Brisbane City Council fails to back up claims of rising violence among homeless

2024.11.28 03:50 L1ttl3J1m Brisbane City Council fails to back up claims of rising violence among homeless

Brisbane City Council fails to back up claims of rising violence among homeless submitted by L1ttl3J1m to brisbane [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 One_Woodpecker4675 Is this build any good?

Is this build any good? i need a big man build, im very big on wanting to space the floor and defend at a high level at least in the paint as well as secure rebounds at a high level. any pointers would be appreciated.
submitted by One_Woodpecker4675 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 audrey123talks #Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop - bass cover #ラモーンズ

submitted by audrey123talks to ramones [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 Sorry-Sprinkles-1521 Yng f Will send my nuđiés for filth! The worse the better! 18+ 05a89ae2fbcf879a017fd472df607c51324fd2ee6b6c030887e61ef0cfbb56c744

submitted by Sorry-Sprinkles-1521 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 UniqueImprovement711 can someone trib my sis ksk_107 kik

submitted by UniqueImprovement711 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 ScooterMKE S:5 All A Dream

If producers and Kevin Costner work out a secret deal for him to return, what if all the last 5 episodes or even all of Season 5 was still Kacee’s spiritual ‘walk about’ dream?
In vivid detail he sees the ranch getting lost to the government, no options but to sell, no Tate legacy, the Native American tribe losing the land too, the Chairman out of power and powerless, Dutton shot dead, Jamie doing deals behind everyone’s back, Beth out of moves and snap… Kacee wakes up…his path is clear, to work out a plan to preserve the ranch knowing exactly what will happen if he doesn’t intervene immediately. Stop Jamie, stop the shooting, stop the govt takeover, keep the Chairman in power…save the ranch, save his dad, get Jamie out of the picture, settle in his house, maybe even reverse the car accident, because he would have been home.
Not so far fetched. Thoughts?
submitted by ScooterMKE to YellowstonePN [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 Expensive-Analysis82 Thoughts on which skill set to keep on ohtani while I reroll for a legend skill in the other slot. Also thoughts on will Smith build before I upgrade to diamond

Thoughts on which skill set to keep on ohtani while I reroll for a legend skill in the other slot. Also thoughts on will Smith build before I upgrade to diamond submitted by Expensive-Analysis82 to MLB_9Innings [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 Fact0ry0fSadness Anyone else's twins sleep worse as they get older?

I always was under the impression the newborn phase was the hardest for sleeping. Ours got up roughly every 2 hours from birth-2mo, started sleeping longer stretches, and by about 6mo they were only getting up once each at night.
However now they're about to hit 8 months and they've been an absolute nightmare sleep wise. They won't go down (we have to pick them up and lay them back down like 5 times) and they're getting up 2-3 times each at night.
This is super discouraging because we were getting used to having the evenings to unwind after we laid them down and now we aren't even getting that. I swear they are sleeping worse than when we brought them home from the hospital. What the hell is going on?
submitted by Fact0ry0fSadness to parentsofmultiples [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 DRIIWicked What do you think of trump scat play?

submitted by DRIIWicked to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 Big_Dragonfruit9719 Hephaestus Forge - Negative Blood!

Hephaestus Forge - Negative Blood! submitted by Big_Dragonfruit9719 to allthemods [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 vamonosgeek “Acompañar al equipo me divierte”.

Y dijo: “Acompañar al equipo me divierte”.
Firmado:Juan Román Riquelme.
Un prócer. No te vayas nunca Román.
submitted by vamonosgeek to fulbo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 Hot-Umpire-8830 I'm constantly disoriented with my foreign wife

My wife is a saint, I fault her for nothing. We have been together for 7 years, married for 6, have a 5 yr old son. She's Vietnamese and lives with me here in America. Her English poor, always has been, probably always will be.
I'm not usually a particular person, I try to go with the flow. But over time, I'm slowly losing my grip. Every conversation is a challenge, and I often leave with the wrong answer. Then later, the right answer reveals itself, and I'm left feeling confused, frustrated, and more and more frequently, dissoriented.
Some examples: We're on holiday at an activities booth. I point to the ATV "do you want to do that?". No, she replies. 30 minutes later looking through a pamphlet, she pointed ts to the ATV and says "How about we do this?" She didn't change her mind, she just never understood my suggestion to begin with.
More seriously, we witnessed our sons RBT (aba therapist) hitting him. We were both equally upset, but in a text chat woth the proprietor, her complaint came off as if she was excusing the behavior - her feelings were just lost in translation. Now filing a complaint to certificate board is nearly impossible. I was confused by her message and thought it was actually one of the staff impersonating her. It was just Google translate, and her lack of understanding how important specific words are in cases like this. Slapping his hands is what we witnessed, but "brushing his hands away" is what was translated.
Those are 2 examples of about 900+, and counting. Almost every day is another misunderstanding. I thought I could live with it 7 years ago, but it's slowly driving me insane. I'm starting to get snippy, and she thinks I'm getting mad at her. I'm not - I'm just constantly in a state of confusion and dissorientation, and it comes out wrong. It's killing me inside. Depression and suicidal thoughts have never been far from my doorstep, now they are just a given.
Divorce would devestate her. I would rather off myself. My son is the only reason I dont.
I don't know how much longer I can sustain this. I'm considering taking diving lessons as a way toward a fatal accident.
Ya, I need help. I'll guess I'll go for it soon. I just feel like it's me whining about my life decisions for an hour. Maybe I just need someone to whine to, idk.
submitted by Hot-Umpire-8830 to Truthoffmychest [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 Mental-Map- Do we have any official info of which golden cards will be in the next blitz? 🥲

