2024.11.28 06:47 SoapSalesmanPST NGO-industrial complex seeks to de-center Palestine, divert anti-Zionist struggle’s focus towards Trump
submitted by SoapSalesmanPST to NewsWithJingjing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:47 AdventurousCounty885 Is it worth tu stage tune Z650
I am thinking of stage tuning my z650 as i believe it should have more power any one who has done stage tunning? what are your views
submitted by AdventurousCounty885 to z650 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 snakesnake9 Kui mitut soojuspumpa mahub ühele hoonele?
submitted by snakesnake9 to Eesti [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 foru365 Novi Spasitelji Hrvatske desnice?
Pitanje za Hrvatske desničare, tko vam je novi/stari spasitelj?, pošto su vas svi izdali, Bulj se nametnuo kao novi Mesija koji će potjerati sve migrante i izbjeglice iz Hrvatske, nakon što je sa svojom strankom 2 puta doveo Hdz na vlast i onda 3 put(Vesna), da li 4 put vjerujete da vas neče izdati?, tu je i Marija Selak koja nakon raskola u mostu zbog navodnog njezinog liberalnog stava o pobačaju(i nevjerovatne demagogije) , svim snagama se kune u spašenje Hrvatskih desničara, tko vam je sad spasitelj?, za Presjedničke izbore? , i tko vam je nova stranka koja će vas spasit?, opet Most? Po 4 put?, plus mislite da Hdz će konačno pasti? Ili će OPET koalirat s njim i sva obečanja će po pitaj Boga koji put pasti u vodu
submitted by foru365 to hrvatska [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 twilight_bow can someone help me get a stance
I heard that people who had originally used seasonal spirits could summon them again, if that's the case could someone help me get the tinkering chimesmith? one of my friends has it and wants me to match but they don't know how
(also please tell me if I'm using flairs wrong I never use reddit, also don't like stone me to death if I'm doing this wrong)
submitted by twilight_bow to SkyChildrenOfLight [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 doobiedoobiepoopoo Proper iron labels
We don’t pitch with pitching wedges, we hit almost nothing but full shots and chips with gap wedges, the only clubs we truly pitch with are sand and lob wedges, so those should be the only things called wedges. Callaway has it right and I love it. These are the best Callaway irons I’ve ever seen and hit.
submitted by doobiedoobiepoopoo to golf [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 Choice_Ad7133 The Jim Crow Propaganda
2024.11.28 06:47 RightBlood8345 abandono e Luto
minha mae biologica me abandonou desde o primeiro dia e me odeia por eu ter nascido.Nunca me procurou e quando EU procurei basicamente me disse que sou o culpado por ela nao ter conquistado os sonhos dela.meu pai que me assumiu e me amou ate o ultimo segundo de vida morreu na minha frente ha cerca de 3 anos, acredito que ele tenha morrido sem saber o quanto eu o amava. Acho que o luto me consome a cada dia , e cada dia que passa eu descubro coisas sobre meu pai e do quanto ele sofria sem falar pra ninguém.Só queria que o luto passasse,eu tenho pesadelos quase todos os dias com ele , só queria que passasse. Eu nao aguento mais
(me desculpem pelo péssimo português)
submitted by RightBlood8345 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 bingobongopop Track switchinf
Does this mean I'll switch tracks submitted by bingobongopop to BattleCatsCheats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:47 Ilovekerosine found asking a question smh my head
submitted by Ilovekerosine to FoundEmperor_AI [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:47 Spiritual-Spare9060 Photocards
submitted by Spiritual-Spare9060 to tylerthecreator [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:47 Known-Psychology1591 I have Niched Websites available
I have Niched Websites available for backlinks.
submitted by Known-Psychology1591 to BacklinkSEO [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 Rude-Load-1015 How do I get rid of this?
