Help with Eve/Stitch quest šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

2024.11.28 06:50 ShyButterfly143 Help with Eve/Stitch quest šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

I canā€™t find Stitchā€™s orange socks for Eveā€™s friendship quest. I have followed all the guides but I am still missing one sock. Please help šŸ§¦ šŸ˜­
submitted by ShyButterfly143 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 Comprehensive-Fox574 What the hell

What the hell submitted by Comprehensive-Fox574 to kuttichevuru [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 Reasonable_Mix_9887 Does this man look like heā€™s from Germany?

Does this man look like heā€™s from Germany? submitted by Reasonable_Mix_9887 to AskGermany [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 ColeCaineCMC Cuervos MC Looking for Hangarounds/Prospects

Cuervos MC Looking for Hangarounds/Prospects Cuervos Motorcycle Club are looking for Hangarounds and Prospects. Were in an up and coming city, starting to show around 10-15 a night. If you have any interest, send me a message and I'll get you sorted.
submitted by ColeCaineCMC to FiveMBikers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 Ill_Tie_1505 How can I make that on screen

How can I make that on screen This are not my It's from a post ,I wanna know how I can activate it
submitted by Ill_Tie_1505 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 AageBadhBhai This is a serious problem.

This is a serious problem. submitted by AageBadhBhai to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 FantasticDealer3 Where do you get your food?

I just started feeding a feral. I'm not sure I can do one bag a week if he brings friends.
submitted by FantasticDealer3 to Feral_Cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 mushfiq_syed People of reddit how accurate the following is?

So I came across a post which apparently contained dating advise for men in modern world. Just wanted to know if it is anyway near accurate. It might be a bit long (it's actually a collection of screenshot of some book which someone posted so I have write it down as this sub reddit doesn't allow photos.) Would appreciate the insights.
Rule No. 1: ā€œA man doesnā€™t mature until he stops seeking approval from women.ā€ - Dr. Robert Glover