submitted by Mental-Map- to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 Heavy_Department_751 Who likes sharing irls?

submitted by Heavy_Department_751 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 MujeTeHaakh Suggestions: YT Channels that talk about kashmiri aspects of life/culture in current/old days (especially pretraining to lower/middle class) in either kashmiri/urdu.

I only know of Muneer Speaks
submitted by MujeTeHaakh to Kashmiri [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 Radiant_Shift_1829 High ❄️ and horny. Help tempt me make me jerk nl and cum to stuff I know I shouldn’t… 05880a2f7ca0bae872bd3ea64620aa7ebb2ccf445b12ad89f179c25cf15fbfa749

submitted by Radiant_Shift_1829 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 Beautiful-Western825 I’m gonna be sick

I’m gonna be sick submitted by Beautiful-Western825 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 zarahmarie1 Band 1 with 30k spread?

I see there's a band one position that's posted from 65 to 95 does that mean they're very open to the right candidate? Meaning they're open to fill that position with less experience than one might expect of a Band one position?
submitted by zarahmarie1 to BCPublicServants [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 jsgott What are the most current research results as to what other populations Ashkenazi Jews are genetically closest to?

Lately, I have become very interested as to what other modern-day populations Ashkenazi Jews are closest to. I always kind of assumed that the answer to this was other Eastern European ethnic groups like Poles and Lithuanians, but apparently that isn't the case. I have read various answers running the gamut from southern Italians and the Maltese to populations living roughly 1,500 miles away like northeastern Turks and populations living the Caucuses. What I am basically wondering is what the current research trends to in terms of which modern-day populations Ashkenazi Jews are genetically closest to. I'm Ashkenazi Jewish myself, and I kind of want to know the answer to this question.
submitted by jsgott to genetics [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 dwnap First ever 4GA drop...and it's salvage.

I'm using Kepeleke so I was really excited about it until I scrolled down...whomp whomp whomp
submitted by dwnap to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 WhyYouSoCraven Painful urination

I have proteinuria 270mg/24hrs that I am waiting 2 months to follow-up on with new labs.
I’ve never had a UTI or anything else show up in my urinalysis over the years, the proteinuria is recent and persistent for months (I was dipstick testing at home for a few months after a 2+ spot result and before doing a 24hr test.
When it comes to occasional stinging at start of urination… I haven’t seen this discussed here when I search for it. Some sources I read online say that it is a symptom or proteinuria, but I don’t see it mentioned in most of the literature or here on this subreddit. It happens infrequently, and triggered when I am dehydrated, eat something loaded with salt, spice, or drink alcohol. Makes me wonder if my proteinuria is from bladder inflammation or prostatitis. The literature makes mention of proteinuria coming from these post-renal sources as well but there is SERIOUSLY no substantial literature or explanation as to why/what/how protein in urine occurs with bladder or prostate issues as everyone goes back to “check your kidneys”
Anyway, anyone have painful ruinations with their CKD? If not, got any advice for me as to what to ask my doctors? My urologist didn’t care (because there is nothing else found in my urine test other than protein - which he didn’t care about either!) and I forgot to mention it to my new nephrologist.
submitted by WhyYouSoCraven to kidneydisease [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 LuffyLore Any F want to goon with a married man while his wife is home? 051a3f652ba5f45b8c96a8892fb9e2fbbbbb7f569685663f2d34de26c35b544078

submitted by LuffyLore to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 Rodeo7171 La declaración de Roman duele mas que la eliminación. No lo puedo creer. Tuve que buscar el video porque no creia lo que leia.

La declaración de Roman duele mas que la eliminación. No lo puedo creer. Tuve que buscar el video porque no creia lo que leia. submitted by Rodeo7171 to BocaJuniors [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 astronomicalant $CHOCOLATEEE $49MC AND CLIMBING ↗️🚀

$CHOCOLATEEE $49MC AND CLIMBING ↗️🚀 GaHQ8sdvLNGzo9BRzQ3f9vUrrvYzsA7u59M2sSL7pump
submitted by astronomicalant to Memecoinhub [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 03:50 BradyGalaxy ASU legend Rachaad White showing the team some love

ASU legend Rachaad White showing the team some love you love to see it
submitted by BradyGalaxy to TheSunDevils [link] [comments]