Audio keeps popping up out of nowhere. Goes from 100 to 98. Even if I unplug my keyboard, it still does it.
submitted by Rude-Load-1015 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 Cute-Adhesiveness645 Preparando la asunción parte 5
submitted by Cute-Adhesiveness645 to uruguay [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:47 kkReddotkatto_artist Overdesigned Goob cuz bored
:3 submitted by kkReddotkatto_artist to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:47 RelativisticReporter How Plants Enhance Repair Mechanisms to Survive Cold Climates
submitted by RelativisticReporter to science_tldr [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:47 PaintingPotatoes Why are there so many men still hung up on their ex?
I seem to meet a lot of men who are single and "looking", but still hung up on their ex that broke their heart. A lot of these I would have pretty good chemistry with, but they stop themselves from really initiating or going anywhere because of their fear and hesitation. These are men who haven't been in a serious relationship as far back as 14 years... Mind you, I'm matching with men in their 30s so like....why?? I've been in a physical and emotionally abusive relationship before and have MOVED PAST IT by doing the therapy and inner work.
Why are guys staying stuck in the heartbreak from a past relationship instead of doing the mental work to move past it? Please tell me there are emotionally mature men out there and give me hope because I'm losing faith and hope I'll ever find a loving and committed partner...
submitted by PaintingPotatoes to dating [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 TootyCornet I can’t believe Peenix Scientific would say this!
I submitted by TootyCornet to PhoenixSC [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:47 MeMeSpeciaList247 Does the multiplayer gone?
Where is the multiplayer because I can't find it in game modes
submitted by MeMeSpeciaList247 to SoulKnightPrequel [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 hi-lumin 24f looking for friends 🫶
hiiii i’m 24f, timezone utc+8 (although my sleep schedule can be pretty fucked at times 🫠). i’m looking for friends of a similar age to chat and maybe vc once we get comfy!
some things about me:
2024.11.28 06:47 noviwu97 Hyperliquid plans to launch HYPE token in Nov. 29 'genesis event
submitted by noviwu97 to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 Resident_Ad2407 So this my pet leopard gecko Zippy
I woke up and found her doing this, could someone please tell me why she was doing this Note she was doing this before and right after I turned her light on and it was cold. I think it like 64-70 Fahrenheit in her tank, this picture was taken right after I turned her on submitted by Resident_Ad2407 to leopardgeckos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 06:47 android_tests_pac Post elsewhere from karma pilot test for 28/11/2024 06:45:42
submitted by android_tests_pac to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 Significant_Day8763 Wanting to give up.
I know this is a common problem and I am probably being dramatic. I am addicted to pornography and masturbation. I need help. I need prayers. I have tried everything. I'm sick and tired of getting better just to fall back again. Its been an infinite loop of suffering for so long. I've tried every method under the sun, including adding in time with God to fill the power vacuum left from quitting. I just want to stop. I don't even like it. I hate every minute of it. What is so messed up is that most of the time I am not even being tempted with desire for sexual gratification. I legitimately just watch it to feel the human connection most of the time. To feel like someone gives a damn about me. To feel like someone desires me. To have someone make me feel like it is going to be okay. That's a new low fr.
I know it doesn't get easier. I know that the only way to quit is to take it day by day and understand that it will always be hard. But its been so long and I am so so so tired. The longer it goes on the less hope I have that I will ever change. Quite frankly, I don't have the energy to keep trying anymore. Sometimes I want God to just kill me and take me to be with him so I don't have to endure this crap. I legitimately try so damn hard, go on a long streak, start to recover, etc. Then BAM, one bad day and its all over and its every day again and its hopeless. Im exhausted. Even on a smaller scale, like day by day, it is exhausting. I had a really bad time today. I spent the entire day fighting the devil. It wasn't just a spurt of temptation. It was legitimately the entire day somehow. I put in all that effort into resisting, only to fall right at the very end. Don't even know why I am writing this. This is such a widespread problem and there are no solutions other than to suck it up and endure. I just needed to vent ig.
submitted by Significant_Day8763 to Catholicism [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 06:47 AcceptableGold5736 Title: Mental Health Conditions and Amphetamine-Induced Psychosis: My Experience with Shadow Figures and Hallucinations 🧠👻
submitted by AcceptableGold5736 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]