  1. ā€œWomen donā€™t date men who pedestalize themā€
  2. ā€œWhen they say they want a kind empathetic loving man, there trying to say to I want these qualities in the man Iā€™m highly attracted to. Be attractive first boys.ā€
  3. ā€œThe key to attraction is projective fantasy. But most men destroy this projective fantasy by talking too much to prove himself on the first few dates. Itā€™s a slow and gradual disappointment.ā€
  4. ā€œA woman who is very very attracted to you will make it cheap and easy to access her time and will clear the way. The man who pay the most are the ones woman are interested in the least. If a woman is not authentically interested in a man then she will need to be compensated in other ways in order to stick around.ā€
  5. ā€œIf a woman succeeds in getting what she wants from you too often, she is going to feel that she is more powerful than you and that is going to make her feel unsafeā€
  6. Youā€™ll learn a lot about womenā€™s desires if you simply look into some of the best selling romance novels.
  7. ā€œWomen are loyal to their feelingsā€
  8. ā€œOften women want what other women want more than they want whatā€™s best for themselvesā€
  9. ā€œIf a woman is difficult or distant or inconsistent or impatient or demanding, its almost always because she believes that she could do betterā€
  10. ā€œWomen quickly leap to accusing a guy of being ā€˜emotionally unavailableā€™ which is just a euphemism for ā€˜he refuses to do what I want.ā€™ā€
  11. ā€œWomen like it when you donā€™t take their bs and hold them accountable for their poor choices.ā€
  12. "Women decide who they'll date. Men decide who they'll marry."
  13. "Paradoxically it is better not to worship your women. Women find this repulsive. You need to have your own frame."
  14. "A woman who doesn't value loyalty in men probably doesn't value it in herself."
  15. "When it comes to women you can always escalate but you can never de-escalate."
  16. "A woman should be a compliment to a man's life not the main purpose" - Rich Cooper
  17. "Women marry men hoping they can change them, while men marry women hoping they will stay the same."
  18. "Girls keep themselves alive in the dating marketplace by not letting her friends get the better options in their proximity. Girls can't change their looks but men can change their wealth and status. Girls have to survive, men have to thrive. That's why jealousy is more common in female friends group than male."
  19. "Most women have absolutely no conception of the sheer amount of effort and time and skill and resource that goes into getting her."
  20. "Women generally treat men the way men treat their jobs. At the beginning they might only desire higher earning potential, later they might go for flexibility, influence or work-life balance. It changes over the course of time."
  21. "The unbreakable rule for women: 'You can't disrespect a man you want to be with."
  22. "People want what they want not what wants them."
  23. "Often women initiate the initiation"
  24. Why its hard for women to apologize?
Men: Her behavior is the problem and his emotional response (Angry & Upset) is the consequence. Solution: Acknowledgement of the fault and behavioral change.
Women: The problem is not the identified behavior. Solution: Changing the way he feels.
  1. "A woman will never cry for the things she has done, but will always cry for the consequences she has to pay."
  2. "People choose to not apologize in order to be able to repeat the same behavior later. If they openly acknowledge their behavior as bad they then cannot repeat that behavior again with immunity (which is what happens the first time). Most women know this and exploit it."
  3. "Men focus more on what's being said, while women focus more on how it's being said. Men care about finding a solution, women care about resolving their own feelings. Under these circumstances, it's very hard for men to logically find solutions when problems arise in their relationships."
  4. Hypergamy Looks hypergamy (won't get committed to him), Financial hypergamy (might cheat on him later), If you have both (great), Focusing only on hypergamy criteria will only help you get your foot on the door nothing more. A man who spent 1 year on learning female psychology & seduction would be more successful (in terms of dating) than a man who spent 20 years trying to meet the female hypergamy criteria (Getting 6 pack/ 6 figures/cars/ wealth etc.)
  5. "All marital problems stem from 2 things. I don't know what I want, and I don't know how to express it"
  6. "The no.1 reason your woman is mad at you, is you're not her first choice."
  7. "Treat her like a queen and she'll see you as a peasant."
  8. "Just because something is hard to get doesn't mean it's worth it" (Advice for both men and women)
  9. Loyalty and love are masculine qualities not feminine. Don't expect these from women. Men think selflessly, women think practically. For example, if you look at the history, Men are the one who didn't think twice before sacrificing their lives for their country and family. On the other hand, women had the duty to save her children and herself by any means (indicates practical thinking).
  10. Hypergamy: Hypergamy is the practice of marrying or dating someone of a higher social status or sexual capital than oneself. It can also refer to the act of continuously trying to replace a current partner with someone considered superior.
  11. Preselection: Preselection refers to the concept that individuals are perceived as more desirable when they are already desired by others. Preselection evolved as an adaptation to assist women in solving the problem of identifying high-quality men as sexual partners.
  12. "Hypergamy is bad for attractive women. But it's worse for the women who mistakenly think they are attractive."
  13. Monkey Branching: "Monkey branching" describes "a dating behavior where someone continues to pursue other potential partners while already in a relationship."
  14. "If a woman has an affair. She no longer loves you."
  15. Universal truth - "If she is attracted to you, she would even laugh at your silly jokes."
  16. "Boredom is the killer of attraction" according to them. That's why they don't like nice guys. They like to chase excitement and drama.
  17. "Personality and loyalty is the least attractive thing you can offer to them. Offer them good genes and wealth instead."
  18. Fame>Status>Looks>Height>Physique>Personality>Being Romantic (Men)
  19. Short girls want tall boys more than tall girls do.
  20. Women initiate 80% of divorces.
  21. Women see it as an insult if an unattractive guy approaches her.
  22. Women friendzone guys with "Provider potential"
  23. Women sometimes date down to have 'control'
  24. Women never talk about the importance of looks in men. When an unattractive man approaches them they call it creepy. But when an attractive man approaches them they call it confidence.
  25. To women:
Looks = personality
Height = confidence
  1. Women break rules for the men they like and make rules for the men they don't like.
    1. If she is leaving you on seen or ignoring your messages for a longer period of time without any proper reason, she is simply not that interested in you.
    2. "Daddy issues" is a term used to describe a range of psychological challenges that can develop from a person's relationship with their father. These challenges can include: Difficulty trusting other men, A strong sexual desire for men,
Insecure attachment style, Constantly seeking validation from others, and Bad relationship decisions.
  1. Women replace you before they leave you (Most of the cases)
  2. The difference between flirting and harassment is whether or not she likes you.
Would appreciate the insight
submitted by mushfiq_syed to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 Sushi_0310 Selling Dua lipa concert 1 silver ticket

