gente não se via e tinha vezes que não nos víamos mesmo com muita conversa, sempre colocando a nossa futura filha como algo tão ruim, afinal ela não queria engravidar, então esses papos não querer amamentar, e aborto ainda são leves depois de tudo que ouvi. Eu só queria fazer parte dessa gestação... Só não queria que eu me sentisse assim... Eu fiz de tudo sempre para mostrar amor por ela, quando dei aliança e ela perdeu e duas semanas antes desse último termino ela comprou de volta. Que situação
submitted by Correct_Elk_6320 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 LegendsofLost Episode 9 Preview

Episode 9 Preview submitted by LegendsofLost to Magilumiere [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Infinite_Ear_5753 We get it Binx sucks and you hate her

It's deserved, but I swear it's all I see it's annoying as hell
submitted by Infinite_Ear_5753 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 DTG_Bot Daily Questions [2024-11-28]

New player? Please read the New and Returning Player Guide, Destiny 2 Guided Support & Gameplay Guide. Want to buy the DLC? Check out the Final Shape Guide. Returning and not sure what was vaulted? Check the Destiny Content Vault help article. Episode: Echoes key dates:

Top Known Issues List by Bungie Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny-related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well, You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!
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submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 thunderboxer WB zacian 081567771992

submitted by thunderboxer to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 LyteNyteHD3667755 New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by LyteNyteHD3667755 to TheFredAndFionaShow [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Ok_Appointment4453 idek im bored af

idek im bored af submitted by Ok_Appointment4453 to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop | 🛍️ eBay | Up to 50% off gaming gear. Shop Xbox, PlayStation and more.

⬆️ Up Game Shop | 🛍️ eBay | Up to 50% off gaming gear. Shop Xbox, PlayStation and more. submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 PrestigiousShock794 How to manage pup parent guilt?

looking for some general reassurance/input from the community please! my hound mix (5yo) was adopted by my then-fiancee and myself when we lived in a 3-story row home with a backyard & a cat (my dog loves cats). my fiancee and I are no longer together and my cat has sadly passed. i’ve moved into a 1-bedroom apartment with no yard. I work in-office 5 days a week. I do try very hard to give her a fulfilled life. she stays with both my ex and myself on a scheduled basis, and when I have her we do 60+ mins of sniffari time a day, snuffle mats, treat scavenger hunts, learn tricks, etc. she is mildly reactive but we’ve been training regularly and she’s showing great improvement. I guess i’m just paranoid and maybe projecting about this, but if anyone has any ideas on how to keep her enriched and happy i’d love to hear them. she’s my absolute rock and best friend, and I want her as happy as possible for this year (at least) that i’m in this living situation. thanks in advance :)
submitted by PrestigiousShock794 to Dogowners [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 NoCo_Bubba66 Back at the Bench Again!

Back at the Bench Again! After around 12 years away and selling most of my equipment, I’m back and you rolling my own! I made some 7x57 test loads for my daughter’s rifle today. I forgot how satisfying this is!
submitted by NoCo_Bubba66 to reloading [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Dino_Nuggies_98 Floodgate shenanigans

Could I technically blink or flicker “Floodgate” numerous times to repeatedly deal damage to everyone’s creatures? Or does the card have to be sacrificed?
submitted by Dino_Nuggies_98 to mtgrules [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | Up to 50% off gaming gear. Shop Xbox, PlayStation and more.

🛍️ eBay Video Games | Up to 50% off gaming gear. Shop Xbox, PlayStation and more. submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 EggWinter7599 My experience working at 7 brew

