What do you think about the upcoming reform of Polish orthography?

2024.11.28 05:35 Akkatos What do you think about the upcoming reform of Polish orthography?

In May 2024, the Polish Language Council announced that there will be changes implemented to the Polish orthography.
Capitalization of demonyms but allowing alternative case spellings of unofficial ethnic names, mostly colloquial synonyms, e.g. Warszawianin; kitajec or Kitajec. Capitalization of the names of companies and brands of industrial products, but also products of these companies and brands. Conjunctions and the particles -bym, -byś, -by, -byśmy, -byście spelled with a space, e.g. Zastanawiam się, czy by nie pojechać w góry. Exceptionless spaceless spelling of nie- + participles/gerunds, e.g. niegotujący, niegotowanie. Lower case spelling of adjectives ending in -owski derived from personal names, regardless of meaning, e.g. miłoszowski. Those formed with -ów, -owy, -in, and -yn may be spelled with either an uppercase letter or lowercase letter, e.g. jacków dom or Jacków dom. Spaceless spelling for the prefix pół-, e.g. półzabawa, półnauka, półżartem, półserio, półspał, półczuwał, except with proper nouns referring to a single person, e.g. pół-Polka, pół-Francuzka. Terms that sound similar or identical, usually appearing together now allow for three spelling versions: with a hyphen, e.g. tuż-tuż; trzask-prask; bij-zabij, with a comma, e.g. tuż, tuż; trzask, prask; bij, zabij, or with a space, e.g. tuż tuż; trzask prask; bij zabij. Change in the use of capital letters in proper names include:
Writing all elements with a capital letter in the names of committees. Capital letters for all parts of multi-word geographical and place names whose second part is a noun in the nominative case, e.g. Morze Marmara. Capital letters ing the names of public spaces, including the terms aleja, brama, bulwar, osiedle, plac, park, kopiec, kościół, klasztor, pałac, willa, zamek, most, molo, pomnik, cmentarz, but not ulica, e.g. ulica Józefa Piłsudskiego, Aleja Róż, Brama Warszawska, Plac Zbawiciela, Park Kościuszki, Kopiec Wandy, Kościół Mariacki, Pałac Staszica, Zamek Książ, Most Poniatowskiego, Pomnik Ofiar Getta, Cmentarz Rakowicki. Capital letters for all elements except prepositions and conjunctions in multi-word names of service and catering establishments. Capital letters of all elements in the names of orders, medals, decorations, awards and honorary titles. Change in the writing of prefixes include: Prefixed words, of native or foreign origin alike, should be written together, except if the base word is capitalized, in which case a hyphen is added after the prefix. Allowing of spellings either with a space or together for the terms super-, extra-, eco-, wege- mini-, maxi, midi-, mega-, macro-, which can also appear as independent words, e.g. miniwieża or mini wieża. Words modified with niby- and quasi- should be written together, unless they start with a capital letter. Adjectives and adjectival adverbs, regardless of degree, prefixed with nie- should be written without a space.
submitted by Akkatos to conorthography [link] [comments]

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Source: https://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/undergraduate/courses/2025/psyc1022
Any tips, tricks, or am I just stressing too early..
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2024.11.28 05:34 DaydrmznDisapntmnt Over 4 Months Past Separation And I Can't Stop Thinking About Him

I'm slowly healing. I'm doing better than I was last week. I still see a therapist once per week. The one major problem I'm having is I think about my ex, the AP, or the situation as a whole multiple times a day. None of it is "remorse" or missing him. Most of it is anger how he moved on in life so easily like I never existed while I'm still struggling to find my footing. I still struggle with sleep and I need to have either a guided meditation or rain sounds playing to distract my thoughts just to fall asleep. I still wake up in the middle of the night and go directly into thinking about everything.
My therapist suggested I acknowledge these thoughts and tell them either mentally or verbally I see them, I know they're there, but right now isn't the time. I write the thoughts down sometimes. I know it's my brain's way of processing things, but these thoughts are driving me up a wall. I'm tired of giving him anymore of my energy when the little energy I had was depleted years ago when we were still together. I'm tired of him still having power over me.
What else can I do? I'm totally over rehashing the same things time and time again. I know he's a liar. I know he's a narcissist. I know none of it was my fault. I know I'm not to blame for his actions. Knowing who he is and wholeheartedly believing it to the point I genuinely hate him, why does my brain still need to process this? What other things can I do (other than distractions as they only work for so long - ADHD) to minimize how often I think about it or actually sleep without needing help?
submitted by DaydrmznDisapntmnt to SupportforBetrayed [link] [comments]

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Kinda old art, its been some months as this was for artfight but it works
He a little silly and is just a living turret
Will try (and fail) to steal things (mainly tools of any kind) unattended
That's all bye
submitted by Individual-Pay-198 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

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