If interested, please dm me
submitted by Sushi_0310 to Tickets [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 Pulzar6 New Collection šŸ™Œ

submitted by Pulzar6 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 NotYourWifey_1994 Adoptiestop voor kinderen uit buitenland loopt nog zeker jaar door: ā€œDe veiligheid van het kind staat op de eerste plaatsā€

Adoptiestop voor kinderen uit buitenland loopt nog zeker jaar door: ā€œDe veiligheid van het kind staat op de eerste plaatsā€ Een jaar. Zo lang al geldt er in Vlaanderen een tijdelijke adoptiestop voor kinderen uit het buitenland. En ook volgend jaar blijft die adoptiestop nog van kracht. Dat bevestigt bevoegd minister Caroline Gennez (Vooruit). Hoe komt dat? Hoe ver staat de screening van de herkomstlanden? En komt er, net zoals in Nederland, ook bij ons een definitieve stop op buitenlandse adoptie? ā€œWe gaan de nieuwe regels binnen twee jaar evaluerenā€, zegt Gennez.
Een jaar geleden zaten kandidaat-adoptieouders in heel Vlaanderen aan hun scherm gekluisterd. De toenmalige bevoegde minister Hilde Crevits (CD&V) kondigde een tijdelijke adoptiestop aan voor kinderen uit het buitenland. Een kindje uit Belgiƫ adopteren kon wel nog. De beslissing kwam er nadat overal ter wereld fraudezaken en wantoestanden bij adoptiediensten opdoken. Ook in ons land had een onderzoek naar dossiers van 12 geadopteerden uit Ethiopiƫ aangetoond dat ze niet allemaal vrijwillig waren afgestaan. Ouders werden onterecht doodverklaard, geboortedocumenten vervalst en de familiegeschiedenis gefantaseerd.
Crevits wilde een nieuw adoptiedecreet met strengere regels om misbruiken in de toekomst te vermijden. Alle herkomstlanden, zoā€™n 20, zouden grondig opnieuw worden gescreend. Ook moest er Ć©Ć©n centrale adoptiedienst komen in Vlaanderen om alle informatie beter te stroomlijnen. Dat betekende concreet dat de drie bestaande adoptiediensten, Het Kleine Mirakel, Ray of Hope en Fiac-Horizon, moesten fuseren, maar het water tussen de diensten zat te diep.
  • 150 miljoen kinderen
Inmiddels zijn we een jaar verder en kunnen Vlaamse wensouders dus al een jaar geen procedure meer opstarten om een kindje uit het buitenland te adopteren. De afgelopen vijf jaar is het aantal adopties ook al drastisch teruggelopen van 52 naar 35 per jaar, waaronder een twintigtal buitenlandse adopties. Maar wereldwijd zijn er wel nog 150 miljoen kinderen die opgroeien zonder ouders of grootouders.
Nochtans is het nieuwe adoptiedecreet dat destijds door Crevits naar voren werd geschoven, goedgekeurd door de Vlaamse regering. Bovendien hebben adoptiediensten Ray of Hope en Fiac-Horizon midden dit jaar meegedeeld dat ze er definitief mee stoppen. Hun dienstverlening werd overgeheveld naar het Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie (VCA). Het Kleine Mirakel is wel nog actief. Zij staan in voor adoptieprocedures die al liepen voor de adoptiestop en de nazorg voor gezinnen waar in de afgelopen jaren een kind geplaatst werd.
Je zou kunnen redeneren: Het Kleine Mirakel blijft als enige adoptiedienst over, dus zij worden dan de centrale adoptiedienst? Maar zo ziet huidig minister Caroline Gennez (Vooruit) het niet. Je moet ook weten dat de andere adoptiediensten eerder al bezwaar hadden ingediend tegen de erkenning van Het Kleine Mirakel. ā€œIk wil kiezen voor een open kandidatuurā€, zegt Gennez. ā€œZo kunnen ook diensten die ervaring hebben op andere relevante domeinen, zoals pleegzorg of binnenlandse adoptie, zich eventueel kandidaat stellen.ā€ Een kandidatuur waar voor alle duidelijkheid nog geen oproep voor is opgestart en dus niet van vandaag op morgen in orde zal zijn.