Honestly it’s hard to know where to start but this has been one of the most toxic, exploitive and unsanitary work environments I’ve ever encountered.
Management and training teams have very little food safety or sanitation knowledge so they clean countertops, coolers, syrup bottles and equipment with glass cleaner and multipurpose disinfectant spray (not food grade sanitizer). They don’t properly wash dishes and will often opt to skip detergent altogether or use the same sponge in all three wash sinks mixing all the beverage waste and chemicals together. Stands will also be without hot water and expect employees to work. Steam wands will be “cleaned” between drinks with either dry rags or rags used to clean countertops leading to buildup and cross contamination. Management, trainers and employees are constantly touching their hair, face, cleaning with chemicals, picking things off the ground, changing trashes and then switching to scoop ice and make drinks without washing their hands first or washing them without soap and hot water. Employees who are sick are expected to be at work even when they are contagious so they are forced to put the customers and their peers at risk.
Employees are told they have to study the menu and memorize the drink manual WITHOUT being paid and BEFORE they have gotten any training. They are then tested and expected to get a 100 on this test in order to avoid termination. That’s right, you are expected to know the manual BEFORE being trained in a stand and WITHOUT being paid for the time spent basically teaching yourself the job. After all of that you are then told that you will be given another test after working 8 shifts in the stand and that if you don’t get a 100 on this test you will not be eligible for tips. The tips system is very much like a pyramid scheme where managers, leads, trainers get a higher percentage of the tip pool in addition to a higher hourly wage or sometimes salary. This job is advertised as a tipped position but training is intentionally lacking or sub standard so the shift leads, stand owners and trainers can claim more tips.
Managers, trainers and leads preach kindness and ect… to the customers and staff all the while exhibiting behaviors of bullying and favoritism through a smiling face. Trainers will often single employees out to their coworkers and create examples of them at work making them a spectacle to their peers. They normalize feeling distressed and crying at work as something normal and like a right of passage in the job that is necessary for growth. Feeling overwhelmed by service volume and crying is one thing I could maybe understand as normal for a person as everyone has different experience and limits dealing with high volume jobs but no one should be crying because they are being bullied, singled out, discriminated against, or having their tips withheld or hours cut because management is unethical. Employees are given a handbook with attendance expectations but also fired at the whim or discretion of management. Normally that would be standard if the people in charge were following the company handbook and standard but some people will be let go for not finding coverage for their shifts even with multiple days notice is given with attempts to find coverage. Then others who miss work with no notice, limited notice or no coverage will be allowed to stay and not get in trouble.
Overall the people running these stands lack the integrity to handle food, equipment and staff with care and train the people working under them to do the same. Everything is about doing things cheap and fast so putting customers at risk and exploiting employees is viewed as something inevitable to these businesses leaders and thought of as necessary to them to see profit growth.
It may seem fun at first but the vibe changes quick please don’t work here and don’t support this business/cult.
submitted by EggWinter7599 to 7Brew [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 TazKidNoah Jewish National Fund: Anatomy of a 'charity' stealing Palestinian lands

Jewish National Fund: Anatomy of a 'charity' stealing Palestinian lands submitted by TazKidNoah to Hasan_Piker [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Own_Worldliness4845 Can a resit be considered a reasonable adjustment under the Equality Act?

For the record, I'm going to ask this as a hypothetical question, as I'd rather not share any details about my role or my personal situation. Feel free to remove if that's disqualifying.
Many universities have exams that they only offer once a year, meaning that even if a student misses them due to illness or emergency surgery, they will have to wait a year to retake them. Some universities may offer resits over the summer, but some may not, and even for the ones that do, the availability of a summer resit may depend on the course. Depending on how many exams they miss and the nature of their course, this could mean major disruption to their education, possibly up to the point of having to delay their entire education by a year.
Now, suppose the illness or medical emergency is legally defined as a disability under the Equality Act. I know the definition of disability generally doesn't include short-term medical issues, but in some cases it could; for example, suppose the medical emergency is a pre-cancerous growth or is caused by an underlying physical disorder that has been disabling for the individual in the past. The Equality Act requires universities to provide "reasonable adjustments" for students with disabilities.
Would offering a summer resit be considered a reasonable adjustment in this case? On the one hand, I know reasonable adjustments provided by universities tend to relate to the nature of delivery of a course or exam, such as allowing extra time for exams or giving transcripts of lectures. However, at the same time, I know the definition of "reasonable adjustment" is intentionally broad and may also relate to allowing students or employees to taking time away from work or school without disadvantage. What are your thoughts? Has this ever been discussed before, or are there any court rulings on the matter?
submitted by Own_Worldliness4845 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:00 Reynosamex Theme

Theme Resized for s23 ultra. One page
submitted by Reynosamex to kustom [link] [comments]