Dat is een probleem, want zoā€™n eengemaakte adoptiedienst is een duidelijke vereiste in het nieuwe adoptiedecreet. Bovendien zijn nog niet alle herkomstlanden volledig gescreend, een taak die aan het Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie werd gegeven. ā€œDe zoektocht naar betrouwbare partners loopt nog verderā€, aldus de minister.
  • Drie "groene" landen
We contacteerden het Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie voor de laatste stand van zaken inzake de screening van de herkomstlanden. Adopties uit Marokko, Vietnam, HaĆÆti, Gambia, Burkina Faso, China, Ghana en de Verenigde Staten zijn niet meer mogelijk. De samenwerking met die landen werd stopgezet. Kazachstan, Togo, Thailand, India, Honduras, de Filippijnen, Chili en Bulgarije kleurden oranje, wat betekent dat een bezoek ter plaatse nodig is voordat er een definitieve beslissing kan worden genomen. Maar dat is nog niet in alle landen gebeurd. In India en Hongarije staan die bezoeken bijvoorbeeld pas begin volgend jaar gepland. ā€œVaak is er ook nog een tegenbezoek dat moet gebeuren, zoals onder meer bij de Filippijnen nu het geval is,ā€ aldus het Centrum voor Adoptie. Enkel Portugal, Colombia en Zuid-Afrika kleurden al groen, wat wil zeggen dat een samenwerking met Vlaanderen in principe verdergezet zou kunnen worden.
ā€œVanaf nu zullen we alleen nog samenwerken met landen die volledig transparant zijn over hun adoptieproceduresā€, zegt Gennez. ā€œAls die transparantie niet gegarandeerd kan worden, en er geen zekerheid is over de herkomst en achtergrond van het kind, dan is adoptie niet verantwoord. De veiligheid en het welzijn van het kind staan voor mij altijd op de eerste plaats. Buitenlandse adoptie moet in eerste instantie een middel zijn om kinderen in nood te beschermen en hen een veilige thuis te geven.ā€
In Nederland en Denemarken ā€” waar dezelfde wantoestanden opdoken als in ons land ā€” is de tijdelijke adoptiestop intussen definitief geworden. Daar is het gewoonweg niet meer mogelijk om kinderen uit het buitenland te adopteren. In Noorwegen is de tijdelijke adoptiestop met twee jaar verlengd. Bij ons zal de adoptiestop zoals die nu is zeker ook volgend jaar nog doorlopen.
Of er op termijn ook bij ons een definitieve stop komt, daar wil de minister niet op ingaan. ā€œMaar door de nieuwe, strengere regels is het op dit moment niet mogelijk nieuwe procedures op te starten. We gaan de nieuwe regels binnen twee jaar evalueren. Daarbij zal ik ervoor zorgen dat de belangen van het kind centraal staanā€, besluit ze.
De bereidheid bij kandidaat-adoptieouders in Vlaanderen is alvast nog groot. ā€œEr zijn dit jaar nog zoā€™n 250 mensen op de wachtlijst bijgekomenā€, aldus het centrum voor Adoptie nog. Maar ten vroegste over ruim een half jaar worden er weer infosessies georganiseerd.
submitted by NotYourWifey_1994 to Belgium2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 yauaragissa IHG Black Friday 2024

Visit this page for IHG Black Friday 2024. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by yauaragissa to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 No_Storage_2244 Dragons dogma 2 worth it?

Should I buy Dragons dogma 2 now sa autumn sale which costs around like 2.2k? Still expensive or wait for winter sale na sana bumaba?
submitted by No_Storage_2244 to PHGamers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 _Pufferfish_carrot how much can this be worth?

how much can this be worth? got it from cheapest map drop idk
submitted by _Pufferfish_carrot to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 Low-Party-3602 Feedback on PC build list(first time build)

Hey guys looking to build a pc got some parts picked out and wanted some extra feedback.
Purpose: gaming at 1440p(FPS games, GTA, automation) and multi-purpose like for schoolwork and animation software.
current monitor: HP OMEN - 31.5" IPS LED QHD 165Hz FreeSync Gaming Monitor with HDR (HDMI, DisplayPort) - Black
Are case fans recommended? if so can you help me pick them out. first time building. All help greatly appreciated!
submitted by Low-Party-3602 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 rewas33 2BK Flat available at Sitapaila for rent

2BK FLAT available for Rent at Sitapaila Padma ColonyšŸ 
Rent - 15k āœ… 2 big size Bedroom āœ… 1 Kitchen āœ… Personal Bathroom āœ³ļø Water - 24 Hour, Solar, Wifi Available āœ³ļø Parking - Yes(Bike/Scooty) āœ³ļø Location - Ramkot, Padma Colony āœ³ļø For couples or friends āœ³ļø peaceful environment & Sunlight ... ą¤Ŗą¤°ą¤æą¤µą¤¾ą¤°ą¤øą¤¹ą¤æą¤¤ ą¤²ą¤¾ą¤®ą¤¾ą„‡ ą¤øą¤®ą¤Æ ą¤¬ą¤øą„ą¤Øą„‡ ą¤µą„ą¤Æą¤•ą„ą¤¤ą¤æą¤²ą„‡ ą¤®ą¤¾ą¤¤ą„ą¤°ą„ˆ ą¤øą¤®ą„ą¤Ŗą¤°ą„ą¤• ą¤—ą¤°ą„ą¤Øą„ą¤¹ą¤¾ą„‡ą¤²ą¤¾ ą„¤
submitted by rewas33 to Nepal [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 Kakyoin_Noriaki69420 An attempt to reach the summit that's just out of reach...

An attempt to reach the summit that's just out of reach... Apologies for the second picture looking really scuffed, lol.
submitted by Kakyoin_Noriaki69420 to reddeadfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 Altruistic-Bobcat985 Deja vu

Deja vu submitted by Altruistic-Bobcat985 to CharacterAIrunaways [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 GunIsCurious Always crashes on Master League FL25

Can anyone help me find a fix or something? everytime i tried to play one match of master league it always booted me out to desktop, crashing it. my laptop spesifications are :
I5 Gen 12
submitted by GunIsCurious to SPFootballLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 GunShip03v2 Something is wrong with our third Steam Deck

Something is wrong with our third Steam Deck submitted by GunShip03v2 to blackcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 CryptoForecast1 Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) | Price Prediction 2025šŸ”®

Ethereum Name Service ($ENS) | Price Prediction 2025šŸ”® submitted by CryptoForecast1 to CryptoMars [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 No-Condition-2046 Iā€™m a sophomore girl and I like a senior girl.

Iā€™m going to keep this as vague as possible for my own sanity. Basically, I think Iā€™m bisexual.
I like guys, but the senior girl I like is the only girl Iā€™m really attracted to. But when I say Iā€™m attracted to her, I really am. She has the most beautiful smile, eyes and sheā€™s super fun. Thatā€™s beside the point.
Iā€™ve heard from the grapevine that she is a ā€œvery closeted gayā€”ā€œ other peopleā€™s words, not mine. Iā€™ve heard it from 2 people, once last school year and the other like 3 months ago. I never paid it any notice, at least until about a month ago. Thatā€™s when I started to become interested in her (and therefore realize that Iā€™m bi), and in the past two weeks, I can confirm that I do have a crush on her.
Of course, as a teenage girl, I have to stalk social media. She had a boyfriend whose mom posted them together at hoco in 2023, but my crush posted nothing about hoco last year, so maybe she deleted it? Iā€™m wondering why she broke up with him.
The more I think about it, the less I think the age gap would be a problem. Iā€™m super mature, and sheā€™s less mature, so Iā€™d say weā€™re on the same level in that respect. Plus, there are multiple sophomore-senior hetero relationships out there.
I donā€™t know, I just feel like I have a lot on my mind right now. I donā€™t entirely know what the point of making this post was for, but I felt like I just had to. She gave me a ride a few days ago, and the way she looked at me, I would swear she likes me. But, maybe itā€™s just her beauty. She really is beautiful.
I guess Iā€™m wondering where I should go from here. Do I just let it develop in a slowly agonizing way? I know Iā€™m going to be devastated if and when this doesnā€™t work out. I have literally never had a crush like thisā€” it isnā€™t as obsessive as my crushes on guys have been. I canā€™t get her out of my mind, but not in that kind of way.
Shit, now Iā€™m positively sure nothing is going to happen between us. I just feel like something is starting to bloom, but I donā€™t think it will at the same time.
And Iā€™m not going to come out openly as bisexual, especially since sheā€™s the only girl I like. Maybe I will in college, but if she isnā€™t out, then Iā€™m not out. The only reason I would come out is if we got into an actual relationship. And then Iā€™ll feel the heartbreak worse when she moves away for college.
Sorry I went off on a tangent, but these are my pure thoughts and I canā€™t talk to anyone about this. Literally anything would be great to hear.
submitted by No-Condition-2046 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 Helpful-Warthog-3412 Help! How do I help someone in a mental health crisis?

My stepson, Joey, has a tough relationship with his mom. She is a manipulative and narcissistic woman, who speaks lies and seeks out ways to make herself seem superior. Letā€™s call her Karen.
Throughout all of this, Joey has a great relationship with his dad, Mark. Joey and Mark are very close and share a lot of common interests.
Joey shares his struggles about Karen and there have been multiple meetings with lawyers to gain primary custody. Despite Joeyā€™s age and wishes, Mark was not granted primary custody. Flash forward a few years and Joeyā€™s relationship with Karen has continued to deteriorate. I know what you are thinking, this is normal stuff for a kid to feel as he gets older. Karen is a true Karen.
To give you an idea of what we are dealing withā€¦
1.) Karen had a two day melt down because I bought Joey new sneakers since his were old, torn, and too small.
2.) She refuses to let Joey go to sleep because she wants him to stay up and have family time.
3.) Got into an argument with Joey and walked away. Claimed she passed out and broke her arm, but refused hospital. Blamed her injuries or Joey for days afterwards.
4.) Refuses to let Joey have privacy, think reading his text messages and tracking his cell phone to monitor his location.
5.) Mocks Joey when he expresses something that upsets him.
On any given day, Karenā€¦isā€¦a lot.
Unfortunately, none of this is new and Joey doesnā€™t want to live with Karen anymore. He wants to live with Mark. We all get along well and I would love to have him live with us. Joey is kind, respectful, and has the best heart. I think of, and call him, my son. He thinks of me as a mom.
Hereā€™s where I need help. Joeyā€™s mental health is fragile. Things took a serious turn and we are learning how to navigate this new path. Right now, Joey is physically safe and is willing to make good changes for his mental health. He is with safe people and in a safe location, far from Karen. What can I do to help? Can we get Joey permanently removed from Karenā€™s care since she seems to be the source of the problem? Any advice to help people dealing with mental health crisis?
submitted by Helpful-Warthog-3412 to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 Beadtrice Khabib Uses Conor McGregor's Civil Case Conviction to Promote a Meme Coin

Khabib Uses Conor McGregor's Civil Case Conviction to Promote a Meme Coin submitted by Beadtrice to JoeRogan [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 06:50 epsirad Realizing generator matrix into a quantum gate

I am currently taking a class in error control coding and recently read this paper. As shown in the generator matrix it contains element of GF(22) like Ļ‰ and Ļ‰2. As I learned from the 3-qubit code and shor code, they only have 0 and 1 and i in the matrix generator and can be realized using common quantum logic gates. How does transformation related to multiplication with Ļ‰ and Ļ‰2 works ? What quantum gate is related to that transformation/generator matrix ?
P.S Sorry if it isn't clear, english isn't my native language
submitted by epsirad to AskPhysics [link] [comments]